I guess Unity and
United is the most used set of word of the current usage of languages. Not only in
English but also in other colloquial local languages.
What is
the reason?
Are people of the
globe we live still starve to achieve unity? Is it still something missing in
people’s lives? If it is something not fully or totally achieved, what is
lacking? What needs to be done?
Is political
interventions of each countries adequate to achieve what is locally and globally
required to achieve?
When you know in
this democratic, vote is valid and powerful world, each and every (almost)
country is politically divisioned within how hard it is to work towards achieve
the perception of unity within or outside to one’s geographical or otherwise
Every individual has
a political party they favour for, interested in supporting. Can you expect a
united community, communities, countries , when nations worldwide or within politically
not united but divisioned?
According to what I learned
Democracy is nothing else but motivating and encouraging individuals to engage
in party politics other than enjoying or embracing, using, their rights towards
democratic terms, right to speak, right to write, right to act, education, ‘liberty
added thinking’ other than carrying what others want you to believe or follow.
What freedom you
have when you are a member of a global community formed by many members that
represent almost every nation of the globe in ‘freedom to local administration’,
‘freedom to independent geographical resources called ‘countries’ ‘ own
independent security mechanisms’?
What is the role of
a ‘True Mediator?
What definition can
you give the above term or how do you prefer to describe the term ‘true mediator’?
How does it affect
the true mediator’s political interests, beliefs, attitudes, regional or
continental childhood socialization factors towards maintaining local and
global peace and harmony, ‘unity’?
How important it is
for a true mediator to live free from ‘personal political favoritisms?
How important it is
for global organizations established to achieve said, mentioned, printed as
visions and missions, objectives play their roles as ‘impartial true mediators’?
How important it is
for a true impartial mediators to cultivate within ‘the qualities of identifying
true desires of requests of each community members?
How important it is
for a true impartial mediator to learn not only geographies (boundaries) of a
specific country but histories every carefully very before trying to intervene
in something or trying to implement something they think is right reading or
listening to perceptions , reports of one singular party?
How important it is to
very clearly know the true meaning of ‘freedom to gather and advantages and
disadvantages of ‘freely gathering and meeting, especially when you know have
evidences of terrorism acts, implementations, strong networks, supporting
groups within a community, country, region, continent, globe?
Further to get clearer
answer for the above,
How important it is
to not to encourage any community to politically division through geographical
boundaries though it looks like ‘democratically uniting’?
What is more important
‘punishing terrorism or punishing peace achievers’?
How does according to
books of rights and laws, current practices and ways of trying to establish or
protect rights of human beings helps or support ‘true, sustainable Peace and Harmony?
How such
current practices does helps not to grow or cultivate ‘sustainability
of hate, continuation of past practices of terrorism or desires towards
achieving separate state indirectly, if you take our country for an example?
Now that we live in
a world where there are no busses or seats allocated to each and every nation
or race, how important it is to support nations not to either geographically or
politically division within but to live mixed with each other trying to use
their political and otherwise rights while trying to learn each other’s beliefs
and demands?
Though we know that
there are private estates there are no private states or private kingdoms in
this so called democratized world we must further encourage world to maintain
their public states and public kingdoms, independent countries to live long not
separating from each other any of the existing or expecting ways but supporting
each and every Nation towards a promoting , enhancing their perceptions towards
better world, free from ‘thinking of separate states’ but as Nations United with
each other.
Thank you for
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