a (any) right is always a twin sibling of a (any) responsibility. every or any logically 'no individual; can think of (including myself) his or her 'rights' (only) with regard to any matter, subject without discussing or thinking about 'his or her 'responsibilities' attached with the relevant subject or matter. That is what i believe when it comes to discussing or achieving or demanding 'rights and responsibilities' of individual creatures called 'humans' and of institutions providing any services to any nation, commonly or publicly or privately.
A few days back, the department of Railway stopped working or suddenly chose to strike demanding their 'rights'; 'right to equal salary scale'. According to the sources, it was only a few unions of top layers of railway department personals joined the strike.
anyhow, i believe that it is not a must that every union must support when there is a strike and is a different thing to discuss separately.
If you individually analyze the issue putting them into category of one's workers rights', they can take relevant steps to gain what they lawfully, should be given and gain.
what are the ways a worker can demand or ask for their rights? following are the mechanisms i can think of.
1) through discussions with relevant authorities.
2) filing a complaint at relevant institutions responsible to protect workers or labour rights or case at a court (labour or other)
2) taking the option of strike / stop working, to demand their rights (if only discussions and other steps taken were no use or fails).
in option one or two they can discuss with the authorities either individually or as the workers of relevant unit, department, segment; as members of union also as all island single union consists of many sub or individual unions gathered or organized for the same reasons or purposes.
It is a duty of relevant authorities to provide them adequate time and favorable environment to discuss their issues and matters pertaining to their carrier, salaries, benefits welfare etc and that may also help prevent or avoid any workers strike beforehand. Following such mechanisms or procedures is not just a duty of the authority, it is their responsibility as well when considering 'rights of ordinary civilians.
similarly if we believe that you have the right to do so, i.e. demanding a discussion or talk, in order to convince or inform your/their (your co-workers) needs and wants with regard to your/their 'job'/profession/carrier can any strategies such as 'sudden strikes' be used, forgetting your 'responsibility/ responsibilities? and rights of others attached with the service you provide?'
No, i believe.
we all know that your responsibilities are described based on the services provide by your agency or institution. In every country there are job categories or services known or called as 'essential services'. i.e. health, security, etc. i believe for any institution or institutions that provide/s their services using 'human resources' (workers at any level) needs to be reported to their service stations or places popularly or administratively known as 'offices'. Therefore 'public transport segment has become one of the most important essential service providers of any community/country whether you lawfully or officially or politically believe it or not. if the worker travels to their work places do not reach on time, what would happen?
Other than the members/workers of the private or public service providing agencies who use said facilities, who are the other groups of people using public or private transport facilities?
Following are some of them i can think of.
The ordinary citizens using private or public transport facilities to reach their targets and aims, places to get what they want (services or other), those who study at formal or informal education facilities / institutions such as schools and universities, entrepreneurs, traders and those who visit the country as tourists or as individuals or groups aiming at achieving any other objectives. i.e. enterprise, you can think of other relevant groups etc. using private or public transport facilities.
Do you have a right to disturb such their plans or objectives of life or carrier?
No, i believe. i.e. every student is expected to be at exam halls on time and needless to say that it is very important for any student facing an exam that has the ability to change their lives forever. i.e ordinary level exam and advance level exam for instance. they can demand it as their right without any doubts.
often we see that when trying to achieve ones rights the right of another is disturbed or spoiled or broken. what we must do to minimize such issues or conflicts is your duty and is your responsibility.
i tried to discuss , according to my knowledge of course, your rights as a worker/ union. As an ordinary citizen (like others) i have every right to use or select 'public transport facilities or if i choose to use 'private facilities provided for civilians. not just because 'every public entity /institution is maintained by 'public money' or money of people of the country, money collected from various ways or sources from people, citizens of the country.
Therefore as civilians we have the right to question or when ever we do not receive human or civilian friendly service from any public institution maintained, administered by first and foremost institution implemented for or established to deal with needs and wants or democratically elected institution to cater requirements of civilians of country, or legal agency called 'government' (according to my knowledge)
It is their duty to take care of the needs of civilians in first hand, accurately, efficiently, without harming any rights of any single person or agency, groups.
What strategies you should use to cater needs of both parties (service gainer and the provider) is your duty or it is your job not the civilians. But as the civilians, it is important to maintain patience without troubling peace and harmony of any segment of the society is not only vital but also important. Also as a worker/ as workers / service providing agency they have the responsibility to support maintain harmony in the society by providing continuous service, especifically concentrating and considering the 'quality , time factor' or efficnecy as well.
It is true that other than from foreign aids and funds, loans and credits, whole country and its work and functions are run or maintained by indirectly or directly earned profit by every singular institution. it is proved that or therefore we can argue that no worker or institution(s) can be maintained if they do not earn any profit by providing quality-full service for the entire nation. meaning it affects when they demanding their rights such as 'salary increments'
Providing continuous service is therefore highly important.
There is no doubt that role of both 'service provider and gainer or every single individual, worker, beneficiary is equally important in order to maintain peace and harmony and achieve everyone desires or wants and needs, economical , social or political in a sustainable manner.
no person or agency or institution, service provider can be sustained, alone or isolatedly in a society all or most sector is interconnected, officially, socially, economically. Yet, no issue can be solved effectively if you think differently politically departing from one another. when there is a common issue you all must come to a one singular stage and discuss and support.
They, we, you all have to work cordially with each other by providing better service and when it is fulfilled automatically your requirements are filled or can be achieved (i believe) and as a worker/workers you do not have to run your institution earning no profit or less profit. and when you earn a good profit that every cent or rupee of money, in return, can be invested for your own benefit, improvement of the segment finally to achieve sustainability of your agency and as a whole.
in this world we live, in order to solve a problem of an individual, there are very many ways, either officially introduced, lawfully introduced or human rightly introduced etc. Choosing very right mechanism, strategy depending on need, requirement, essentially should be done on time and is your duty and responsibility.
Sometimes one can quite a person who is trying to get what he or she wants just by giving what she or he needs or have right to gain or demand.
sometimes a person who tries to get what he or she wants by hitting or slapping another can be muted by slapping in return.( slapping or hitting has various definitions, choose what is relevant or right)
But those were not always the only strategies that can be used to solve a problem or minimize or stop an issue temporarily or permanently. sometimes if someone is trying to slap you or hit you , you may have to maintain or use another strategy in order to defense (in real life) yourself or to defeat a person, group.
What is the most effective method to solve a public issue or an issue that affects most lives or every life? according to my knowledge no issue can be solved if you do no try to identify the cause or the root of the problem. Therefore it is important to 'spend some time or invest some time to 'study the cause' of issue. and then only it is easy to apply better or most suitable method to address the issue permanently and effectively.
i personally believe that no individual should forget the 'human factor' or humanitarian side of the rights of others when demanding your or our rights. when you think or consider those things, you automatically get the support of the mass or public to earn or gain or protect your rights.
i hope now you can agree to what i mentioned and discussed earlier in the introduction of this essay; a right is a twin sibling of responsibility.
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