Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Peace Building: Plan 01

Somehow the authorities have found and captured the person or the leader of the group responsible for some issues happened in the Northern part of the island. Name of the person is Mister Ashok Kumar (?) according to what I heard from the news sources.


Capturing & punishing a person responsible for any wrong doing won’t sufficient. The authorities must learn the reasons in order to stop developing the group activities not only that disturbed the lives of people of the peninsula but also in the other parts of the country. And the authorities should try and meet every member of the group and must rehabilitate them properly.

Since 2009, every government tried establish various activities and programs for the people in the peninsula.

If youngsters still think of other alternatives without trying to help maintaining peace and harmony in the area it is something that we should consider important and must have a look at those issues dearly and clearly.

What are the ways that an administration can win the trust of youngsters who had faced a long period of troubles due to the issue the entire world is very well aware of? We need to have a steady and accurate plan.

According to what I feel what the authorities should do immediately, if they have not given fully attention or given only less attention, before establishing anything else is mentioned below and I call it, Building Peace And Harmony Plan 01
  •         Systematizing Formal Education Facilities; Schools
  •   Develop libraries in the segment

  • Systematizing Formal Education Facilities; Schools (Primary and Secondary etc.)

Every school should have every necessary equipment tools teaching -learning aids. Assigning required number of well trained teachers for each subject is important and the schools should be equipped with adequate number of Books, Laboratories with relevant and necessary experimental tools etc. Play grounds, Shrine rooms, and Art and craft instruments.

Every school child should experience the power of Music, painting, dancing. This should definitely help them develop and maintain inner peace and harmony. At every day assemblies they must listen to ‘speeches that enhance and develop their moral values and these speeches should enclose some word power that help them maintain and support ‘peace and harmony.’

Also, religious activities should be planned more methodically and systematically to cater the need of the society much more than what was practiced in every formal, government or private schools of the segment earlier or in the past.

Do not let any child to miss their sports period. Sports create and build peace and harmony not only of the interior area of the child but also of the exterior society that the child belong to because of the exercises that the children get for their brains and minds as well in addition to the other benefits.

The teachers should be extremely careful when they teach and educate the child about what was happened in the past. Should avoid using the terms that develop anger and hate in their hearts and minds of the children, I just mentioned though I guess that it is what happens in the schools.

When you expect children to take part in some of the events such as ‘memorial programs organize to remember the names and people, ex-carders involved in the issue for more than three decades, you need to be very careful because of how they may take and carry such things home. Or they may possibly misunderstand the term ‘heroism’ and ‘sacrifices’ etc.

In addition to the above better children’s parks should be established in the area.

  • Develop Libraries In The Segment

Developing and reestablishing the Main Public Library that was destroyed during the issue ear as quickly as possible is extremely important and useful. If you have already started working on the matter kindly check the books available in the library. If it contains any books or documents that enhance or develop anger, aggression, hate such must be removed as quickly as possible. And the same shelves should be replaced with the books that they need to enhance their education and life after formal education in a more peaceful manner.

Beautify the shelf of the library with the books that discuss peace and harmony in the languages that they can understand. There are world class authors who discuss the results and bad and harmful effects of some grouping in a more very careful manner.

Add more religious books or every possible books and audio and video instruments that help them develop spiritual segment of their lives.

According to what I feel latter can be done later, after establishing the above.

Thank you for reading.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The story of somebody(s) everybody(s) and nobody(s)

This essay isn't entirely about human 'bodies', buried or surviving, breathing.  

i read a newspaper topic which explained that in Mannar, authorities had found about couple of hundreds of skeletons, so far, which were buried under ground.  

Every single 'body' buried or still breathing (?) vital for 'self' and for the members of each family. 

Though some buggers who know how to use the 'bodies' do not know how to use the brains and hearts and minds of a human body, take a body of a female for instance.  Pity. isn't it? But it is at least a little fair to say not 'everybody' treating every female body the way i just explained or mentioned above.  But if you ladies and gentlemen say that nobody is treating women the way i say, would you expect me to believe?

Somebodies worth millions than other bodies in this world we live and some not a single penny, according to the criteria made by some who lived or still live in this world. 

Yet, i do not know how or based on what criteria a person or a group or a company decide of a rate for a dead body or a living body. For instance, if a person died of some unacceptable way, due to a natural disaster, some give the affected or the family who lost the human body breathed together with them some money. The civilized world had given it a word, 'compensation'. i am not trying to discuss anything about life insurances and claims here or about any other ratings for example prostitution, prostitutes and their charges. specially when a prostitute gets only a tiny percentage of the rate that the owner charges or gets.  all i know is that there is a rate for every body depending on the demand of the figure, i guess. 

The body walking ahead or behind or in parallel to you in a town, could be 'nobody to you' but could be somebody to someone or some people. Perhaps, everybody who read this might agree with me.

Though i am nobody to the person who issues a train ticket to me, i am a relevant body to the segment he is serving. Because i am a passenger and theoretically the sector develops from the ticket i purchase.  

Nobody likes, specially the ones belongs to my class, when the sector authorities decide to raises the rate of train tickets or start a work stoppage / strike without any prior notices. 

Everybody should know or must understand the worth of their 'votes' and 'seats'. Governments and ministers come and go. Therefore everybody who serves the country as a government official should not betray their people by delaying work or working inefficiently because it is we who pay their salaries and pensions. 

Some persons or a person is nobody until he or she joins your family or the company as a worker or as a partner. Some you get to know only when you are offered something in cash or cheques or something else, a seat in a bus or in your admin zone. 

Nobody is willing to lose something that they long used or owned without a fight. 

Somebody might say that there is no much difference between a cheetah and  a tiger looking at them from outside or from the appearances.  some others might say every creature alike do not act  or react same way similar ways that the other creature act or react. 

Somebody might say forming a stable ally is no easy in a country where you find many small or big allies or coalitions and when (millions of ) money has become a highly decisive factor. i do not know whether the number of members an ally have really matters, specially when thinking of forming a strong or a sustainable, long lasting ally.  i do not know whether it is alright to weigh it this way; what matter or what is important most is the worth of the brains of an ally. what they, each member does for the sustainability of the ally you form until you reach or achieve your target, objectives. 

some allies people form on temporary basis, when the target expected achieved they disperse. example; the allies or coalitions formed during world wars. 

i believe that whatever ally or coalition you form or create mustn't disturb day today lives of  people from time to time. 

Therefore  everybody should think not twice or thrice but many times before they leap. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Children’s Parks

We have read many things about many parks across globe. Most of them were not built aiming at catering the needs and likes of children. There was always a story or an adultery purpose behind building those parks, political or apolitical.  

Do children too needs parks? If yes, who says so? Early childhood educationists? Why do they say so? Why do Pre-school teachers have to specifically prepare a play area for children in their learning and study segments? Is there something lacking?

In the ancient house plans there was one thing that they didn’t forget to add. A compound. But in the modern day architecture do people have enough space to build a compound or a backyard?   Obviously not.  Within this complex modern day world, the geographical space is shrinking every moment and every minute due to various reasons such as ‘material development’. In a such world what are the options or alternatives do parents or people in particular have, to cater ‘playing’ need, emotional needs of children?

Can we blame modernization or urbanization for above issue, if parents or teachers or educationists or all in particular think or weigh it as an issue?

Do you, parents think that there should be a heavy strict policy should be followed in such implementations.  

Compared with the early days and years of this century there are many things stolen from children of today. Cuddling, storytelling, playing & learning things from parents, the moments that they should be spent with their parents, for example. The concept of compounds, middle compounds or backyards were not made specifically for ‘family entertaining or gardening purposes, in the past, according to what I believe.  
saying a lullaby by a nanny or even by a parent won't sufficient according to what experts say, in order to have healthy children in the world.  

Teaching -learning mechanisms should be changed, adjusted according to the need of era or days -current, without harming core ideas and concepts of education, early childhood development.

The courtyards for instance were the treasures of the children back then and a good tool that helped enjoying and developing together as a package throughout their early childhood in a more fruitful way. 

There were many things that they could learn by playing with their peers freely, in their courtyards, compounds, if you interview an adult today, you may get chances to know.  Especially when there were no Montessori back then, or pre-schools established in each town, in villages like today, such practical components played an immensely valuable role in ‘early childhood development’. 

They got plenty of opportunities or chances to identify little, little birds, butterflies, squirrels who came to their backyards, before their teacher taught them, who they were.   They knew each and every little plant or huge trees that were there in their gardens or backyards or compounds before they read or view them and learn them through their text books compiled according to their curriculum. 

They knew the difference between the sand and clay thanks to the concept of compounds, backyards without much difficulty because they didn't have to purchase them in packs from bookshops like today. 

The swings created for them in a corner of a compound or backyard taught them many lessons as well, about team work, how they can reach top with the help of another, when someone gives a ‘no-fell’ push.  (Motivating). 

laughing and even screaming together too add some aliveness and activeness to their lives. is it something that they miss in their lives today due to modernization or urbanization? 

Above all they had plenty of breathing space which is very important for any child to develop their early childhood. 

We can list many importance of building backyards, compounds or courtyards but if it is a challenge that the parents of today facing, what can be done?

Taking their child to a park specifically built for them, is an alternative i can think of. 

moreover, creating or building children’s parks immensely important for children those who live in storied houses with no courtyard facilities, play ground facilities in the towns, urban areas and even in their school premises.

Building or creating a children's park is not as easy as an specialized or trained teacher narrating a fairy tale. It is a difficult task that needs more attention and care like an author writes a story for the children carefully picking a theme. 

What are the things that state or any private agency thinking of providing such facilities should consider important. based on limited knowledge i have on the subject, I can list following;

  • Whether the play equipment they fix suitable for the children, 
  • do the equipment fixed help promote, enhance, support their early childhood development or education, 
  • the quality of play equipment, 
  • the colours used good enough or help brighten their lives ,
  • whether the play equipment fixed support exercise their brain and intelligence, 
  • whether it is a safer area for them to play and learn and learn while playing without facing any danger  etc.

The other thing is it is very important that responsible parties monitor them and repair play equipment as quickly as possible to avoid dangers, or prevention of any health hazards, when something is broken. 

And the premises should be kept clean every day to avoid them facing or embracing any communicable or spreadable diseases such as dengue, Malaria etc. an area or seating facilities should be provided for the parents, nannies, caretakers to monitor their children without any difficulties.

So, are there at least a single children’s park in your admin area, urban area?
Were they monitored accurately? analyze yourself.

Can we limit building children’s park only to urban areas or town areas?

No, every child has a right to get what every other children children get whether they are children of poor or rich.

‘think together and act together, children know no party politics or modern day issues or what they should really have and about their ‘rights’, it is your duty to provide them what they need for a better early childhood development and education as a whole.