Letters are marvelous because such leads to words
Letters are many types
Kiddies’ letters, love letters, official letters friendly
letters, can think of more than 26 letters
Letters of acceptances; are rare. But that is the styles
of misters and mistresses (how to forget mistresses) but ministers normally do
not know to write ‘sorry saying letters’ (a new kind?) or is it they don’t
write such letters, or they say ‘the secretaries write’?
Top secretaries know how to write ‘good right letters’
There are other types of letters such as ‘I write on
behalf of rights’ letters
Most know how to write commanding letters that is mostly
the top
‘catch’ , ‘arrest’, ‘dismiss’ ‘transfer’ ‘send home’
these are old (?) letters that is before
the innovations of ‘right letters’
But after the innovations of right letters’ ‘the warning
letters’ became first and ‘send home’ letters
became second
I not write all time but I like right / s (I remember
counting the rights taken during school days) today I get no rights for my
writes or have comment rights for right writes
‘Right letters’ or ‘write letters’ everyone knows again I
assume thinking of the levels of the educations of the regions (all)
To ‘venerable’ ‘to most venerable’ not all write but ‘all
right to write’
Argue right is right and alright but when to write when
to fight we should learn from right
There are ‘not all write’ in each and every section /
sectors / field / areas then must write ‘take action letters’
Weigh and measure before ‘write’ is a good right
We know that ‘all not write’ ‘some write’ ‘some never
write’ ‘some often write’
Some rights are written rights
to siblings to relatives ‘not uncommon’
.fuka ,shqula weú,a,d wlalf.ka jdf.a fudlla lsh,do okakE tys .sfh;a
[A letter from the village seems like from my sister
(eldest) ‘do not know what she has mentioned could not visit them for a long
Letters to and from ‘famous’;
dearest Hitler
never changing Eva
Such are ‘published letters’, ‘the published privacies’
(according to my explanations) most, even today don’t know the ‘letters of
respect privacies’
[I wonder whether the publishers have taken permission when
they were alive from Hitler and Eva before publishing their privacy letters]
‘Taking permission letters’, ‘Permission is granted
letters’ these too are not uncommon letters
dearest daughter (Indira)
Father (Javaharlal Neru’)
Dr. Kulari Lokuge
lecture you conducted at OUSL / Nawala on ‘Enhance learning with online Assessments and feedback’ was brilliant
A pupil of Sri Lanka
‘Confidential letters’
To, highly
friendly Fidel Castro
Faithfully and trustfully,
Letters TO the ‘communities’
should learn about ‘community rights’ today or tomorrow’
From your
benefactor (catalyst / úmraHhldrl)
Letters to the PRESS
(Following are not
true or taken from any sources but fabricated
by me for essaying purposes)
him till death’
the Group of United States of RIGHTS
know no fear’
– Sadam Hussen
do not want to see any United Kingdoms in India I want India to become India’
if we are to expect a London like city here we too have to follow the
procedures that they followed”
Mahatma Gandhi
(Similar statement have delivered in response of a
question asked by a reporter during a press conference soon after the
independence though this is not the exact word to word statement)
Letters to the UNIversal organizations
hate terrorism but RESPECT PEACE’
too hate terrorism’
From the date of history 09 / 11
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