Every country has certain mechanisms established to deal with social or otherwise issues, persons affected from social etc. issues, enhance or improve moral values etc.
Imprisoning is one of the ways that the law and order of a society punishes wrong doers. Rehabilitation programms are one of the ways to re-correct people or persons or groups mislead by a group or a person etc or persons involved in any types of offenses described by the law.
My argument is that though there are plenty of punishments described and established to punish persons, individuals to readjust or re correct persons involved in any activity to break the peace and harmony of the society, there are not sufficient mechanisms established to cater the needs of the success of pro-rehabilitation mechanisms.
For instance if imprisoning is a punishment what would happen to the person after completing the period of imprisonment. He or she comes back to the same society that she or he was living before. If the society that they were living earlier hasn't change, he or she will not change or it is not easy for them to change or follow what they were taught or advised in the prisons.
Therefore no authority can expect 'total rehabilitation or fully rehabilitate a child, teen or young or an adult corrupted or spoiled by the society.
we need to have a better, efficient and effective pro-rehabilitation programme/s to establish peace and harmony socially, economically or politically or culturally.
I do not think that the persons imprisoned earns enough money making or sewing shirts or pants etc. they should be given some financial support to start a business or cultivation or a job to live a peaceful life in pro-imprisonment period.
Other than the authorities's methods follow to monitor some after releasing them for very specific reasons they follow no such methods to monitor released persons until at least certain period of time.
Depending on the effectiveness of the program designed to address the need; 'rehabilitation' or the content of the rehabilitation program, the society will be able to pluck the fruits and objectives of the rehabilitation programs. if the programs are or were not effectively designed, the society will not be able to achieve what they expect from such programs.
a better method to change the negative perceptions established in the minds of the groups chosen to rehabilitate is required and important.
i.e. providing psycho-social support is important in a more practical and efficient way.
within almost of every person imprisoned there are negative thoughts cultivated by both self and by the others of the society or sometimes by the prions officials, when handling or dealing with them. some often treat them not as humans but as hogs or as pigs, i have read. Those negative thoughts should be erased during the rehabilitation period. in order to implement a better efficient programs both not only prisoners or persons but also the officials should be addressed effectively.
Acquiring pro-livelihood plans during or at the latter stage of the rehabilitation programs, from the persons using the facility is important i believe. The authorized team must ask the abilities and capacities and capabilities they have to reach their target, social or economical or even political, cultural, before they leaving the centre . then the authorities can develop a better mechanism to fully rehabilitate any person who follows the rehabilitation programs implemented to address the needs of the society, west or east.
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