Winning and loosing is part of any game; Cricket or any indoor or any other socially and otherwise accepted game, i believe. Every victor was and is born with some patience of genes, further i like to believe.
Confused minds do not foresee any bars of victory or strategies that can be applied for a mind pleasing applause-able victory.
Every player of any game must try to maintain peace of mind at its very highest level. within a playtime , or period of an active game, no point trying to test or experiment socially or gamely (rules and regulations of a game) unaccepted mechanisms.
Victors are not fools. i like to believe. But that does not verify the statement or the saying; every looser is a fool. Perhaps, the cause of loosing could be either foolish action or a reaction of a single player or a couple of players. Winning is not always based on the efforts of an individual. winning has plenty of things to do with the concept or method called, 'team work'.
some born with some abilities and unfortunately due to sociopolitical reasons, here and there of the world, some of them had to die without using them for the needs of 'self' or of others.
If a person looses his or her patience, i doubt not , he or she becomes a patient, mentally disturbed person, mentally ill person. In order to maintain peace of mind and maintain patience, help and support of every others is essential, for any person.
whoever tries to harm 'peace of mind' of a person is definitely not a victor.
I believe to stop torture , no matter what nature it belongs to every world leader must have their social and political and otherwise plans ready and must, without wasting time , implement.
Testing patience of civilians or any player is not always bring applause-able results, the history reveled and certified.
let's not support bury patience. Let's help and support maintain patience as well as peace of mind of every world citizen and player of every accepted games.
This note, i would like to dedicate for the cricket team of our country. especially for winning the first test match against the friendly and talented Zimbabwe Team.
wish you all success and strength as well as peace of mind!