Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Some 'mornings' …………….

Mornings are different to afternoons and evenings. 

I do not like to think that morning  is better than afternoon or evening or else evening is better in comparison to morning or nights what ever definitions, conclusions, summaries or a pages of full of ideas that one might give on a particular things, component, feature or creature, creations, existences of this world depends totally on his her own perceptions, the way that she he analyzes, the corners of the things that their eyes captures, clicks, grabs, extracts, absorbs also perhaps on the particular persons ‘ understanding’ ‘knowledge’ of the same thing that they prefers to defines or verifies. That is my personal idea.

thinking of the mornings in general attach with my days including or not including 'holidays' week ends i like to analyze them keeping that note of reminding a side in my mind.

every what so ever exist in this world that we share with many and many others of this universe is important, relevant, and so special i like to believe therefore issuing rating or tags of this and that of life sides of 'what do we know sometimes of others groups' is we need to do a little carefully

There are mornings that the traffic lights work better compared to some components broken and not working properly mornings then I feel no worries because I can walk along the safety line or along that some does not know the distance that one should keeps before the ‘kaha ira’ allowing the pedestrian to walk with no hazards.  There is a rule attached with the distance that one should keep when he she has to stop before the ‘kaha ira’ allowing the pedestrian to move from this side to that side or from that side to this side but I have often noticed that our good dear drivers do not try to maintain that distance just come and stops their vehicles keeping not an inch before the kaha ira.

Some mornings I hear my mind goes towards that direction ‘pirith’ good for all and any moments and mornings’ . That was the way that we used to start our days in most of the mornings and then thought of proceeding towards afternoons , evenings until our minds and brains goes to relax a bit at each end of any day. I prefer such ‘pirith’ mornings to give it a glow full start .  yet my sister most of the time starts her day listening to one or two songs that she has kept safe in her phone stores – mind such mornings too become my parts of starting days that way. a day become fresh or little not fresh depending on the melodies that she chooses to play in her mornings before reaching her heart channels. 

And also there are other mornings especially during rainy moments attached with mornings. Some who drives towards their professional destinations do not care about the ones who walks along the side of the roads or lanes towards their carrier destinations thinking how to meet the targets and aims to fulfill the  vouchers and finally thinking of receiving some cash. We never carry extra suits, saris, or pants with us to the places that we spend from morning to evening or from 8.30am to 4.15 pm.
So shall I please remind all my friends (?) who has the safety wheels in their hands though we know that you do not do such things purposely but we get so angry when we experience such situations please ‘drive carefully’ and turn your vehicles towards 7th or 11th or any  ‘0’ minus or plus lane or lanes thinking of the ‘people’ – pedestrians a little and further please drive avoiding such little , little wathura ekathuwena then when ever possible ( little, little places where you see some water is gathered) during rain. respect the suits that they wear a little please professional or carrier floors do not like to see their 'fill and write' or design, assisting any modules of life of dear girls and boys 'wearing unpleasant 'untidy' dirty cloth i am pretty sure.  
In most of the evenings I get chances to learn the importance of ‘Keys and padlocks’ – which I feel is important for any or many safety reasons. And one should remember to get the keys of permission from the person in charge of a certain floor of life and  must return it to the same person after closing all the ‘windows’ doors, also after shutting down all the logged on or used devises of life. Otherwise it will not easy to relocate it when ever want when go missing.

‘key tags’ key holders,  key informants , all key persons of this and that of life and mind and brains institutions needs and knows the importance of ‘keys and tags’ I am sure and plus must learn and remember where to keep it after using  otherwise you will have to take the responsibility when something goes missing.

I believe that I am little fortunate to walk along different destination lines from time to time. These days are 176 Nugegoda - Hettiyawatte journey days.

 A very shorter distance I travel in comparison to the travel ‘counting  moments’ of my past via not the same lines and lengths everyday or most of the days but there is always something new to view absorb.  During most of these my journey days from ‘kottamba tree halt’ via the junction of my past – very familiar and close jubilee post towards I still remember to be continued pages I will have to finish for your perusal I have things stored in my mind to be shared soon come with not new or old gatherings from my here and there ‘NUGEGODA’ but with something that you may like or not like to read and then move towards the newly joined ‘open destination – University’ my brain works better most days.

I can notice in some mornings ‘blue suited’ brains ‘THE NAVY I SALUTE ‘ferrying along the ‘water way that flows towards a particular destination for reason I am sure.  Do you find something similar to ice bergs dear blue suited when ferrying not wandering  days or do you meet ‘volcanoes’ somewhere in these no war zones ? NO right?

‘Kottamba trees’ must keep a little tag of its ‘scientific name’ somewhere close to its heart I request from the faculty of relevant and applicable building of brains ‘for the students like to always learn something new or know nothing about the subject groups to uplift their general knowledge lanes’. All the line of kottamba trees always look very fresh each and every morning that I go passing bending my brain towards earth not only to say hello to her but also to read the leaves that teach me many things and taught me many things in the past lanes of my life lines via the visuals of little, little lines of sessions written on them. Some of them are green and some are green is fading away and becoming next level of its appearances – inner as well as deeper every layers teach something new.
Some mornings are ‘examination mornings’ therefore have to be silent. Heavy and disturbing sounds of foot wears brings no good in remembering the lessons learnt before answering the sheet of questions prepared by the relevant session parties of good intension.

Before reaching the dear girl get to know recently I get a chance to view a broken bridge of past that students, academics + non academics chose to move towards their other side from their this side.  I named it ‘wel paalama’ remembering the heart of stage of life ‘ Manel Jayasena our Grusha of hunu wataye kathawa ‘the Caucasian chalk circle ‘.  

Have a good day! It is 8.18 am still morning  here.





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