Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Until my last breath lasts………………..

We have heard many vows and statements released by the politicians of the country with regard to the security, socio political needs and requirements of the people of the country, widths and lengths (entire 65,610 square kilo meters) now and then.

We have many constitutions and amendments which describes various aspects and facts with regard to country matters and requirements; social, political, cultural, including administration etc. But I believe the danger is that like we experienced in the past, any sentence/s and facts can be changed and it is no difficult sometimes to add or to change a sentence and introduce the changed versions as amendments. If you get the support of the majority; members of parliaments.  

I guess in the history of country, no administrator had taken any actions to inquire likes and dislikes of ordinary citizens before implementing a constitution, a certain act etc. Yes, it is true that we, ordinary citizens may have less knowledge about certain facts, weights or widths and lengths of certain things, applicability, appropriateness matters and facts etc.  Yet it is a responsibility of the rulers, the knowledgeable; who had studied the subject thoroughly to educate us well. But the authorities should do this without rating the citizens as ‘fools’. Awareness is required but the citizens of the country aren’t totally uneducated or know nothing at all. They need some clarifications that is all.

I am certain that some of the citizens of the country are not aware of the other importance or multiple uses of the so called democratic term VOTE other than using it during an election, to select their members of parliament.

The citizen of this country should get a chance to use their vote to support or to oppose very before any government implement something. i.e. constitution, acts etc. though we sense the danger of using some procedures because in today’s society a vote has become something sellable or buyable and knowing the weight of indirect, direct manipulations,  interference of individuals and groups outside to country, even of some inlanders.

No constitution is lawfully, fully secured or protected due to the reasons that I discussed above, according to my personal awareness. I don’t just write these things. I write this, personally experiencing some things when dealing with some groups both public and private.

Therefore I request Hon. President and the government to implement certain rule that cannot be changed under what so ever circumstances no matter what many number of amendments or constitutions to be introduced in the future.  Following statement that I drafted using my knowledge though I do not hold a PhD in law, civil service, penned in confidence.  What I believe is this should not be changed.


Please note that you may find grammatical errors in the following example rule/model rule that I have stated below. Yet I believe that you all very well aware of what I am trying to express here.

Whoever take actions to respect above our request gets our maximum support in the future.

We are not ready to just follow any political party/parties or a candidate/candidates who just release statements with regard to the SECURITY of the country, to public, via popular sources/media etc. or we are not ready to just believe or to trust or to venerate or blindly accept whatever the statements or public vows we hear of any top or grassroots level authority/personal/administrator etc. unless they lawfully protect and certify and secure  what they say by presenting, introducing, implementing their statements and vows as an unchangeable rule, a set of law /rules after compiling them as a acceptable document, constitution etc.  

we don't mind layering even a gold carpet before whoever respect the points of views and perceptions of the people of the country. 

Good luck!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

wish you dear all a Mary Christmas!

footpath wishes you all quick recovery from all issues and losses faced due to natural disasters and may you get every chance to raise your peace of mind in every possible way.

And footpath expects the world to plan a plan together to fully combat or at least to minimize issues humans face from time to time due to avoidable or manageable disasters!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My Deepest Sympathies authorities!

The authority of DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL LANGUAGES has officially decided to stop purchasing self-publications of authors. 
My Deepest sympathies!

I am one of the beneficiaries/authors submitted an application form along with a copy of the book I published in February this year about five or six days after the election.

I was so happy to hear that they originally purchased 50 copies from an author when I went there to hand over the application on that particular day.

At least the authority should have decided to lessen the number of copies they purchase from the authors, twenty copies for instance without fully collapsing the project initiated for the sake of not only national languages but also for the protection of values and demands and laws and culture, social  segments etc. of the country.  

The program; purchasing books from the authors, was initiated to cater the needs of both authors and students of languages to encourage them. The books they use as teaching and learning aids in their various exercises/ tests.  

Further, according to my personal awareness the core objective of the project initiated was to enhance, develop and look after National Languages.  Expected results were obvious.

I was wondering how good it is if they manage to reduce the number of copies intake from the authors without happily abolishing the project or cutting the funds and redirecting the removed funds on the comforts of the members of the parliament.  It was so ashamed to hear the news above mentioned from the relevant officials of a department initiated for the sake of future of the country.

Languages are immeasurably important tools to develop better communication between nations and among each and every person of a country. A way to bridge and build peace and harmony across communities. The Books are needless to say help succeed such aims and objectives of any country.

Re-implement the project if possible, footpath likes to request it from the chief of the government so far shown some interests towards protecting such segments of the country.  

Saturday, December 1, 2018

In order to defeat HIV Aids

Ārogya Paramā lābha!'
(Health is the eternal wealth)

Before I go on writing this essay I like to wish every world organization who organizes ‘health awareness programs’ and think of any other effective programs to be established or implemented to minimize and eliminate health issues from the human universe every success!

Better safer than sorry.

No point closing the horse hut after a horse ran away from the hut.

Think before you leap.

Many idioms and phrases that I have learned over years comes into my mind right now.

Every person knows what HIV stands for yet let us try to think of giving it another meaning, a different meaning;

H- Health I-is V- Vital  

It is a duty of any or every local and world health organizations, the knowledgeable to H- Help those who are I- infected or affected from the issue.  The reasons or the Causes may V- Vary from country to country and region to region, continent to continent etc.

What are the ways for those who affected from the illness can help the rest of the society to minimize or to eliminate the issue?

Following came into my mind.

Be Honest about your health situation; according to my knowledge that is the very best way to minimize the issue at least from 50%. For the rest of the world it is very important that they use their Intelligence to its maximum capacity when dealing with their sex partners or life partners etc. I do not know whether some kind of an early Vaccination would help the world to secure from the issue but I am sure it will help the universe immensely.  The world can use ‘Vaccination’ as a bar or as a strong fence that has the enormous power to stop spreading the issue from person to person, village to village, region to region, continent to continent etc.

What are the ways that the others who were not affected or infected from the disease or the illness can help the persons who suffer from the illness, I believe that it is something that every authority must consider very important.

If the illness cannot be identified easily until the issue develops within the human body for about ten years, the ‘research’ world has an immense role to play and their programs or experiments shouldn’t be stopped until they find a permanent series of medication, treatment, pills or capsules or injections etc. most importantly that is not just to help those who are affected from the illness, there are very many social, psychological advantages and benefits I can think of. That is to help the innocent persons, teens, youngsters who had become or may become a victim of the issue due to not their faults but due to the faults or errors of the other society outside to them, due to selfish reasons of the cruel societies, etc.

Example; in every society you find young innocent girls fell into traps of gangs who owns ‘prostitutes supplying agencies’, girls and boys became victim of drug dealers etc. and due to any associations they maintain with unhealthy persons or with any person affected and unfortunately there are many cases reported in the past that innocents affected due to blood transfusions through insecure sources, careless ways especially when they suffer from any other particular illness that can be easily curable.

I guess that there is a trend some females from other poor or developing countries come to our country or go to other countries for instance looking for jobs and work in some of the ‘places supply prostitutes’ support spreading the issue especially if they were affected before coming to the country knowingly or unknowingly. Here I refrain from mentioning the countries I can think of and have read of.

Minimizing the issue or totally eliminating the issue cannot be done single handedly or alone for a country , isolating implementing programs unless the world together plan and implement programs necessary or useful or important to solve the issue. Any program plan and implement alone won’t give any successful result also due to the reason I mentioned above. According to what I heard from the news sources this morning in Sri Lanka, the number of men affected from the issue hasn’t decreased and is not decreasing annually though the number of females affected from the issue is comparatively very low or apparently the issue is not widely spreading among females of the country. I believe that the traditional values and norms, taboos established in a society help minimize the issue for sure if they are respected and practiced accurately.  

You need to implement any effective programs or learn the causes of the issue by carefully analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the terms; ‘polygamy or monogamy’ as well, I guess. And this may help eliminate misunderstandings raised or carved inside human minds of the universe.   
I very strongly suggest that;

ü  Every school curriculum should carry a lesson to EDUCATE CHILDREN ON HIV AIDS and I am very certain that this would certainly help them, any country prevent the youth or children becoming a victim of the issue at the early or latter stage of their lives.








ü  I guess it is good if any foreigner entering any geographic segment that they carry the health report / card issued by the their local authorities when travelling and the report should be attached to the passport, if possible. And there should be a procedure that they check the report before any person entering a country directly at the air ports, if possible.

ü  The prostitutes supplying agencies can possibly check the report if they supply any services for any locals or foreigners at least as a social help.

Kindly do not misunderstand what I am saying or wrote above. I am not thinking of a way of labelling any person or cornering a person affected but a way to minimize or eliminate the issue in  a more very effective way other than plastering or sticking only to ‘world-wide awareness programs’. If organizing awareness programs is sufficient to cater the issue you won’t get any chances to read number increasing day by day.  
Wish you good health!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Peace Building: Plan 01

Somehow the authorities have found and captured the person or the leader of the group responsible for some issues happened in the Northern part of the island. Name of the person is Mister Ashok Kumar (?) according to what I heard from the news sources.


Capturing & punishing a person responsible for any wrong doing won’t sufficient. The authorities must learn the reasons in order to stop developing the group activities not only that disturbed the lives of people of the peninsula but also in the other parts of the country. And the authorities should try and meet every member of the group and must rehabilitate them properly.

Since 2009, every government tried establish various activities and programs for the people in the peninsula.

If youngsters still think of other alternatives without trying to help maintaining peace and harmony in the area it is something that we should consider important and must have a look at those issues dearly and clearly.

What are the ways that an administration can win the trust of youngsters who had faced a long period of troubles due to the issue the entire world is very well aware of? We need to have a steady and accurate plan.

According to what I feel what the authorities should do immediately, if they have not given fully attention or given only less attention, before establishing anything else is mentioned below and I call it, Building Peace And Harmony Plan 01
  •         Systematizing Formal Education Facilities; Schools
  •   Develop libraries in the segment

  • Systematizing Formal Education Facilities; Schools (Primary and Secondary etc.)

Every school should have every necessary equipment tools teaching -learning aids. Assigning required number of well trained teachers for each subject is important and the schools should be equipped with adequate number of Books, Laboratories with relevant and necessary experimental tools etc. Play grounds, Shrine rooms, and Art and craft instruments.

Every school child should experience the power of Music, painting, dancing. This should definitely help them develop and maintain inner peace and harmony. At every day assemblies they must listen to ‘speeches that enhance and develop their moral values and these speeches should enclose some word power that help them maintain and support ‘peace and harmony.’

Also, religious activities should be planned more methodically and systematically to cater the need of the society much more than what was practiced in every formal, government or private schools of the segment earlier or in the past.

Do not let any child to miss their sports period. Sports create and build peace and harmony not only of the interior area of the child but also of the exterior society that the child belong to because of the exercises that the children get for their brains and minds as well in addition to the other benefits.

The teachers should be extremely careful when they teach and educate the child about what was happened in the past. Should avoid using the terms that develop anger and hate in their hearts and minds of the children, I just mentioned though I guess that it is what happens in the schools.

When you expect children to take part in some of the events such as ‘memorial programs organize to remember the names and people, ex-carders involved in the issue for more than three decades, you need to be very careful because of how they may take and carry such things home. Or they may possibly misunderstand the term ‘heroism’ and ‘sacrifices’ etc.

In addition to the above better children’s parks should be established in the area.

  • Develop Libraries In The Segment

Developing and reestablishing the Main Public Library that was destroyed during the issue ear as quickly as possible is extremely important and useful. If you have already started working on the matter kindly check the books available in the library. If it contains any books or documents that enhance or develop anger, aggression, hate such must be removed as quickly as possible. And the same shelves should be replaced with the books that they need to enhance their education and life after formal education in a more peaceful manner.

Beautify the shelf of the library with the books that discuss peace and harmony in the languages that they can understand. There are world class authors who discuss the results and bad and harmful effects of some grouping in a more very careful manner.

Add more religious books or every possible books and audio and video instruments that help them develop spiritual segment of their lives.

According to what I feel latter can be done later, after establishing the above.

Thank you for reading.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The story of somebody(s) everybody(s) and nobody(s)

This essay isn't entirely about human 'bodies', buried or surviving, breathing.  

i read a newspaper topic which explained that in Mannar, authorities had found about couple of hundreds of skeletons, so far, which were buried under ground.  

Every single 'body' buried or still breathing (?) vital for 'self' and for the members of each family. 

Though some buggers who know how to use the 'bodies' do not know how to use the brains and hearts and minds of a human body, take a body of a female for instance.  Pity. isn't it? But it is at least a little fair to say not 'everybody' treating every female body the way i just explained or mentioned above.  But if you ladies and gentlemen say that nobody is treating women the way i say, would you expect me to believe?

Somebodies worth millions than other bodies in this world we live and some not a single penny, according to the criteria made by some who lived or still live in this world. 

Yet, i do not know how or based on what criteria a person or a group or a company decide of a rate for a dead body or a living body. For instance, if a person died of some unacceptable way, due to a natural disaster, some give the affected or the family who lost the human body breathed together with them some money. The civilized world had given it a word, 'compensation'. i am not trying to discuss anything about life insurances and claims here or about any other ratings for example prostitution, prostitutes and their charges. specially when a prostitute gets only a tiny percentage of the rate that the owner charges or gets.  all i know is that there is a rate for every body depending on the demand of the figure, i guess. 

The body walking ahead or behind or in parallel to you in a town, could be 'nobody to you' but could be somebody to someone or some people. Perhaps, everybody who read this might agree with me.

Though i am nobody to the person who issues a train ticket to me, i am a relevant body to the segment he is serving. Because i am a passenger and theoretically the sector develops from the ticket i purchase.  

Nobody likes, specially the ones belongs to my class, when the sector authorities decide to raises the rate of train tickets or start a work stoppage / strike without any prior notices. 

Everybody should know or must understand the worth of their 'votes' and 'seats'. Governments and ministers come and go. Therefore everybody who serves the country as a government official should not betray their people by delaying work or working inefficiently because it is we who pay their salaries and pensions. 

Some persons or a person is nobody until he or she joins your family or the company as a worker or as a partner. Some you get to know only when you are offered something in cash or cheques or something else, a seat in a bus or in your admin zone. 

Nobody is willing to lose something that they long used or owned without a fight. 

Somebody might say that there is no much difference between a cheetah and  a tiger looking at them from outside or from the appearances.  some others might say every creature alike do not act  or react same way similar ways that the other creature act or react. 

Somebody might say forming a stable ally is no easy in a country where you find many small or big allies or coalitions and when (millions of ) money has become a highly decisive factor. i do not know whether the number of members an ally have really matters, specially when thinking of forming a strong or a sustainable, long lasting ally.  i do not know whether it is alright to weigh it this way; what matter or what is important most is the worth of the brains of an ally. what they, each member does for the sustainability of the ally you form until you reach or achieve your target, objectives. 

some allies people form on temporary basis, when the target expected achieved they disperse. example; the allies or coalitions formed during world wars. 

i believe that whatever ally or coalition you form or create mustn't disturb day today lives of  people from time to time. 

Therefore  everybody should think not twice or thrice but many times before they leap. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Children’s Parks

We have read many things about many parks across globe. Most of them were not built aiming at catering the needs and likes of children. There was always a story or an adultery purpose behind building those parks, political or apolitical.  

Do children too needs parks? If yes, who says so? Early childhood educationists? Why do they say so? Why do Pre-school teachers have to specifically prepare a play area for children in their learning and study segments? Is there something lacking?

In the ancient house plans there was one thing that they didn’t forget to add. A compound. But in the modern day architecture do people have enough space to build a compound or a backyard?   Obviously not.  Within this complex modern day world, the geographical space is shrinking every moment and every minute due to various reasons such as ‘material development’. In a such world what are the options or alternatives do parents or people in particular have, to cater ‘playing’ need, emotional needs of children?

Can we blame modernization or urbanization for above issue, if parents or teachers or educationists or all in particular think or weigh it as an issue?

Do you, parents think that there should be a heavy strict policy should be followed in such implementations.  

Compared with the early days and years of this century there are many things stolen from children of today. Cuddling, storytelling, playing & learning things from parents, the moments that they should be spent with their parents, for example. The concept of compounds, middle compounds or backyards were not made specifically for ‘family entertaining or gardening purposes, in the past, according to what I believe.  
saying a lullaby by a nanny or even by a parent won't sufficient according to what experts say, in order to have healthy children in the world.  

Teaching -learning mechanisms should be changed, adjusted according to the need of era or days -current, without harming core ideas and concepts of education, early childhood development.

The courtyards for instance were the treasures of the children back then and a good tool that helped enjoying and developing together as a package throughout their early childhood in a more fruitful way. 

There were many things that they could learn by playing with their peers freely, in their courtyards, compounds, if you interview an adult today, you may get chances to know.  Especially when there were no Montessori back then, or pre-schools established in each town, in villages like today, such practical components played an immensely valuable role in ‘early childhood development’. 

They got plenty of opportunities or chances to identify little, little birds, butterflies, squirrels who came to their backyards, before their teacher taught them, who they were.   They knew each and every little plant or huge trees that were there in their gardens or backyards or compounds before they read or view them and learn them through their text books compiled according to their curriculum. 

They knew the difference between the sand and clay thanks to the concept of compounds, backyards without much difficulty because they didn't have to purchase them in packs from bookshops like today. 

The swings created for them in a corner of a compound or backyard taught them many lessons as well, about team work, how they can reach top with the help of another, when someone gives a ‘no-fell’ push.  (Motivating). 

laughing and even screaming together too add some aliveness and activeness to their lives. is it something that they miss in their lives today due to modernization or urbanization? 

Above all they had plenty of breathing space which is very important for any child to develop their early childhood. 

We can list many importance of building backyards, compounds or courtyards but if it is a challenge that the parents of today facing, what can be done?

Taking their child to a park specifically built for them, is an alternative i can think of. 

moreover, creating or building children’s parks immensely important for children those who live in storied houses with no courtyard facilities, play ground facilities in the towns, urban areas and even in their school premises.

Building or creating a children's park is not as easy as an specialized or trained teacher narrating a fairy tale. It is a difficult task that needs more attention and care like an author writes a story for the children carefully picking a theme. 

What are the things that state or any private agency thinking of providing such facilities should consider important. based on limited knowledge i have on the subject, I can list following;

  • Whether the play equipment they fix suitable for the children, 
  • do the equipment fixed help promote, enhance, support their early childhood development or education, 
  • the quality of play equipment, 
  • the colours used good enough or help brighten their lives ,
  • whether the play equipment fixed support exercise their brain and intelligence, 
  • whether it is a safer area for them to play and learn and learn while playing without facing any danger  etc.

The other thing is it is very important that responsible parties monitor them and repair play equipment as quickly as possible to avoid dangers, or prevention of any health hazards, when something is broken. 

And the premises should be kept clean every day to avoid them facing or embracing any communicable or spreadable diseases such as dengue, Malaria etc. an area or seating facilities should be provided for the parents, nannies, caretakers to monitor their children without any difficulties.

So, are there at least a single children’s park in your admin area, urban area?
Were they monitored accurately? analyze yourself.

Can we limit building children’s park only to urban areas or town areas?

No, every child has a right to get what every other children children get whether they are children of poor or rich.

‘think together and act together, children know no party politics or modern day issues or what they should really have and about their ‘rights’, it is your duty to provide them what they need for a better early childhood development and education as a whole.  

Monday, September 24, 2018

Dear OPEC's decision and the future of poor and developing countries

Every decision taken by local admin authorities of a country affects socio-economic, cultural and political lives of its people. Is that all? what about the decision taken by powerful countries, world organizations, allies, coalitions  established to achieve various socio - economic, cultural and also political 'objects', aims and targets, do you think that such do not affect the lives of its people?

even if a country decide to stop purchasing paddy or rice or coconut or clothes or silk or ceramic from a specific country  or decided to purchase something else instead of what they are purchasing right now it affects the people of relevant country. even if an ally decided to begin a war or fight against terrorism or establish a sustainable policy to maintain peace and harmony of a community it affects massively the lives of relevant country.  even if a coalition or an organization decided to ban a certain clang or a group of people disturbig ordinary communities it affects the lives of people of a relevant countries. never ever forget that a decision can affects either ways, human friendlily or in a good way or a very bad way. you can think of both negatives and positives of decisions or policies established by above mentioned organizations, countries, allies and every singular decision taken at summits or conferences international etc. 

if you categorize this existing world into countries; poor, developing, developed etc based on current measurements , criteria, you can get the  total number of countries belong to each category. also, if you take a country's situation, according to what i believe the rich community is not exceeding 10% and those who do not belong to the category above mentioned belong to middle class and  poor. The rich can live without any difficulties under any economic situations, but can the poor and the middle class always live without suffering or facing issues due to acts and policies, decisions - world?
Fuel has become something that a country cannot properly and usefully function and reach desired development stage without. like a human doesn't properly function without blood, it seemed to me that what is require for a country to properly function now is fuel.

every industry, every segment of economies , specifically fully functions and reach from one place to another because of oil and fuel.  

A community without proper roads do not smoothern or soften the lives of its people. They cannot save their time due to such reasons. therefore needless to say proper roads or infrastructure facilities, properly manufactured human and nature friendly vehicles play and important role in a human creature's life. But we all know even though a country manage to achieve all those what is the use if you struggle to obtain fuel' in required quantities without facing any price issues?  

fuel is one of the important decaying resources that i can think of massively affect people's lives in every way. 

If oil world authorities do not think of these things, meaning that each and every decision that they take with regards to the prices of 'oil or fuel' indescribably affecting the lives of people of poor countries and developing countries, badly, no world organization or local country can think of developing mentioned communities, classes, countries without struggling or without letting the poor people live unsatisfactorily. 

Every country has a certain system, mechanism established locally to deal with their economies. When the oil prices fluctuates, increasing rapidly without any limit a country cannot have a steady economic plan or it affects their  economic plans.

How does it affect the lives of people, ordinary specifically?

The strategy that the importers and manufactures, local and international use, to  capture or to recover the amount that they spend when purchasing oil, fuel or when ever the prices of oil , fuel market increase is to increases the prices of what they produce or manufacture accordingly.  

Needless to say how aforesaid situations affects the lives of local people of a country. The increasement of prices of consumer products and other daily essentials very badly affects their family economies especially if the salaries, daily wages do not increase in parallel to raises of prices of oil, fuel. 

what are the coping strategies that the people of a country think of applying or using to face the issue?

Minimize or  cut and chop their needs? 

Consume less than what is recommended by the nutritional experts?

Walk miles and kilo meters without getting into a bus or using their personal vehicles?

Should the citizens of a country suggest their masters to use their personal vehicles other than the official vehicles when ever possible, during their periods of serving country men?

Find alternatives for oil, fuel?, 

Stop purchasing oil until they come to a better plan as to 'how to maintain a steady price at least for a half a decade?' at least as a help for poor." or demanding what the other countries have that they need, because no country can soley and fully depend on oil only, they need water, food clothes etc. am i accurate?

In order to run wars, every party needs fuel, oil and tourism industry depends on fuel and oil. I assume that the travel agencies, air ways increase their rates every time or from time to time when fuel , oil merchants , producers, raises their prices. entire or whole world will have to depend on oil or fuel prices and indirectly or directly it affects back their countries as well. If a country decides to raise the rates of taxes due to the same reason, if they found no other solution or alternative, do you think that it doesn't affect countries like ours badly?

As a citizen who uses public transportation, public health care facilities, public library facilities provided for people, etc. my very kind and humble suggestion to dear OPEC is kindly introduce or invent or have a proper plan to maintain price rates without letting it change every six months or less than six month or every year. i am not saying that you do not have any proper plans, what i am trying to say is consider above mentioned situations whenever you think of raising the rate of fuel, oil. 

Most importantly at least if your organization can introduce a mechanism a welfare rate for poor or developing countries for instance, without disturbing your businesses of course, that would be indescribably a massive help. Or else if the OPEC and every other relevant agencies can come to certain relevant human friendly agreements between governments of aforementioned countries with regard to the prices of fuel , oil, people of such countries can breath and live easily. 

Further, if you take human, poor country friendly decisions, their dreams of enhancing their lives, socially or developing family economies,  will not be shattered.

thank you for your patience reading.


Friday, August 17, 2018

How do you like to analyze a ‘life of an Ordinary who fails ordinary level exam’?

Imagine a mind of an unemployed? What do you see? A sad face or a happy face?

If you try to analyze a mind of a person, has no job, what are the ways that you can analyze his position, social and financial?

Socially, psychologically and economically. These are the ways you can analyze the status of a person,unemployed, according to my knowledge.

Sociologically what do you think he or she may experience, face as an inevitable member of a society, during his or her dealings with others of the society, when he or she doesn’t earn a single penny or a pound or a euro?

How do you rate or weigh or measure their ‘personalities’? Backward, forward, fearless, challenging, applause-able, rewardable?

If the unemployed is an adult person (not below 18 years of age according to local rules and regulation. This limit may slight differ in other geographical segments) if he or she still depends on others, on what others earn, do you think in any society the rest of the society treat, he or she in dignity , respectfully?

I know how some call such ones. Nikama (useless fellow), wedakata nethi eka( has no worth, no use for any work) modaya (fool) awasanawanthaya (unlucky) etc. the situation become worse if the unemployed is a male. In our society if you find a man doing nothing, or has no job, he gets no reward, praises from the society he lives. They were sort of cornered. We live in a patriarchal society meaning ours is not a matriarchal society and father or the eldest male member of the family always play the role of ‘head of family’ and to maintain his headship and as a sole decision maker of the family, it is a must that he earn a living. It was same in the ancient society, even if you keep it a side, the role of men in a family in the modern era we live.

A young man or a grownup man cannot demand him before any clang of or group of or network of society, if he earns ‘no rupees’, rupiahs or rubles etc. every person has social and economic needs. To fulfill such needs they need money, except for beggars, those who inherited any wealth from the ancient, they have to work and earn.

What do you do for living? This was/is one of the popular ways asking or judding or justifying his financial ability, by others especially by the elders of a young girl, bride before giving their certification or approval for a marriage. It was no matter whether you own a cattle or a farm or a piece of paddy land, what they were bothered about was male member’s ‘ability to run the family without becoming a burden to rest of the members of the family or to the rest of the society. Such individuals never get any recognition even from peers, unless the person has issues apparent, physical for instance. Except them, others are not pardoned in this matter.

Though there were no labour rules or no age barriers back then, now the situation is different. Now, there are definitions given to with regard to ‘formal education, to engage in a job, ‘the age demarcations’. A person below 18 years of age is a child and no child is allowed to work at any shop, factory or any entity established to deal with earning money, any profit oriented agency etc. they are not allowed to contribute labour forcefully or for wages. Though there are specifications given, according to the law, pertaining to formal education, the child mostly given no choice if they fails an exam to continue their education, especially after ordinary level examination.

For a student to continue with their formal education after O/L s, they must study and sit for the other decisive exam called ‘advanced level examination’. In order to eligible for further education, to study at state maintained Universities for instance, it is a must that they ‘pass’ the exam, earning required marks decided by the University Grant Commission of the country.

Further, if they unable to pass or get eligibilities to study further, they have other options; either they can study at private institutes established locally or elsewhere, or find a job or start their carrier life with remaining qualifications gained from formal education. i.e. ordinary level exam.

According to local education systems, there are two main stages that a student stop gaining, receiving formal education. One is when a student fails his or her ordinary level examination and the second is when the student fails his or her advance level examination, as I mentioned earlier.

Imagine within a year, total number of students sitting for the ordinary level examination = 100 000
And the total number gained required eligible marks to do study further, advance level = 95, 000 
What is the number failed to study further = 5 000.

What are the options available for this 5000 students, who had to stop involving, receiving formal education and find a job at the latter stage of life?

What are the available job options for a person who passed only his or her ordinary level examination?

  • They can work or start as a labourer, skilled or otherwise, for a daily basis wages, weekly or monthly.
  • Start their own home-based enterprise /self-employment if they have the capital and if get any reasonable, less burden credits, or loans. 
  • If there are any projects that the government provide job opportunities for individuals like them. 
If not The government must have a policy that they give every person who fails their ordinary level examination a job fair enough to live. What other options they have?

  • Stay at home, doing nothing eating and wearing what the other members of the family give or getting any remittances provide by state or any other welfare organization, government or non-government, until they reach the age ‘35’ to start their carrier as a three wheeler driver if they choose it as their ‘profession’, because according to the new haho about ‘age limit of obtaining or earning a license to drive a three wheeler is age 35 (?).
What do you think a person below 35 would choose as their carrier option, especially when they are given very limited options to choose with, from what they like, from available job categories, professions?

Isn’t choosing whatever job a person prefer, a ‘right’? isn’t it good to let them enjoy their rights ‘decision making’ with regard to their carrier life, without barring them? Even within such a background if you find unemployment rate is considerably not low or not 0% , is it worth setting or establishing rules you imprison their ‘right to choose the jobs they prefer’?

Let’s go on to the other level. According to my example given above (assumed) only, 95, 000 of them were eligible to study and face their advance level examination. If you find, out of them, only 90 000 passed their advance level examination and even out of rest of them only 80 000 of them gained eligibility to study further at the Universities, what picture can you imagine of, of their life, future?
Only 5000 students may find a job based on their results - advance level, if only any opportunities or vacancies available in the private or public job market. What about the other 5000 students who failed their advance level examination?

They have the same options above mentioned. As we know, according to the data provided by the census and statistics of the country, the unemployment rate is not very low.

Please view information given below I gathered from the internet, data provided for our viewing by census and statistics. This information may provide you some background to think further if you, private or public sector agencies with regard to your decisions ‘hiring labour/ personal for their entities/institutes. 

  • The total population in Sri Lanka was estimated at 21.4 million people in 2017, according to the latest census figures. Looking back, in the year of 1960, Sri Lanka had a population of 9.9 million people 
  • Youth Unemployment Rate in Sri Lanka decreased to 18.30 percent in the third quarter of 2017 from 20 percent in the second quarter of 2017. Youth Unemployment Rate in Sri Lanka averaged 24.89 percent from 1992 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 38.10 percent in the first quarter of 1994 and a record low of 15.40 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015 
  • The number of unemployed persons in Sri Lanka increased to 372135 in the first quarter of 2018 from 342210 in the fourth quarter of 2017. Unemployed Persons in Sri Lanka averaged 492192.67 from 1990 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 953794 in the fourth quarter of 1990 and a record low of 282648 in the second quarter of 2017
I have a fear, when the individuals not given freedom to job, they may end up engaging other illegal ways to earn a living. Rob a bank, a house, sell illegal stuff, such as heroine, ganja, kassippu etc. when you think of establishing new acts or rules and regulations with regard to one’s carrier you have to think of those things as well. To protect a law you cannot break another. If you have the proof as to ‘only age below 35 breaks ‘traffic laws it is terrific. But it is not, we know it very well. Kindly consciously review, view data available at the relevant authorities as to know who and when an accident occurs or a traffic or road rule is not respected. Do you find those who guilty of such offenses shows some age significances or some patters that shows some specific ‘age limits / levels’?

Please do not steal an opportunity unless try to provide plenty of them for the needy. 

Thank you for reading and wish you all peace of mind.