i am a victim of whole-body controlling mechanism , including brain and mind, eye contour according to my memory, since march 19, 2020. A few groups of persons torturing me talking to my deep earbud, brain apparently using so called mind bonding , hitch and hatch mechanism. Brain heating is the most painful and unbearable thing.
Some of the women and men continuously torturing me and disturbing me pressing my brain segment, nerves of the head, chest, etc. including abusing me sexually. I reported this to the Police Station Kandy. i am sure that they are investigating the issue.
The main issue here is that some of the men and women everyday spoken through my voice box and controlling my voice and thoughts and what i understood is that apparently some of the speakers live here and there of the world. some of the names that i hear is Nevada, Columbia, Rajasthan, etc.
the most dangerous experience that i ever experienced is that one or two men or women reading my past by touching and reaching the memory lane of mine, they pick and chose incidents and events of past and throw them at me thinking that they can torture me and this happens everyday. the mechanism that they use is 'the sleep therapy mechanism' talking and touching me from a distance. whoever here is controlling me from a distance using modern technology? they can obviously do that talking to someone using spy-speaking method, allowing the person to sleep by pressing the relevant pressure point / segment of the brain.
actually i am under threat of losing my life due to this activity. and dear sirs, and madems i believe that ordinary civilians cannot do that unless they have the knowledge of brain and mind and a bit of knowledge of psychology, medicine.
who are these persons/groups? what is the best way to tackle them, capture them. they always boast and believe that no person can capture them.
The other danger here is that they can enter any premises unseen. when the two minds were or are bonded they can easily peep into the lives of the others. this has been a main issue for me because these so called spy speakers embarrassing me entering the rooms of my married siblings and my washrooms when bathing.
And they may steal the vital belongings of citizens especially the secrets from the files of any state.
Now i believe that this is one of the challenges of the new or modern world, disturbed by CoVID -19.
some of the tortures i believe live in the country and gets support of the outsiders. i cannot name or assume any. and i guess that they exchange information through this mechanism secretly using this mind to mind bonding method. i also assume that this particular groups/s earning money bonding two minds and allowing the torturer to control the sex organ of the victim.
How do you recognize the individuals talking to one's deep brain and mind. especially when they heat the head either using a particular tool and thoroughly pressing the veins. they cause cancer because they continuously breaking my voice box and i assume you need to speak through some electro radar to spoken through one's throat and voice box.
I also believe that they view me live and somehow doing it. And some them has cams.
what is the mechanism implemented i have some curiosities. i need support not only to understand the issue but also to STOP this.
needles to say that this collapse my brain and kills the cells of the brain and when controlling my whole-body i lose control over everything, every organ.
may all beings be healthy and happy and may this world be free from ill-willed spy-speaking tortures!