Almost every government of the past tried to introduce something newest for the local internet users, welcoming new tech-apps and mechanisms available in the world arena of computer technology and internet.
Still, i find it a little difficult to reach internet from my residence. it takes ages for the particular internet facility to provide me the expected service. I think the cause of matter according to my personal awareness is that though the responsible always try to implement big things they have forgotten to analyze the issues with regard to what should be done to provide better internet reception for the village level internet users a better service. due to this issue those who do not get better internet service tend to change their internet providing facilitators from time to time and the users have to think of changing the tools and equipment that they use to reach internet , frequently.
To understand the issue better , doing a research is advisable. Collating the views can be done by interviewing the users of the remote areas and is not unworthy. Providing a sim and a number is not enough and to satisfy the needs and wants of the internet service requirers, better monitoring system should be implemented.
i think, though some users have the financial ability to purchase equipment or tools such as routers for their personal internet use, most do not have the ability to purchase personal routers. Therefore i suggest that it is not unfair to implement router type technology, high tech small towers, in the remote areas or in other urban areas where there are practical obstacles or bars to cater the need (better reception) of the internet users.
In this internetly well mobilized world , still there are things that the responsible must think of changing with regard to quality of services.
i know that there are certain things that the relevant engineers consider when implementing towers and also i know that you cannot find a hill or a mountain in every bit of country to base a tower. you need to think of alternatives to provide a better service for the internet users of remote or geographically difficult areas.
thank you for reading.
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