( This is a belated ( Today, 02, May 2013) MY WISH LIST plus some refreshment ( Tea) served in a bit of cool way ? sorry about that)
pan dina dina wedi wediye beemen sirurata sepa wedi wei’
What is the best way to start this essay? Though I like to
start all my essays in a bit of good way I am not always satisfied about the
way I begin to write. This moment I thought of begin this note in a musical way
though it is not a naval way because I have tried that way of beginning something.
Sweats of workers are for some, not so musical or classical
something that can be celebrated once a year on 01st May. The ways
of begin something or end something is always unique to every person or every
group, organization, party. Rallies may not always tallies the ‘pure’ ideas of
venerating or respecting the truly working workers. But that is one of the ways
all these years in the history have taken place or have practiced. There were
very little ‘silent ways of respecting or celebrating ‘the day ‘May day’. I do not know at organizational, institutional
or society or state level ‘what number of issues ( are there any to be solved)
that they may have touch to solve, or addressed or ‘ found solutions in their
hand’ how many or what many ‘worker friendly’ programmes, projects were
implemented or began yesterday. I am not
aware of the number of workers who came up with a list of things that needs to
be addressed or yet to be addressed having a note in their hand to meet the ‘top
authorities’ addressing following way
Dear Sir/Madame these are the problems we have’ or these
are the things we did this far’ ‘thank you for taking care of the worker this
far’. Did anything similar happened yesterday other than participating or
organizing rallies, meeting the women at women’s organizations? How many of you really met your own worker
yesterday and discuss or share ideas or how to improve the organization we are
involved in or engaged in. what are the things that can be done to uplift the
organization. How many of you really meet the worker and the payee or the
employee at least once a month or twice a month? Can we remember what we really
discussed at our very last meeting? Where are the minutes of the meeting?
Please pardon me ‘I am not at all against rallies or any
other gatherings’ that too so important and a way to meet the truly working ‘worker’
People value things their own ways or the ways that their
hearts and minds says ‘this is the way our party works or the way we might work
or must work’ ‘that is not a good way we should try something different’ ‘such
ways are bad’ ‘some or most the ways are so effective’ ‘some ways are accurate’
‘some ways are somewhat good people analyze things within and then come up with
something better or worse. Depends.
I am not talking about the ‘old reports’ that we have
already discussed. how many of you really met the ‘the grass root level’
workers I am not talking about one particular organization or a group that
represent ‘ mahanuwara weli sangamaya’ or delgoda del sangamaya’ or kosgoda
elawalu sangamaya’ in particular.
Again I like to say that I am not criticizing any of the
ways practiced so far through out the ‘history of celebrating the May day’ I am
just questioning?
In the past, there were strategies, methods followed with
regard to finding solutions for the matters related to workers. We talk of matters
that the workers face in general but as WORKERS WHAT DO WE DO APART FROM
EXPECTING THINGS FROM RELEANT AUTHORITIES. How many of you, me, they, all are
honest to their duties? ‘ I say these things following the rule of ‘ thoppiya hari
nam daaganna neththan amathaka karanna’ (if the cap matches wear it otherwise
forget or ignore what I am saying) nothing to worry or nothing to argue ‘ what
you all can say is that ‘she is very immature in knowing the current ways of
working - wholistically all around the world’ again I like to tell I am just
questioning. We truly think only a tiny bit of the things
that we ourselves can be done to improve to uplift our own levels in the
We need to think of our part, role as well. it is not fight
word to word or event to event. No organization can support just one person,
group or a one particular section such things are against organizational
ethics. No state can support only their party members ‘the country = all’. I notice
some of the posters used have touched some colours and I can understand how and
what such things represent. How some things get the individual preferences or
become very individualistic. No good a labour have no particular colour other
than the organizational or institutional colours. No private colours must blend
in the things practice or implement. Personal stuff are totally and
wholistically different to ‘common things’ and practices. I do not mix things
with my personal confidential ( confidential Excuse me , NO J ) or carrier and other beliefs and
perceptions or what ever, you name.
What are the things that we might follow or currently following
in our ‘duty seats’ to smoothen our own work without facing too much hazards in
the work fronts what are things to be innovated to work efficiently or not so
The team should
DISCUSS’ together not alone or with one or two or particular, specific group
all ;levels are important. And who know
they might have better or efficient ideas plus instant ‘ or practical list’ to
be implemented immediately.
Efficiencies to ‘proficiencies there are things that we
might think in order to ‘protect our professions’ AND our institutions. Worker
and the institution are not totally or completely two different things they
have to depend on one and another. Both the employee and the employer needs to
respect each other.
This word RESPECT ‘is a very respectful word to my
RESPECT their WORKERs. Employee and employer relationship is different to the worker
- worker relationships ( co –workers). We must not try to depend too much on
our co – workers, fellow workers or on our seniors or juniors in handling our
work loads. Helping is different.
We can talk about right of workers and at the same time we
too have things to think ‘what are the responsibilities attached to our duties
then we have the complete right to talk about our ‘rights’.
Occasionally we like doing things without inquiring or we
do not think of learning from others good ways of doing things.
So is this my note becoming so dull to read shall I pour
some tea plus some cookies with some music from background?
let me try to change my style of discussing things in to some teaful way or not tearful ok.
let me try to change my style of discussing things in to some teaful way or not tearful ok.
The power of power tea/tree
Is that a song that everyone knows or only some generations
know?. It is alright my friend to have a good cup of tea careful if you are
fighting against sugar alright. (this is a advise to my little handsome brother
as well)
Why all generations do not know all the songs and some
generations know some songs and new songs but not old songs let me guess the
reason for that I think it is because this music world is so huge compared to a
single region, territory, community, village, city therefore I think they have
to select and then listen. I guess we all my try and taste all flavers before sticking
to just ‘coffee or tea’ or ‘pol pala’ ‘ ranawara’ or belimal wathura’. What do
you say my friend Senel wanniarachchi the ‘good thought guy’.
Yesterday, ( the before I started writing this essay) I
just sat for few minutes to read the old papers, the writings I missed though I
have bought the papers few days ago there I found few writings full of good
information in one of them Mr Nimal Gunasekara reputed singer has reveled a lot
about his thinking towards ‘current preferences and choices, and the uniqueness
of the music of ones own’
This note I actually started writing few months ago following was one of
the ways that I thought of start this note wishing Mr. Holande ( I am sure you
can guess the oldness of this note) good luck for his victory against his
opposition electors anyways I thought it is alright to keep the sentences
though the news has become very old by now
All the best Mr.
Hollande ! And Je t’aime France. I am
sure the French love tea, our tea especially
Early morning a tea for some brings good thoughts no matter
whether it is a Saturday morning cup of tea with a friend at a little café or a
road side kade watching the ones go passing or ones who come to the eye sites
alone or with groups or else Sunday morning or evening at a huge place with good
name because of the industry Tea plus tourism’.
Tourism plus tea, hospitality plus tea, friendships plus
tea, good poems plus tea, good novel to read plus tea, plus and plus with any
or many exciting events or moments, brings some boost or ‘power’ ( a different
power) to any or many of here and there of the world. Some arrange peduru (mats
) parties with tea or juices of their choice any ‘ juicy stuff’ liquidized
parties yesterday?
Some after winning something gives their friends parties
inclusively some tea, some to celebrate an event , some for friendships, some
to talk of old memories , to start new friendships or relationships talk about
families, events, achievements, Tea can bring this and that of something at
One should not mixed things with Power of tea with poverty
Tea of a poor may show a bit of difference to a rich not flavourlly
or favorably the way of making it sometimes I m thinking of the way they serve
A poor may sip some tea sitting in the pila ( seating
facility made of concrete or goma meti ( cowdung + clay) talking to his
wife/husband/kids taking some sugar in to his/her palm.
Maybe you find no difference in serving poring them to a
made in what ever territory or community porcelain or silvering or otherwise. Same
tea one can have at a star classed
That is the ‘power
of tea’. It is anywhere everywhere ‘cup
of tea’ some give it a personal look some give it a ‘common look’ that is the
power of power tea.
Tea is a popular word especially in the Asian region I believe.
Ours is a tea loving country. ‘Sri Lankan tea is popular globally. The world
can easily recognize the flavor of our tea.
Power tree is different than this power tea. I don’t know
whether it is good to talk about ‘POVERTY’ here especially after me deciding to
talk about the power of ‘power tea’. Poverty is not a bad term thinking of the
‘power of the word’ ‘poverty’ it is popular than this powerful tea. ( ? am I right
?) Because that is an internationally known term or an issue for some part of
the world it is sores in some part of the world, everything is comparative in
this world. Yes I truly believe that it has so much power and some generally
can come to power only if this exists (poverty) I strongly believing that.
Some of the power lovers generally celebrate their
victories organizing powerful tea parties. (Liquor parties No! I doubt because
the present GO is the implementer of ‘mathata
thitha’ program.
‘This is not just an election’ this is the slogan of many
or any power lovers who wish to enter in to the zone of power. I respect and
venerate the ones who truly want to put fullstop to matha of any type (here
matha is NOT the opinions )
One can easily sell the essence of both ‘Power tea’ and
‘poverty’ I like to believe.
‘The tea leaves’ are
so lighter but so powerful sure has the power of earning good money. Anyone who has the adequate or required
knowledge on ‘how to grow tea and sell’ tea as a business I guess can move out
of poverty.
Ceylon tea is very popular amongst all the tourists who
visit Ceylon then and now Sri Lanka.
Poverty is a huge topic now and then not only for poor but
also for others. Some think poverty is lack of Kaema bema saha salli (
drinkables and eatables and money) or no shelter , no big vehicle or no friends
around all the time, no parties is a sign of poverty or outer shape of poor. Wrong
it is not always true. It has a something different too a different facet I am
talking about here.
I am poor in many, many ways or some ways not just in
currencies or measurable materialistic stuff ‘ I am poor compared to the
knowledge of the world, knowledge of people around me and before me. I am very
poor compared to the book I read (half) today ‘ poem tree’ , I am very poor
compared to the loads of word owners ( all languages) of this existing world.
I am a Buddhist that too is a balaya for me because that
provides me spiritually and logically required and adequate ‘day today essence
of power to live’ That is truly a
balaya but I am a single person and I know that balaya (power) is not a matter
of ‘how many people are there in the group’? What is the real objective of the
group/or the singulars or the plurals , what is the real objective of a general
organization forget tea for a moment. Tea small holders are one of the big
groups we have though the group or the set of people we name putting the word ‘small’
at the very beginning.
Power Tea is totally different to coffee power or to Collin
Powel am I right. My sister’s little friend chef also believes that it is
sometimes good to mix bit of coffee when you make ‘milk tea’ to give it a
different flavor.
Let me talk a bit of something different but relates to
everyway ‘I love the idea of estate bungalows’ the architecture, and the
hugeness of stories attached to this historically introduced plant from the tea
respecters, inspectors, innovators – the growers
Poverty is a kind of a sellable topic thankfully for NOT
ALL who like touching this subject. It is researchable too non profit
organizational way.
‘Tea’ is a not too small or not too tall plant but this
needs so much care and attention.
Houses for Tea pluckers to every person who work at the
lower level of the process was not so eye pleasing now the situation has
changed a lot. Who hold the power of tea in the early stages of the planting
since introducing? The big growers, the small ones were little neglected by who
ever responsible. The labourers were not taken care of that much initially.
Their houses were lined. It does not matter unless they provided with all the
necessary facilities other than the ‘small dispensaries or the clinics
The youngsters of the earlier paramparas/generations were
little ‘we do not want to work as labouers though my father, mother, my grand
parents and their parents worked here for years and years’ they had such
perceptions, why? Because of the place that the outside society given to their
roles played as a worker not just the comfyness of the places they lived.
I could not visit an estate since about three years but I
would love to. I like believe that the situation there all the places must have
changed for the good, better? I guess they had a minster who understood their
hearts and minds I like to believe that the son of the ex – minister Thondaman
still follow his father’s lane and help maximizingly to the estate worker not
state level. Talking is not always good practicing
is the best medicine for any or many things also to work for them’ totally not
occasionally. I don’t doubt just saying.
Manual labour is more important at every initial stage of
this TEA planting to final process of breaking them in to tiny tiny pieces and
nicely packing them in to so marvelously designed outer covers and most of them
are to be established locally at the shops of this and that type, hotels of
star class motels to hotels, luxuriest - five stars what else the super outlets
local of all owners – reputed, avanhal/restaurants, small or big outlets
maintained by places belongs to corporations, what is the favmous place on the
way to Matara ? Dunhinda to ella , ella wellawaya, Anurapura to Polonnaru,
Dambulla to dimbulagala, Hambantota to Jaffna, Batticalos, vavunia, oooophs how
can I forget my game kade ( village boutique) and kade aiya’s kade, the place that Latha
akka goes to buy tea, pare kade, weva langa kade, the kade which situated in
Kumarigama, hitha Honda kade, ada nayata heta mudalata kade Ohhhhh sorryyyy ada
mudalata heta nayata kade, kotuwe kade they do not sell tea ( Mathara kotuwe
kade, there is one branch in kandy) I doubt they have any other household goods
to be sold and then finally this so elegantly packed tea bags ( so tiny and so
embraceable) plus tiny to small and big or all or small all or most like a cup
of tea - sized tea packs ready to reach the ships that are always ready to
bring this and that of any and many things from outside territories and take
away the things demands from outside to our borders, territories - overseas to
reach the markets international, Bengal to London, France to Spain, Alaska to
Nigeria, hello Japan, How are you china how are the Islanders work these days –
all is fine there no? FRIENDS no you two JAPAN & CHINA.
What will remain at the end friends? Honda hith( good
So that is friendship that tea brings in to people’s dining
and relaxing area, reading rooms, lunch rooms etc BUT exporting is something
very different.
Tea is generally a hospitality partner of all- world.
Hey! Coffee ‘what do you think’? Do you think that I have
forgotten you? No buddy coffee too bring not only financially currencies emotionally
some perfectionalisms in to our lives.
In may be few weeks time from now
I will try to coffee the world in a cup of coffee way
hopefully with some elegantly layered chocolate in the middle - biscuits a side
or with some Hawaian cookies munchi oh crunchy.
Bunty or bubbly- Rani and Abhishek are you ready? Ohhhhps that
is a film no it is alright are there any tea scenes in the movie can not
remember better than a cigar scenes plus alcohol no the dear directors – all,
world include tea scenes as much as possible J
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