Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

CODES OF SOME OF THE BRAIN TORTURES (Attention to Inspector General of Police / Sri Lanka, Officials of Intelligence Services Sri Lanka and WORLD)

Dear IGP Sir, 

I was planning to email these codes given by some of the secret communicators from time to time, to you but i refrain from emailing these numbers because they have the skill to spoil /scrambled the emails sent by me. 

These could be the numbers that they use to deal with brains of the members of the torture groups, with each other and to torture me and of the victims. some called these numbers the 'hitch and patch numbers'. 

I very strongly believe that these numbers would help you IDENTIFY the tortures who have been torturing brains / bodies/ minds of the victims across country and here and there of the world.  

The personals who study the subject BRAIN HACKING, BRAVE WAVE SIGNAL READING, MIND TO BRAIN SPEAKING DISTANCE BODY CONTROLLING etc. know what these numbers are. 

Following are the numbers. 

2165, 2615, 2561, 2562, 2164, 2532, 3022,  
2231, 3221, 6521, 3521, 2561, 6531, 2031,1216, 6532, 3122, 6575

Thank you and wish you strength and courage !
victim of torture 
Thanippullige Sandika Kamini. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Misha Sra's how to remote control a human beign ...

The above titled video would help you, the security investigators to understand how the tortuers have been controlling / torturing my brain and body from a distance. i would like to beg the world intelligence agencies' support to save my life. please help us identify this group of criminals. They all sri lankans and this group is a threat to entire world. i like to beg the support of the scorlars like Misha Sra to educate our people about this type of issue because i face difficulties in convincing the danger i am in and the trouble to my people.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Dear Dr. Veronica sue(Md) medical school, Medical University of South Carolina)

i am a victim of distance body controlling, brain hacking, mind aŕrest, brain wave signal reading 24x7, since 2 years. these tortuers talking to my brain / deep ear using a certain method that others dont hear 24x7 without giving me a single rest. Veronica sue is one of the names that they mention. i dont think that you have something to do with this torture i want to know whether you can help me understand the method they use. whether radiology helps a person to read ones inner organs from a distance. how can it (radiology) be used? They torture my inner organs including sex organ (abusing and torturing) madame the other thing is i would kindly like to know whether you teach your students anything about "human body controlling"? And whether you have any sri lankan students learning the subject from you, any sri lankan research assistants worked or working for you in your research? are you working for any affiliated universities? madam kindly pardon me for addressing you this way. Do you think radiology helps to treat a person/ patient without reaching the person physically? i am trying to understand whether it is possible for them to use any existing such mechanisms. help us sharing the knowledge you have to stop these criminal /terror activities across globe. I am a Sri Lankan and all the 24x7 communicators and physical tortuers (i named them slaughters) are Sri lankans and even though they live outside the country they have something to do with sri lankan origin. they have

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Covid can be controlled yet,

HUNGER of a little kid cannot be controlled. even an adult cannot bear hunger for so long. Hunger leads to issues in families. responsible, kindly have a steady plan to reduce the prices of the essentials. i believe that it is a responsible of every world leader WFO including to protect the poor, please.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

sugar and honey

some say no sugar. what had had happen to the many metric tons of sugar that the media found in importers stores? all consumed? it is not always possible to use honey instead of sugar. authorities have no control (prices) over sugar, honey?

Saturday, October 2, 2021

every BODY is thinking (except the relevant?)

people think. they were born with a relevant organ to think. people think of plenty of things a day. some people were compel to think. people think of the persons who think of various things or in other words they think of the thinkers. some dont revel or share the things that they think, with others. pretenders have nothing to share with otherz. what do you think of the ones mind arrested? amazing thing is that the most current thinkers think of every thing except of mind arresters. Some very well know that they cannot think of them cozz they know the mechamism to know what otherz think. some thinkers are small i.e. the poor. some thinkers are big. i.e. VIP. some scholars and even inspectors are afraid to think of the thinkers. most the people are afraid of their cognitive liberty. do you think that what i am saying has some meaning or sense? please dont less care of the ones who speak of mind arresters, the information that some poor felas like me gives you. May the triple gems bless you friends! Sabbe Satta Bhawanthu Sukhee Tatta!

Monday, September 27, 2021

covid lockdowns raises depression and stress

i am a victim of 24x7 brain, mind and body torture, since more than 2yrs the news is no new to my readers. at the begining there were no strict lockdown therefore i managed to travel to my siblings places. it helped me change of mood and living plans. but now i feel like i am imprisoned dual ways; house imprisonment and mind arrest. since three months i have been visiting a psychologists of teaching hospital kandy. though the medication help me a lot 24x7 oppressors still leading and managing my life. now i rarely touch my computér to write. the desaster is that no new ideas coming into my mind. it is like a dried well now. i fèel very sad, honestly. finally i found a topic today the relationship between covid and depression and ghost body mind and brain controllers. and i live expecting some miracles to be happned. i live waiting a good morning that i dont hear the voices of oppressors. pardon me for grammer errors.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

bargaining life ......

Today at 10.09 am one of the female oppressors / torturers said that ' "to release you give me the land you own." i do not know whether she is a black mailor or a killer.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Congratulations! Dinesh and Dulan

Congratulations! & thank you for winning the medals on behalf of our country. 

May you gain more and more strength both in ordinary life and in SPORTS!

Friday, August 13, 2021


I have already shared almost every piece of information that i know and was able to guess about the oppresses who have been torturing me. 

i am wondering whether i can kindly request all the big and small mobile and internet partners of here specially and also of the world /South Asia secondly about the data and mobile (smart phone or CP 300) numbers of their users specially the number or numbers busy 24x7 since two years. that could be the number(s) spy-speaking to me and that could be the numbers that the intelligence services are looking for. 

i have already told you about a woman ( i named her 24hr. lodger) who has been talking to my mind, hacking brain, reading my past. I am thinking of a way to tackle her.  The number could be a land or a mobile phone number. other possible ways that i can think of are IMO, SKYPE, video,  ZOOM etc. 

if you know of a number could you please inform either the Defense  Secretary or the Department of police and write a comment to this essay? 

Thank you for reading and supporting me. And help me to stop harassment and torture and sexual abuse by supporting the way you can, please citizens. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Poor, The Power and the Corona

The Poor is beaten multiple ways. Corona is just one of the big issues leading to many other sub issues. If the Sri Lankan government has not changed their mind to stop providing the jobless, self-employed and those who lost jobs due to covid-19, a five thousand rupee plus a bag of daily essentials that would ease their minds, then the siblings would not visit their poor siblings in faraway lands carrying daily essentials. That could be one of the ways to keep citizen in house and that would reduce the number affected covid-19. 13Locking down cities are not house imprisoning citizens. It is a different matter. I don’t know whether the ‘house imprisoned’, ‘mind arrested’ get food and other essentials for free.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Corona and Communication

Covid-vaccine programmes going well in the country. therefore people donot affraid to gather-close i guess. 

Education too is an essential service like the HEALTH. even if they strike their pay, they get on time i believe :) 

According to what i understood too much 5-8 hour internet usage spoils children's eye-brain-nerves system badly. and the parents have to spend more money on data and extra money to purchase smart phones. some parents are daily-wage labourers. online education affects them badly bothways. 

This covid-lockdown given various groups more freedom of speech and action i guess. 

i.e. (ii) that is why the inhuman my body controllers used lock-down period to start torturing me thinking that nobody would come and arrest them. 

it is good to hear that the police has started searching for the masters and mistresses who have been using child-labour-housemaids. 

It is good if you all come to conclusions to stop strike thinking of Covid19 patients and children 's education. 

fast vaccine would help start school as qucikly as possible. and save children from criminals who wander in the internet zones more than before and i wish luck every parties who think of saving children from online sexual abusers. 

Stay Safe! and please dont forget the 2m distance. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

A coffin with a dead body is for SALE

Particulars of the body

category: Poor

age: 16


no kin of the body represents the parliament.

Oppressed numerous ways

Mode / way of death : yet to be clarified/ discussed.

Price of the body: to be decided at the corpse auction.

groups so far benefitted: members of political parties/ MPs / media/ human rights organizstion/ ear-less parties who didnt hear her scream.

no flower reeds accepts.

The living please stay safe!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Child labour and house maids

I personally believe that if you hireing any house maids you must inform either the police of the area or the GN of the area.  and similarly if you are maintaining a lodge or a boading place you must inform the police or the GN of the area. 

It is good to draft a form similar to following to be filled by the master and verified with the worker. 

Name of the master or the mistress;

address etc.;

name of the housemaid or the worker;




date of appointment etc.  ; 

I believe that we must form conflict preventing CBOs in each and every community to avoid auctionning and politicizing dead bodies of victims of various socio-economic conflictz or issues. 

Strong Poverty Allieviating programmes required to stop child labour and youth involving in or joining brain washing/ body controlling/ sexually abusing/ brain or nerve killing communities in every estate and slum areas especially during this pandemic. 

Stay Safe!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Some crocadiles shed no tears.......

Our ancients knèw what it really means. Some shed crocodile tears looking at the poor, oppressed. Some, politicians actually like issues that are sellable like poverty during an election campaigns but unfortunately most of the them are afraid to speak of brain washers or about mind to mind speakers. Therefore they don't sell or use the subject at the parliment. 

But some often  shed crocodile tears before our issues and they never expect mine or your salvation. 

The kin or the kith that dont come during your in need of support or help are not friends. obviously who wants to embrace trouble. Anyhow who wants such friends or as companions or co workers or even as neighbours. I have met, during all these years of living plenty of pretenders and boasters. 

it is amazing to see that no friend comes or calls and inquire my health situation especially when i have spoke of my issues in public and via this blog.. it is truly surprising me. 

There is a huge diffrence between sympathitists and empathitists.  

 I don't expect any sympathy but i want the doers to know fate is wheeling not only fotward but also backward.



Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Shut-upists ..........

 How many ists and isms existing in this universe or earth that geographically and otherwise divisioned, according to your awareness? 

I do not hate 'shut-upists' but i hate and hate and hate and even dont mind cursing the on-line and otherwise physical and verbal abusers. secondly i hate brain to brain speakers and brain wave signal readers. 

I expect governments across world to change local and universial existing laws attached to the subject. 

And i guess it is important that you form or implement an ally or a coalition against brain hacking and brain washing, especially because of the existing cyber-law allowes any person to visit a country or a place without passports etc. 

Even if a government doesnt ask you, the powerfull must , I beg, exchange data about the brain and mind hackers if you sheltering any, pls. 

i believe that the fate is wheeling. Therefore , dont wait till it , the washing clan wheeling towards you. 

If your liberty of cognition stolen you cannot live an ordinary life. I believe that nobody is covidizing the world. (?)

Isms such as sexisms  and ists such  as sexists and rapists must be caught as soon as possible. 

On the 17th at about 1a.m. in the morning somebody controlled my stomach,I couldnt bear the pain. It was like a huge elephant pressing smashing  inner stomach and kidny area of mine. I screamed in pain. I do not know whether any person who was monitoring or watching me saw it or not. 

Lets not fear of any ists or ismists, and do not ask me to shutup coz i am not a child. and dear world leaders and scholars try capture these sexizt and oppressors who  verbally and physically technoligically abuze me and the women of the country instead. 

Thank you for reading.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Patient and the Family .......

Some of you may have watched the 'English Patient', the movie. 

Needless to say how important it is to understand the member of the family of a chronic or dangerous illness. 

Especially when your fiance or child is suffering from any chronic conditions including psychosocial issues, you cant live a normal life until the patient is recovered from the illness. i believe that patients that belong to the aforementioned categories of illnesses behave aggrresively.  and each member of a family have to bear the pain, they were given no choice.  

what do those patients expect from the othér part of the society? it is not always thr medicine that they want it is empathy and patience from others. 

You have to understand the mind of the parents but to do that you dont need to slice a mind or a brain. If you slice a mind you get not the true reading of the mind- owner but of the doer. 

it is extreamly amazing to see the number of patients visit the hospitals everyday. and if you go to a private Pharmacy many lakhs of rupees or dollars exchange everyday for medicine. 

I believe that at least three out of all family members sufferring from some type of illnesses and spends at least ten percent of their income on medicine. if you calculate and see whether we have achieved Health related goals of the country. I say no because every day the number of persons using health care facilities ìs increasing. 

All what i am trying to say here is that we all need to understand empathically the other members or the parents of the family about their nature of the issue, without ailianating them. 

Thank you for reading and stay safe!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Its a matter of time. It is a movie. our cinematographers dont think creating any movies in English. 

I would like to suggest them to create movies in English. 

Time is a pain killer. i remember reading once. Yes it is true , time is a pain killer not a man killer. 

It is about time, some say. Time reveles things. 

Some say no time. Some take time and their time is elastic. 

For some tomorroes never arrive. If you take too much time to examine a medical  issue due to what so ever reason such as ignorance or ack of care, it would worson the would. 

some wounds can be cured or healed but not every wound. 

Time has the POWER to change the man, either take or collaps one s power. 

Time is a healer true but some say some healers kill people touching their brains. 

Everytime that I think of my future it aches my head. 

I am in the queue to show my CECT Scan report and to gain some empathy. 

some say time flys. My mind righy now wander back and forthe while the rapist touching the thing of mine. May they be in hell soon not later. My breath have been controlling by the oppressors. 

until they call my name i have to wait conciously.

Use your TIME efficiently.

and Stay HEALTHY!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Brain Hunters-Part ii

Battling alone.........

Even right now the entire world is; states, the health ministries, the defense groups, the police fighting against Covid-19, new variants known as delta beta alpha etc. as groups.  Yet, I am battling alone not only while trying to secure my life from covid-19 but also against the ruthless inhuman brain killers and forceful body controllers though it is not easy at all. I believe that It is my responsibility to convince the others and educate the rest of society about this type of inhuman and their unethical behaviors, whether the security forces or the society believe or not what i say or trying to convince. 

Finally I decided to go to the Teaching Hospital / Kandy after seeking defense and police hospitals’ support. I wanted them to deal with my case especially because I believed that the evidences should be protected, if any tools were inserted inside my throat or brain or body. 

Anyhow on the 30th June 2021 I faced an EEG test and on the 3rd July 2021 I faced for a CT scan. During both tests I was tortured both verbally and physically by those inhuman controllers.  According to the advice given to i must refrain from moving my body or talking during the process of the test but I was compelled to talk by the spy speakers. i was thinking whether those voices would indicate in the  EEG report. 

I was prescribed 'Olanzapine' for two weeks, first week 5mg and second week onwards 10mg. According to the specialist it is a chemical guard. I am a bit nervous to know the ct scan test result tomorrow. I already know the EEG test results. It says; 

Factual: There is symmetrical posterior scattered 11 Hz alpha rhythm of 30 micro volts which is reactive to eye opening. Low amplitude beta activity is seen over frontal and central and posterior head regions. 

Conclusion- Normal awake EEG. There are no epileptiform discharges or forcal slowing. 

All i know is that 'FATE is wheeling' and 

according to the 'Buddhist-Science, they would for sure embrace the results of what they did to me. 

Following is written on the envelope of the CECT scan report was enclosed. 

Normal CECT brain.  

I fall asleep naturally after about more than seven hundred days thanks to the medicine prescribed to me i believe. But it didn’t please the so called inhuman controllers, I felt due to the way they reacted, that is one of them very heavily pressed my inner abdominal area. They almost killed me, I must note here.

South Africa's former president Hon. Nelson Mandela was physically imprisoned for 27 years. I don’t know how he spent all those years in prison without losing his courage and aim of life. I don’t like to compare the legends with ordinary. i don’t know whether the current world's powerful nations will be able to save my life from the rapists and brain killers. Those oppressors are very confident and they strongly believe that the justice world cannot identify them or recognize them and arrest them. Yet i don’t like to lose hope, there should be somebody with identifying ability. 

I believe that i am a prisoner though my physical body life-less, many of the brain cells were murdered is given a chance to walk here añd there, here to there, there to here.

Sabbe Satta Bhawanthu Sukhee Tatta!

May all beings be Healthy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Agricultural Battle is not a new battle .........

In history many battles had begun and won and failed. Not only the victors but also the betrayers people and groups memorized and would definitly memorise each year with a candle for sacrificing their lives for the sake of various battles

Madam Sirimao asked her citizens to start cultivating various yams such as potatoes manioc etc. in every home gaden and in the lands they own. some politically laughed at her decision and applaused snd worshiped open economy. Open economy is a wow concept but with the idea loads of garbage and unwanted stuff too imported and entered the country, including killing drugs and women raping and man killing equipments and brain killing phamaceutacles etc. 

Since then the kidneys of citizens were ruined not only due to agricultural also due to horror and political reasons. 

Former president Maithripala Srisena built and added two big kidny aiding hospitals to the chain of local hospitals. one in Kandy and the other one in Polonnaruwa. If you start killing the causes snd routes of the Kidny related heslth issues, we can use the two building for some other purposes in the future.

No battle is easy. But WONNABLE. 

Now this Pandemic taught evey political leader and citizen a loads of life time lessons; importance of having strong 'inland- agri-food plan'. 

Organic fertilizer is not a new concept but it is as old as local agriculture i.e. Paddy, Chena and home garden cultivation. 

In 1970 though some fertilizer and weedicides were banned we see now a lot of brands has invaded the local market. 

2014 then government banned Glyphosate for i.e.and there after government in 2017 removed the rule. 

Kindly refer tbe DVD tbat i published; 'Ran Kurundu Wipplawaya' (Cinnamon Revolution) And i must officially announced that i write under the name 'Sandika Bandusena'. (page 247- Who says that we cannot manufacture organic pesticides and fertilizer?). You can borrow the DVD from the Central Environmental Authority Library/ Koswatte. 

If we thought of following the policy implemented by madam Sirimao Bandaranayake we could have defeated hunger of today and food related poverty issues.  

I think if you are aiming at sustainable development and in the long run it is a wise decision that the current government has taken to ban artificial unhealthy fertilizer, weedicides and pesticides. Good luck to you Government

In order to motivate local manufacturers and farmers and Farmer-Researchers, if you organize and plan a COMPETITION naming it 'BEST FERTIPETCI manufacturer of 2021 you Would for sure gain good results.


Thank you.

Monday, July 5, 2021

The rain is whistling ..........

(Dear singers and musicians if you think that the following is a lyric please write to me :))

The rain is whistling ....

The wind is sizzling 

but heart is aching.

The rain is whistling .....yet,

the river is not over-flowing 

I feel like dancing.

The rain is whistling.....

The leaves are drumming and

 I feel like singing.

The rain is whistling 

My thoughts are water-falling 

and .... The rain is whistling......

The night is monitoring me not crying 

The rain is whistling ........

The time is fencing.... still, 

the rain is whistling ......

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Caged dogs do not bark?

Let me teĺl you something that you dont know:) that I am not a mentor. But right now I am handling some men and women girls and boys spoiled either due to socio economic or socio- political reasons. Though they've been torturing me, my mind, they've been nonstoply talking to my mind. you know how a oppressed behave normally, they dont normally praise them but curse them. Even if a drug adict is bonded to me they may become a minds with terrifying feelings or more aggressive acts or behaviour because i dont always respond them nicely. i hammer them evrytime possible now than at the gbegining. Threfore it is not applausable to bond a mind of drug adict or a mind of a terrorist. to an ordinary that leaded a normal life. Can you agree to what i am saying?

The imprisoned, a victim of mind arrest or a physically jailed person normaly behave agrresively. Similarly, caged dogs are dangerous than the dogs that are not tied or caged.. 

I remember the day that i visited the Claret Nivas on the 26th June 2021 to handover a letter of request. Two big dark dogs came running barking towards me. It shattered the silence of outskirt. They didnt bite but barked and went. You probably have heard this saying; "barking dogs dont bite"? but my advise is you should not stay still thinking that they wont bite or teligiously controlled, you must ring the bell before you go inside of any manson or a business entity etc. or take an appointment. i had to get a vacine to raise my immunity level due a pussy cat bitten. 

I think we must think of ways to protect your adorable cats and dogs  that you take care so lovingly feeding them on time. Dont let them hangaround here and there too much othér than for peeing purposes because the governments have not yet started vaccine them or the mokeys or the lèechers or talking parrots etc. 

About a couple of years ago the Sri Lanka police arrested a man who had caged his own biological father in a dog's cage. I dont know whether he was controlled by a negative force or by another science force. Every dog or a bitch  like Lyca is not fortunate enough to join the police or go to moon or to another planet. Am I right? 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Birth Marks...............

I think that not only nowadays girls but also yesteryears girls love to have living twinkle stars Sophia, Malini , Jeewarani, Vaijyanthimala type natural birth marks or like one of yesteryears stars Sandya Kumari's birth marks. But unfortunately those are natural birth marks. 

I believe that birth marks on faces add some beauty to one's face. 

Every single wealt and a mark is important various ways and for various purposes and reasons. I guess nobody wants to plastic surgerically remove any beautyfull birth marks.

In my teen days i loved to show-off my birth marks on my face. whenever I was posing or facing for a photograph I wanted to show those marks and i turn my face left. 

Have you heard of any Sri Lankan folklores mithical stories woven based on  natural  birth marks. 

I dont know the biology or the science behind birth marks. what things it reveals. 

Have you watched the cinema creation 'Nidhanaya', 'The Treasure'? If you are to get or to illegaly steal an ancient treasure hidden under ground you need to offer a virgin with tbree birth marks to the guard of earth ; for the 'bahirawa' with other offerings. The pooja is called bahirawa pooja. 

And some think that girls born with birth marks on face are lucky. 

Now adays it has become a fashion that the girls like to tattoo. 

And some even use make-up to draw a dot similar to birth mark , similar to a tiny mustard or a pepper. 

Some marks are permanent cannot be erased easily.  But it is possible to tatoo any mark using newest technology. when trying to capture or identify a criminal those face or body marks are important and relevant.

Some doctors say if you have even any natural birth marks you must consult a doctor. My parents had shown it to a doctor back then and finally they gave-up the fight and it is still there.

I am wondering if any one of the oppressors responsible for my issue, brain and body torture has born with any birth marks. 

Also I am wondering whether my type if torture is called human trafficing? 

Stay Safe and Fit!

Friday, July 2, 2021


I was wondering of anothér alternative to solve my issue. I wanted to try to  check whether the oppressors have inserted any body or brain tools into my head, brain  or to my body and visited the ministry of health, central province, kandy , Sri Lanka seeking support.  There i met assistant director of health Mr. Singheprathap. i am sure that the spy speakers are aware of him. He directed me to the head-psychology of the Teaching Hospital Kandy. I was happy and they were freindly. Before that i didnt know that the scans are suggest by them not by othérs. 

The medical staff was very friendly and sohelpfull. The chief doctor Dr. Gihan suggested me to face an EEG on tbe same day. (30/06/2021) I felt a lot releived after talking to the doctors. 

There i noticed and observed some things, i refrain from writing them in this essay those things. It is not something about health staff. 

while i was facing the eeg what the 24hr lodger said was not surprised me. she said that "you are going to die in 20 minutes. we are going to attack the system. i heard about 6 other voices. 

i hope and wish to read their voices or waves in the test results. some indications in the place  of the brain where tbe voices reach and store as memory.

Dear friends, i had to do my kidny blood test outside because you were on  strike.

And dear friends i was given a date to do a CECT. that is to be done on 03/07/2021, if you dont soon finish the work strike i will have to wait another how many more days, only you know. 

It is not just the pandemic that you are dealing with. There are other thousands of health issues to be solved. for my peace of mind, and of othérs i would like to beg youbplease try to solve your problem as quickly as possible.

Thank you and any one of you aware of brain hackers any student or a master unethically studying human minds and betray humanity and humans., pls inform the police. Together we can teach them ethics of research, exchanging information and solving issues with regard to human brain and mind etc.

Thank you and stay fit and SAFE!

Thank you.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

the name. of the oppressor is not SANDIKA

My issue is an ongoing criminal activity. 

since about a few months and at the begining from time to time i felt that the other spy-speakérs call the 24hrx7 lodger , one of the leading oppressors 'Sandika'. She is not sandika i am very sure. 

And i am sure a many either listen to these conversations or read the mind and take electronic or manual notes. Therefore the name too here is important when analyzing the case or when identifying the oppressors. my name is sandika. i feel that some dont know me but coming to spy- speak to me. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Million Dollar Babies

 Some babies depend on the weath of their parents AND some babies depend on government or public wealth. 

Some projects worth billions and at the end of the project earns no dollars only expendituers like some professors state. 

Some babies dont care about how their parents husbands bosses earns money but knows well to spend. 

Some, for their babies spend millions while some babies spend no pennies for their babies. 

some earn trillions and trillions from some games. LIfe is a GAME, i wrote once. for some their game is their life. 

Some  games bring respect,  pride etc though some bring insult, shame into life and country.

You and I dont know how some games were played in and outside the grounds, outside clubs. But we very well know how some games were played and play and also the rules and regulations attached to them. 

Cricket is a golden game bring and even brought Pride and respect into our lives. we have masters and gentlemen and they played no other game outside pitch. i must thank them on behalf of our country. 

And i must remind the cuŕrent ones we want you to play real cricket and Dicipline is the foundation and the mantra to win any trophy. Dont let your private desires ruin your goals and dont let them control your game. dollars or euroes are not always what we expect please bring respect without tarnishing them, instead.

respect every rupee that we spend those are the money of the poor that we spend for you for your pay, tour and etc. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A piece of SOAP

Following is one of the spy conversations held inside my brain early this morning. 

A female  arriving into my brain early this morning and said; 

"Get ready let's go and buy some soap etc. for them. Normally we both go and by those."

"We give them only a half each."


She didnt particularly asked me but i replied,

" Because no prince coming for us." imagining how a girl of that type would answer. 

apparently the females who normally buy those on behalf of them have forgotten badly their duties , I assumed.

Why some teen girls wear nicely, love fragrances and perfumes and fragranced soaps , nice hair-cuts ? to attract the boys, the opposite sex. 

I very well understand the PSYCHOLOGY behind their thinking. and i understand a mind of a ordinary and an orphan. 

The orphans dont think diffrently but they were either trained or compelled to think diffretly and accordinly.

Can you imagine of a mind of orphange teen girl right now. a mind of a female who runs an orphanage during this pandemic where even the rich somewhat struggling financially?

I dont know how they survive these days. the jobless or those who were unable to find a job due to not pandemic but due to other socio-political reasons. i know how my sister, her husband who has returned after sending foreign income to the country for ten years stuggle these days financially , to spend their day with their little son. 

I dont know how the orphanges and childrens homes specially the girls' homes survive these days.

i watch everyday how our local media provide goods and equipment for the 'ABLE', the government hospitals etc. which is for sure applausable. 

I would like to suggest the RICH if possible provide childrens homes, orphanages, teen girl homes some SOAP and SANITIZER and sanitory pads etc. because their health too is very important. 

and kindly Start Vaccine them first, i like to beg. 

I am sure that in those roofs you find Sinderellas, Alices wondering of their prince and future fiances and you find Dhammis peeping through their orphange's windows till their Sugaths come and take them for a movie because some of them were given no data free of charge with smartphones and Sattelite TV to watch cinema everyday, on zee or hbo etc. 

Thank you for reading (not my memory but this essay. )

stay nice, look good , and stay safe!

Monday, June 28, 2021

Special oil price for three wheeler drivers please

Three wheel drivers are known as self-employed, lower class, low income owners. any oil price hike affects now or in the future them mainly. i like the coupan system but you must i would like to suggest and beg you kindly give fuel for three wheeler community for a special lower rate. 

And sir, according to what i believe very many number of persons; VIPs and VVIPs etc. depend on not only official or otherwise free vehicle and free fuel , that i believe increase governments expenditure. i beg start charge them some money or fully ban giving them fuel for free.

thank you. 


Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Story of a Story .....

Every person has a story to say. And every story has a shape and a size. 

Sandika, Veronica,Rajadorei, Nishi, Charu, Wishaka, Joshua, George, Remona, Reheman, Ranjan, Wishaka, Dharshani, Priya, Pawan, Divya, Sunidi ,Kumari , Seneviratna , they al l have their own story or stories to say.....    

some looking for a place or a mind to share their story. The Theory is that a rubber ball cannot be kept under water for so long. Similarly some stories cannot be hidden for so long.

Some stories has too many characters. Some characters lose, some characters win. Thats the real story. 

Some interested in knowing the stories of others. therefore some even peep into the brains of others or hack them. the cause is not always curiocity. Some don't want others to know their story or their secrets. natural. 

The science is a revealer. Science and new technology has the power to know the stories that were not told or shared , reaching and hacking one's memory lanes. According to some it is a magic forethinkable and is soothsaying though it is a science.

Some stories economically valid, sellable. Though every story is not a story sellable, some buy stories some refuse some stories saying dull or boring or not terrifying or adventurous to attract the viewer or the reader etc.


Some scared of some stories.  But those are not always scary stories. 

My story is not a milllion dolar story. But some stories carry millions of hints and facts; one must foolishly ignore consider important studying.

Some scolars say that children don't understand the elder's stories yet i don't know whether every addult understand the children's stories.

Once upon a time.... a starving monkey came to a garden of a rich. The rich was very worried about the un-plucked fine bananas and mangoes. they ate them all without keeping any for the rich. The angry rich decided to file a case against the wild life officer for sending the monkeys heŕe and there  

 " Good morning sir, how can i help? a lovely officer at the police station asked the rich. the rich told her the story. .....

Some stories begin and end like the story that i just narrated to you. 

we don't know how some stories began or ended would begin or enď. 

Some stories handed over to the cuŕent orally to the narrator and those stories known as folklores. sorry that is not a fact or a story that you have not heard before. 

Some always weigh or measure one side of a story. some don't try weigh or meadure or refrain from investigating the facts and stories hidden behind + dear deer robes etc.   evey non is not a sacred non i have read in some stories. 

take care and pardon me if this my essay; the story of a story hurts you .....

Thursday, June 24, 2021

we are a minority

Do you know that the SINHALESE are one of the minorities existing and surviving  in the world right now ? Tamil and Muslims live in the country are known as minorities.  But in the world if you take the total population of the world the two ethnic groups belong to the category of  'majority'.  and my ethnic group now and has bèen facing various threats of various groups . i am a Sinhalese -Buddhist and my life is in danger. what the brain killers and mind readers and body controlling tortueres are doing proves what i am saying right now. 

May All Beings be Healthy and kind and humans please try to stay out of brain killing apps. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Where is my HABITAT?

Where is my habitat is dedicated to safe-Shelter-Less across globe 

Where is my habitat free of 'fools'?

Where is my habitat full of 'listening'- masters?

Where is my habitat free of 'sexual abusers'?

Where is my habitat free of 'brain killers'?

Where is my habitat free of 'mind readers'?

where is my habitat that I spent hours & hours thinking of my siblings? 

and I am wondering ...........

Where is my habitat that touched my cheeks with mild wind?

Where is my habitat with flowery rain?

and........ I am wondering........ where is my habitat of friends & smiles?

where is my habitat that the Butches don't come for my head?

Where is my habitat free of viruses?

And.........where is my wonderland ...........

I am wondering ..... Where is my habitat?

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Ladies, girls. mothers if you feel unusual itching or vibrating inside your sex -organ,

If you feel unusual itching and touching, vibrating inside or outer sexual organ of yours, you must inform your parents, husband and then the POLICE OF YOUR TERRITORY. 

Back then before the science was developed men hang around the public bathing places like, private wells, public wells, village tanks to view how women bathe. and some peeped through girl's room windows to view how they change their clothes, naked bodies when changing the clothes etc. but except extreme rapists they just watched and left didn't rape them. 

Then came the mobile and computer technology with cams, the rapists, men with certain psychosocial issues found systems and introduced methods to view women and young girls and beautiful & pretty mothers & pretty women and girls through computer cams by hacking or tracking mobile phones and self -catered their sexual requirements. 

And I don't whether according to some the magazines sexually motivating women and men and teen-boys and teen-girls of the world.

And then CCTV came, a mother (African or American) innovated it theoretically to look after her kids while she is away from family at work. Thanks to her entire world benefitted from her innovations. And actually the other scholars and scientists improved it to current status. 

The Spy cams and other audio and video systems entered the human lives at the latter stage of human history life. 

Now, today, if we have the money, we can purchase any spy or not CCTV type tools and cams at any size with any facility i.e. night viewing or day viewing facility, in any big or in small or micro or Nano size and price

Have you watched the IT movie? The girl of a good -rich father was harassed and cyber bullied by a man, taping and up loading her movements; bathing and shared those with internet communities, using secret cams that were set inside her bathing room. But she was not physically touched or her sex organ was not physically touched or physically raped.

Now dear ladies, girls mothers, the situation is entirely different. Now the world has some type of CCTV I am not quite sure whether I accurately understood the TVT system that has the super-power or the super ability J to touch and control women’s sexual organ for sexual pleasure of rapists. I call them I don’t think that you oppose they are rapists because they fix these LIVE viewable cams and use EEG type methods I guess to control women's sex-organ. I don’t say that your sons big or small are not under threat not only our little princes and Cinderella's here and there.

So parents, make sure that you explain these what I say very carefully and in a more friendly manner to your little girl even your little son and husbands to your wives, and to your sisters.

I guess now for the rapists it is easy if you have CCTV mechanism inside your houses and domes. 

If she feels any itching or vibrating in an unusual manner asked them to tell you no matter even if you see any tools fixed inside body (the body-cams). I believe now some use ZOOM or Skype technology to rape women. 

We need both cyber support and IT support to solve these issues and of every top leader, support of Media and civil-society  including. 

Take care!


Friday, June 11, 2021


I believe that it is very important that you kind sirs, discuss the things that most people or persons don't focus on discussing @ G7 summit this time.  

1) I suggest that kindly encourage the world, the  scholars world-wide to innovate a method to soon identify , capture & arrest any person torturing one's BRAIN & Body and sexually abusing and forcefully reading minds of humans no matter what close or distance mechanism or technology that they use to torture humans.

And kind honorable Sirs and Madams, Please write & compile a world policy against any segment or sector of humans keep humans' MINDS & BODY under their arrest. 

2) And Sir, it is important that you kindly notify the persons who manufacture CCTV's and tools to forcefully-sexually murder female reputations and dignities.  

IT IS VERY SAD TO NOTE that I have become a 24x7 victim of a few groups of tortures/ oppressors who have been spy-speaking to my mind, controlling my brain-eye to toe since now almost 2 years. I have become a helpless creature also because of this horrible PANDEMIC. Every one's attention gone to solve the Pandemic and vaccine hunting. 

3) Honorable Sirs and Madams, kindly pay attention to the SAFE-SHELTER-LESS humans during this Pandemic. 

4) I heard that one of  Our Local News was reporting this morning about Nigeria and their food issues and hunger issues, if possible kindly cater their needs.

5) kindly encourage world-wide owners of private business entities and other bosses and mistresses who have been providing financial security to workers, kindly keep the workers that they have hired without really firing them though we know that this Pandemic Stole their financial liberty  as well, because they need their jobs more than in the past, due to this Pandemic. 

and Honorable Prime-Minister of Great Britain, if you have any excess vaccines PLEASE SEND US A BIT AS WELL.

I assume that India too need some friendly assistance - support now-a days. And for me, she is a friend in need.  

Thank you honorable leaders who have been supporting Sri Lanka since decades & years and during this Covid-19 Virus War 

AND WE WELCOME YOU ALL, the economic giants to invest in our newly attached commercial island ; the PORT CITY to enjoy new ASIAN EXPERIENCE OF COMMERCE & COOPERATION. 

Thank you for gathering @ G7




Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Controllers, Can I apply for a Day-off?

Madame Kaali, 

Master of cult group etc , etc,

First of all pardon me for addressing you that way, I hope that I was not convinced wrong about your names by  the spy-speakers here and there,

Now , you have not forgotten I believe that it is being two years since the day that you first mind arrest me. and started controlling my sex organ and brain. I don't think that I must educate you since you all are big controllers, that even a bosses and mistresses of houses of prostitutes give their workers a day off. 

Though I am a sex slave of your community, can you call them and allow them to give me a day off? 

I am not asking sun or moon just a day off once a month, I hope that you females are not that busy controlling and get a chance to read this my letter. If I know where you live I wouldn't have chosen this method to contact you, I would definitely call you.

Thank you for reading,


T. Sandika Kamini 

(also known as Sandika Bandusena.)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The OCEAN has its own way of PURIFYING & CLEANSING I guess YET.........

The Ocean has its own ways of dealing with the lands and its people and its own resources. And it owns a natural way and a schedule of purifying or cleansing but if it is not disturbed the purifying or cleansing takes shorter period of time I like to assume. 

length's and widths of the ocean I am not going to analyze materially or scientifically; one of the reason is that my unawareness of the facts. 

I am certain of some facts; entire country even the vegetarians depend on the Resources obtain from its resources. i.e. The fisheries and harbours, North or East or West. 

We are one of the countries uses the path. People come and go with or without goods. 

Vessels that reach the zone bring hopes most the time. some of the vessels sail (e)xpress way and some slow way. 

The ocean is our country's fence. 

Every fact that I wrote are not unfamiliar or unknown facts. But what we forget often is that 'ocean too prefers harmony and it speaks'. 

let's support 'protect the Ocean' !

Saturday, June 5, 2021



Forgive us for our SINS dear Goddess of Nature,

Kindly heal the hearts and minds that are affected by cruelty and inhumanity of modern world,

Forgive them for sanding the treasures of you, 

They, my country people who live along the banks and ashore (s) of the GIN, KALU , MAHAWELI AND KELANI  are innocent, I believe. let their lives not be arrested by any floods or storms.

Dear Goddess of nature,

Corona is no friend to them or to others, you very well know that by now,

Yes, it is we who chased the 'era of innocence' of the earth, away from the lives of our children,

Take control and in charge of every 'storm' and flood and flesh and blood, dear Goddess of Nature.

It is only you, only you, who has the right to control us, not them, the bl--dy -'body controllers', please convince them.

Thank you once again dear Goddess of Nature of this Universe, for revealing the truths that to be revealed and for hiding and protecting the facts that are not to be revealed. 

And kindly, Dear Goddess of Nature let me hear the whistling sounds and melodies of wind and rain liberty-fully,

Kindly chase the harsh spy-speakers away from my vicinity and my body and mind and soul.

Dear Goddess of Nature, let me be a devotee and worship & thank you this morning for all that you had given to me and for healing my wounded mind and brain sending a rain and a soothing wind to inquire my health, every day. 


Thursday, June 3, 2021


 This morning I went to meet the GN officer, the village level admin officer to see whether I can apply for the five thousand rupee government allowance due to ;

reason 1). I am a victim of f-ckin-distance  BRAIN , MIND AND BODY CONTROLLING 

reason 2) PANDEMIC 

ordinarily the 24hr. bitch send me filthy and bad and poisonous smells and as YOU ALL VERY WELL KNOW THAT IT IS LIFE RISKY TO inhale poisonous smells such as snake, and other bad smells.  


My question now is that where have these local and world secret agents gone? can't they find a single woman or a man who have been happily killing my brain and mind and body, sexually abusing me? 

what is this spy-speakers use to talk to me 24 hr. basis? are they using any hush me methods as well? 

WHO and world local and polices', judiciary system of SL, actually I need some compensation from them for killing my days and time and raping me, using eeg or whatever spy body controlling method not only my brain and body and mind. I need at least 1000 million dollars as compensation and it is my right to have it from them.

SORRY TO BOTHER YOU authorities ESPECAILLY WHEN YOU HAVE PANDEMIC ISSUES TO BE SOLVED other than other crime issues. and I believe any local government can claim and punish these groups for not allowing the authorities to  admin the country in peace and harmony especially because this is the period, PANDEMIC 

thank you for reading. 

Friday, May 28, 2021


I would like to dedicate this essay to every Lady Detective of the world' 

'Role of a lady detective' , lady intelligence officer, we often ignore analyzing  or respecting their contributions pertaining to defense intelligence and civilian's intelligence. We have heard plenty of encouraging and self-courage raising stories about Sherlock Holms' detective abilities here and there of the world, but like some articles mentioned (read; Letitia "Tish" Woman takes charge of major intelligence agency for the first time By Pam Benson and Elise Labott, CNN / August 9, 2010) mostly,  the female detectives were  given  2nd leader positions in history. 

I would like to say that it should be changed and it is not just to see or to expect a difference it is because I too believe that the intelligence agencies or authorities can use and invest special abilities of  female hood, every quality and ability of womanhood in a more advance way in the segment of intelligence services of any country. 

Their instincts, patients, decisiveness, pain-bearing skills, could be are vital resources and best tools for any agency-security- intelligence I believe. Unlike in the past more women have been joining armed forces anyways. I believe that there is a huge difference and a gap between handling a weaponry and intelligence of a person against any criminal activities run by any little or massive group-informal that destroy a country's or a civilian's hopes and aims personal and carrier or disable one's good health.     

motherhood is not a challenge or a bar at all for any lady detective or a officer of any intelligence agency or segment, I believe, to do their everyway and anyway challenging job in a more fruitful way.  

I often feel that one's perceptions and attitudes pertaining to Gender, affects a country's achievements of total development   especially when trying to achieve sustainable  development pertaining a community's security. 

The societies' perception towards the role and abilities of lady detectives in leader positions should be changed. It is true that there are moments and incidents that a person's masculine abilities' demands and is vital and worth in achieving a goal pertaining to capturing a man involved with a crime finding or chasing behind clues and facts. A woman's knowledge and intelligence has a very relevance in accurately identifying criminals based on the facts collected by the relevant. 

We all know that protecting a country's heritages and properties and human resources are important. Similarly  I believe that protecting one's INTELLIGENCES OR PROPERTIES OF INTELIGENCES IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT. 

what are the current challenges that the any civil or defense intelligences face? 

what I believe is that the threats pertaining to 'Cognitive Liberty' is the main and final and maximum challenge and the threat that any defense or civil or private etc.  detective or intelligence personals face and any other issues or bars that come their way are nothing or can be solved. 

stopping or combatting 'Cognitive Data Theft' is the biggest challenge that we all have or face and the lady detectives must pay attention to capturing the stealers of cognitive data with a proper and an effective PLAN . and it is important that you have a different plan to identifying 'memory readers' wander here and there of the world and from brain to brain.. 

And it is easy for a lady detective to capture or identify any distance-technology based- male sexual abusers. for instance abusers related to EEG technology. I believe that mostly the lady detectives naturally gets the side of the female victims of rape and sexual abuse, kindly pardon me for saying so. I think that the time has come for you to pay attention to that. 

So dear lady officers of intelligence services of the world, I would like to request you PLEASE TAKE YOUR POSITIONS and could you please write your PLAN to capture neuro related brain killers and sexual abusers AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE TO IDENTIFY them especially because I believe that these men and women are a very big challenge for any defense and civil intelligence segments and world security. I hope that by now you all know my status of mind and brain let me remind you that since about two years My MIND AND BRAIN AND VOICE AND BODY is under arrest of a few certain criminal groups. and I am seeking help from any and every possible party , intelligence agency In and outside to country to protect my LIFE.  

ladies, don't you think that protecting COGNITIVE DATA is the sole and solid requirement of establishing SUSTAINABLE  SECURITY, locally and universally?  

You can do that ladies. 


Wednesday, May 26, 2021





( I refrain from stealing) 

The above stanza, one of the five basic rules of Buddhism, any country would lead to total development, I believe many know by now.

Yesterday, the day prior to the Wesak Full moon poya day, respecting the rule of the Covid-19 pandemic controlling and combatting committee set;  'no vehicles should be used when go for shopping the essential food items' ,  I walked ten kilo meters back and forth to save some money for my sister at a leading bank in Kandy town, because there were no near ATM machine established by the bank. 

when walking towards the Kandy Town I saw the above machine near a shop along the main road. actually the machine reminded me of an article read. I was wondering whether the machine is implemented by a responsible authority /agency or not. 

I believe that some stealers steal money from this type of machines and some I guess even set these machines at public places to steal money from the public, people. I believe that there are many cases related to stealing money from this type of machines across world, if you go to internet and search. 

I believe that this LOCKDOWNS controls and stop some kind of stealing and crime though the brain killers and body controllers are active 24hr in any period of lockdown because of their ability to use the available technology of distance speaking and remote controlling human bodies, brains and minds.

I like to ask the ordinary citizens these brain controllers have the ability to use human brains to control any machine set , computers or phones ATM machines by changing the digits using one's thoughts (refer, udarata menike supplement of Janayugaya, weekly/daily paper, 11th April 2017, the article is about a new machine innovated after a years of research done) some say using a human's eyes and brain (EEG methods) I would say, and I suggest,

* update your bank account book at least every week, specially when you are addicted to online-internet banking- money transferring facilities, Credit or debit card systems. I say most English speaking white-collars etc. has the ability to do that.

* and before using pay here any bills machine check the details with the authorities.

I believe that it is good to maintain 2M distance not only physically but also digitally (wisely) especially during this dangerous pandemic where the inhuman try to reach human brains in order to full fill their financial requirements and organizational requirements, sexual requirements digitally and technologically.  


Monday, May 24, 2021

The Pandemic and' the World's Food' requirement ..........................

How did you plan your' food program'  during this  LOCKDOWN, in your country, community, especially when you assume of a food-shortage across world? 

The covid19 very badly affected more on the families who depend on daily wage and weekly salary I believe. Almost every government has to spend or allocate more money on purchasing vaccines though they receive some doses of vaccines for free from benefactors. 

Often we heard of communities that were unable to vaccine their people before it get expired, especially the vaccines that they received for free. The oxygen and other health equipment received kept at the harbors or at airports without sending them to the needy.  The day prior to the birth of Covid-19, the hunger issues or poverty issues across world were not totally or fully solved, I too personally believe. 

The demon-Covid-19 has stolen not only many lives by now but also the time of the living. and most of them will have to live in a locked down houses or communities for at least another half a year or so I assume, from time to time. 

I believe that lockdown is the best policy to solve the covid-19 other than using the vaccine, respecting limiting movements between cities or villages. 

In some communities some farmers were not allowed to step out of the houses and cultivate. and some grains and corns are seasonal. we cannot  eat or drink money though some governments issue allowances to cater the need of the poor. for instance Sri Lankan government gives five thousand rupee for a family as an allowance during pandemic and food parcels. Yes, some private donors too distribute food-parcels amongst the needy during lockdown period. I must respect and note that it is a very good 'relief' for the needy or for the poor. I know when you are ill the money cannot protect you, it is the self-care plan and a public health support plan help you live and fight against covid-19. And If your brain is burned or tortured  24hours it is not possible for a person to clearly think of a financial plan to fight against financial difficulties or hunger requirements. Writing is the alternative that I chose for living but due to my issue and the covid-19 it is a bit difficult to find a publisher to publish the books that we write due to lack of sales and other practical issues that they face. And most importantly 'my freedom to write and cognitive liberty is stolen by this a cruel group of men and women including my eye-vision due to their personality issues or lack of vision of politics and their (internet & technology wanders') behaviors  sexual harassment.   I feel that I too need the five thousand rupee allowance and I feel that I have the sole right to apply for the allowance especially because my rights; freedom of safer living is stolen and I have the right to live a brain & body torture free life. My doubt is whether the authorities would understand my issue due to their lack of  knowledge over EEG supportive, neuroscience related  sexual abuse and brain torture etc.. 

The world know that it is important to eat a healthy diet to protect one's level of immunity inside a human body to fight against 'Covid-19' 

I believe that the humans across world require the immeasurable support of the 'world food programme' and of the rich, food items manufactures etc. to fight against Covid-19 related poverty and food issues of poor communities urban or semi-urban or otherwise. 

I like to very kindly request from the RICH of the world, please donate us and the poor across world the  food and medical equipment you manufacture as a support during this war against inhuman pandemic and to fight against the 'inhuman-humans- oppressors' who take advantage of this pandemic situation and torture human brain, mind and body.  

Thank you for patently reading!

Stay Safe!


Thursday, May 20, 2021

OXYGEN is very expensive and it is lacking, practice breathing exercise in a 'SAFE TREE ZONE' to inhale NATURAL OXYGEN.

My breath is anyway is controlled by a particular group I believe that the security persons probably know of the group or the nature of the group. The objective of writing this essay is not that. read my essay consciously to know my personal perception about breath and oxygen.  

I am here talking of NATURAL OXYGEN that the entire has forgotten due to what so ever reasons. 

Dear helpless people kindly associate the nearest tree zones or the wood or jungle or the forests more than you associated them in the past. but never ever forget to respect the rules and regulations that the COVID-19 combatting teams asked you to follow. 

I feel that more than in the past, COVID-19 already taught every citizen , leader , policy maker the importance of protecting NATURAL OXYGEN ZONES without really massacring or assassinating them for material development purposes. 

though it is practically difficult for the townies, urbanies where there are no tree zones,  it is good to practice BREATHING EXCERCISES EVERYDAY reaching a safe zone, if possible, without disturbing your neighbor or other citizens , country mate and finally the world-mate.  That is why we mantra everyday to protect trees and never bin garbage non- organic here and there of the vicinity. and if we follow these we will be able to protect our lives not only from Covid-19 or Dengue also from any other natural viruses. 

let's think of alternatives of development to protect natural oxygen zones in the coastal or mid-country or nay hill country or any other natural zones, that is for the sake of HEALTH & SAFETY of every type if citizen; rich or poor or small of big, European or Asian or African or any continental man.   

Try to STAY SAFE! even though your body & brain and mind is under control of brainLESS communities that worship money and power.

Thank you for reading. 


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

wash your hands

wash your hands from the right on top and don't wait at fuel filling stations with passengers for hours! depart any place as quickly as possible yet slowly!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Why is it not possible to cocktail Covid19-vaccines? (Kind attention to WHO)

 I don't know whether cocktailing is a locally created term. thanks to the world scholars and manufactures now we have about three options of vaccines for Covid-19, AstraZeneca , Pfizer and Sputnik etc.

And if all three was manufactured and innovated to fight against covid19 if the content or the formula used all three vaccines same why is it harmful or not affective to use first dose from the Astra and 2nd dose from the Pfizer or sputnik? that is the question i have in my mind right now.

The other question I have in my mind is that IS IT ALRIGHT FOR A 24HR. BRAIN TORTURE VICTIM TO USE ANY OF THE VACCINES INTRODUCED TO PROTECT THE HEALTH OF THE HUMANS? anyhow I believe that my natural immune system is weak due to above reason ( brain, mind and body torture, memory reading etc.) could I please expect an answer from the WHO? 

Thank you all civilians and leaders of all types for supporting control Covid-19 and Stay Safe!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Baby factories (This note is dedicated to the pains of hearts of every mother across world)

 Following is an assumption yet can it be fully ignored?

Though we have heard of the places that some organizations or individuals maintain in order to support the pregnant females/mothers that were abused, raped  by sex lovers or rapists or used for prostitution afterward etc. though their intension is questionable, I have not heard of any factories that train or look after children for various socio-economic purposes after the mother delivers her baby?  what if I say that I believe that there are some organizations train children and youth for various job or business purposes, unethically disrespecting the laws of a country?  

What if I note that I suspect some of the children's homes and charity institutes here and there of the world? I guess that  some of these organizations are not established purely to help children or women but to earn money showcasing their needs to the world. 

I guess that these ill-willed organizations are earning money from the people who are willing to support the people in need of financial support.  These organizations register as a business entity or as a charity organization or as a children's home. 

Some of these  men and women are appearing before the society as saints who support women that were raped or abused by men.  Though some of the organizations established to sell the babies after the delivery some don't I assume.  They let the children grow well and they brainwash these babies they way they please and use for their other ill-willed purposes. like we all know some need trained children or youth for their business purposes. they teach them a few number of languages and most of them are good in speaking the English's language for instance to use their abilities in world wide trade. 

as we all know by now some sell these little or young mothers or children on-line for various men and women across world for sexual requirements. Some of the culprits sexually abuse women using Electroencephalography mechanism stealing and killing one's cognitive liberty etc.  and afterward using these women and even young men as sex salves.

Some well organized brain hackers and so called mind readers, memory readers reading the minds of the ones that they like (based on their criteria) they mind arrest them and if they find out that they have some miss-behaving past (depending on the social taboos of a society) they strategically capture their lives and sell them to various rich people or persons that have various physical or mental disabilities for instance. 

Depending on the factory master's (Trainers) objective or intension of maintaining these factories (I don't mind naming those organizations that way), they train the children following way (I assume)

* how to maintain a sexy figure

* how to attract a customer for sexual needs

the methods (how to hack a brain and control the body until they agreed to what you want) 

* and if they don't agree to sleep with them how to control the female sex organ from a distance. 

* some of them are given armed training (I assume) 

*After using the body and the drug if the customer jump and go without paying the money, how to control their bodies and brains, they teach these children and young teens by these so called doctors and body sellers , therapists ( I strongly assume) 

* how to protect the personal life and profession and identities after stealing or engaging in any murder or stealing big amount of money, from the officers of the police or from the departments of courts etc. by hacking and torturing the brains and minds. ( I strongly assume and believe) 

*to collapse a government(s) , how to use brain washing methods, these factory founders teach these women and children)

further, some of these masters in order to have a healthy child they provide all these pregnant women food and medicine and relevant vaccines. so that the master can demand the child and raise the rate of the child when auctioning the child or the young mother, teen or the women of their choice.

some women and men use these  Electroencephalography methods to collect data from various men and women. I very strongly assume. some spoiled lawyers use these mechanism to collect witness from their service gainers to win their cases-court, I strongly assume. And you know in this world some pay good money for good strong news above method is the way how some collect data from organizations and men and women. I believe that some of these spoiled data collectors (other than the members of various banned social and political organizations)  use these mechanisms to protect their masters (political and economic), founders of their organizations from various socio-political facts not from any socio-economic or political hazards that the ethical society believe, I very strongly assume. 

Dear noble masters of the country and the world, when can we arrest them and imprison them? 

on this mother's day, let us vow ourselves to protect not only the mother and the child also the women-hood. 

Thank you citizens of the world for reading.


Saturday, May 8, 2021



(The Darkest Moments & Days of My Life) 


CAUTION I assume that you will not be able to read the original content, they may be changing the content or delete the content that may affectt their lives

Let me begin my story this way…… Villages and cities and countries can be locked down yet not the minds of the humans. That is the nature of the minds of the humans or that is how the human’s minds work. Silence of outskirts is not an image that certifies ‘Peace of Place’. ‘Silent human is not always in Peace’.  The underside of ‘silences’ & of ‘locked down territories’ should be closely viewed photographed and penned and reported.


‘Knowing’, have we understood this term right? What do we really know of the human creatures live behind locked rooms, locked-down cities, bared pillars, isolated villages and abandoned cities, ‘under layers’ of ‘storied houses’? We don’t truly bother to know, until we experience something that steals and erases the episodes of our life, lives of our people, torture our minds and brains and lives.


I know that some truly don’t care about reading or knowing terrifying stories. But that is the nature of the ordinary humans. But who must read those stories? The authorities, the world leaders, Policy Makers, Defense Secretaries etc……… because they can’t survive everyday ‘boasting’ ‘without acting’, wasting time, gossiping like some ordinary people.   


‘Know me’ a bit, before I started sharing my story with you……


I was born in 1970, on the 21st December, twenty two years after the year that the country gained national ‘independence’. I can say that I was trained to bear the aches & pains; social or economic, since my childhood by my parents and by the nature. We gained independence in 1948. I do not know whether the socio political change that occurred in the country in 1972 affected my family differently. In 1972 the socio-political situation of ‘Ceylon’ was literally changed into a different socio-political status and was named as ‘Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka’. I believe that compared with the other women and female-children of the other countries of the zone, we enjoyed sort of a ‘Freedom of life’. The old Sri Lankan Society was very much affected by caste and class divisions of the society, though no one openly spoke of the caste matters now.


I am a person love to write and embrace liberty of life.


I have no legal or formal affiliations or bonds towards any of the local, Government or Private agencies.  I am an author & I survived as a Free-Lancer. ‘Samahitha weva’, (The Meditating Lake) is the first Sinhalese fiction, Novel that I wrote based on historical events and I published it financing myself. The Mind, The Lake and the Buddhist Philosophy; the inevitable connection between the three concepts were discussed in the book. I have a thirst over finding facts probably due to the nature of my mind and the areas that I chose to study & work; socio-economic, sociological research for instance.


A few books that I wrote yet to be edited are stored in my book cupboard, longing & dreaming to be published. Every day is an unpredictable day, I know that truth too. I know that humans already reached the Space & the Moon, though some still try to find a way to purify the water ways -spoiled by the humans.


Our society is a multi-cultural and multi ethnic society.  For more than thirty years, we suffered and tormented, depressed both physically and mentally due to the LTTE terrorism. I do not know whether wounds of the affected is fully healed or cured. Especially the inner wounds.


I think some still admire and worship hate and anger. I also know that torturing others either physically or mentally is known as a psychological syndrome/deficiency and mainly is an OFFENSE.

I am the eldest of a ‘financially- coping’- family.


I always had a solution for almost all the issues that I faced.  


Until the January 2020 I lead a somewhat happy life.  Till then the struggles and issues I faced were ordinary struggles and issues.


I graduated in 1996 from the University of Peradeniya one of the most beautiful and oldest Universities of the country. I love both history and Sociology.  I initially thought of studying history (modern) as my principle subject, for my bachelor’s degree, from the second year onwards but I chose Sociology, after days and days of thinking. Yet, I must note that both History and Sociology shaped & sharpened & enhanced my life.


Back then, I was not a student very much interested in political events or issues. I was very much interested in ‘social problems’. ‘Social Problems’ and Social psychology were a couple of compulsory subjects of the principle course of study, Sociology. I passed out with the second class-upper division pass in 1996.


I started my carrier assisting the local & international Principle Investigators of socio-economic-, sociological & anthropological research. Due to that I gained more chances to travel across country and to meet people of different socio-economic-political backgrounds. Unfortunately I didn’t apply for any other government jobs like my other batch-mates.


I am a Buddhist. Buddhist Philosophy is one of the best religions teach you thousands and thousands of facts & guidance of life and the way to handle the sensitive minds of the humans. The philosophy discusses the co-relation between the thoughts, intensions and minds and behaviors of a person. The philosophy supports you to identify the causes of issues and it reminds you the importance of staying away from the ones that you should not associate with, bad ‘friends’ for instance and importance of associating the good and lawful ones, ‘companions’ of life or carrier and noble ones for instance.


“Asewanãcha Bãlãnam Pandithanancha sewana”

Associate the scholars and the ones with good-wills.


Chethanahan Bikkawe Kamman Wadãmi

“Intension leads to action.”


A thought, a perception, an attitude of a person may change a society, a person’s life, a story of a nation, for the better or for the worst.


From where these intensions are arriving from?


Is it from the Mind or from the Brain?


For me human mind is the most beautiful creation that the Nature has ever gifted.


Have you seen one’s mind?  What have you seen inside? What is the shape and a size of a mind?


Is it the mind or the Brain ‘store’(s) your experiences, facts you collate, spring of thoughts? How important it is to know these things or have a bit of awareness on these things for an ordinary citizen or for a person who has not studied medicine or psychology & other relevant subject etc.?


How valuable is your ‘memory’ for you? Do you think that you should share every bit of information, what is stored in your memory stores of your past with others? If so, with whom? Every person holds personal ‘opinions’ and beliefs on this.


Be Patient! I will tell you my story ……….


What is the true meaning of knowing? Knowing a person, according to you?  Is it knowing the place of birth or the place of arriving, place of residing?  Origin of species? , let me ask you again.


A harmless thought that arise in one’s mind takes him or her or you to a ‘better and a happy status of life, a harmful thought that may appear or born in your mind may entirely ruin your or of your family or the lives of the others.


What do you think of following and believing?


A good follower is a person who believes & follows the leaders and friends and nobles who respects ‘humanity’ and truly is a good follower. A believer who believes a human’s life worth a universe & saving a life worth a universe than killing a person is a good believer. For you, your mother & father is your world. Am I incorrect?  You don’t want anyone to harm your world, am I right?


Believe me what I am writing is true, this is my true story.


Buddhist Philosophy, help me to read and view the minds of the humans that I associate and their behavior and activities, causes of issues from a philosophical point of view and adjust my life accordingly.

Some think that I can write. Some think that I am a very creative creature. Some hate the ones who ‘writes’ or don’t like the ones who writes. Therefore I believe that some don’t like me but hate me for sure.


The society; kin, kith, religion, teachers and other social and economic and political communities or societies are the core component or the tool that create or make the Social Creature/Social-Person in you.  Taboos, Norms and values of a society and civil laws too, help a human creature maintain the ‘social character, without tarnishing it’.  


The sole molder of the Biological Human Creature are the parents. Yet, one’s blood group, genes and DNA and the other things that you inherited from your families’ & from the ancients cannot be changed by any of the society or by any person, leader, believer or a follower, ‘forcefully’. It is the social or cultural, political and financial-status of you that the others or you, yourself can change, yet not the biological you, the biological creature, the ‘race’ and the ‘colour’ including. Often thanks to the biological facts or gifts that you have obtained from your parents and grandparents etc. you can remain and sustain unchanged without changing towards the side of the bad. Yet, the attitudes and the perceptions are subject to change.


Societies across globe are shaped and sized and coloured and created of both so called ‘bad’ ones and ‘good’ ones, or ‘somewhat good’, ‘somewhat bad’ ones, positivists, extremists, negativists, ideologists, isms such as utopianism etc. It is they who write or create Definitions & Theories.  Myths & Science and are inevitable I trust.  Yet, some believe in inhumanity, murdering humanity, law and order of a society because we born with’ empty hands’ and ‘empty minds’, I believe. Some of them think that they can rule the world the way that they please. What is the point of our vision, ‘logies’ and ‘isations’ or ‘isms’ if those create conflicts in a society or in a mind, if such steals peace of mind?  Some don’t have time to think about those things or some ignore weighing or measuring them.


My introduction is a bit too long, please pardon. And please Be Patient! I will tell you my story……….


Every so called ‘good’ and ‘bad’ use certain strategies when planning & implementing the missions they draft or computerized.


Please don’t neglect or bin the questions that I ask here without thinking & analyze & weighing or measuring them and the applicability of them.


Are the detective or defending mechanisms that exist in the societies of the world sufficient to cater the need of ‘security of the civilians’ of a society?


Who is responsible for creating the so called ‘bad- man’? It is the society, I believe. Yet, is it solely the society? From where your child, teen, young son or daughter gets information and update their knowledge channels? From the sources available in the society? Who manages and updates those sources of knowledge?  Either Individuals or companies or the groups of companies of the society. Were they given licenses to handle your child, us, humans, and the civilians? No, that is what we believe and that is the law.


We believe that when a child becomes a grown-up child he or she learns to strain and avoid the unnecessary things that comes his or her way and pick only the things that the so called ‘good -society accepts. We assume that a grown-up adult knows to measure or to weigh what is bad and good and what should be picked and what shouldn’t be picked. Then, why is this world is full of wrong doers, torturers you think?

Mountains of Books of Laws available in the libraries and in the markets, can we forget that?


The world believe that ‘improving leadership qualities of a child or a young or a person is important, right? Have some misunderstood the term ‘leadership’?


In the highly modernized-highly scientific society do the children, teens and youth, men and women have any alternative(s) or liberty to refuse the things that they dislike or to embrace the things that they like? Some were compelled or forced to use some of the things that exist in the society, some say or some argue, I have read and heard. What could be the main cause for that? Fear of losing life. Some were forced to believe a belief that they really believe.


Those who purposely trying to control a society in an unaccepted manner cannot be excused or pardoned. Some forget that it is an offense.


Do we get adequate support from the segment of law and order? When well managing or well systematizing the society we live? Do you think that the law and order is quicker or faster than a wrong doer or a culprit especially when it comes to detecting and defending and capturing them and solving an issue? Saving a life of a victim?


Children are compel or Force to study. The law say that a child has a right to education. It is compulsory that a child should obey the rules and traditions of a family and it is compulsory that a citizen should obey the law.


Do we very well know what is going on inside one’s mind? Have you ever thought that a person that you view doing a task or a duty with regard to their duties of professions was facilitated or has the ability to read one’s mind, handling or controlling a life of another in their minds or brains using newest technology, creating their own methodologies and equipment?


Often we find human creatures disobey the laws, traditions and values and norms, taboos of a society. That is why the jails and prisons of here and there of the world are full of prisons. Compared with the situations decades ago, do you think that the number of white-collar prisoners has increased and higher than the number of prisoners belong to other categories, now? Scholars ‘say if you open a school you are closing a many prisons.’ Do you think that the number of schools available across country and world is higher than the number of prisons and jails? 


If I say that security is that you monitor the computer systems IT systems privately and organizationally established and monitoring the behavior of every co-worker of each other, what would you say? Security is that you keep ‘communication solely sticking to yourself, under country’s control, what would you say?  


Please be patient I will tell you my story…….


Some have huge teams and network of communication and friends, companies etc. around them. The societies and communities, small or large that don’t obey any law, tradition, value or a norm may ruin any society any value base. Some teen or youngster may have trapped by these societies, network of communications and they may strategically take them into their custody. Who doesn’t know that no, is that what you think of my questions.


Am I asking too many questions without telling you my story? But this world is full of questions and issues, can’t you agree to my opinion? We often neglects the questions that the youngsters ask, the leaders often neglects the questions that the ordinary ask, also some leaders, community or country or world neglect what  the ordinary says or insists.


Do you think that we know enough of every facet of IMPRISONMENTS? Do you think that we sufficiently pay attention to ‘harassments’? What do you know about political imprisonment, house arrest, mind arrest, forceful controlling of human minds and brains?    I am not a believer or a follower of such perceptions.


> > > > >


Since about ten years, the outside society, the readers’ community who read what I post in my blog-spot, has a way of addressing me, call me based on what I have been writing and the way that I have been dealing with the outside society, the way that they weighed me. Sad, Sand, Thousand etc. It is because of my name,  Sandika, I assume.


Back then until I reach the Dear Colombo, the old capital that the world admired a lot, I was fully ‘apolitical’ & my mind was peaceful most the time. And my thoughts were fresh & novel.


My life gradually began to change after the day that I started a blog;  on 10th April 2012.


So the blog helped me to convert all my thoughts in to essays. Footpath for me is a place to place my voice. Footpath is the path that I travelled across globe and it helped me meeting various persons with various perceptions of apolitical and political beliefs, from different geo-political segments across globe., for me is a self-empathetic partner.


No blood-loving hackers were dominating my mind back then. I wrote freely and independently. Due to freedom & peacefulness of my mind back then I managed to write novel and fresh essays. I walked here and there freely and liberty-fully.


Probably because of the subject that I specialized in, I have a habit of writing the essays based on what I have been observing and viewing and experiencing, based on true events. Whenever I can and wherever I go I use to collate things to write and I posted all those experiences penning them my way on my blog. I think that according to what I heard and hinted by others, readers across globe read what I have been posting on my blog. Blog spot-Statistics too relieve that.

Humanity and Mind are a few of my favorite subjects that I have been discussing and analyzing most, via my blog page.

After leaving the University, I spent most of my life & Time in Colombo. Colombo taught me many lessons, it showed me many things that I have not seen before or have not heard before especially the ‘undersides of silences’, Colombo taught me the nature of political facets of life the lives. I learned the differences of the lives of the semi-urbaners and urbaners and peasants, their life styles, by observing their lives, staying there for years. Somewhat closely viewing the life of the traders who trade and deal stationing in the area of Fort, The consumers’ communities too taught me many things of their life styles etc.


Everything that I pen here may have some link or something to do with my story that I witnessing here.


Science shows us new paths and avenues. What human friendly mechanism a person, a student must use when dealing with other humans, co-workers, politicians, co-politicians, co-professionals when enhancing the lanes of education and life and with regard to one’s professional achievements etc. such as promotions etc.  is still a challenge ahead the humans. Choosing right application-human friendly from a millions available truly is a challenge. 

> > > > >

Like I explained earlier, from 1996 to 2019, I spent most of my time ink Colombo area. In 2019, I moved to a different lane of Jubilee Post, Nugegoda City and rented a couple of rooms of a house of a land lord and lived there with my sister.  I didn’t like the room that we chose to live especially after my sister’s marriage. Because, the room had no windows and gained no sufficient ventilation facilities. But over to my room they fixed a glass, at least sun light flowed into the room.  


That is the place that I started hearing some sensitive sounds for the first time in my life, such as ‘the sounds of creatures in a forest for instance, fireflies etc.  Especially in the bathroom and some unknown unfamiliar voices of human creatures from the roof of the house.


I refrain from writing the other incidents happened in the country between the periods of January 2019 to March 2019.  The reason is that my intension & idea of writing this note is to share one of my terrible and horrible experience with my readers.


Following story changed my story as well…….


The Year Twenty-Twenty (2020)   began with a bad news. From the City of Wuhan of China I heard of a health issue called Corona for the first time. According to what I heard from china corona kills people. It first dominated and invaded whole of China and slowly and faster it spread across world. Starting from the city, Wuhan hundreds, thousands, millions and trillions of people began to die of covid-19. We watched very sensitive and sad stories related to the lives of the corona affected people almost every day. How it changed the lives of the world is unexplainable.  How it actually collapsed and abandoned the social and economic life of the citizens of the world is terrible. It ruined people’s lives, I read and heard. We heard of the stories of the people who have lost the jobs and how some entrepreneurs of newly started enterprises struggled to survive. How some raise voice against hunger due to loosing daily and monthly income. How some daily paid lived with the allowance given by the governments, we have been observing. Corona facilitated and supported some criminals and tortures to harm my brain & mind. 


The gates of countries the authorities had to close to bar corona entering the local territory. Some returned to home-country due to corona and due to losing jobs. The WHO and all internal health ministries and departments have been fully engaged with solving and controlling new corona situation. During this period the WHO named this new version of corona, ‘Covid-19’. 


At the beginning, I posted a few essays on the issue, corona, Covid19, on my blog and how it has been changing the lives of the humans across globe, the way that I viewed and understood it. I updated and stated and noted almost every bit of information that I heard and read in my computer, in the note of Sakasuruwam Panthiya- the Welfare Class back then’.


Due to internet lock downs or inter-networks barred communicating with each other I assume. Some I assume didn’t read what I posted or didn’t know what I have been through during this period of time.


I normally try to stay away from the issues heart aching but even though it was troubling my mind due to the sensitive incidents happened and reported due to Covid-19, I was interested in knowing and studying the subject, ‘corona’, like others across world. Terrorism is not anymore a fresh subject. It is decades and decades and ages old subject though you hear something very often of its newest facets & stragies practiced here and there of the world. What is to be known or understood is that the new facets of terrorism. Corona for me ruined my life and started ruin the lives of my near and dear ones and subordinators. The Corona hasn’t finished playing games with the lives of the humans across globe. Just because I used to write about social and economic facets of Corona some use to tease me calling ‘c….o……na…..’


Let me share my story slowly……be patient! & stay safe! ‘Please maintain the social distance’ we were advised it that way, almost every moment and day.  But while keeping and maintaining the social distance some (especially the bad) tried to be closer to the others’, the networks via technology and science, Skype and phones, Media etc.


> > > > >


This was the period that the authorities locked down- Akurana area one of the cities of the Kandy district of Sri Lanka and announced setting of police curfew, whole-island in order to control Corona.


This is the period that the torturers took whole of my life into their custody. Actually to control your own mind, you don’t need much outside assistance unless you are really ill and have no ability to control it yourself due to whatever harsh accidents happened unbearable situations faced etc. for instance. Every person knows a bit of self-empathetic measures to handle his or her own mind during any period of social or otherwise ‘obstacles. And almost every family has ‘self-family-empathetic mechanisms’ to cater the need of the members of the family, during any periods of socio-economic or psychosocial crisis.  And even if it is not the situation you must carefully select a person to gain empathy or treatment and it should be from an experienced, the ‘subject- knowing medical practitioner, a doctor, from a careful listener, from a person that don’t boomerang what you share.


Every season, after getting the fresh paddy-yield, before using them for the families’ consumer purposes, it is a custom and a tradition that the farmers’ families prepare and offer milk rice to the Lord Buddha and to the goddess Pattini thanking them for supporting and protecting the cultivation from fear of floods & droughts etc., throughout the season, until they get the harvest.


My sister (in-law) wanted my mother to cook some milk rice on behalf of them from the fresh raw-white rice she gave and offer it to the shrine. After returning home I visited the Sri Dalada Maligawa- Kandy Sri Lanka, on the 17th or the 18th March 2020 specifically to offer the prepared milk rice for the name of the Sacred Tooth Relic. 


After offering the milk rice, waiting at the long queue since early morning, when I worshipped saying, ‘May the sacred tooth relic bless me! It echoed back to me and I felt that everybody else who were there overheard what I thought silently.  At that very moment I was not in a position to understand what was going on in my life or in my physical-body. Why I heard & echoed back a loud what I thought silently.  How is it possible for others to hear what I was saying silently? I was not in a position to understand due to lack of knowledge of the subject. I assume that it was the first time they controlled my voice. That was the first time the so called hitching & patching mechanism started destroying the fibers of my throat.


I also believe that the Sacred Tooth Relic witnessed it and still witnessing what is happening in my life since then.


On the 20th March-morning I couldn’t wake up like before. I couldn’t stand up. I felt like that I am fully collapsed. I felt like that I was floating. Lifeless and abandoned. My head was blocked and hard and I hardly heard anything what others have been saying. I once felt like a woman suffering from leprosy because I truly cannot remember feeling anything like before. I think I do not have enough of words to explain what I have been experiencing, accurately. 


I remember trying very hard to manage my day’s work as usual. Trying to write something as usual.


Twice or thrice at the beginning of this experience on a day of the month of March 2020, I went and lied down on the bed due to lifelessness felt. I couldn’t stand up and walk steadily. Dizzy and confused.


Let me memorize back some of the experience prior to this 24hr mind arrest and torture.


On a particular day of February 2019, I heard somebody was saying from the two rooms of the house that we were renting in Nugegoda. I thought that it is the next door-roomie.  But it wasn’t them.


“Come, come you come to Kandy, I will …… You bitch like Shakespeare no….. Why you speak in English and translate same into Sinhala. ”


This was the first dialog I heard from a distance. I was very confused. I assumed that everybody heard those dialogues.


Next day or the day after to the above incident, in about 11 or 12 mid night I assume, I overheard a dialog of somebody quarreling or fighting with somebody from the next door, from the house of the daughter of the land lord.


“So you go and sleep what you are waiting for.” …


And the female said “she is watching or listening” there were CCTV cams fixed inside and outside the house of the daughter of the land lord.  I thought that they must have seen me listening due to curiosity. And on the same day I overheard some quarreling and bad words from my newly married sister’s room. I tried to peep into their room to check whether she was beaten by him. Whoever was trying to mislead me and tried to show me a wrong picture of their lives, for instance, they each other have issue and my brother in law is a bad person. I used to suspect him at the beginning without knowing the reality or what was going on inside our lives. Luckily I didn’t really asked him anything but advised him a bit. I feel relieved now due to the reason that I didn’t question him like a judge. Ah! I guess there are a few lawyers and Judges are there in the family of the landlord.


I can recall the following dialogues as well. I thought that they were trying to pretend that they view me or hear what they had been discussing. The voice of the husband asked that “can I have something to eat”, “we have cookies”. Ah! This is soap no, not cookies. “It is in the other tin.” the lady answered.  I do not know whether they were really quarreling with each other at the beginning. Anyhow what I believe now is that somebody was spoken through a particular voice or talked to me from a distance, in order to torture me- emotionally. Was my mind under fully arrest of somebody on that day? Was that the reason why I overheard the above mentioned dialogues? Was that the beginning of the ‘spy-speakers’, speaking to me, beginning of this torture?


But afterwards I was normal. But I heard some hmmmmmm…. Sounds on & off that’s all.


Luckily or unluckily I didn’t ask anything from the land lord of what I heard. This house that we rented is situated near the Police Station - Mirihana/Nugegoda. I still don’t understand why I didn’t go to the Mirihana Police Station and report it to the Police.


I like to listen to the speeches of huge personalities because of the way that they expresses their ideas and perceptions. I also know how effective & powerful one’s voice is and how some voices has changed lives of some people.  


Some voices worth millions and billions and trillions of rupees or dollars or pounds. Some vital-ness of some voices cannot be financially weighed or measured. Voicing and narrating is a solely beautiful carrier and an art. Though some like some voice some may hate some of the voices. Some may hate the ones who speak of truth or realities of life. Someone’s voice is a right. Raising one’s voice against an inhuman activity or human’s need or a requirement is a human right. Voices cannot be stopped or forcefully controlled and if somebody tries to do that it is known as an offense. Somebody’s voice is a gift of human nature. A melodious voices has the magical power to heal one’s heart and mind. Similarly no torture-full voice smooth any heart or mind. Kind and sincere voices please not only the humans but also the animal creatures. One’s voice is a powerful tool.  Voices lead Nations and calms nations. Child stops crying when she or she hears the voice of her/his mother.  The new concept called controlling one’s voice, hacking the voice box and speaking through one’s mouth I have not heard of it until the day that I became a victim of the method.

To understand human body and its function B.S. Becket’s Illustrated Human & Social Biology helped me a lot.  Please view the above picture you would understand your throat a bit.


What is the uses of one’s voice box? If others controlling your own voice box what would happen to your health?  


If you force a person to think without letting the person release his or her own thoughts & voice from his or her own mouth independently it becomes an offense especially because it physically damages the relevant organs of the human body and it silences one’s voice forcefully. What is the requirement behind silencing one’s voice or if a person is forcefully trained to talk to others using these spy-speaking mechanisms?


Who are the persons benefit from silencing one’s voice? The Brain & the Mind hackers. Those who have been listening to the loud voices of a person or a victim of this kind of torture stops receiving views or perceptions but it is the hacker who receives views and thoughts of the victim who was trained to talk silently or think without talking a loud.


If you have no alternative or an option to stop the ones that speak to you secretly, the ones who speak straight to your mind without consent to the knowledge of the others forcefully it is terrible and tortures & the victim becomes helpless.


The Silent Speakers or the Secret Speakers kills health & cells of a brain and Peace and Harmony of one’s mind. Steals every right of a human.

No law accept ‘Muting one’s voice forcefully or controlling one’s voice and thoughts forcefully and I believe that it is an extreme crime, no matter who does it.

On a particular night, at the beginning of this process of torture, I heard a bit of a rough voice over to my bed, he said that “They want to see you affected by corona.” I do not know what he meant by ‘they.’


Stevens & Hewlett Packard(s) Graham Bells introduced Telephone, Skype, Computers and applications to not to distance humans but for them to live a life close to each other.  And Nano mechanisms to not to kill humans or privacies of humans or humanities of humans but to protect and develop the material life of human creatures. Now these so called distance-spy speaking mechanism though it is useful when dealing with every facets of security matters, with wrong doers or some creatures who doesn’t know the importance of those mechanism and value of a human life & have chosen those mechanism to torture, degrade, devalue, miss-weigh and miss-measure humanity and humans have almost peeped into many lives important to their nations and countries, I strongly believe.


Since March like I mentioned earlier my voice has been controlled not by a single creature but by a few unknown group of human creatures. The reasons not known to me. For me controlling one’s voice box and voice is an ugly thing and an inhuman thing to do. If someone is speaking through another person’s voice box and mouth it requires to enter some electronic rays into human throat and it causes cancer, I believe.


These mechanisms creates not only social and political issues in a society but also health issues. This becomes a huge issue when a victim’s voice or an eye-witness’s voice is forcefully controlled, hitched and patched a victim’s brain is controlled during a court session or a hearing in order to miss-lead the Honorable Juries and the Honorable Judges, & Imagine if you receive some information & confirmation from a trust worthy source to confirm of such mechanism usages occurred or that have been practiced during courts sessions across island, what would you do?  


Such inhuman actions are harmful & it kills peace and harmony of a society and the criminals would be released imprisoning an innocent victim, if such actions were practiced in the judiciary system.  We know that the Courts & Judiciary systems are there for the victims and for the affected of injustices to seek justice.  If this ‘voice & thoughts controlling mechanism have been practicing in courts; who does these things? Who has the capacity to do so? Who hires them & why? Who has the financial ability to hire them? What are the places or areas that they have stationed with equipment & tools?   From where they are controlling the voices from, from what distance, miles and kilo meters of distance they reach victims of spy speaker centered torture?


After returning home in Kandy, from Nugegoda, the distance speakers woke me up at various time especially at mid night and after mid-night. They used to torture me saying various things especially they scared me saying “your brother is with us now Sandika” for instance.  I truly thought that somebody must have kidnapped my brother. I used to telephone them during mid-night to know whether they were alright.   Now I know what they meant by saying ‘your brother is with us Sandika”. They probably have mind arrested my brother or they may have tried to threatened me or scare me saying so.  


The very interesting thing here of this chosen torturing method is that the ‘brain hacking spy-speaker’ knows & feels everything that I feel and think. When the torturer is connected to my brain and mind he can say the ‘taste’ of what I eat.  How does a person know, feel, read one’s mind unless the two bodies merged or connected with each other.  So I think it is me who named this mechanism during the time of trying to understand the method of torture, ‘Mind to Mind bonding’. 


How do you bond minds? Couple or multiple? Using Science & Technology they do it for sure. They hack one’s brain and link multiple minds with the center-brain, I very strongly assume. For what purposes? To know a person? Why a person has to use such a method especially when there are plenty of methods and tools available in the world to know a person? To torture a person that is what I believe, due to the experience that I gained during this period of time. The main objective behind controlling my brain & mind and whole-body is nothing else but hate and hate and torture.  Why? Because it kills brains, because the method, brain hacking and mind reading and thoughts reading is harmful and damages human minds, destroys brain cells. Steals the right to think and steals one’s privacy. 


What is the way that this group is controlling my Brain and Mind, whole-body, Voice. They don’t reach me physically. I strongly believe that they view me ‘live’ & controlling me using a remote controller (?).  To control a person using a remote controller, what ‘electronic advance technological environment you need to have within a human’s body?

Who could be the possible persons using such methods especially when you know that it kills a person. Spoils a person’s peace and harmony of mind? Please list. Think of your own society and list the possibilities and persons you can think of.  


And on those nights, some scared me saying “the drug dealers may use your brother for their requirements, tricking and trapping him, so be careful”. Though I was miserable I was thankful to them for opening my eyes.  Were they good ones, I was wondering. You know that I cannot freely wonder. My wonderland has been shattered by these torturers. The hacker gets to know what I wonder of. I cannot imagine of anything. The torturer gets to know what I imagine of. What a world that we live in no?


Since then I feared of my innocent brother’s life. I decided to go there. I didn’t want to scare him saying these things but I advised him to take care of his life and live carefully, breaking the silence.

Until March 2020, I knew nothing about the methods that exist in the underside of the world we live, the methods such as ‘speaking through’, ‘voice hitch-patching’, ‘voice merging’, mind to mind bonding’, the appliances available to hack and break necks and legs. I was not particularly interested in knowing and learning about ‘mind hacking and I never thought that I would ever experience anything as such in my life.


Anyhow, I have heard about ‘sleep therapy’ and also know that the doctors do not recommend to use ‘sleep therapy mechanism for a patient unnecessarily. There are plenty of facts that they consider important and check before choosing the said mechanism of treatment; One’s age, pressure, history of health of the person, whether they are suffering from any chronic conditions etc...  It should be done not by an immature but by a specialist who know the subject and have some patience and consciousness. I have never heard of any human specialist who has used sleep therapy to read a human’s past talking to a person from a distance, using spy speaking mechanism. It is risky to use such a mechanism. Even a kid of modern day can easily understand the danger of using such methods unnecessarily, I believe.


I am interested in knowing the ‘mind’. Actually this my interest towards learning and knowing human mind helped me to understand at least a bit about what is going on in my human body organs including the sexual organ.


Many years have vanished since the day that the true human friendly scientists, the doctors have started studying & experimenting on ‘human minds’ especially for the sake of ‘the survival of the human minds’. I couldn’t finished reading the book, the Terminal man, written by Michael Crichton. It is always good to read perceptions of others on the subject.


I have never heard of any distance-whole-body controlling mechanisms, distance-verbal abuse, distance physical and sexual organ controlling / abuse before, until I experienced it badly since 19th March 2020 onwards.  Yet I have watched some movies written & produced based on true life stories of the persons who were tortured during the World War eras and post WWI & WWII eras and how the ‘Spy’ here and there of the world were tortured due to whatever reasons when they were in other countries.


My sole request from the immature -cruel distance-whole body controllers who is suffering from hate and anger and other socio-political ailments is that ‘PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM HUMAN MIND & BRAIN!


> > > > >


Who is a true controller? The person who has the ability to control her or his own mind. The person who has control over his own Brain, Mind, Body and Voice and have some control over his or her anger and hate of own mind is the true controller especially because such humans don’t harm humans.  


I truly don’t understand these controllers’ status of minds, I feel that they enjoy talking to multiple groups binding, hacking and linking human minds & Torturing brains of the chosen victim jumping from mind to mind.


When I cannot concentrate on my writing I tried to read. Probably due to this my own experience, I tried to download horror movies that I normally refrain from watching, at the beginning of this process it is a bit surprising to recall. I started reading Ann Prospero’s Almost Night at the very beginning of this process of torture. I liked it. I felt that some of the experiences I gained similar to what author describes in the book. I read the entire book. I thought that a detective like the detective who investigated Carla Reeves case may come and help me and rescue me from the ones who has been torturing me.


On some nights, I overheard some voices forcing me to sleep saying, ‘sleep, sleep’, and also from a distance I heard various voices, some of them were familiar to me. Did I hear any of the voices of local politicians, I must recall my memory?


It was a female who said ‘I am done’. On a particular day, at the beginning of the process of this torture. . What does it meant? I do not know whether they did something to my mind or my brain, when I was a sleep. Or I do not know whether they forced my mind to sleep.


Now, I know that these hackers or the brain and mind controllers, has the ability to first send an ‘image’ that they like or prefers or that they need for the purpose depending on their objectives of controlling towards the mind or the brain of the oppressed / victim and let the victim think whatever on the image sent by the controller accordingly. Often they picked and chose the events and images of people that I have seen, from my memory lanes and I was forced to think something related to it.


Once, one of the controllers, called the persons or the members of their torture group, ‘panel of controllers’. At the beginning I remember that one of the assistant controllers mentioned a name of a famous politician imprisoned in jail. I do not know the intension behind mentioning the name.

On a particular night, one of the spy-speakers was asked to check whether I am thinking of one of the famous media personalities whom that I admire & respect a lot.  His major media of journalism is English Language. And another one said that it is not possible because I imprisoned him for a period of six month. I assumed that they were teasing me. 


The specialty of this method used to control me from a distance is that due to the fact that they change or implant negative thoughts in your mind, the victim delays visiting the police station to report the harassment or the torture. 


On another dark day of this process, when I woke up I heard some worried voices of dear ones and I was surrounded by them, I was convinced. A person was taken towards me on a wheel chair. (I would say that it was the image shown to me) Who was he? I felt that the person on the wheel chair is very worried about my situation. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t. One of the persons say that if you want you can cry. I cried yet loads of tears ran from my eyes, tear glands, unusually. Then I realized that my tear glands too were controlled by somebody. When I wanted to cry, on some days, no tears produced in my tear glands.  My right to shed tears too has been stolen.


I felt no ‘thirsty’ of drinking water… what could be the reason?


On one particular night I overheard a young man asking,


“Sir, will she ever be cured again?”


“May be or maybe not”, the teacher or the person whom I assumed was one of the cause, persons responsible of my nature of health constrain that I have been experiencing, replied.


On another dark night, I overheard, from a distance that a particular young (I assume) man’s voice say ‘bear, bear.” I felt sad, assuming that he was worrying about my situation or he may have felt sorry or sad when watching the others or whoever hacking or breaking my brain, entering my brain opening the closed gate or torturing me controlling my breath. I guess, now at least the tortures must let my brain be healed, leaving my mind, brain and body.


I was wondering whether they/ any of the members of the teams of torture, entered my room, using any method or a strategy, secretly, to insert anything into my body, before formally or informally start talking to me silently, in order to control my body, the day prior to (un)official informal controlling.  


On another terrifying night in between, I tried to sleep turning the left side of my body down, keeping the right hand upward, I heard from my left ear a very big, unusual sound of my heart beat, I can swear to the most sacred shrine; tooth relic of the Sri Daladã Mãligawa, Kandy, keeping my hand over to it. That means my heart too has been controlled ‘on & off’?


Can you imagine of my health- situation? When I think of the situation I feel inexpiably tired & tortured and when I think of the moment it is fearing me more and more. I swear to Lord Buddha, a similar or I assume same sound I heard when I sat and think of my little sister who was admitted to the hospital to bring her baby child home & when she was taken to the labor room, I can recall my memory right now. The child was born in 2019. Back then I didn’t understand it properly. For a moment or so I was trying to understand it, but in a minute or so I somehow forgot about it. What does it revel? I have been a victim of whole-body controlling since 2019 or was it since 2017, 2018? It is only the controller knows.  That is one of the questions ahead me that requires some clarifications and answers and solutions.


If this system is used for a newly married or to a girl yet to be married what would happen to her womb and to the reproductive system?


How terrifying it is to press one’s breathe and the heart area so harshly. I have experienced it. When I was in Nugegoda I suffered from some heart aches. I thought that there was some error in the organ. I went to the hospital and I was prescribed some medicine. After sometime it vanished somewhat. Now I feel that the organ was controlled by somebody and as a result of that it may have ached.


What do you know about the nervous system? The importance of nerves system of a human? Learning these things will not be a waste.


‘The nervous system is consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and thousands of nerves which connect these two with all parts of the body. The Brain and the spinal cord form the Central Nervous System.  Nerve fibers outside this system occur in bundles called nerves, which together, form the Peripheral Nervous System Cranial nervous are those which are connected directly to the brain. i.e. NERVES from the EYES and EARS.  Spinal nerves arrives from the spinal cord.’


The Nervous system coordinates the activities of the body. Conscious muscular activities are coordinated using information from the eyes, ears, nose, and other external senses… Unconscious activities such as heart beat, and breathing rates are coordinated using information from internal sense organs which detect changes in blood pressure, body temperature levels of carbon dioxide and glucose in the blood etc. Unconscious activities are CONTROLLED by the autonomic nerves system. (Illustrated Human and Social Biology/ B.S. Beckett) 


Based on above facts, kindly imagine of the situation of a natural human body controlled by an outside force, by an externally arranged system? Imagine of the current situation of my nervous system & its health.


The Convention gave for the first time in history a definition of psychological torture:

‘Torture is any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.


Whilst these torture-full spy- speaking, the controllers very often heat my BRAIN and sometimes my whole-body and they sometimes cooler my body. Isn’t that important to know the method they use to either to cool or a heat one’s brain or body?  I was wondering whether they have fixed any mini air-conditioning component inside my room or have they fixed anything inside our indoor water flowing system, inside our bathroom?


On a few nights in the beginning of this course of torture, I heard footsteps of a man walking on the roof of my room, of my house. I do not know whether it was a recorded foot-step sounds that the controllers let me hear.


I searched in every hole in my room, using a little paper knife whether anyone hid any components or tools in order to control me, I even removed all the wires of our audio cassette recorder thinking that those has something to do with this torture. 


Any digital components fixed on our roof, television antenna, telephone wires, door-bells, did they fixed any component inside those equipment in order to talk to me or to control my personal body? I was wondering whether they used the electricity system of our house for body and head heating purposes.


Since the day that I returned to Kandy, I had to bathe unnecessarily and unbearably cold water. We don’t have the cold water facility fixed inside our bathroom. Who has the ability to do that? How did they do that? I wanted to report it to the water-board somehow it didn’t happen. We have a hot water system fixed by my brother. Due to fear, I stopped bathing hot water since the day that they started torture and I used house hearth to boil water and bathe.


I remember now a couple of days after my sister’s wedding, I went to worship the Sacred Bo tree Jaya Sri Maha bodhiya in the sacred zone of Anuradhapura District. The pot of water that I carried for a spiritual reason, fell on a little branch of the sacred tree near the principle tree. I am wondering whether it was an accident or incident happened due to somebody controlling my hands.  


About a couple of days later, I fell down inside my bathroom. Some blood flowed from my head.  I thought that it would naturally heal but it didn’t happen. Somehow I went to the Teaching Hospital in Kandy with my brother. I was hospitalized for a day. Took a couple of x-rays. And the doctor recommended some stiches and some medicine. I assume that it may have happened due to somebody, controlling my body at that very moment I was bathing.


Who was this strange unknown controller? What bothered him? Why he or she hates me in particular?


Some controllers used the particular wounded area of my head to torture me, they heated the particular area and pressed the injured point.  Needless to explain the pain I felt.


Sometime later the said in door accident occurred, I wanted to visit the bio chemical registering department in Gaetambe-Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in order to collect some information for one of the books that I had been writing from one of the lady officials working attached to the government entity.  I had to cross the road. I crossed the road from a wrong point not from the passenger crossing. A delica (if my memory is right) van came and hit me and a motor bike that came after the van hit my legs too. I fall down on the rough carpeted road. The van didn’t stop. But the bike rider did. I saw a women who was seated in the van looked at me. It was my heart & chest side that I felt heavy pain. I was about a few moments unconscious and felt faintish but with the help of the very kind humans working at the said department I was taken to the Peradeniya teaching hospital.  X- Rays shown no internal injuries. I am wondering whether the accident has something to do with any of these torture groups. I didn’t go to the police because it was my fault that I didn’t cross the road from the right passenger crossing. The Bike rider came and inquired my health situation but the van driver was inhuman and went without stopping the van but I saw his fiancé (I assume) was noticing the incident. I strongly assume that she was the first person who may have seen me crossing and the van hitting the body. This happened near the Police-Station-Peradeniya.


When I am writing this note a woman or a man is trying to control my facial expressions as well. Whenever I start writing something one of the tortures who has ‘no self-control’ and has not control of her own anger and the aggression towards me itched my sex organ, didn’t let me write in peace.


I strongly believe that these torturers are very highly in need of help of Local and International law and order and they at least require some guidance and support of a certain true-spiritual missions or of a true religious leaders as well as of the true support of a true psychologists.


On another torturous night, one of the girls or a females who spoke to me using a spy speaking line, very nicely and faster chanted a Sanskrit slogan for the goddess Kãli.  I think that she pronounced the slogan right. And on the very first week of this heavy torture, Tamil voices spoke through the voices of the movie characters of the movie that my brother was watching.  What does it mean? No other person can speak that well through any of the movie or drama characters of a Tamil Movie already dubbed unless they are very fluent in Tamil Language. And no person has the right to speak through any of the movie characters and spoil a creation especially when it comes to patent right of a creation. Similarly these teams spoke through the voices of English and Sinhalese Dramas. And I believe that it is an offense to steal the right of a creation or of the artists.


A young voice of a boy or a man spoke to me while I was travelling to Kandy town by bus once, into my deep ear, to the deep mind of mine, or to my brain. And on a day prior to the implementation of this package of torture on full time basis or twenty four hours basis, when I went to the Sri Diwrumbodhimalu Viharaya to worship the Lord Buddha. The man who spoke to me when I was travelling in the bus started muttering various things into my ears….. It was different to the voices that I heard from a distance. I don’t know why I really didn’t respond to any of those voices.


Since then almost everyday somebody from one of these group of tortures accompanied me by speaking to my mind and brain, asking various questions, when I am travelling here and there of the city and outside city. It is dangerous and risky when somebody is speaking to your mind, when crossing a road or walking along the roads. (Using a telephone while driving is prohibited in this country) And due to this matter I can’t travel or walk with a conscious mind. These activities of these wrong doers may support road accidents.  I assume that they are coming to view the areas I visit, in order to achieve whatever objective of their political or apolitical missions. i.e. blackmailing , robbing, illegal trading etc.


Though one’s voice is a right and a powerful tool, some misuse the power gifted to them.


The strategies that these  inhuman controllers with spy speaking ability use when forcefully controlling or torturing a human’s voice or a human body, violating the right  are differ from person to person and group to group, agency to agency. Other than using somebody else’ name and rented or stolen voices to hide their true identities, they use some other strategies such as blessing others, ‘may the triple gems bless you!’, ‘May the Lord Buddha bless you!’ Some actually pick certain stanzas and parts of books of religions of other devotees that they actually don’t believe in, in order to mislead the victim or the security segments about their ethnic group and religion, caste or class, social or professional identities. Some even read literature written in other languages to hide their real professional characters or the identities. For instance, Kaali Daasa’s Meghaduthaya when speaking to the victim. I am actually writing this based on my own experiences.


One of the terms that one of the tortures used twice or thrice, during a group, multiple and individual dialogues made inside my brain and mind was ‘colouring your life’.  


I also remember, one day at the beginning of this torture, somebody was saying something in a worrisome tone when I am bathing…… aparade! What a waste! Admiring my naked body and after couple of days’ time same voice I guess when I traveled in the bus said ‘yeak you have ugly legs.”


I didn’t care. I actually was not responding to what they have been closely and distantly saying at the beginning. I was listening to everything that they were saying.


Insulting and torturing has been continued ………..


Some actually spoke through animals’ voices, birds’ and squirrels’ and through dogs barks. Animal discrimination, I can categorize it that way, I assume. Even to fear of those things I was not given any intervals. I truly do not know whether there are any manmade spy speaking tools made using animal’s voices available in the formal or informal market. Is it prohibited or allowed to sell those spy speaking tools and equipment for the informal groups or any individuals of the ordinary communities?  


Tell me who sold or rented my body to you for controlling purposes? I once asked one of the controllers, though I know that I gave no man or a woman such a right.


Do you know what method or tool that these body-controllers use to vibrate sex organs of a victim of Torture? Some used vibrating method to torture me. Are they the ones who use mobile smart phones to torture me or to speak to me?


I do not know whether the students of journalism allowed to use any of those spy speaking mechanism for teaching and learning purposes.  Dear Teachers and lectures, do you teach your IT (Information and Technology) students about these mechanisms? Dear Teachers and Tutors, Lectures do you teach your student anything about mind and body controlling methods and mechanism available here and there of the world? At least defending mechanism?


I guess it is a must that you teach your students about these things especially if you are a teacher teaches Law, Criminology & IT Medicine etc. I believe. Any criminology students studying my case joining me as spy speakers? Any students of Police academies joined me to study my issue as spy speakers? Any students of Brain and Mind, Sleep Therapy joined me as a spy speaker to study the case? Any officers of Security Forces joined me to study the case as a spy speaker? Any Spy from secret services of world joined the clan, me, to study the case to collect information about these criminals and torturers as a spy speaker? Any members of political parties joined me as a spy speaker as a data collector, thinking of their political future especially to use the data in the forthcoming Presidential or Parliamentary election? Any apolitical parties who hate political parties or politics joined the clan as a spy speaker to use the data about the criminals to throw them at them, the politicians? Any entrepreneurs joined me to check the quality of their spy speaking appliances or applications sold to their customers?


There should be specific reasons as to why it is difficult for the authorities to capture the leaders of the torturing teams. They collect information and updates knowledge from various sources and methods. I believe that they maintain sort of a Chain of hackers and spies and circles of hackers and spies. I strongly assume that the grassroots level hackers or the primary level hackers don’t know the main hacker at the higher level, the person who collects information and send & share information & messages across world.  


I assume that some of them spoke to me ‘through’ some recorded voices of tapes. Do you know the number of so called whole body controlling agencies exist across country and world? Could you please check? Do you think that we should start collecting data about these individuals or of the agencies and maintain a data base now onwards for security purposes?


I am wondering, if these tortures use any tools or appliances or applications or software, is it possible for the government security councils to contact the spy-speaking tool manufacturing agencies and companies or the software or appliances creating agents to collect information that they maintain of the users referring the agreements they were online signed for instance (if any) of the tools, taking a court order for instance like the way that the authorities collect information of the phone calls taken by culprits for instance to justify and verify things from mobile companies or telecommunication partners.   


I don’t know whether my torture has something to do with any man or a woman or men or women who is interested in on line sex partners or online sexual intercourse controlling a body from a distance using internet communication systems. Have you, the world security and social peace authorities heard or found any evidences as such?


Do you think that this can be stopped and wrong doers can be captured? Can I rely on world cybercrime investigation teams?


Do you know why we should refrain from giving or sharing our personal information to any unknown /privately maintained agencies or individuals even for a registered company?


It is painful difficult to breathe when these speakers blocking my breath from time to time.


Needless to note the importance of one’s eyes. We too maintain eye banks in the country. We are a nation donates eyes for the needy, no matter what ethnic group you belong to, we have eyes for you. These torturers don’t know the importance of donating an eye I believe.  I don’t know whether these criminals know whether their kin and kith were donated eyes by the ethnic group that I belong to, by the Sinhalese. You never will be able to pre read one’s destiny, the controllers’ destiny, I often think.


Ever since the controlling was started my eye contours too have been tortured and controlled.  Once they tried to blind my eyes. Sending an electronic ray and a light (?) through my eyes. I saw some light going through from the two corners of my eyes. The experience was fearful.  You must believe what I say here. Who can bear such a pain? I am a woman aged fourty -nine by now. The eyes of a woman of my age is weak normally. Eyes too is something decaying along with the other organs of the human body.  I couldn’t read or watch properly due to the harshness and hardness of the eye controlling methods used by the tortures.


Do they use a torch, when handling my eye-contour? Do they wear any colored eye lenses when controlling me bonding my body and mind to another? How does my eye contours become blur? Do you know? Must study if you want your child to live an ordinary-safe life. You must fight against these wrong doers, I suggest.


How do they control a human-body from a distance? Do you know? What is the mechanism used by those distance whole-body controllers, Mind & Brain controllers can you assume or guess? Some of them send too much light -electricity through my eyes. That is why I sometimes unnaturally see too much light, when I am inside my bathroom for instance.  


The 24hr lodger, the woman sometimes used to say “See I can let you see, I am the only one who can help you stay normal, live a normal life, let you see.”  


Is this type of torture too belong to the psychological categorization called ‘Gaslight’? I must check with a true professional.


Like I explained earlier, some have been talking to me closely, some from a distance and some over to my head from the sky level. I was convinced at the beginning those who have been talking from a bit of a higher level over to my head belongs to a higher positions of the Security Forces. Who knows? When I travel in a bus. When I am in a bank for instance these torturers use the option or the technique of speaking over to the heads of the victim of me for instance. I believe that it is because they want to observe everyone who travels with me or the ones that they can blackmail or use for their financial requirements. I don’t know whether they peep into the bank accounts of the customers of the banks and taking notes.


I was compelled to talk to those spy speakers, even whilst I was heavily tortured.  No point begging salvation from them I learned.


I am a victim trained to talk to the secret speakers silently from the voice box area. My voice was controlled from the throat area and from my voice box area and what I have been saying was directed to the ear of the brain hacker or the torturer. I can say a plenty of humans listening to these conversations because some responded to either mine or the others’ sayings or views often from a distance.


I was normally a talkative person I stopped talking aloud since the day that the brain and mind hackers arrested my mind on fulltime basis.


Who truly wanted to control my VOICE?  My voice is my right, isn’t that right?


I really cannot bear the pain when these brain hacking torturers heavily heating my head and brain. On and off, Heavy sound has been sent through my ear towards my mind and brain. You know that high sensitive and extremely high sounds damages one’s ear and the entire hearing system.


You must well ‘ear’ or listen when others speak to you. What if your ears break due to heavy controlling?


My ears were mostly blocked. There was a method how they close or blocked my ears, I cannot explain the method. A person or a woman came like flying and blocked my ears about a few times.


How do they do that? Are you interested in knowing ‘how to defend’ them at least?


Since then, days and months or most of my time of the year 2020 gone passing lifelessly, or vanished I would say without really using them. Even during all these programmes of torture I tried to write. At the beginning it was difficult for me to write anything as usual.  No fresh words came through my mind. Anyhow I had to adjust my life though it is painful to deal with them and at the same time to accomplish my tasks and aims of life.


‘Thinking’ is the only thing that one can do peacefully or privately. Our parents used to read our minds, our teachers used to read our minds, they didn’t use any harmful mechanism. They knew the method to understand a mind of a person.


What would you do, if you feel that others reading or listening to what you think?


Whatever and Whenever I was thinking the controllers/ the tortures started reading them and listening to them and started commenting or responding on what I had been thinking. Therefore my right to think has been stolen.


Can you call them mind readers? No I assume. They are mind hackers? I assume that some of these may have cheated some other innocents across world acting as soothsayers.


It is one’s brain I think is the ‘center’ or the central place of thinking, the master of controller of your natural body.


What would happen to your ‘privacy’ when somebody is reading and listening to what you think twenty-four hours x seven days?


Some, during this period of time, tried to emotionally and emotionally blackmail me. Some unnecessarily artificially appreciated what I have been saying. Some used to say “I like what you say or said.”


I began to hear some voices come and reach the mid throat area/the voice box area of mine. I am still struggling to escape from them and trying to understand the entire process of torture, the aim and objective of this torture.


What I am trying to say here is that very important. Listen! & be patient! Even if you hear your loved one say something that you don’t like to hear from them. Even if you hear someone say something bad about your loved ones or near and dear ones, think thousand times, don’t believe or come to sudden conclusions or decisions. Don’t think any bad about them. Some by hitching and patching the voices that you believe might say something bad (fabricating) about your wife or husband, your friend, co-worker, something against the chief of your professional entity.  The person or a member of a torture group that cannot bear your development or your attachment to your family might speak through your near one’s own voice to ruin you.


Be aware of them!


Two groups of your village or community, party may quarrel with each other due to these type of methods of forceful controlling practice in your society. Due to political or otherwise activities of the controllers.  They may spoil your society by controlling the members of the community by using an aggressive language, speaking through and via the voices and the brains and the minds of the humans of the sides or groups involved.  So be careful.


Some play games hiding behind the characters or the personalities or the legends of the world. A group may hang a board before a center ‘Mahatma Gandhi’s…’ for instance to mislead the society worshipping hate and anger. So please be careful!


It is very heart aching to memorize this twenty four hour spy speaking experiences and sleepless nights spent due to their whole-night talking. I assume either they were paid more money by the dealer or by agent of the agency for torturing me or for practicing ‘nonstop-whole night torture’.


I do not know what would happen in the future? I cannot really predict about the real picture of the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) situation in the future because of this traumatic situation that I have been experiencing.


I remember the day that I went to see my sister who lives in Pussellawa area. I spent the night there. That was the day that I heard a voice of a foreign female. She said, “Kill her.” I do not know whether what she meant was torturing me or harming my brain. One of the female torturers who had been torturing me since about April, 2020 explained of the voice who said so and said that she is my niece. I do not know whether any of the foreign girls and females who married to any of these torturers were used to torture me or to talk to me in order to collapse my mind and to ruin the status of health of mind of mine or whether any foreign voices hitched and patched by any of the controllers.  


Since then I feared of the lives of those who show interest in inter-ethnic marriages.


And on that very particular night. The communication sessions were headed by a female. I was provided a picture of a female seated in a higher position. The other members of the spy-speaking team was seated below her. And I was convinced that she who headed the team on that night is a person is a chairman of a particular company of newspapers.   I do not know whether they were role playing character of a chairman of a particular company or a chairman truly joined the team to address me of some issues. So she was surrounded by most the girls and boys, according to the mind image provided to me and according to what I was convinced one of the females has gathered there begging her son’s life from the lady chief who was heading the spy-speaking & torturing session of that night. According to the mother her son was given a job or captured by the above explained lady and had used him for drug trading or dealing purposes.


I was asked whether I need anything from the so called chairman, I do not know whether the female -boss asked it from another female or gent who gathered there. So kneeling down before her in my mind (all these were mind to mind talking) assuming that she was asking me, I said that ‘please release the boy and handed over him to his mother.” This was what I requested her. She said that she would think about it.


The night continued…. I was given no choice to sleep. I was anyway lying on a bed of the ground floor of the house.  The most terrible thing that I ever experienced on that night was that I swear to any God, sacred Tooth Relic, a male closed and blocked my ears smiling and so relaxly talking to others. and I heard a voice of a running wheel reversing inside my ears closed head. It was extremely terrifying. For about more than thirty minutes it worked inside my head. While the fu--ker let it run inside my head they spoke of something, but I can’t remember now. This was killing. It was painful to hear and feel a wheel reversing in my deep ear and mind or my brain, especially when my ears were closed. I was convinced that the fu--ker was trying to tape what was recorded in my memory lane about my past. I do not know whether there is any method or technology available for the psychologists to tape what is saved in one’s memory.


What is he, a torturer or a blackmailer, is he the sleep therapist who reads my past entering into my memory lanes, every night since the beginning of this period of torture? I assume that he has been sharing bit and pieces of my past with the team of tortures so that they can throw them at me (victim) to further kill me this way then.


What do the sleep therapists do to my mind and memory, during my sleep? What do they implant silently? How dangerous it is when it comes to peace and harmony of the self, individual, and of the society?


Has anyone controlled and used for various terrifying purposes?


When I write this note curses came into my mind. I assume that the mind hacker/ whole-body torturer hears the curses either implanted or born inside my mind.  


There is a man whose voice is a bit familiar to me or I feel that somehow I have heard his voice before. One of the girls/females who was there and was expecting her freedom from the female who was chairing the panel of torturers said that when my sex organ was touched “‘Mister Sam’, I have been looking for you. You are the one who did same thing to me”. Some of these females or boys were victims of torture before given them the controlling or torture positions I assumed after what I heard from the girl.


When everyone is linked to my brain & mind each and entire chain feel what the victim feels or think, I learned.  


In between all these conversations once a vicinity of a certain area in India was explained. The explanation was about a girl who joined the clan from India, Rajasthan for instance.  


Often I felt that these team used the strategy of role playing the characters of the personalities that they had been approaching blackmailing, for instance.


They spoke of a particular term that is ‘hitch & patch number’.


Some convinced that they were using the numbers that the officers of the department of Police has been using for spy-speaking(?) and I was convinced and once or twice directed me to the sites of the police, Cabins of big persons/officials. “What are you doing in my cabin some used to ask me?”  I was convinced that some of them illegally entering the site of the Police. And from a distance a police officer, (I was convinced) knowing someone had enter the restricted zone of Intelligence services (I swear to Sri Tooth relic of the Dalada Maligawa) ordered and warned the team saying “don’t enter the division and if you enter any of the cupboard/file cupboards of the division…….” I can’t remember how he finished the sentence but he was warning of the aftermath result of entering the zone.  


Following morning was a terrifying dead-full morning. Due to heavy & tortures controlling of my brain and head,  due to spending a sleep-less night I couldn’t wake up peacefully. It was miserable & lifeless. Anyhow I got up and left the house after having breakfast. I hope that I do not need to explain any further the height and width of the pain inside my mind and inside my physical body on that particular morning. I couldn’t walk properly. I am a person normally can carry fairly a heavy weight without any issue. On that particular morning I couldn’t carry the light-weighted bag that I was carrying without any issues. I got down from the bus. It was very difficult for me to walk. I believe that apart from the previous day heavy torture whoever was dragging me pulling me without letting me walk-freely. I sat on a chair fixed for the passengers in the bus halt in Kandy near the railway path. ‘I screamed’ asking help but nobody came. I screamed but nobody heard my voice because I was screaming inside I assume. Or my voice was directed to the team of tortures from the throat area. My voice was not released from the mouth, due to the method applied to me to control me. It was not Sandika - the live person who was seated there actually her almost dead body, copse.


I thought and expected somebody might come and take me to the hospital. But nobody came. I heard an ambulances go passing me. I had no money to hire a three wheeler unfortunately on that day, I remember. I was surprised to believe that the Police of Kandy district is not aware of the situation that I have been experiencing, especially because in a country and a world where plenty of new technological and viewing facilities are available and was applied to view me. The main reason is that the specialty of the method that they chose to torture me. Somehow I managed to return home.


It is amazing when I think of all these and the ways that I have been coping and managing all these during this period of issue and torture. 


On another day, via spy speaking method, one of the ladies I assume is a professional /writer (the way I understood it) said that her daughter (16 yrs.) who is gorgeous and talented was taken away, stolen by one of these women tortures and has sold her to a place of prostitution abroad and she is still trying to find her. I don’t know whether she managed to find her now because a few months gone by now, since the day that she shared the story with me.


Once or twice the city & country names such as ‘Budapest’ ‘South Africa’ were mentioned by these members of these torture teams.


Yesterday night, the 24hr lodger of my mind said that she sells (dangerous) a particular drug that sexually motivate the human creatures. And at the same time what she does is that she bonds the customer to another body for the customer to cater his or her needs. That is why she always say that ‘owne’ ‘owne’, ‘need’ ‘need’ I don’t whether she says so referring the need of my body for her sexual needs or whether she needs my body to earn money by selling my body to others who come seeking her service.  She said that it is she who named the drug. The name of the drug according to her is ‘Rath’.


During this period of time, a particular incident happened in the country in the ‘Mahara prison’, about six or seven prisoners were either killed or died, almost every valuable document of the prison was burned. Authorities stated of the prisoners who had used the drugs that prescribe for stress disorders and depression levels of prisoners. I also remember one of the politicians was mentioning of a drug given to the prisoners by some of the well-organized set of prisoners in the said jail to raise their anger and aggressions. And according to him the particular drug is called ‘reverse pettha’ (pill). I don’t know whether any prisoners were chosen by any of the chief controllers either close or from a faraway prisons either to torture me or as spy-speakers.


I do not know what mechanism should be implemented to protect the daughters & women and the sons and the pupils and the people from these torturers, verbal & sexual abusers who torture men and women from a distance using newest technology and science, internet etc.


What could be the method using to vibrate the virgin area? I was wondering whether they use any smart phone techniques for vibrating purposes.


This period is a period where the state committees investigating the horrible issue happened in 21st April 2019. I remember on the first death anniversary of the affected persons of the incident they hitched and patched my voice and spoke through my voice and said “honda waede” “good for you”, on that moment that we were asked to obtain a two minute silence to respect the dead.  I think in order to separate me from the affected community they said it through my voice. I remember how worried I was about it. I didn’t understand this ugly method called speaking through other’s voices’ at that very moment.


Very often they used the term pãlika (the literal meaning of the term is administrator) I assume that they may have meant somebody who looks after a children’s home or a matron or one of the matrons of prisons, a manager or the matron of a place of prostitutes etc. or they may have used the Sinhalese meaning of ‘controller’ the person who manages or leading the team. Also could be a person who dominate the area of trade by selling drug, queen of drug. I don’t know whether the character ‘Kãli’ is such a character or a character fabricated by the wrong doers. I don’t know whether any of a bit of a matured children of a children’s homes used as spy-speakers. 


At the very beginning what I understood was that most of these persons, females and men who were talking to me were ‘grassroots level drug sellers. The reason was that they used the term rata (country), very often. “Oyalage ratedi…” (“In your country…”) “Ape ratedi api balãgatta oyãwa” (“When you were in our country we looked after you.) What do they meant by rata? I guess that they referred it to ‘the country of the authority of drugs’ etc. Or else what they meant by rata could be the ‘country’ in its actual meaning. I also felt that some of them reached me from foreign countries.


I was forced to vomit on some nights. When there is no reason to vomit or when vomiting is no natural what would happen to your human body? Sometimes soon after I had my supper, I had to vomit. Some tried to convince me that they are trying to take out the things that were inserted (a chemical?) into my body at the beginning.  

And at the beginning some of the torturers tried to take out something from my ears. I don’t know why? Did they too assumed like me a Nano equipment probably have inserted into my deep ear to speak to me?


I begin to understand what they have been doing to me, slowly and gradually. They have been controlling my natural -body that the every inch of my natural body and organ was carefully raised and developed by my parents, facing socio-economic obstacles.


Who do you think you are, the torturer? Who gave you not the money but the right to control my body? Or do you torture me to please the heads of your torture team, organization?


These groups have been controlling every inner organs of my body; chest, my heart pressing it hard, pressing some pressure points of my stomach specifically a one particular area of left side of my stomach. Is it my kidneys that they have been pressing? I do not know whether it badly affect my kidneys? Yet to be realized and examined.


Every person of the controlling team(s) is trained to handle each organ or specific segment of the human body, I believe due to the way that they handle my body. Some of them were specifically trained to control head, brain, front and back pressure points of my head and brain, my eyes etc.


One of the persons was trained specifically to bend my head forcefully backward and frontward. I do not know whether each and every person is capable of doing it or not. I have been experiencing this since then, from time to time. I don’t know whether she was asked or trained to say so by her controller or the agent of the agency? To be checked.


Any doctors, any students who failed to complete his or her course of medicine, any students who failed to study or continue studying for his or her course of medicine, any students of any foreign universities who returned to country for their vacation joined any of these teams of torture or were they used by any of the owners of the controlling agencies? Any of the persons who lost the jobs due to whatever political or due to existing laws of the country became a victim member of this team, by any chance, were hired to torture me? Any Diasporas joined the teams to torture me? I am not in a position to weigh or to measure them accurately, unfortunately.


A job for everyone should be the principle theme of a government or of a country. Most of these things can be avoided, I believe if any of the unemployed used for the purpose.


Some of these women and men of the torture team tried to mislead me saying various things. The twenty four hour lodger once said that she joined me on our national heroes’ day, to the team of tortures. Since then she is here torturing me. Once she said that she is a member of a particular up rising team of youngsters in the peninsula (only?) “Api nam ithin thrashthawadi thmai’ some used to say a quite a few times. 


She, the 24hr lodger of my mind says various things about her identity. Once she said that she is a follower of a particular religious ‘ism’ practiced in the country. I do not know whether the team of tortures or the permanent lodger of my mind lives in the same district that I live. Or do not know whether I have met her before. Some used to say that they know me. (?) A few times she specifically said that she belongs to a terror group, several times, I swear to Lord Buddha, god. I don’t know whether she said to scare me, I truly don’t know. Often she said “so ask them to capture me, so capture me if you can” etc. she said to insult me most the time. I don’t know whether she was asked to say so or not. I don’t know whether she said particularly to insult the local government and the Police & the armed forces mainly of their capacity to capture such criminals of this type. I also truly don’t know whether she used the term to hide her true identity? I don’t know whether her voice was hitched & patched and used for the purpose. We must find out, I very strongly believe.


I often feel that this female was used by another person either by a lecture of a research team who is studying the specialties of human mind or the brain etc. Who financed them is the question here?  I think either the master of the female, the permanent lodger of mind is suffering from some psychosocial issue pertaining to his or her sexual needs, mind etc.  


I was wondering whether any of the official staff of either Kandy or Peradeniya Teaching hospitals were used. For instance, the patients & staff & tools and equipment of the psychosocial support of the hospital, speech therapists etc. Assistants of particular wards for instance.


Either the voice of the female or the man who has been using a female voice often said “Neenga Paaka wenum/ umbawa balanna owne/ I want to see you” etc. Also there is another possibility in order to hide his or her female identity, to mislead me she must have sexually abuse me.


Is she a prisoner of any group of terror, any informal group of underground used her, forced her to torture me? Who is providing lodging for these women and men?


I was once convinced that the team has rented a house for this specific reason/ for torturing purposes outside to their original place of living, home town?  Have they come to Kandy? I am not aware of?


I remember asking either the men or the person who bind men to me or to any other victim for sexual requirements of any customers or of the tortures, or linking to me bonding themselves that “don’t you have daughters?” What if your daughter is strategically bonded to you, what would happen?”


Any training sessions conducted by the controllers/agencies to train the members for the purpose of torturing me? Have the Drawn any sketches and distributed amongst the member-controllers? Any other materials used? Any of my photographs used for the purpose? Who facilitated them?


> > > > >


There is a reaction natural or otherwise against every action of human. If you cultivate something good you would harvest something good. If you cultivate something bad you would harvest the same. I am thinking of the result of their actions.  


I went to the Sinha Regiment situated in the Kandy District on a particular day of this torture at the beginning to explain the matter pertaining to this torture that I have been experiencing. I thought that according to what I was convinced some of our high officials and big personalities were under the custody of some terror groups or they were arrested and taken outside the country. I thought that it is my responsibility to inform them, the reason of visiting then regiment was that.


What I assumed at the beginning was that the authorities may have broken my voice box and turned me into a silent talker, in order to receive and share information about the prisoners who were either mind arrested or physically arrested by any of the informal groups afore mentioned, or taken outside the country in order to save their lives, prior to a day that they were arrested.


I also thought that the secret agents may have received the information about this capturing of higher officials prior to the incident and as a step of safety precaution they may have used my brain or mind to transmit news. Any truth hid behind what I am assuming?


I was wondering whether the local secret investigating agents chose to hitch and patch my voice, breaking my voice box, in order to deliver the messages to the relevant authority about the prisoners’ matter, until they are released or saved.


I was directed to a major / high ranked official /assistant officer in charge of the regiment. I explained the matter to the officer. I explained, using an indirect language, about the messages that I have been receiving from various persons, from a distance and tried my level best to convince the officer of the situation I was in. I was feared of them the kidnappers of the higher officials monitoring me, listening to what I am exchanging with the officer of the Singhe Regiment Kandy.


What you would do if somebody is missing and I am receiving information about them? I wanted to ask this question from the officer but due to my fear and lack of knowledge of the method used by the tortures I explained it indirectly. I do not know how successful my effort was in explaining my situation, what I was convinced.  

Same group of persons who is responsible for my issue, may have involved with kidnapping the personals, I thought at the beginning. Even if what I was convinced really has not happened it is an offense to scare people and confuse the lives of humans conveying or spreading false messages across country and world.


I tried to convince the officer about the o called messages what I have been receiving from these so called spy speakers. But he could have thought if that is the situation why somebody from the top authority didn’t inform the regiment?


Anyhow, the officer kindly listened to my issue.  And I was explained about some traditional methods used in the society to read the minds of the humans locally by the personal. I was feared to go any of the places or to any of the departments to meet the top officials assuming that they may damage their voices or brains. Actually I felt that the officer’s voice was raised and fasten when he was explaining things to me. I was kindly asked to go to the Pallekele to meet the chief of the region of the Army. Somehow due to whatever reasons I couldn’t go or I didn’t go or I was not in a position to go. Though I felt dizzy and lifeless I tried my level best to convince every possible party about my matter the way I can.


Sometime later that I visited the regiment, I tried to meet the most sacred venerable chief incumbent of the whole-island Asgiriya _ maha Buddhist sangha sabha. Anyone who comes to meet the thero has to get an appointment prior to the meeting I couldn’t meet the Thero because I didn’t get an appointment. But I was given the number of the secretary of the office to get an appointment.  

Majority of non-scholar community of the country are not aware of these type of methods of torture practiced in the society. They may have not heard about these things before I assume. Therefore most of the citizens don’t think that this kind of controlling is possible in the country or could have happened to anybody in the country.  Therefore these criminals yet fools, spy speakers-technologically blind mother f--kers jolly fully enjoying torturing the ordinary citizens like me.


(Scholar Community; medicine, science, Armed Forces, Media, IT etc.  )  


I do not know whether the system or the method was imported from any foreign community or entity or by any of the students or by person who is studying at any foreign University.  


When somebody is handling your body forcefully, they pay no attention obviously to its safety like you carefully handle it. Risks of damaging inner or outer organs is high, due to external-distance-forceful body controlling, do you need proof to understand?


I assume that some may have experimented new methods of torture during this period of time where the majority is paying attention to controlling Covid-19. I must thank every person who is trying to innovate a vaccine for Covid-19.


Some spy-speakers tried to mislead me saying various names of the equipment or tools used to heat my head and my body etc. Some of the names mentioned by the spy speakers, when I once questioned them are peck, pet, pelican etc. check and know the brands if you are investigating the matter, I kindly request.


Any hair styling equipment used hair driers for instance? It is them who know. Don’t you think that we must fasten the processes of investigation?  I do not know whether they specifically prepare or make any equipment mainly for torturing purposes.  


I somehow learned to bear the pain, though very often it was no way that I can bear the pain.


Am I the first woman of this type of torture of the country Sri Lanka or of the region or of the world? Am I the first woman or the human who tortured using this type of technology-used distance whole body controlling methods & am I the first women or the human tortured entering into the lanes of past of mine using illegal & inhuman spy speaking & sleep therapeutic measures?


I used to scream at them prayed the Lord Buddha and goddesses and gods, tied vowed to every goddess and god I knew asking help, to save my life, safe guard my life from these unknown -controllers, life ruiners, harsh tortures specially from the sexual abusers. But no one came to rescue me, because the torture is ongoing………


I remember how I tried to cover the urine area with a coverlet, change of place of sleep, at the beginning to escape from the sexual abusers.


It took some time for me to understand what was going on inside my life. It is due to the fact that my voice too was under control of the team of torturers, all I asked or the questions I asked them were gone in vein. I screamed inside but it was only the abusers and the tortures heard my voice.

Are they belong to a certain group of students or youngsters of a certain up rising organization/-group-political like, raw for instance? Any of the University lectures spoiled by any of the existing groups involved with this torture programme?


I remember that I was saying to the female who was accompanied me to the hospital on the day that my sister’s sister in law’s child was hospitalized, “If you want I can come and meet you to discuss about your matters,” once I was told that she belongs to a certain uprising group in the Jaffna peninsula.  Especially because I was convinced that they have no one listen to their matters etc. I said so.


On a particular night, a couple of month later, same female asked something but I struggled to answer. This was her reaction, “mind blowing! Mind blowing! What she meant was don’t know whether the whether my mind is blown.


One day, I tried to Google search the meaning of all these and typed some key words that I have heard of before. ‘Spy’; this was the only term that I knew. I typed spy and then I typed ‘speaking’ because they have been speaking to me without consent to the knowledge of the others or else in short, without letting others hear what they speak of. Then I found out some information about ‘brain hacking and mind hacking’, there I also noticed a term called ‘mind blowing’ under the explanation of ‘brain hacking’. Therefore I understood what she meant by ‘mind blowing’. 


Often how some work in the country is surprises me. What some always say I have heard as a habit is “we will let you know” or “I will let you know”, “I will call you … “I will tell you in two weeks’ time” or “let you know tomorrow.” Yet, ‘for some, the tomorrows that they talk of never arrive’. But I am still waiting for a news from the authorities of capturing the tortures because I too believe that ‘tomorrows never die.’


These tortures are using my body as a distance sex slave I can verify. Unfortunately though I have been screaming of this no person came to inquire my health yet.


I don’t know whether these sub-tortures or main-torturers working for a master who engaged in ‘sex slavery’?  The sexual abusers, did they sell my body, bonding to any who wish to see me destroying due to harassment?


I stopped coloring my hair especially due to the reason that they electronically heat my head. I thought that the colouring facts may seep into the inner area of my brain and head through my stitched areas of my head. Greying has increased. My physical look has changed a lot. My fastly greyed hair and my weak eyes and bleeding and ‘my face’ says the weight of the torture I was given.


At the beginning of the process of this torture I was once or twice told that the contractor wanted the torturers to change my physical appearance into an ugly status. It is accomplished I assume. I pay very less attention to bathing also due to fear of mind to mind bonders or talkers watching me. Due to fear of them bonding my body to another.  


I strongly believe and believed that somebody may be viewing these tortures activities during the times that they torture me.  I also believe that somebody from the ‘good-groups’ is listening to what they have been saying or when I was compelled to talk.  I believe that formal spies /secret speaking communities who support a country’s security mission exchanging information from there to here and here to there of the world has been listening to all these conversations via whatsoever way. Therefore I believe somebody may have the information of these tortures. At least the enemies of the enemies, tyrants of the tyrants probably have the information of these torturers. That is the way some work. Some cannot avoid the importance and role of agents of some networks of security of here and there.  Some cannot collect or work without consent to the knowledge of those formal networks. No person can wander from mind to mind or body to body though they know the science of entering a mind or a body of another. That is what I strongly believe. Some networks are strong. Therefore I believed that somebody would come and support me.


I believe that it is extremely essential for the zonal leading security networks to know these groups, persons if they worry about the security of the zone.


What do you think of modern-satellite systems and mobile phone methodologies available in the world? Can’t you think of the categories who misuse them?


Also, I believe that due to the existing competition amongst informal groups of the country or of the world, every competitor too maintains a lists of controllers or agents of torturers or they may be having the lists of names of these controlling groups or names of agents or controllers.  They have a sense of other gangsters of the country or of the world.


About a few months back, my younger brother had a headaches and it lasted for about a few weeks. He went to see a doctor and he was advised to not to consume milk powder. It a similar headache that I was having at the beginning of this brain torture. I very strongly assume that he was tortured by the same torturers. 

Today morning, on the October 2020, I heard of a different story with regard to cattle farmers. Apparently the cattle farmers were given some medicine or a certain chemical to mix with the yield of milk they get. I assume that they were given such a chemical to keep the milk that they collect without spoiling them, until they come and collect them. According to one of my relatives who is a cattle farmer for ages experiencing it and when a drop of chemical touches her finger it cause some harm. I think most of them has refrigerators to keep the milk they collect and I assume that it is harmless. The health authorities recommend cow’s milk because of its qualities of artificial essences.  This should be immediately stopped and the companies must check with the situation. My brother and his wife has stopped buying milk powder and the only option remained for them is for the ‘development of their children is cow’s milk.  And the other thing that I don’t please to see is the artificial cattle’s food.  Chemical added to cow’s feed. Has she given something that don’t recommend by the doctors. Have I started suspecting everything?

After what I have been personally experiencing, due to the nature of torture and the identities of the involved parties of these distance whole-body controllers, and spy-speakers I ordinarily doubt of many things. Who actually has distributed these chemicals? Is it really the companies who collect those, whether the local collectors who distributed those chemicals truly working for the companies and do the company know of the activities? Many questions came into my mind.

Who wanted to changed me as a mentally challenged or become mentally sick?  You know how important it is for you to get an adequate rest in between talking or writing or working for a healthy life? I was not given any chance to rest during this period of time, my mind was twenty four hours under custody of these teams, persons who torture me. Sometimes my mind becomes extremely tiered due to their non-stop talking. Obviously they did not understand how difficult for me to bear their nonstop talking.


How many cells of my brain still remaining undamaged I do not know.


Checking the organ is the best option I have? To whom or what entity should I visit for a trust worthy check-up?


Several times I visited the Ayurveda doctor of the urban council situated near my house, to check my blood pressure. She said that I am in the region of margin of the health issue.


I believe that some groups and persons who belong to different ethnic groups take revenge from famous persons who belong to the other ethnic groups due to their personal perceptions & attitudes and of the perceptions and attitudes of their political leaders towards their society and humanity and state administration etc. Controlling a person from a distance and torturing a person via spy speaking mechanism is one of the mechanism used by some of those who belong to the above mentioned category. . I can say this clearly because I am one of the victim of such systems.

One’s behavior and way of working and dealing with others is the deceive factor that says whether he or she belongs to a majority or to minority that is what I believe. I do not like the term minority. The way that a person torture of someone of another class, caste, socio-economic and political category says who he or she is, I think.  To check whether she or he belongs to a minority group or a majority group we must carefully monitor the humans. I do not know why some political leaders of so called minority groups do not pay attention to implement some programs to identify such persons who mislead and damage the reputation of their ethnic group and religion and of the others mainly and try to implement some rehabilitating programmes.

I once said to one of the persons who heavily tortured and abused me that ‘every cell of yours should be rehabilitated.”

About this instruments that they use to control human body, some guess of some instruments, tools? Whether these groups have innovated the instruments and methods of their own still to be checked and investigated. I guess some use the ‘hearing aid’ facilities and equipment provided by the smart phone companies to listen to what the mind of a victim of this effort says.

On a particular ‘mid-night’ one of the f--king hackers, a females was asked to give her so called hitch and hatch number for a specific reason to inquire something I assume by another controller but she refused to give. She said that she is suffering from some headache therefore it is harmful to use her brain and head for the purpose. She was furious and nervous and start saying that she wants to protect her head. See how much these tortures love their own organs.

This female who was speaking to my deep mind was feared of losing her health. And she also revealed that it is her grassroots level group members who uses mind hacking or mind to mind speaking method, not the higher personal due to the level of damage it occurs. She doesn’t want too many are trying to approach her brain or mind.

My problem is that at every single minute somebody from these groups are trying to approach my mind and brain and hitching and hatching voices, speaking through my voice, reading memory channels of my past (everyday).  It is not just the mind and brain of mine the group is spoiling also the members of the groups that they are using for the particular objective. I believe that they too are innocent victim of a particular vision and objectives of a group miss leaded by some socio-political or psychosocial status of mind of a founder person of an organization.  

According to what I understood these torturers try pleases the mind of their leader by torturing their enemy or enemies, professional, social, ethnic or cultural or otherwise.

I often doubt whether these fools are trying to spoil the visions or the missions of the leader of the organization by trying to stay long in my mind playing with the techniques taught to them. They think that they were given some toys or play equipment and these equipment and methods raises their status of life, some hero or heroineness, highfiness in their minds or lives I assume.

> > > > >

There is some haho about how some try some activities to disappear some ethnic groups and nationalities from this planet. I understand now that they use body controlling, brain and mind torture to massacre nationalities or nations. i.e by pressing heart and blocking breathe, heating head etc. some of the persons of the outer society assume that some of these activities are done by minority groups of the country. How do they do it? Some add a certain harmful chemical to the eateries that they buy from food outlets, restaurants, hotels some say. I was sent plenty of smells from time to time by some of these torturers who has taught them these methods of torture? These things should not be buried in the earth without reveling it to the world.

> > > > >

This heavy torture extremely changed my original way of thinking pertaining to Inter-ethnic or inter-race marriages for instance. Inter-ethnic inter-races marriages are not something new to my country, to the region that I live, or to the world. But after this horrible and terrifying experience I thought that it is dangerous to marry someone from another race or an ethnic group. Some might think that it is something very foolish to say but that is what I felt.  Some inter-marriages may ruin a life of an innocent.


Due to the terror-full experiences gained during this period of time of torture, I unfortunately I thought that not only me but also the others should refrain from visiting any clinic run by other ethnic groups. It is truly very unfortunate to note it that way. Please forgive me. I know that there are plenty of good humans belong to each and every ethnic group exist in the world, what I say here may affect their lives badly, if so pardon me.  And if that’ll happen the tortures should take the responsibility. I remember after the 21st Feb. attack most the pioneering enterprises lost profit because people stopped entering those places of shopping for instance due to fear of the suspected ethnic group involved with the issue.  


Some strategically fall in love with the members of the mass ethnic group(s) as a strategy of their missions i.e. to win the trust of the opposing ethnic, I assume, by controlling their minds, changing perceptions, blackmailing & torturing them etc. and then they use them for the objectives of their groups. Aftermath to this experience that is what I think now.

To approach the groups in order to achieve their objectives, what some do is hiring persons from other ethnic groups for certain jobs and they may train them for the purposes such as body torture, torture speaking through purposes as spy speaking mechanism. Who doesn’t like to earn an extra sources of income now days no?

Though it is unfortunate to note, must think of a better plan to monitor the activities of such groups/persons.

Now I think that due to what I have been experiencing, we must check & monitor the health care facilities privately established using various financial aids, donations given by foreign organizations etc.  Also the authorities must check the activities and personals who believe in such thinking of torture in every government sector health facility, I suggest. 

We must check how gynecologist play their roles, I kindly request how the psychologists and cancer specialists of public paid and privately paid use the equipment and tools provided to them? Could you please implement a mechanism to check whether they were corrupted by any spoiled internal or otherwise groups?

And especially when the mass ethnic groups hiring somebody who belong to a different ethnic group they must monitor their activities, check the past records of professions, and also the government must keep an eye of the persons who belongs to said categories and must check whether they have captured any from the minor staff or from any different staff categories of government hospital to accomplish their missions or objectives -personal.

It is worth checking whether any politicians or leaders with different perception or opposition perceptions have been using any of the workers belong to the minority ethnic groups of government entities, urban councils for instance, should be checked. Especially this was first began I assume before the presidential election or a little soon after we held the presidential elections. Did my vote mattered to them?

And when the government or parents sending their children abroad for higher studies, the Ministry of Education The University Grant Commission of Sri Lanka for instance must monitor the students and maintain strong monitoring linkages with the administrations of foreign Universities I believe to minimize or to stop students becoming victim of so called unaccepted social or political network or missions. Probably the university grant commission must can check and track the groups that they associate, the persons that they support them with food and lodging. And one of the very saddest thing that I encounter from these mind to mind bloody speakers is that one of the members of spy speakers said that she entered the mind of one of the A/L students of one of my friends and disturbed and barred her mind when facing the exam and when answering the questions by hacking her brain and mind. I am planning to complain about this to the ministry of education, university grant commission of Sri Lanka.

You must check whether they were given any training on ‘human body controlling etc.

Since the day that I have been facing ‘brain and mind and body torture conducted by these unknown or unrecognized persons though some of the voices are familiar to me, like I explained earlier I thought we must refrain from visiting private clinic managed by other ethnic groups.  Especially we must refrain from visiting the doctors who deals with brain and mind, the Speech therapists, sleep therapists psychologists, clinical psychologists etc. 

Some don’t just hack and stay mute or quietly reading my thoughts but speak to me.  I do not know whether 24hr lodger is a hacker or just a spy speaker or a heavy torturer or a sleep therapist. I do not know whether she is a daily paid hacker or a lodger of mind, the reason why is she not leaving my mind? Is it the bulk of money paid to her by the agency? I do not know whether she is a jailed person to be hanged and hired by any of the wrongdoers and don’t know whether she does this to collect some money for her kids who lives outside the community? Any widows used for the purpose, I sometimes think. Any persons social or physical disabilities used for this purpose of torturing me?

And she, the permanent lodger of my mind, often picks incidents, smells events, names of early child hood or friends of past of mine etc. and I very well feel that she belongs to another ethnic group not to my ethnic group. Sometimes I feel that I have met her because her voice is a bit familiar to me.

Though these men and women fluent in English language, speak in Sinhalese’s language when talking to my brain, mind, straight to my deep ear I know most of them belong to either Muslim or Tamil ethnic groups.

I truly cannot say anything about the professional groups they belong to though I can assume it slightly based on their actions and I think I can sense their social and cultural and possibly the political vision due to their acts and the language use.

This reminds me of the movie created based on a book the boy in the striped pajama. Also I remember one of the teachers of an international school who came seeking my support to typeset a curriculum in year 2018 or in Jan, Feb, March or early April of 2019. She also had chosen the same book for her children.  I think I can remember her voice. I heard her voice touching my deep ear and mind during this period of time of controlling.

Little water seller, this is a little fiction that I wrote for the children and is about a little child who lived in Gothe, Germany during the war era. It is written in English language and I gave it to her to inspect grammar because she is an English language teacher at an International School in a suburb of Colombo.  


In the story that I wrote, I inserted a poem written by one of the boys who lived in the Terrezin, concentration camp back in 4th June 1942.   The poem was titled as ‘the butterfly.’


Sometime later when I typed her curriculum I noticed that she has added the book; the boy in the stripped pajama written by John Boyne. I also watched the movie created based on the same book. What was the reason for her to join these groups? Was she forced to join?


Has she truly spoke to me? Is her voice used by someone else by hacking and patching and merging her voice?  Or was she renting her voice for these type of purposes? She is not a Sinhalese or a Christian or a Tamil, according to my personal awareness. 

I felt sad.


I also overheard a voice of an old friend of an organization that I worked about ten or twelve years ago, or for a shorter period of time in the Southern Province. I was there for about three months during the training period of the programme.

Did he really spoke to me? I do not know whether someone who know them have hacked and patched and merged his voice or was it really him? I remember he was saying that he too needs to move out of this situation because it bars his day to day life. I was convinced that he is in another zone and requires help. And one day he used the term ‘chemicalizing’ and vanished. Has he joined any leaders of parliament of his ethnic group?

Yesterday, unfortunately I heard one of my very near neighbour’s voice through this line. Ordinary poor unless they are given a proper training they cannot spy-speak to another person though they know to use mobile phones Skype and internet and FB’s etc. Has they given training to use certain application to talk straight to one’s mind or brain. Has they given a certain equipment made of Nano-micro technology for secret communication purposes to verbally abuse? Unfortunately all of them who has been speaking to my brain and mind belongs to another ethnic groups.

The other things is that some who belong to a certain ethnic group appeared before me or waited and walked along the streets unlike in the past. I can say that it is probably because of their skin tone mainly. The reason I do not know. Are they trying to be friend? Yet to be realized…….or were they sent to let me know that the country is captured by these particular ethnic group. Like they tried to convince at the beginning.

Why these groups or persons were linked to me via this method? I haven’t done any harm to any of the voices. The secret hidden behind these men and women talking to me secretly yet to be revealed.  

What if inter-marriages were used to win the trust of the particular ethnic group, thinking of ruining a nation, ethnic group? What if some have been using daughters of other ethnic group, a Sinhala daughter or a son for instance and trained to engage in ill-willed purposes such as torturing or distance whole-body controlling purposes or any similar other terror activities.  Are there any parent or son or a daughter experienced what I am saying right now? I have a very good in laws belongs to the other ethnic groups, I beg apologies from them for writing it this way. It is purely due to what I have been actually experiencing I say these things.  


I remember that I was advising the young voices who had been speaking to me via these lines hacking my brain and mind following questions, assuming that they belong to the category of students of a certain University. Yet, I don’t know whether they are or were they students of any IT or faculties of medicine.  “What would happen if you lose your studentship or citizenship, if the management got to know what you have been doing to me? I also used to warn them saying, “if you are connecting me from another geo territory you may lose your citizenship or your jobs, if the authorities get to know this”. 


Often, some young ones (voices) expressed that they learned this method to safe guard their lives from the foreign ones who come to torture them, abuse them.


Once I was convinced that the agencies who find foreign colleges for the students teach them these methods before leaving the country in order to safe guard their lives from other torturers across world.  


One of the females once said that she was asked to return to country promising her some work. This is what she was offered.

I also assume that these men and women hacked and then picked and choose brains and have studied their behaviours and associations and if they find anyone guilty for something they use such men and women, young ones blackmailing them, for this type of activities without paying them.  Think such persons were compelled to engage in this type of activities.


I begged before them, asking my salvation. Nobody listened. Since then I have been asking every person who has been talking to my mind, mostly the persons who have been hacking my brain, ‘release me’. Still I am not released. It is very difficult to bear the pain, while I am trying to write this note somebody is heavily using the head - heating tool over to my head, painful. Any cancerous persons who are working in the segments of cancer patients’ treatment centers use any of the tools given to them to torture me to heat my head? 


What do you know of the methods used in the physiological centers government or private?


Often I was asked my name. I was wondering of the reason, if they are torturing only me, what is the reason for them to ask my name? If they were connected to multiple persons they may confused with the person’s identity that they have been torturing.


Were these men or women force to torture me without their likeness? Where are they stationed? What are the areas that the centers of controlling are located? Outside country or inland? Or is this the way that they get organize for torturing purposes? How do they get lists of names to be tortured? Via the spy speaking method I believe.


Any middle class English speaking educated rented any houses of the storied houses built for poor or lower class in the southern province or central province, for this type of torturing? I was wondering because of the nature of the buildings and the dense of population in those storied houses they might have assumed that they can hide inside these buildings.


Some actually have been handling, my figure like they handling a doll, a toy. Some don’t care about the life risk. Obviously. I often felt that I have been compelled to talk to a most dangerous group of tortures of the country. They all Sri Lankans though the voices belong to different ethnic groups.


Yesterday, during one of the forceful-spy-speaking communicators, a female, about a specific person who is involved with the torturing mission said that he is a good person or he is a hero. I said that no person is good if he is joined such a community and abuse women. I also said that a hero is the person who rescues a life of a female from the sexual abusers.


The 24hr lodger of my mind and body & sex organ controlling often says in respond to what I asked “this is the way we does these things”, “this is the way we handle victims”, “this is our way of doing it” etc.


One’s voice, the tone of a voice, one’s accent, area differences and special terms that a person uses are a very strong tool of identification of persons. I guess even to locate a person, to understand a person or to identify a person who speaks to you via this spy speaking mechanism above mentioned would be  immensely helpful.


One of the females who has been talking to me has a habit of saying thu! thu! Especially when I say something that pleases her mind. When she agreed with what I have been saying.


There is a particular person who used to say ‘Pilikulda’? (Is that disgusting)? Let me give you another example.


When somebody speak a non-native language it is slightly or fully different. I can recognize when non-Sinhalese speak in Sinhalese language due to their voice tone, accent. About two of another voices belong to two artists, an angel for us, famous. One of them is a dubbing artists also very famous amongst the television drama clan.


Some of them appear before my head, mind and brain not as betrayers but as saviors, spoke to me sort of a worrier-and a warrior tone, as a strategy of communication of torture.


One’s way of speaking, accent of language are only the slightest things to understand a person better from outside, you cannot identify a tyrant just by talking to her or him once or twice or more times. While others talking to the victim of torture in a ‘kind’ manner the other torturer may press the victim’s’ forehead arrogantly and he or she may damage your brain, spine, heat your head. I am actually talking of my own experiences here and I am sharing them with you.  


The controllers controlled my urine system as well. When you are not ready or your system is not signaling you to pass urine, it is health risky to forcefully handle the system of the natural human body by an outside force.


I remember the first day that my virgin area was controlled. (First week or the second week of this heavy controlling). I was sexually, forcefully given the feeling by one of those controllers. That is how these controllers or the torturers control one’s sexual behaviors. And after doing that what they do is embarrassing the female.  And some who had become a victim may have become a victim of their sexual requirements. One of the persons was speaking to me over to my head and bed. What after the torturer controller controlled the area said was “shik! I don’t want you’ you are not the one I expected.” They do all these to mislead the victim about the controllers etc. as well.   I was asked to go to the toilet by the person who was sitting above my head to ease my mind I think to ease my mind I assume.


According to the way that the voice reached me from a distance and according to the image sent by the controller, victim remembers the person. The torturers can send an image(s) of their enemies or of an enemy, in order to tarnish their reputation, into the mind of the victim. For example before or after a victim is sexually motivated they do this. When the victim tries to recall her or his memory with regard to torture she or he may use them when reporting it to the Police Station. On that particular day I too was sent an image. But I can’t remember meeting any of such men before. That is one of the strategies used by the controllers.

Others can implant thoughts in your mind, some may come as words or as images, I talk of my experiences, don’t forget.


According to what I understood, some of these members were trained to send images to the victim of torture. When their brain is hacked it is possible I assume. All these they showed to me as their specialties or special skills. Some liked to showcase them to me I often felt.


Don’t forget that I am a victim of distance whole-body controlling mechanism. Don’t forget that my brain and mind and entire body has been controlled by another external person(s).


I recently went to the main post office of Kandy to get some photo copies, a television is fixed there in the building for the citizens to view. ‘In one of the live programmes telecasted on that day, I saw the couple of artists who spoke to me via spy speaking mechanism was in the programme.  


I noticed that she looked a bit confused and miserable. I don’t know whether she was told what I was talking about her in the open space, after the program? What is the nature of the team that this angel belongs to?


I think that this mind to mind speaking or whole-body controlling system is a system sickening. Abusers are filthy and smelling, has no self-control, obviously. Especially because what they do is controlling the brains and minds of others and they are extremely busy with these type of work and has no time to self-control or to use their own mind and brain. And the other very specific factor pertaining to this method of torturing others is that they solely depend on the Brains, Minds, bodies and finances of others, Sinhalese’s for instance. What one’s brain carry is knowledge and information. What mind carries is kindness, affection hate etc. What a body carries is that what they require according to what I understood ‘sex’ and all three provides them or show them a path to earn a living. They bid or sell use the entire package of human creatures by controlling them. But unfortunately we cannot bathe or eat on behalf of them though they taste what we eat.  


There were some torturers that can support you when peeing. Not only let you feel having stomachache. Even they can block or control pees & urine of the victim. They have been doing the exact thing to me.


I once asked them that “don’t your master have any shame to use you for peeing purposes of another nation? Ethnic group? Can’t he or she use you for another purpose?”


I remember asking “don’t you have any perception to help the team of mission investigating the issue occurred in 21st April 2019?” Some stay muted, some said something supporting what I asked.


My brother (in law)’s birth day was one of the unforgettable days in the year 2020, during this period of my experience. I had a few hundreds of money in my newly opened bank account at the BOC.  I wanted to withdraw the money to buy something in order to prepare a special meal for them. I was heavily tortured like nothing on that day. My legs were dragged backward and it was very difficult for me to walk. My voice was very harshly dragged and it was very difficult for me to request what I wanted to purchase from the vegetable sellers at the daily-fare in the Kandy ordinary market. I can very well remember how the sellers looked at me so surprisingly due to dragging the voice of mine. Some wanted me to go to the Police and from the other end to the hospital. Somehow I didn’t go. Now I feel that though they commanded me to go to the hospital and to the Police Station they actually didn’t expect me to go to any of those places.


I tried my level best to not to show my siblings my sorrow or the pain gained due to this torture on my brother (in law)’s birth day. I didn’t want to ruin their day. I was very worried and feared of them controlling my sister, little one and brother in law. I do not know whether they noticed any change. Especially because they were asked to come and stay in our house those days.


One of the men, Sam is his name according to the 24hr lodger, in particular said that he actually touched the specific organ of my sister, some almost every other day or so uttered my sister (in law)’s name into my ear. What the f--kers meant was abusing the two sisters physically.  I am a helpless sister. What I did was cursing them. I believe that whoever is ruling this world from another planet would help me and punish them for sure, one day.


What I truly want now is to spit on to the face of each and every sexual abuser, frankly.  I don’t wish them luck and development.


My days -lifeless, vanished in fear. The torture continued. Almost eight months have gone since the day that the torturers invaded my life. No formals of security here or there of the world managed to capture them.  


During all these torture day by day the number of persons affected and the number died of Covid-19 has been increasing.


Smells of dangerous serpents were sent early in the morning. I was feared when I prepare tea whether it spoiled the tea, I was curious and in fear.


And very often smells of females’ virgin (spoiled) areas has been sent and it is not easy to bear. I assume that this thing has been done by the 24hr lodger of my brain and body.


Like the craws coming to a spoiled dead body, these tortures reach me, my body every day. Even now I do not know why I was chosen to punish this way.  


I fear of losing the content of this book and the writings of my other books. Once I decided to send this note to a publisher unedited due to my fear of losing the document.


And on my little nephew’s birth day I realized how dangerous these controllers were. They hitched and patched and spoken through almost everyone’s voice boxes. It took me some time to realize what was going through the event.


When I was singing the song, happy birth day, my voice tone was unnecessarily raised.


My brother too was controlled during this period when he was driving his three wheeler from and to Pussellawa -Kandy, back home.


Torture continued, talking to my ear bud, head and brain, heating and pressing them. Lifeless and faintish.


Brain is the place where the thoughts are coming from, appear from, and rise from. When somebody is controlling entire package of your physical body forcefully, you lose control over your entire human body.  Often it clashes when two humans trying to give two different commands to a mind, trying to control two or three organs at a time. What would be the results? You’d lose the balance of the body. What should the sole owner of the human body or victim of torture of this type should do to save his or her life other than to reporting to every official body?


This inhuman whole-body controlling may collapse your body and the victim may suffer from Parkinson or similar type of issue, brain tumor (?) especially because this type of torture badly affect or damage the ‘Nerves System’, the nerves and the neurons.  


I think that these group of tortures are provided with live-viewing facilities otherwise how do they control a human-body live? Do they use Skype, video technology etc. for instance?


At the beginning some used to say ‘erasing memory’. I do not know whether it is possible. Because memory cannot be killed unless the victim due to this torture etc. would suffer from dementia for instance.


I once, purchased some cod-liver oil pills locally called and known as ‘Mora pethi.’ to safe guard my brain, won’t work or cater the need of mine.


I remember what a famous medical scholar once said about death and brain, he is no more now. Brain is the center of controlling of entire system of organs or the entire body. Especially when every organ, spine, every nerve, cell is inter connected it is highly risky to control it from a distance by an unknown, by an external force, and if something slips, finish.


They always boast about their abilities to control human bodies.  


“Some say we have come to control you a bit and go.” Women come and go, men come and go. What I asked them is “what type of a law is that”? “Who said that there is a law to control humans like this, “what law describe it” and if this was decided by any official or authority by justifying or approving this type of brain and mind and body killing, I said that every person who was jailed or imprisoned must be released.


I was very often convinced that one or two of our media personalities were captured and imprisoned by one of the gang leaders who live abroad. I hope even though they may be holding different political attitude or perception whoever is responsible of citizen’s security would check what I am saying right now.


Controlling is referred to as ‘killing’ according to some of the controllers. I think they have been using a matching term for the activity. They used to use the terms such as ‘he is no more’, ‘she is no more’.


Due to this mind to mind bonding, I was fear of my two sisters. I feared of them controlling their sexual organs. I feared of my little nieces. My little nieces’ place is one of my favorite places that I like to visit. I love to hold them, but I tried to not to hold them for any reason. Very sad to note that her voice too was controlled by speaking through her voice, what do you think that we should do?


I lead a miserable frustrating life since the day that this torture was started.


It is very dangerous to implant thoughts of somebody in somebody else’s brain. It is dangerous when the other person try to change the attitude of a person secretly talking to one’s brain and mind. A person, innocent can be changed into a criminal using this method. Changing an ordinary to a drug addict, to rob a bank, to kill a person for instance.  Please capture these groups as quickly as possible.


I was wondering whether this mechanism has been using by any of the drug addicts and drug sellers or dealers imprisoned to promote their businesses.


Even now while I am writing this note my right cerebrum is strongly pressed.  I do not know how I truly bore the pain since I am not a woman made of iron but flesh and blood.


Due to this spoken through , voice merging mind to mind speaking method , the witnesses of certain or specific court cases can be barred and disturbed and can be changed. Due to these type of methods, the innocents may be imprisoned. If anyone has practiced this method in courts in order to change a decision of a court case, what would happen, how can we replace or change it? By using this method the so called controllers would be able to confuse a victim when answering the questions of the lawyer or of the jury. Touching their brains and confusing their memories they may ruin a life of an innocent victim when explaining something pertaining to a court case before a jury etc. This system of speaking through done after hacking a brain is very cunning and misleading no easy to realize for an outside party as exact as it is, I understood. Any incidents reported I am not aware of this.


Are these creatures obtain information illegally by listening and viewing to what others discuss? Reading what is planning or writing by others, reading reports of state or private, entrepreneurs etc., collating information following from court cases, committees assigned to solve any social, or political conflicts, using the same mechanism do these groups share information with any parties live outside the country?


Using this method of secret communication an imprisoned person can deal with the outer society, secretly, without consent to the knowledge of the authorities.


Due to the fact that un-officials, un-allowed are using this method the state secrets might flow-out of its stores. Due to this method secrets that should be kept inside the family, community, village, and country may subject to spread across globe and it would probably badly affect the security of a country. What I understood is that the controllers, brain hackers use human brains as an information storing and message exchanging place and the speech therapists may read the information implanted or kept exchanged by somebody/their agents, using the sleep therapeutic methods, secretly. The speech therapist may be sharing the information gathered by her/him using this mechanism with an external source not trustworthy that exist outside the country. Some internal agents too maybe exchanging or using those information for various ill-willed purposes, who knows?   


It is dangerous to use sleep therapy, read one’s mind during one’s sleep, every day. According to what I was told about my love life and of the early childhood experiences I know that somebody has read my past using sleep therapy using spy speaking mechanism during this period of time. One of the ugliest thing that I heard from one of the women who spoke to me via this method was that she asked “did you see your parents engaged in sexual activity.” “I cannot remember anything as such that was my answer”. I do not know whether she read something of my past. But I hammered her. I further asked her “do you know how the parents and little children in 5x5 size houses live?” “Have you seen how the families along the slums of little huts along the railway path live?” I asked her or I warned her to not to ask any little child such a question. 


And she is not ashamed of her act. Is she the only sleep therapist? If so she has exchanged the read notes of my past with some other members of her clan.


No person has right to view or know my personal and private life and had no right to peep into my life using any mind to mind or brain to brain bonding method or using any sleep therapeutic measures. 


When someone’s voice box is damaged and used for months, regularly, it damages the throat and the thin wall of the throat. It may cause cancer. The voices of others are sending through a certain electric ray system, I assume. Since it is not advised even for a person suffering from chronic conditions to use x-rays unnecessarily, needless to say the danger it can cause.


On a particular day I was asked to come to the station by one of the persons who was controlling me. I thought that I very well know the person due to the voice tone used and in order to explain my issue I decided to meet him. I waited at the station, no one I knew appeared. This happened exactly on 15th October 2020. I waited there for about half an hour or so and left the station and visited the police station and reported my issue to the Police Station Kandy.


I was wondering whether I should scan entire body of mine.

It took me about six months to go to the police. I first try to speak of the situation by interviewing the high profile police officers of the Kandy-Police Station at the beginning. At the beginning I didn’t know how to explain this situation to anybody. I feared to meet them worrying about their voices and brains.  The day that I went to the station-police, during my meeting I noticed that one the television channels were interviewing one of the famous local female artists. During my interview with the high profile police officer, the famous voice was hitched and patched to my voice, I strongly felt it. You can truly feel it when the so called voice hitch patcher is hacked your or anyone else’ voice box and talking straight to your voice box, mid-throat area.


After having a short conversation with the chief of the Police Station I was directed to another division where they handle women’s issues for further inquiry. When I went there I noticed that the person who is in charge of the division was a lady officer and was pregnant. She was having her lunch. I was not please to speak to her because of her physical situation. What if the tortures try to speak through her voice? I was a little hesitant to meet her due to that reason. Knowing the danger. It is dangerous for a pregnant mother to experience it. I felt that these torturers do not care about anything whether it is a child or a pregnant mother, ill etc.  


I decided to not to meet her. Staying there for about half an hour I moved to the office of the crime investigation, next to the division that handles the women’s issues. I met the chief of the division. I was not ready to explain him the experience especially I was studying what I have experiencing personally. And I was not ready for an interview either. I asked, “sir can I know the meaning of mind to mind bonding or speaking?” I was asked to come at 2.00 pm and he said that I can give you a fine answer about mind to mind bonding.


Like I explained earlier, when I was trying to learn this from the internet, I saw some key words such as ‘spy speaking, listening to spy speaking, tools and equipment, mind hacking, mind blowing, two minute brain hacking. Anyway I had somewhat understanding about mind controlling before visiting the Police Station afterwards but not much at the beginning. Anyways, I have watched a few movies written based on true life events before about physical torture. That helped me to understand what was going on in my life.


I didn’t feel like waiting in the Kandy town till 2.00pm in the afternoon since morning. I returned home thinking of going back to meet the official. I came back home without meeting the inspector, the chief of the crime-branch.


Unlike on ordinary days I always felt tired. I was a person walked miles and miles to sell my books, the children’s books for my living. I was healthy and strong. But after this it slower my routines.


I do not know what political belief that these criminals are believing. Almost every other day or so, former Minister of justice of former government (2015-2019)’s name, Mrs. Thalatha Athukorala’s name was used by these speakers several times. I do not know what intension they had to use her name. Once one of the speakers said that somebody in her house using the voice of the care taker of her house in Kandy (?).


Pressing my right and the front and the left cerebrum is the thing that I feared of most.

Some nights were vomiting nights. I was forced to vomit.


Torture continued……..                                                                                                                    


Every time when I asked the 24hr lodger of my mind to leave she said can’t. I often hear she is asking permission from a man to leave my brain from a distance. “No! No!” That is what I heard from the man. Who is he? , Who are they? I was wondering.


Often the members of these groups fought with each other for whatever reason. Were they all dramas? I believe that some joined the conversations to collate information about these talkers, clans of torture. I guess they are the persons working for legal or formal agencies of the world.  Once somebody said that the permanent lodger of my mind is a prisoner of a prison in Rajasthan.


Who are these persons? Member of a specific terror group? Students studied inland or foreign, state paid workers, tortured or oppressed such as prostitutes, daily or a lump-sum paid tortures or controllers? Illegal drug dealers, Psychologists? Gynecologists, psycho-physic- therapists? Speech therapists, sleep therapists head or cancer healers, drug dealers, pharmaceutical equipment importers? Spiritual healers? Who is financially supporting them for controlling me? These are the questions repeatedly coming into my mind.


Why no one is arrested yet? Probably it is no easy. No man of torture should be protected. You never know how the person who hired for the purpose, breastfeeding them may suffer in the future and they probably do the same for the hirer. It may boomerang back to their lives. There is a saying ‘those who carry weapons die of the same.’

Why? Why me? That was the principle question came into my mind. Was it because some used to call me Sri Lanka? Though I am not worthy for the tittle; Sri Lanka.


Did they think that I lead a privileged life? Though I was an innocent civilian who have been trying to live a peaceful life, writing books, independently, financially coping?   


Some said that various persons has given these team some lacks of money to continue torturing me. Some had given these groups a particular female some money to safe guard or to save my life. And also during these torture one or a few females said that they have been collecting some money to give somebody. Some have rented the residences closer to the main towns for this particular purpose of torture, according to some other.


I was given no alternative. You do not know when they arrive and when they leave your brain or mind.  You were force to talk. Whether you like it or not. Often due to my answers or the way that I answered their questions or the way ‘how the dialogues developed’ some of them showed that they like me. Every strategy they used is to cheat and torture me. Some who knew may have felt guilty for what they did to me, yet I can’t fully & accurately comment on their way of communicating with me and the methods used to torture my entire system of body.


I curse them. I don’t know why they cannot leave my life and brain? According to the Buddhist stories, Jathaka tales when someone’s eyes were tortured they would be born blind in his or her next birth. Chakkupala thero’s tale supported us to learn the importance of not playing with or damaging one’s eyes.


Non-stop forceful talking to one’s brain and mind damages the cells and the walls of the sensitive brain. I am experiencing it right now.


I think they use my mind, head, and brain as a place of meeting, for multiple conferencing.  I believe that they used my head to convey messages, using indirect language, of the places that they hide illegal- drugs etc.. I thought that at the beginning they notify of the places where the controllers are hiding. I assume that some of them were imitating the roles of police -officers.


Any Police officers joined after I went and reported my issue? To identify these spy-speakers, mind to mind speakers?


I felt that some have come to support me. It is they who know the truth.


I asked them on the 6th of December night, 2020, “I think you are using my head to send messages of some places no?”


At the beginning I thought that based on what I was convinced or understood a few members from the chain of government urban councils were used for the purpose of torturing me, either using a spy-speaking tools or by hacking my brain.


Were they given any ‘bands of sensing’ to wear around their heads to ‘feel and sense’ what I say and think?


I also explained them saying that “what is the point talking to each other secretly of the places you hide the drugs, whether police visit you or not via this method to capture you. Don’t you know that drugs are something material and you live in a small island and it is not that difficult for the authorities to locate the areas that you hide them, especially due to availability modern technology, ‘drone cameras’ for instance??”


One of the ladies actually asked what I said repeatedly and I think that she liked what I said. Was she a police officer?  


They actually used indirect language to convince each other not only of the areas for instance that they hide drugs but also of the things going to be happened. How do they know these things? Interesting no?


They used my name instead of using the name of the person that they tried to give the message. ‘Sandika they will arrest your brother tomorrow’, for instance. Sandika they will come and arrest your mother and brother. Once they spoke of a place called ‘Udunuwara dewale pitipasse (behind the ‘Udunuwara’ hindu shrine). 


I know that they some of them were talking of the ones who have been listening to their conversations. Or were they hacking anyone’s brain who work there at the Udunuwara Urban Council etc.


I must tell you that I am not really explaining the mechanism used by the spy speakers or the tortures, mind controllers but sharing and explaining what I am truly experiencing.


I often felt that it is possible to safe guard one’s mind or brain using the same mechanism by defending them, I learned. Strategically letting the real tortures to stay away from the brain or the mind of the victim, as ‘a network of safe guarding brain’ & life.  The defenders too can identify the voices if they come and guard the victim’s mind.

At the beginning one of the officers I assume (I do not know whether I was miss-leaded) said “you are a gem otherwise I wouldn’t have come.”


When you are fully under arrest of such culprits, you feel helpless and lifeless.


And according to some of the spy speakers, I was unconscious for about five days when my brain was first attacked. My mother and brother too was unconscious for the same period of time, according to the first team of talkers. I was convinced that the first team of speakers have come to save my life.  Were they chose this method to waken me up? The first group apparently have rescued my life talking to my deep brain and mind using this mind to mind speaking method, apparently.


Any nearby CCTV cameras witnessed this attack? I was wondering if this was the situation, why any of the authorities didn’t inform me about the attack for ‘further security of my life’. Was it only the brain hackers got to know of this attack? Or was it only the brain hackers across globe received the message of this tyrants who had been planning of this brain & mind attack prior to the incident? Any formal authorities received any prior messages? Was it only me and my family unconscious for such a period of time? Were any of other citizens or chosen ones unconscious by any chance at the same time?


Did we, the country, village lose any belongings during this period of time of attack other than ‘self-control of our own brains and minds’? These members were taught & trained to let all others ‘puppeting & dancing according to their tune’? But if the first team came to rescue me why plenty of others joined since the first day of brain attack as torturers? Why they can’t stop talking to me?


Anyhow I don’t hear the voices of the first group who had been talking to me anymore.


The specialty of this mind to mind, mouth to brain speaking- mechanism is that any person can be able to speak to  any person who live in any far, far away land or continent or region of the world that they hate or wish to exchange information with.  For instance a person who live in Nevada or Georgia, Rajasthan, South Africa, London, Tokyo, Germany, Vietnam, Philippine etc. I think that due to existing call tapping mechanisms they probably pick this mechanism to exchange information secretly with others.   


Are there any mechanism that the local & world authorities use to listen to these spy speaking conversations. The conversations of the Mind to mind talkers. What are the best way to tackle them, the (distance) -whole body controllers?


What were the mechanisms used by you the Police and Security Forces across globe to capture these type of men and women?


Would one’s physical appearance help in identifying them?


Puffy eyes, confusing mood or mode, behaving in a sort of a suspicious manner etc. looks like have ‘no patience’ etc. unnecessarily smiling at the ones who come to meet them. Unnecessarily and ‘unusually quiet’. Mistakes in what they do (jobs), missing for many or several months etc.  Work delays etc.  I don’t know whether I am explaining here the physical and behavior appearances of the victims though.

Some think that due to the mechanism chosen to torture a creature from a ‘distance yet viewing live’ yet secretly speaking to them and because they are not easily visible to others, the security authorities cannot capture them. That was one of the reasons why they happily and confidently speaking to my mind to torture me. What is the secret behind their confidence any high profile or politicians supporting them?


Were these group consists of any specialists who have studied about ‘brain’, mind? 


I was thinking, due to what I noticed, when walking in the town of Kandy whether our country was invaded by a certain group of ethnic group or a race. Wherever I wandered with a purpose specific I saw some who belong to a specific group of ethnic following me or I would say appearing before me, unlike in other days of the recent past. Therefore I decided that we were under either attack of this group or I assumed that we are facing some threats anyhow.


A daughter with her fathers was waiting inside a luxury vehicle near a super grocery shop near Katukele, Peradeniya, I once noticed when I was travelling towards the town, Peradeniya. Another person a bit old, aged about more than sixty five, heading towards one of the Shifani gems, parking his car with a smile on his face, I noticed. Both belong to a same ethnic group.


I noticed that the same on the day that I went to Nugegoda to save the gold jewelry that I pawned to the bank. And I remember on that particular day a beautiful girl drew her car with a smile on her face towards the high-level junction passing the rail way station. Is she a leading controller? Using all those they tried to show me a picture of something. What did they trying to showcase, I was wondering.


It too verified what I have been told by the speakers about Sri Lanka’s top administrators including the President of the country. I was convinced that they were under arrest of a certain group. When you closely observe the areas, when you see some difference unlike on other days it is easy for you to weigh or measure the situations.


Probably they would have mentioned of mind arrestment of those top personals of the country? If so, what is the reason behind the act?


If you mind arrest a certain group of persons, do you think that you can control a country, do you, the main controllers think that by doing so you tried to invade our country? No law justifies such.


A country’s existing set of laws, civil laws are one of the human friendly formal or accepted mechanism of controlling. Families’ & societies’ ethics and taboos, norms values and the schools’, religious organizations’ the Universities’ are the accepted methods and the agencies of controlling. The rules and regulations pertaining to Armed Forced and Police, and visions and missions accepted by public and private entities etc. are the human friendly methods, mechanisms of controlling that exist and practice in a community that are not harmful for any human being.   


I did not know how to face these torturers at the beginning of this process. How should I help them, those who were kidnapped? Were they kidnapped and forcefully taken to another country of the zone we live, according to what I was told I was thinking helplessly. What is my role here? How can I help them?


During this period of time I wrote to various persons thinking that others are watching me live. Because I was convinced that I am a person that some watch me live daily via a certain application or a Skype mechanism or via whatever available method.


When the famous Kandy Perahera, (Parade) was held it was telecasted live across globe, in the month of August, 2020, I was heavily tortured especially for the President to notify to inform about the torture that I’ve been through. Thinking that he would help me and stop these tortures controlling me. Or else I don’t know whether they wanted him to see how his civilians were tortured by them or by the demanders of something pertaining to state or organizational visions or missions of political beliefs they believing, now I assume.


Has he observed if he too was not a victim of this type of torture person observed? Any outsiders observed how I was controlled turning my neck and head writing various numbers & sentences on the walls of our house?


I once felt that the honorable president too was under arrest of one of these groups, but must check.


When I saw the president live on TV on the day that the day-time parade was telecasted, I thought that there was no need of worrying about saving their lives anymore, I do not need to convey any messages to the others about the missing lives. The security forces may have saved his life, I thought. 


Any of the local personalities arrested by any of the gang leaders? I still worry.


Some of the spy speakers, a lady in particular whom I thought was once a police officer working attached to a local security mission or police department now working outside country, supported me to write a letter to the police high commissioner for instance, solicitor general of justice system in order to save my life from the group of tortures, thinking that they are watching me, knowing my situation. I do not know whether they too were under attack of this particular group of tortures or so called controllers.


I was also asked to write to various top officials by good spy-speakers about the matter of the top officials missing thinking that the top authorities are not aware of it, to safe guard the lives of the top & chief personalities. I kept all those pencil written letters inside my cupboard I cannot locate them now.


I thought knowing what went wrong inside our country those who live outside the country must have joined the oppressed to save them or to safe guard their lives.


I knew according to what I read and viewed that there is a system how the high security persons share information with each other during various missions, how they speak to each other when they are on duty but they are doing their job-legally and rightfully and these speakers, workers (?), personals are normally unknown to the rest of the world and they even do not know the other members of the group due to the importance of protecting their identity also due to security reasons.


I thought that knowing what I went through, those who have been watching me daily from a distance- live, observing and rating difference - physical and my way of speaking, based on what they have observed they may have come to rescue me, I thought.


Once, one of the persons who watch me in order to explain the situation I was in spoke through my voice, following is the things he said according to my memory 


“Sandika’s voice box is damaged because her voice is hitch and patch many times, and it may cause cancer health hazards, issues please do something to save Sandika’s life.”


“Even if the higher administrative personals, top administrators were accompanied with very many security officers or even if they were given many life guards to secure their life, what would you do if you hear a spy-speaking speaking of some of kidnapping of higher officials / president for instance and talking of them taking to another country or all the guards too were under custody of a particular gang or torture group? How would you handle such a situation? Thinking that they have plenty of security guards don’t stay mute or quite doing nothing.”  


“Why don’t you inquire the situation? Why don’t you check it with the others? Why stay without checking ……” This was what his core intention behind saying it & speaking through my voice I recon.


Things you hear from an informal spy speaker or what you view ‘peace of area’ needless to say, should be analyzed carefully. It is these torturers who know why they used such a mechanism and their intensions etc.  But we cannot forget the Diasporas live outside the country, in the lands foreign to us. When an entire country is in some sort of a trouble like this every citizen who loves and lives outside to country should support their motherland considering the danger. Keep an eye on the ones you meet and see, please. The country-friendly, motherland friendly communities can help the citizens of their motherlands connecting from a land foreign to us but other than that I must say no other party should use these spy speaking methods, yet it is highly risky.  


That is the other principle importance of the formal spy speaking communities working here and there of the world. Or other communities, especially when the motherland is in sort of a danger if they cannot use any ordinary mechanisms of communication to convince of plans of missions for instance, the communicator can use spy-speaking mechanism.   


> > > > >


I was wondering, what a life, a wife or a fiancé of a controller would be leading? Are they too tortured touching and pressing their brains & minds arrogantly, using these controlling mechanisms by their better or bitter halfs? How many of them are married to such controllers, having no understanding about the nature of their job or their professions or nature of the informal work of their fiancé’s?  If these torturers working attached to any government or private entities what would happen to the lives of those masters?


I was convinced by one of the leader- controllers that this is the way that she check whether her finance who is in abroad having any other external marital affair’s with any person, touching his brain. I do not know whether she said that in respond to a question that I asked to mislead me.


Do these members of these groups, torture the humans ‘biologically or physically creating headaches’, touching the particular veins of the heads and forehead of the ordinary communities that they meet,  especially  when they are handling day today life?


I was heavily depressed when the permanent lodger of my mind mention the name of my friend’s daughter during the period of Advanced Level Examination -2020. According to what she said, she has reached the child’s brain when she was answering her examination paper. I was very depressed & oppressed to hear that. How can I expressed it to the parent about these things? Did she change her perception and answers when answering the question paper? I didn’t hesitate to curse her, though I am wholeheartedly a Buddhist.


Such a hate towards these little children? , can you expect from a mother or a female? What is the objective of this revenge taking?


Has anyone visited any lectures of any education entity using this mechanism, hacking one’s brain?


Voice is one of the strongest torturing method used here to torture me, one day a voice of a lady whom I knew before, used the term ‘renting voices’.


Interesting thing here is that if you think of any person, when your brain is hacked, this particular hacker who hacked and control your mind has the ability to send or release the voice of the person that you thought of in a minute or in a moment’s time. I am talking of my experiences here.


Do they maintain any voice-banks, or were they using any system already established to store voices, tapes of interviews?


Somebody doubt of a female work for SLBC.


Any of the members of a prohibited radio station or a television involved with this mission of torturing me? I can say due to the reason that I am now under control of a team of tortures, they were watching me writing this note. After I wrote this bit of information I assume that it is the female who has been permanently lodging in my brain, started heavily torturing my head and brain. I felt extremely painful. Now the time is 11.38 am/ 14th December 2020.


Where does she live? Is she belong to any political believing any extremism?


Any members of Quazi court joined in order to torture me? I wondered when I saw the board somewhere close to Mawathagama of Kurunegala of Sri Lanka.   Pardon me asking so, if you have nothing to do with this.


None of the spy speakers are ‘benefactors’, except a few? But often I found that some liked what I have been saying or writing about ‘the nature of this type of torture’. Why? Were they too tortured through this mechanism? 


Any joined me to support, give a moral support? Any civil parties joined me to support me, safe guard my life? If so, I take this opportunity to thank them for helping me maintain my balance of body, mind, using their thoughts and sentences. There are plenty of ways that a torturer can torture a person. For instance the torturers might chose the mechanism of talking in a mild and softer language, in kind & supportive language to your deep ear or to your mind.  No matter what method you select to talk to your brain, it damages your mind, health massively or slowly.


At the very beginning of this process of torture I managed to maintain my normal way of communicating with them. Afterward I too became arrogant when using my language especially when they physically torture me, and when I was physically-verbally-sexually abused.  I too used bad words to chase them away. I would name it, ‘defending language’. Then I realize that often though the bad words are known as ‘verbal abuse, people can use them as a ‘defending language’. I don’t know whether I pleased their minds even more when using bad words because I believe that their intension was to control me for the worse, changing my behavior as a bad citizen. That is one of their core-idea behind controlling me.


And I, often in my mind though I have not seen the men and women who has been speaking to me, I fought with them, like I actually hit them, using my legs and often I pushed them to a faraway places in my mind. I used this mechanism every time that they uttered my sisters’ names, you know what some men were focusing on women’s organs mainly.


When it comes to good health and sustainability of my mind, it is not good at all to use the mind for such purposes because you need plenty of strength to focus on such actions. It is not healthy at all to use such a mechanism to fight against the wrong doers, because you become even more-weaker mentally for using your inner strength in its fullest widths and lengths, unnecessarily.

I have not learned enough of words to express how helpless you become when you are under control of a female or a male torturer who hate you most in order to take revenge from you as exactly as it is.


I do not know whether these controllers created any images before my eye site, I saw a huge snake slowly moving towards the canal near the house, when I was trying to pluck a baby jack from a nearby tree. It was a narrow escape. Thank goodness that I saw it. I was not in a position to run due to this issue that I have been facing. Especially when your body or brain or mind was not adjusted at least somewhat to face the brain torturers you face issue. And on another day, when I was heading towards the village town, I saw same snake rolling down from the neighbour’s lands. What does it revel were they used snakes to scare me? Were all these pre-planned?


> > > > >


Can anyone read a mind of another? If a person properly and highly trained, it is possible I believe. But not the ones who have been tortured me, they can’t read minds like others who have trained their minds using the mechanism such as meditation etc. They have no telepathy skills. For a person to do that, they should be maintaining disturbed- less mind, conscious mind, a mind free from horror and terror & hate perceptions and attitudes, I believe that none of them have such minds, because of the way that they behaved and due to their theme & aim of torturing?   I have heard of ancient meditators who had to the ability to read the minds of others in the Himalayas for instance, who had developed their minds and read human’s minds. They were not culprits.


You need to maintain a quiet, calm, meditative mind if you are to use your brains & mind’s best skills. I believe that they use some science technology & probably some tools to quickly pick and choose voices, to hack my brain to know what I think every minute and moment.


These men or women could be the persons working for a certain radio channels. Radio channels also has a library of voices of top personalities due to the interviews they give. Who uses these resources, who wants to use them, for what purposes? Should be examined.


There are plenty of things that one can think of pertaining to ‘speech therapy, ‘radiology’, shock treatment & controlling one’s body.  I believe with regard to the methods and mechanisms used by these torturers to torture me, the mind, voice, brain, urinary organs, they may have used some of those techniques of mentioned categories and their tools to torture my whole-body. 


What do you think of the tiny cameras used for nasal endoscopy and bronchoscopy? Any distance body controllers inserted any of such cameras into my body secretly entering my house prior to the implementation of torturing sandika (me)?  


I often heard them talking about cancer hospitals. Ward 10, of what clinic, psychology or cancer, Maharagama or Kandy, why? Private or public? Any radiologists, x-ray technicians, doctors involved with this torture?


I was convinced at the beginning that some of them join the group of controllers or the brain washers / spy speaking clans due to a specific reason. Somebody who lives near or inside the cancer hospital has something to do with these issues. “Did you or anyone of your family suffer from any cancer?” they used to ask. In order to earn more money to cater the need of the patient, member of their family, some have joined the group, according to some. Or were they talking of some other business or trading?


Where do they live? Where do they work, attached to what organization, entity, state or private? Must be quickly checked.


They are everywhere. They live here or there of the world. Please raise awareness on this specifically to safe guard the urinary organs of your girl child, females wives etc. These are the things you must say to your woman or to your girl child, to your sister when you are educating the child in order to save them from sexual abusers. ‘Unusual itching, like a bugger moving here and there of the organ, and you really feel when someone is touching your organ. Please explain it to your child.


When I was, in my mind worshipping the Lord the Buddhar’s statue made of gem and the god’s statues in the Dalada Maligawa, one morning, the torturers destroyed them using their hands for instance before my eyes inside my mind, I swear to Lord Buddha.


Every member of those groups know what other members has been doing, the tasks allocated to them, I learned.  They were linked to a chain of speakers for instance in a multiple ways I assume.


They have the ability to change even the victim’s facial expressions. They can create a sad face, worrisome face etc. Some so hurriedly coming and saying something and vanishing. Are they busy bodies?


Once a man or a female talked of a female who was withdrawing some money from a bank in Polonnaruwa. I assumed that either they were talking of a victim or a person that they were trying to blackmail or trying to steal money from. I know that they were monitoring me every time that I went to the Bank to deposit some money for my sister.  And I know due to what they say they follow my mother and read the details of her bank accounts. This is the mechanism that they use to read the information of bank accounts of civilians, I believe. That is how they steal money. The so called spies know all my family member’s details of bank accounts I say based on what they say.  Some maintains beggars’ communities as a business to earn money. Similarly I don’t know whether any of them maintain such groups of people, men and women paying them some money or some commissions from the money that they steal etc.  How do they use them? They chose men and women, hack their brains and sending them to various places that they can prosper multiple ways. I don’t know whether hired persons or personals know that their hirer use them for this kind of activities?


How do they exchange money? How do they pay these culprits? Do they work for free of charge? In cash or using bank drafts, online money transferring facilities? Do these use or hack any of the e-banking systems? Do they send money via easy cash payments modes, speed cash payment mode?  How well or how often you check your bank accounts?


Can the banks check the routines of payments received & depositing patterns of their account holders, randomly picking accounts from time to time?


Do you, the grassroots level controller, mind or the body bonder, speaker very well know the person that you are bonding? Who is the chief person bonding minds? Do these persons have to come to one’s mind paying any money to her? Or who is financing the ‘mind controller? Where does he or she lives?


If the person do not know anything about the person, or the body that they were bonded to using mind to mind or brain to brain linking system, the body that they used for sexual purposes what would happen?


What if the bonder, the so called money-bonder that binds bodies, bind a body of a daughter to her own father, a body of a father to his own daughter? Brother to an own sister, purposely or unknowingly or strategically what would happen?  In short what if the person /female that you are sexually abusing from a distance, using new technology is your own sister or daughter, a close kin or a friend.  Especially because they give various other names and hitch and hatch numbers, for the victim when controlling, what if they don’t show the image of the victim, or the person that they chose to control-whole body for instance? Please remember some controllers do not care about family ties, whether he or she is your sister or not the bonder or the controller don’t care about, they will bond any ‘body’ to the needy.


Why do you give names for a person? David, Thimbiri, Monalisa etc.  Reasons differ and unique.


When Monalisa’s name is called, ‘why’ is the question monalisa may ask from the caller. And Davids & Tiaras & Pilikuttuwas, Thennakoons, Sandika don’t respond when Monalisa’s name is mentioned or called.  This can be understood various ways analyzing it under the frame work of ‘Modern Psychology.’ Da Vinci ‘code’ too comes into my mind this morning.  


For the ones who doesn’t know these type of methods, they may sell either the ‘method’ or the ‘tool’ (if any used) they would help the needy by bonding the mind or the body the customer or the main torturer prefers to torture or sexually abuse. What they want is taking revenge and money and money from the sponsor, contractor and to achieve organizations’ objectives, nothing else.


Any groups trained about a ten months back at the IDH hospital Mulleriyawa or at the Army hospital- Narahenpita for what purpose? I was convinced something like that at the beginning…


These particular body-bonders or the Body bonders’ don’t see things clearly. They have not seen the consequences, bad effects of this distance whole-body controllers, therefore I called them the philosophically BLIND. They don’t see the truth behind body controlling. They don’t see or view the hidden agendas behind ‘whole body controlling’, Brain and Mind Torture. Their unending desires towards sexual requirements is truly sickening & torturous. They truly need the support of their true religious leaders. The young ones and the educated yet poor may not see the traps fallen before them. The pits these torturers have dug before their lives. What they see is money and the names of lists of victims provided to them by their principle leaders/ controllers, I say this based on the experience that I gained.


The nature of these persons or teams of torture are that they collate information by hacking one’s brain sometimes fulltime, 24hrs or visiting a brain on and off.  & they use this shameful method to share the information that they collect with the groups, companies, agencies, persons outside to country or with the inland communities let me repeat. It is dangerous when somebody shares information pertaining to a country’s security or the information that never should be shared by any outside security missions.  A Country is always a member of a particular region of security, they should consider what I am saying here this very important.


How well you know the person that you hire for a certain ‘duty’? Do you have a mechanism to monitor those persons you hire for a certain title or a position? How well you know the person or do you really monitor the persons that you hire for the title in the zone of media-visual and auditory, for your private hospital, laboratory, etc., Armed forces when thinking of different clans of social and political?


When high security personals hiring any nannies or housemaids or caretakers, they must be very careful. The person who comes to read your meter of water or electricity also should be monitored. One day a group of workers from the water board of Kandy came to re-fix our water-meter. The meter reader also was here. And the reader left after reading the meter. I heard his voice from a distance. I do not know whether it was him who spoke to me from a distance or somebody spoke through his voice. 


These persons may working as a teacher or a professor or a doctor of a certain educational entity, researcher of medical laboratories, may appear in your mind in another avatar. They may be sending some of their members to your home-gate as the newspaper deliverers, dengue situation monitors, milk & bread or Pizza deliverers, Money collectors for various religious or social purposes etc.


Please, monitor the behavior of your co-worker without insulting him or degrading him, without disturbing his or her life, due to this issue, in order to identify various forms of avatars of the breakers or the ruiners of societies’ peace and harmony.  

I believe that now unlike in the past, the cybercrime investigation units of here and there of the world have an immensely important role to play when it comes to country’s security. The informal groups who hack and tap land and mobile phone facilities should be identified. Also a special division of illegal ‘Spy-Crime Investigation Unit’ (SCIU) of Police & of Security Forces should be established to identify the tyrants of state or tyrants of citizens of a country.


I know that my body, mind and brain need some rest. But I don’t feel like stop writing.


Every if possible private and public computer systems should be checked and monitored.


Should I full shave my hair and be bold headed. Why? To check whether any other Nano equipment’s inserted or fixed on the surface of my head? I often think.


My whole family are a victim of this so called mechanism; ‘Speaking through Voices of others’. Since the day that I became a victim of this method I started observing the behavior of my kin & of my siblings and I heard them talking through their voice boxes, voice of my little ones and siblings etc.  


Any immature children or teens were used by any of those principle torturers? Was that the reason why they spoke through tiniest ones, infants? 


On a particular morning, when I was watching the morning newspaper briefing programme of a famous local channel I heard that the journalist who hoist the programme was saying showing a particular news clip of a paper this was not what the chief who spoke through the official line of the relevant department said in respond to the question asked.    He said that he didn’t use such a term. The term that the paper has used was ‘binduwatato the zero level’. I strongly believe that the experienced reporters, journalists do not use any words that a chief of Sri Lanka Army for instance not stated, they don’t miss-report anything. I didn’t watch the interview on that particular morning. My family watch this programme whenever possible. I realized what may have happened. The controllers may have spoken through the voice of the chief or hitched and patched his voice when the journalist of the particular paper was watching the interview given to the programme. It is possible only when both the persons were linked or controlled or when the two brain are hacked via this mechanism by an outside person.  Sometimes it is only the victims that hears some words that others do not hear.


Do these members of the controlling team, by any chance misusing the given tools or their knowledge without consent to the knowledge of their bosses, play with the humans, travelling from mind to mind, voice to voice?  


May be it is easy for the specialists to understand what I am trying to say.


At my presence, at the beginning some of these persons spoke through the voices of the Deputy Commissioner, Media of Police, and the Defense Secretary and through the voices of some of the doctors who visited the television channel. At the beginning of the corona issue, , either in last week of March or first week of April 2020, the Defense secretary once or twice visited the aforementioned famous television channel (Derana Television) to raise awareness on the control of corona issue. I remember listening it to the programme from my room, lying on my bed. I heard somebody was saying that I am suffering from Corona. And the voice of the defense secretary said something in respond to what the male voice was saying. When thinking of the responding answer of the secretary, now I know for sure that it is not he who replied to the person. Somebody has spoken through his voice.


You don’t feel a sigh of a person otherwise your mind and the mind of the person is not linked with each other. You don’t feel it merged in your mid throat area unless your mind is linked with another. You don’t feel or hear somebody breathing or hear one’s spit flow through the throat if your mind and brain is hacked & linked to somebody by somebody.  The specialty here is that when two minds or brains of persons from far ends linked the victim 1 & Victim 2 for instance hears and feels of the things that they discuss.


I assumed that they too were under attack of these torturers. I was carefully observing, listening to the conversations and the interviews of others, since then to check what is going on in the country. Even during gaining all these painful experiences.


When you are reading a news bulleting it is not possible for you to think something and talk to another person in your mind unless you are a person controlled by another. But it is not impossible for another person/ controller to speak through a voice of a news reader.


Who is the person playing with the voices of top personalities?


Now I have been studying the situation slowly and slowly a bit by bit even during this miserable experience that I have been gaining.  I didn’t realize to this level at the beginning. At the beginning I thought that what I heard from some persons were true now I know that some of the ideas and words, sentences were not expressed by them. 


“I am suffering from corona, talk to me I was trained and controlled before reaching here…. Garu, (honorable)” ….. These were some of the dialogues that I heard at the beginning.  I was actually not in a position to accurately recognizing the voice who said that “I am suffering from corona” A rough voice said so in a bit of teasing manner.


One night, at the very beginning a rough voice warned me saying “if you utter a word about this, until we complete this I will kill you.” I was anyway not in a position to spoke of these things at the beginning.


Any persons mislead and were forced to leave the country secretly for instance fearing them of an invasion?


And I once felt that my mind was bonded or throats or the voice box was merged with the voices of another because when I inhale the person who was talking to us via television live too breathe/ inhaled. I strongly experienced it.


And at the very beginning of this process of torture, I overheard bad words when the hiru radio aired pirith, in between pirith. Sad to say that some of their voices too hitch and patched or spoken through their voices, I believe at the beginning...


Who could be the persons involved with this method of torturing? Who introduced this to this country?


Are these persons were persons trained by somebody for instance to break the voice boxes of others and to hack, hitch patch voices, merge voices with the voices of others, speaking through the voices of others etc. with a pre intension to tarnish the reputations either of the big personalities of the country  or of the country?


Who is the trainer?


Are any of these men and women belong to any professional categories such as speech therapists who were trained to support children and to support adults who face problems with regard to their voices? Persons with the possibilities of damage of voices due a certain accident faced by the person, due to the issues faced during the period of pregnancy, due to early childhood matters, for the children with personality or psychosocial issues.


It is always good to know and monitor.


Due to these mechanism used secretly in a society, it affects a sustainability of a nation, I very strongly believe. These mechanism may lead to abort nations due to controlling wombs and stomachs etc. of female victims. Due to controlling of males. Due to these secret body controlling, both the husband and wife, young ones may lose fertility or face issue pertaining to level of fertility. I strongly believe. What do you think of my opinion dear doctors?   


Dubbing artists know how to use voice or dub voices. How can we rate their possibilities to join such groups?  


When multiple people, groups, persons hacking your brain, every person feels what is going through in the body, mind, brain of the victim.

Are the members of these teams and the team leader truly monitoring both victim and the team members, live? Rating the level of damage, abilities of the controller, of the person that they hired?  Do they have to report to their leader?


What if they fail to do a certain job given by the main torturer, would they be tortured too, this is possible depending on the visions and missions of the team they belong to, I guess. What are the methods used to torture them, closely or from a distance? Sexually or otherwise? It is only the members and the so call leaders know.


Have you ever heard of this mechanism before, distance -whoelb0dy control? Have you ever thought of examining or doing a post mortem to know why he or she died all of a sudden especially when there were no signs of any chronic or otherwise illness shown? Reason of death? Do you know that there is a possibility why a certain person die all of a sudden? What if they were killed using mind to mind talking or body controlling, silently by any of these so called controllers?  They may note as Cause of reason of death; stomachache, headache, chest pain, heart attack etc. if you find series of death occur during a particular period of time, do you think that we should inquire monitor the pattern of death. Especially during an era that we face social and health or economic crisis, especially when you give most of your attention to solve the issues occurred due to various other reasons. Corona for instance. If you find some social, political, economic, educational specialties die not from corona but from another unidentified cause, all of a sudden what would you do?


Please think leisurely.


Who is playing with our voices and lives?


Who wants to deal with our id, ego and super egos?


My mind, brain is the meeting place for almost every secret speaker, I learned and I believe. Due to the above reason, multiple conversations were made inside my brain.


During all these that I have been experiencing, the Covid-19 situation has fattened and it has been damaging ruining almost every country’s economy. Many lives lost. I took no notes collected no data on corona issue, since about ten or eleven months as usual. I lost interest over the matter -corona during this period of time.


Covid-19 attacked and invaded Sri Lanka as well.


Today the number of deaths in the country increased and raised up to more than two hundred. And the total number of persons affected too is now almost have exceed the number forty thousand. When I checked the situation on the 6th December, 2020 the number reported to have affected from the situation was nearly twenty thousand and a bit more.


Covid-19, slowly invaded Kandy City as well. Kandy is the city I reside now. The authorities decided to lock-down some of the cities of Kandy District as well, I mentioned.


Who is using the Covid-19 situation for grant, who is taking advantage of these situations?  


Corona, Covid-19 is the principal reason that changed and ruined my life entirely like the lives of the others across world giving these torturers to torture me so freely. They use this period to continue torture, to torture me using this so called whole-body controlling method, because everyone’s attention was given to Covid-19 when the entire country was locked-down and isolated.


Did anyone used this mechanism to convince the society about this ongoing system? I often wondered. 


Initially I thought that I was used as a witness of convincing of certain mechanism used locally, in the recent past. To convince others of the method used by a certain parties, individuals in order to change a certain situation for a certain period of time, using the speaking through mechanism, voice hitch patching and merging for instance because some I believe what I say or write, let me assume.


Are there any persons who have been using this type of mechanisms; ‘talking to humans secretly’, ‘mind to mind speaking’ during various missions and campaigns of political to collapse a government?  Is this anything to do with taking political revenge? 


On the other hand, I was wondering whether these persons suffer from any specific or certain psychosocial ailments or any issue pertaining to for instance; sexual needs. Or are these groups used a team of patients who have come to the state or private entity seeking medical assistance for any Cancer or psychological issues, issue pertaining to sex organs, as assistant controllers?


Touching the area of the sex organ of a female body of mine, what they have been doing is torturing me. Sexually abusing is the most tortures thing they used to mentally abandon me. This was used almost every day, let me remind.

I believe that when your mind is bonded to another mind or when your brain is controlled by another they have the ability to control every organ of your, human body. The controller can send messages to one’s brain and control or motivate person for a sexual encounter. When a two minds are bonded physically and mentally the two minds become one merged with each other.


Is it essential to inform every embassy about these type of torturers? 


Are any of these members has something to do with the owners of the house of prostitution? Is this a new methods used by body renters, body sellers to cater the sexual needs of their customers?


According to what I realized some have no clues or no knowledge about these mechanism used across country and world. Some may not believe in existence of any of these methods in their communities.


Some may use this method of controlling as a way of living, to frightened human creatures, spoil one’s carrier as well. Be careful.

Don’t you think that via the blogs or via your face book you must share your experiences if you have faced any of these whole-body controlling or anything similar? Don’t you think that all whole-body controlling victims should be met at one place?


Don’t you think that we must raise our voice against these type of mechanism and request involvement of state authorities to stop these type of hazards in a society?   


Some of the speakers at the beginning thought that somebody may have inserted something circularble-magnetic object into my stomach either through the buriya or the mouth or the nose in order to control me. A girl; whom I was connected to at the beginning said something about using different vaccine for different victims of torture.


Have they used any vaccine to mute me, to unconscious me in order to insert a tool into my body, except by the ones who used another method to hack my brain and control me, my body from a distance?  


I do not know whether they have inserted any of the very tiniest tools made using Nano-technology into my deep ear in order to talk to me and torture me? How do you really break one’s voice box? Did anyone entered my house secretly?


Any Bluetooth, radio transmitting waves - mechanism used here to torture me, to verbally abuse me? 


Some said that they receive the images of all the victims of torture and of the ones who connect to me?


There is a way that your brain gets the messages, the sounds reach the brain. There is a natural human friendly way that the every high sound goes through your bends full ear.  There is a reason why there are bends in your ear system to slower or to smoothen the high sound you hear and therefore it controls or prevent damaging the inner ear or your brain cells, I believe.  


There is a reason why you are gifted something called a hair and skin for instance to secure your inner body etc..


The ugliest part of this process of whole-family torture, controlling of Sandika Bandusena’s whole-body, controlling of Thanippullige Sandika Kamini’s whole body is that they spoke through my little nieces’ voice. You know that they have to send through a certain electronic ray to speak through voice of another or speak through one’s voice box.


A couple of ladies talked to me requested the book, A Sri Lankan’s Petition that I was writing inclusive of this experience. She said that she can pay for the book. I do not know whether she wanted to use my experience for her thesis etc. I didn’t understand her intension, whether it was pure or not. And I think one of the reasons would be the evidences contain in this book.


Once, the female who has being living in my mind or brain for a longer period of time touching and controlling the organs of my body, apparently for permanent basis since the processes implemented inside my body said that “now that you are going to die why you cannot let me use your brain for my research. Send your brain to another country, university?”


What is the name of the University that she spoke of? In which country? Can we expect the country official’s support with regard to solving this issue?


To which University she was planning to send my brain? Is she the mediator of linking my body with a person who is studying something with regard to mind or brain or about whole body controlling in another University. Is she a sort of a facilitator to the person who study a certain subject related to medicine, psychology, etc. whole-human body controlling?


Once or twice some of the speakers talk of the Nevada University. Any Sri Lankan connected to me from Nevada?


Voice of one of my favorite media personalities too was used on and off … I believe that he was tortured too. And apparently according to the others he was one of the persons kidnapped by the aforementioned groups.  Often they said that he was physically murdered by one of the gang leaders?  I assume that some tried to emotionally arrest me or to torture me using his name. Did they use such sayings to torture me? I didn’t believe them.


At the beginning I was told that he was imprisoned by the present government for a six months period of time.


> > > > >


At the early stage of this period of torture, I noticed some unusually shining big stars in the sky. I assumed that those were not stars, ordinary. I remember showing them to my mother. A couple of those stars were set on two different sides of the sky over to our house in two different times. Due to my curiosities I assumed that they were set to monitor the activities of people of the area.  Who fixed them there? I thought I was controlled by using those star type tools. I noticed same kind of stars appeared in the sky of both my sister and my brother who lives in two different areas. Now I know after watching morning television programme of Derana television that those that shined in the sky were drone cameras.


According to what I was convinced my name was given to them by a contractor. Who could be the person? What is the agency, the community, the organization responsible for torturing my whole-body? Would it be possible for the outside agencies-security to support us in knowing the names? If any outside parties involved with the matter?

Some said that “we were given a contract to kill you but we chose this method to kill you slowly.


What are the agencies exist in the country or outside the country that obtain contracts to torture persons that they wanted to torture? I think that there are agencies set under different mind soothing name titles, board, such as body, mind and brain controlling, psych-therapy, speech therapy etc.  What is the way that the others can or will be able recognize these agents? Because you cannot maintain an entity to torture humans. What do spars do here, their role with regard to human controlling?


I remember at the beginning they quarreled with each other claiming the right of killing my brain and controlling me, my whole body, including every organ of the body of mine. Apparently they maintain some sites that convince others about the names of the persons that they have controlled before, using whatever mechanism. That is how they get the other contracts I assume showing the dealers the lists of names of the ones tortured, oppressed by them.


Once one of the persons asked can we take a photograph. A Selfie is that what they meant?


Any persons who come to any center or clinic for an abortion purpose used for torturing purposes?


Why they actually use electronic radar for what ailments? Psychosocial and to kill cancer cells, is that right? Any radiologists joined the clan of torture? Why some give electronic shock treatment, has anyone used such patients bonding their bodies to mine to torture me?


Any children of children’s homes used for the purpose. I say this based on what I have on and off heard from the controlling parties involved.


Often the team members who belongs to two or three teams or parties quarreled with each other. I remember asking them several times ‘why don’t you speak to each other hacking your own brains. One said that I suffer from a brain issue therefore I cannot etc. None of the members want to use their own heads or own brains or minds to talk to each other but my brain and mind they used to cater their needs and purposes as well.


Since the beginning my mother too is suffering from heavy headache from time to time. I assume strongly that was they too were controlled or tortured by hacking their brains, inner parts of head as well. Because at the beginning of the process some of the areas of the right cerebrum of mine was ached heavily I thought that I was suffering from headache. Pity, I truly cannot explain the pain inside right now.  My brothers, mother and my siblings and kin all of them are very innocent civilians. Because I observed their behaviors and based on what they shared I can say what my brothers and mother might have experienced headaches due to them touching their cerebrums I strongly assume. In the current day society the curse-full two minute brain hacking methods are available let’s not forget.


Let’s kindly say NO to these mechanism.


Who has been playing with the lives of my family? Why? Why?


Let us live, I begged before the ones who have been speaking to me secretly?


How many times have I asked them to release me from their so called clans? Nobody listened.


My laptop computer too was damaged during this period fortunately I managed to save the computer thanks to my mother’s kindness. She gave me five thousands rupees to pay for the computer repair center.


I couldn’t breathe freely during this period of time. Almost every day my breath was blocked. Needless to explain how painful it is experience such a thing for a human made of flesh and blood?


I couldn’t bathe freely especially because when I am bathing naked, somebody has been bonding to my body. I started avoiding taking body bathes to avoid such situations. Some used to call this ‘not body bonding but money bonding’. I was advised by one of the speakers to use a piece of cloth material when bathing. No point I know. I once or twice used a piece of cloth material but that didn’t help because others can touch any of the areas of my inner body due to the mechanism used by the tortures.


I even penned my last will due to fear of losing my life.


Due to fear of losing my life when I send my writings / the books I decided to mention the phone number and the name of my sister. I wrote to the marketing executive of M.D. Gunasena and Company mentioning my sisters’ name in the covering latter due to this fear, for further notification. ‘If any issues occur in contacting me please contact my sister to notify your decision’.


Some said that the books that curried didn’t reach the book publishers and they send them only when they want.  I always sent them through government services of postal.

I phoned them to know whether they received the book that I sent via the government courier service established at the Department of posts- Kandy because I thought if I use the mechanism taking a receipt I have something in my hand to prove of the good that I sent to the said receiver. Especially because some of my goods may have vanished during post deliverances without reaching the managements of the entities. Who knows who is involved with these vanishing of books and good for instance?  I said I phoned them. But I do not know whether I truly heard the real voice of the Manager of the Publishing Company ages old because I was under control of the controlling team. Anyways I thought of visiting the publishing company personally to inquire & to view the goods myself for confirmation. I thought of doing so due to these mechanism used by the controllers in the outside societies not because that I mistrust them.


I feared of losing the books I send via any of the existing mechanism. I love the books I write. I do not want any other to use, copy paste any of the sentences or paragraphs or content of my books. During this period somehow I managed to finish the unfinished versions of my books that I have been writing and compiling. I saved and stored them in my computer and in my cupboard during this period of time of torture & whole life controlling.


I know that we will have to live with this issue, Corona/Covid-19 for some period of time until we find a better solution, but I don’t want to live with this issue. I beg the authorities’ to support me and the entire family of mine to solve this issue permanently.


Some actually ruined some of the photographs taken by me to post them in one of my other blogspots, that I took during this period, entering either into my computer or logged into my phone. I wrote a letter to the Cybercrime investigation department in Kandy about my issue & I handed over the letter to the officer who ‘welcomes the complainers’ & etc. at the gate of the office of the cybercrime division of the Kandy Police Station on the 4th December, 2020.


I often felt sad because I think that almost every person who spoke to me through this line has some abilities. The ways that some of them intervened into talking or the way that some of them talked to me showed some abilities they have. What a waste of knowledge! Their abilities were invested in something that the society do not accept or applause.  I think that their detective abilities, knowledge science and technology should be applied to whatever mechanism introduced for the development of their own nations, ethnic groups, or of the country at least.


It is important that we control or remove or combat an issue at its primary stages removing it from its roots. Or in other words it is easy to solve when an issue is not fattened. If an issue grows in its maximum widths and heights it will be difficult to solve an issue.


What mechanism should be applied to move out of this situation, is the main problem I have now? This torture is a highly technology & science based torture. Entire issue is technological. I often think of the distance between the receiver/hearer (me) and the speaker, the destinations of speaking, and the frequencies. Whether there is a possibility to capture the person and identify the place of the speaker by capturing the frequencies & the waves and the sounds of the voices in between though it is no easy to separate the sounds and voices from millions of other voices in the air who communicates with others using mobile & Skype etc. methods.


Has anyone introduced any new technology to capture them other than the existing brain hacking mechanism, since this is not an old issue?


Were some of those who spoke to me using spy-speaking method forced to join any of the existing unaccepted groups; social or economic or political and were they received orders to torture me, control me by their group leaders of their organization?


On a book of complaints maintained at the cybercrime division I noted my issue. The master officer who was handling the cyber issues was a little surprised to hear such a story from an ordinary civilian like me.


I remember some of the speakers categorizing me as a person ‘non-related’ because I don’t belong to any armed forces.


I noted down the life and ‘professional threats’ that the speakers mentioned, pertaining to the lives of both mine and my ‘brothers’ and sisters. On some days I tried to write the time that I was sexually abused. The officer that I discussed my issue said that he would talk to the senior officers about the matter and would inform in about two weeks’ time.  I don’t know whether I should have written the same complaint on the book of the Department of Crime Investigation of the same Police Station-Kandy as well.  Because I was directed to the cybercrime division I didn’t go to the dept. of crime investigation.  Now I think it is fine because this torture has something to do with ‘communication’, science and technology as well.  

Are there any group/person jailed due to drug matters demanded  life of any of their leaders with my life from the government due to any specific reasons, I was wondering.


Who is kaali by the way? Is it a fabricated character? I often heard this name from the spy-speakers.


On the 6th Sunday December 2020, 11.05 am, I heard one of the females was asking a member of her group to control me while I write this. And most the controllers watching me writing this note for sure.


Most of them are good in speaking Sinhalese language and capable in using the English’s language. Often my writings were interrupted and they try to correct some of my English. Interrupting my writing is also a method used by these members of torture teams to torture me.


Some of them talked of hatch and hitch numbers enclose of four numbers, I recently visited the urban council-Kandy for a certain matter and there I noticed that a location number of the entity was posted for the public to know the location of the entity. The numbers were similar to the pattern of the numbers used as hitch and patch numbers. 2238 for instance.


They didn’t stop sexually abusing me. While I am trying to write this note and intension of writing this note is being disturbed by sexually abusing me. Painful.


On the 16th July, 2020, a cracking sound occurred in the left side of my jaw while I was trying to chew a piece of rottee. I know that it happened due to the skills of ruthless controlling.


A few times an unusual sound occurred inside my mid throat area. I felt that a paddle like something moving upward and downward inside my throat. I have experienced it before I believe.  A Similar sound was portrayed in a song of the movie ‘La La land.’ If you watch it you can understand what I mean.




Twice I tried to seek medical support from the OPD of the Teaching hospital Kandy/ Sri Lanka. I think in mid or at the beginning of the month of September, 2020 I went to the OPD carrying the note that I wrote in order to show the doctor so that I thought it is easy for me to explain what I have been through to the doctor in detail. Without wasting time I showed the book of note to the doctor. She read and I assume that she didn’t believe that anything similar could have happened to an ordinary non-related person like me and was directed to the clinic, psychosocial support. My fear raised even more. She said that they have more time to listen to you. She is right the psychologists should have time to listen to any who come seeking their help.


My fear raised up to sky level when I noticed that there is a unit established for radiology- therapy.  I was wondering whether any of the persons there involved with sending radar /light through my eyes or whether they use any of the mechanism used in the division either altering or adjusting to torture my head or brain, to heat my head from a distance. 


I was given a date. I was asked to come to the clinic on 10th December 2020. I didn’t go. I feared of meeting any of those sleep therapists and vomitlogistsL , mad psychologists (according to what I understood, pls. pardon) so I refrain from visiting them. I actually frankly speaking since then I feared meeting any of the doctors belong to minority groups (pls. pardon me for using the term minority) due to the assumed identities of the spy speakers and controllers who controlled me torturing me heavily.


I remember asking the politicians / leaders of the said ethnic groups openly, “don’t you think that they too have a right to undergo rehabilitation programs?” Could you please look into the matter?


> > > > >


I think that they know that I do not have the financial ability to publish this book but I thought of publishing this book on internet until I find a benefactor to publish this book of mine. Though I assume that some editing is required to develop the quality of the book.


Did the torturers disconnect me from the internet facilities at the beginning before start controlling me? Since then did any one of my viewers faced issues when trying to watch me live, like in the past? Was it the reason why one of the media personalities asked ‘where is Sri Lanka?’  


I tried to write to the media personality that I know for years and has good qualities to chase behind data and information to help me by sending him a couple of emails. Both emails returned to my folder again, because his email accounts were full of emails. That was what the automated email said.


I often maintained some notes of the time periods that they heated my brain, thinking whether the bonder would be able to name the person, looking at the lists of names of bonded persons if they maintained any, if by any chance to meet the bonder of persons of torture? In the future may be at the court.  


I do not know whether the person who learned the method the magic of reading minds, mantra of knowing other persons, the method of peeping into the lives of others sold a method to any of the person or a group of people though it is not a magic or a mantra, misguiding them about the method, let me further elaborated.  Also we don’t know whether they were given any equipment just to mislead their minds of the method used.  Torturing tools such as ‘body and brain heaters, head burning tools made of themselves, don’t know whether they purchased them or borrowed or rented in them.  All cancerous because of the electricity and the distance to the victim’.  


I am very much interested in knowing the name of the person who first damaged my brain and mind. Who did it first? My goodness! How easily they have done it? Nobody (tortures) had cared about the current health situation of my mind or brain, whether I have been suffering from any high or blood pressure conditions etc.


Youngsters, you must know that you cannot be a Bill Gate peeping into his mind or hacking his brain. You cannot be a billionaire just by hacking a billionaire’s brain or mind, reading their business reports but you can be a stealer or a destroyer or a killer. You cannot steal any of the secrets of success of any businessman or an entrepreneur. Kindly refrain from entering any human brain.


At the beginning of this sessions of torture somebody spoke through one of the famous politicians lived in Kandy of a particular opposition political party. But the voice was kind and supportive.  Also somebody spoke through the daughter of one of the former Presidents died of LTTE attack. I don’t know whether live in Nuwaraeliya.


It is no good to use any electronic shock treatment / therapies to heal the brains or heads of any mentally disturbed patients I thought through the pain I have being through   during this period because it kills the essential cells of human brain that helps recover rehabilitate, regain one’s mental health. Though I am not a doctor I guess giving electric shock treatments should be stopped, I don’t know whether I am right here.


I was wondering whether any of the students of any universities to be implemented in the Eastern part of the country joined as speakers. Please check. Or I don’t know any of the students or staff of banned University SITEM was used to torture me. I don’t know whether they tried to destroy me due to anger of losing jobs or studentships, please check.  


The parents spend all their money sometimes mortgaging their properties, pawning their jewelries on their education, to send their children abroad to a foreign University. You must kindly check the details of the persons that they are staying with when they are away from the family, see whether they are staying with a family, lodging, boarding places, trustworthy. When there are plenty of chances for the students to learn English inland what is the reason for your child to choose a University in a war affected area? I remember recently the two little daughters who went to a foreign country to learn English had died and returned home in a coffin. The reason? I believe they were the only Sinhalese students in the team. Their mother’s younger sister was the person who was looking after those pupils who died sometime back.  

I realized that the dreams that I dreamt during this period is not natural. I feel that somebody is sending some images of thoughts arose in his or her mind. Some never allowed me to sleep during day time. I need mountains of natural-sleep with no disturbances of distance brain controllers, I sometimes feel. My brain need some rest. But these extremely cruel torturers never let my brain and mind rest a bit. I want everyone to read and know my story. That is the principle reason why I write this. What I have been watching as dreams in my sleep is watching the images they have been sending. Remember, a sleep therapist has been handling my mind, I very strongly believe. Who are these mad mentally challenged psycho therapists?


Who is she or he? Who has the ability to do that illegally, is one of the questions that should be addressed mainly by the local scholars and international scholars. Especially because it is very inhuman and against humanity.


Often I cursed them. What more you can expect from a victim of torture? I didn’t like my bed-room, during the first paragraph of this torture, the place where I, almost every day, lied -like a dead. I feared to sleep on the bed because of these abusive f--k--s, the abusers. I used to name my bed, the bed of torture. I named my bed room, ‘the room of torture’ after torture was started. I tried to refrain from wearing the bed linen and the night dresses that I wore during the first days of this process of torture because it reminded me of the horror & terror I experienced for the first time and how it began.


On the very first day or on the second day of the process I smelled a smell of cooked beef. Or I must say that the tortures might have sent through a smell/aroma of cooked meat.


Moving out of this horrible and terrifying situation was not possible or easy because of those spy-speakers. Strange thing is that one of the girls or a female I assume who belongs to a different ethnic group often said that ‘I can’t leave’.  I am wondering whether she is suffering from any psychosocial issues. She once said that she wanted to finish her research. I do not know whether she is really a ‘she; or a ‘he’, you know sometimes the speakers use the voices of others.


Anyways she is sickening, very tortures.


I made a few vows to the Lord Buddha as well begging my protection of life, begging of a way to escape from these ruthless tortures’, mentally challenged sexual abusers, that very highly in need of psychosocial support, clinical or otherwise support.


I don’t know whether anyone of these torturers are suffering from any psychosocial ailments.


I do not know how the students that study ‘criminology’ is taught to tackle these types of subject.


It is important that every Local Community and international State, United Kingdoms, Islands must think of an international Plan or at least zonal plan to arrest these culprits especially to protect the youngsters from these culprits and prevent them using these methods, and also to protect every other Sri Lankan citizen. These culprits may implant negative, aggressive, conflict -loving thoughts in the minds of the youngsters. No security agent can wait till the Corona disappear from the world. Soon, the private organizations or public institutions will find a solution for the Covid-19 or new normal or whatever type of corona. Corona pneumonia is not a new type, the authorities know to treat such patients I believe. It is the Covid-19 that we need a vaccine to save the lives of the affected. Till then what do the other scholars should do? Can they just wait doing nothing at home to rescue people like me? They can obviously plan. In Sri Lanka most of our offices and departments are not fully closed yet. It was at the beginning that the country chose to apply curfew -Whole Island to control Corona.  The authorities normally lockdown only the villages highly affected from corona.


Recently the Defense Advisor of the India and the defense Secretary of the Maldives Islands visited the country. I think they must have discussed about this new type of threat such as murdering humans’ brains and their lives distance whole-body controlling method. Before the USA Presidential election, Mr. Michel Pompeo too visited the zone and what they were interested in was sharing security related information applying modern high sensitive technology. I hope the zonal leaders using what is being discussed with the other world-leaders or using whatever technology mechanism available locally and zonally to try to capture these tortures who torture human creatures, females or men who have formed group of tortures based on the core- objectives of their political missions.  


Zonal leaders, world leaders, please don’t wait till they start torturing humans of your kingdom. You must not welcome these criminals into your premises.


New technology is one of the effective weapons that any security agent can use, to capture these ‘mind to mind speakers, torturers who insult innocent human creatures, blackmailers, sexual abusers.


I screamed and when every time I was heavily abused and controlled asked every existing agent of Police of world support & help to capture these sickening and filthy smelly torturers distance whole-body controllers.’


If any state paid workers involved with this issue, whilst working at state entities, whilst depending on the money of the public, their jobs should be removed as quickly as possible, I beg state /government authorities.  


The agencies involved in distance whole-body controlling should be banned and also the teaching agents / professors or doctors / colleges who teach or train students on distance whole-body controlling mechanism should be captured soon I kindly suggest.


A voice similar to the 24hr lodger said that I will have to stop asking or begging salvation because she needs me for her research. I truly said that no person can study my brain illegally. If what she says is true, the researcher and the educational entity that she is studying attached to has to pay me compensation for allowing such criminals to study brains and minds whilst others or his or her members of the teams / the supporters torturing me. I said that I will request 5000 billion rupees as compensation from the responsible parties for damaging my mind and brain talking to me and staying inside me for 24hr since about eleven months. I need every responsible authority’s support in order to capture them.


> > > > >


Some men use women’s voices and women use men’s voices when spy-speaking to the victim of torture to hide their true identities, I learned. We must not let them egging their ill-willed perceptions here and there of the country and of the world. I told them that I am not a political party extremists therefore I asked them to release my mind, especially my brain and sex organ.


And the other thing is that the torturers may be using the nannies and care takers’ voices that they have hired for these type of purposes, I believe. Also when you are hiring any nanny or a care taker who belongs to another ethnic group please be careful, please pardon me for saying so. And one of the other strategies that they have been using is that (according to what I felt) the most of these wrong doers hack brains or minds and bond themselves I guess to those innocent caretakers or nannies in order to peep into the lives of the masters.


You never know whether these culprits use any voices of their co-workers?  Voice of a friend live in a faraway place?


If these so called mind to mind speakers or money bonders use any computer systems, smart phones, equipment such as mini air-conditioning systems, body and head heaters, bio chemicals or tools they may be using secret places such as basements or underground areas of storied houses of the controllers or they must be renting houses in the remote, housing schemes in highly VIP residential zones for the purpose, I assume. I don’t know whether they stay at hotel rooms from time to time. Hotels in the kandyan zone, for instance.  They have to stop this hide and seek game I believe. There is a possibility that they hide and use the controlling equipment (if any) keeping them inside the places where the women sell their bodies.


Whenever a victim tries to visit any agency seeking support, the tortures either try to change the minds of the victim or of the supporters, officials, I noticed.

I often think why some men very fond of torturing unarmed women, behind their back? Why some women hate or torture women of their age or of their category or the ones that don’t belong to their class, caste or other social categories? What is the psychology behind such behaviors?


I believe that most of them are weak characters. I believe that most of these suffer from various social and political and mental disabilities.


I do not know how to live with this issue. I posted a poster on my blog thinking that others might read them and react positively and would help me raise voice against these tortures. So that those who read the path can understand the weight of the issue that I’ve been through. And reading them I hope that they would have a plan to protect their loved and near ones from these so called Dracula’s that wear the masks of saints from outside.


Every individual who has obtained training from whatever agency should be soon captured. Because if you don’t capture their actions might affect entire social, cultural, economic and mainly political life of every creature of the country and of the world.


“Her name is Vidya. She is a Tamil and a catholic. She has some power to control the devotees who come to the church premises. Rev. Father of the church pleased with what she has been doing. Her parents too were thanked by the father for her skills. She was fallen in love with a Sinhalese boy. Both young and belong to same class, not rich. Suddenly her family left the country to Canada. She too left. They missed each other. The grown up boy married to another girl. Both became good professionals. The boy’s wife is being suffering from some headache since about years. She is being cured by her psychotherapist. One day, he, the husband of the lady decided to meet her doctor. It was her, Vidya, The man’s wife was treated by Dr. Vidya Doreappa his teen-hood friend.’ They met each other, the teen-hood companions, again.


Above is a summary of a movie written and created by a veteran director, Jayantha Chandrasiri. An experienced set of Sri Lankan artists was starring in the Movie. . Except the young girl and the boy who portrayed the characters, Vidya and the boy. Both were fresh artists newly introduced. I liked acting of the both.


The movie was telecasted by one of the popular local television channels of the country during this period of time that I have been tortured. I understood the movie very well. It is about human body controlling. I was pleased with the way that the movie was created.


Believe it or not. A few of the spy speakers of one of the earliest teams of my body controlling used to mention the name ‘Vidya’ quite a few times.  According to the ones who had been spy-speaking to me from a distance, the person who was hired from South India for this type of work or for some other convincing programmes she is a magician or a witch (mantharakaari).


I do not know whether any of the local drama and movie or television stars accompanied the team of controlling me back then at the beginning. I do not know whether they did it following a script or something. But the question is that who chose them for the purpose?


I do not know whether controlling of each part of my body was given to various persons who has been engage in controlling the human bodies of Sri Lanka.  For instance head to a University staff, mind to the psychologists, sex organ to a place where the women slave their bodies etc. I don’t just say these things.


And at the beginning of the process of torture, I was convinced and told that there is only one professor who will be able to help you. And he is working attached to the University of Jaffna. One name called Dr. Balasinghem was mentioned, please check if possible.


Do you see some co-relationship with what I was told during the early stage of torturing / whole-body controlling occurred in my life?  Is he a professor in psychology?


What is this controlling is all about? Why some people very fond of controlling others forcefully? Is it political or apolitical? Yet to be discussed and reveled, I assume.


> > > > >


One or two controllers tried to tie, I do not know how, the two veins of my forebrain or forehead area with an either vein or a cell of a right cerebrum area of mine. It was a very torturous and painful experience. They did it for about three or four times. They said that they are doing it to prevent the others hacking my brain. One of the females did it hard and you never ever can bear such a pain. They said that it may take about ten minutes to recover.


I believed them at the beginning.


Later, I realized that they were lying. They very highly enjoyed torturing me but not thinking of moving out of my brain, mind and body.  What more can you expect from a ruthless torturer? Everyday these mother F-----s lied to me. Sobbed before me to earn my attention to continue the torture. I believe that for some this torturing is a way of living, and I think some earn a daily wage or a lump sum. I do not know any outside rich person is financing these wrong doers? I do not know whether some of them have given their labour for free, to torture me, to support anyone’s political missions voluntarily. 


Often during this period of torture, what the secret speakers and the doers told me very often is that “I know you but nothing to do” other than torturing. Some of them appeared before me as saviors but within them they are criminals not saviors.  


Was there a function organized by a high profile or by any of VIPs in first week of March and at that specific venue did anyone hacked or hitched and patched the voice boxes of every participant and were turned into my position or status of health, ‘silent speaking position’? This was what I was convinced by some who had been talking to me.


According to some of my friends, known and unknown were asked to come to a certain place and shown me and has told; ‘somebody has killed Sandika”, worrying about my position most of them have come to see me apparently. Apparently, when everyone was asked and gathered there to see my dead-body, ‘every person was hitched and patched and turned into my position of health. I don’t know


This is the other story that I was convinced; some of the chief controllers wanted some high profile -professionals and scholars   etc. to come to a certain place and were turned into my position. Why did they choose such a group from my ethnic group (very mainly)? Any high personals who involved with the Security missions and other persons of the local Armed Forces were invited for the event?     




Today is 7th of December 2020. I could observe, from our kitchen area, a group of mist slowly moving towards another direction via the top of the mountain that guards our village. I view sun rise every day from my room. These tortures have become part of my life. I feel enormously sad and insecure. You don’t believe I once wrote looking at the sun on its surface during this period of time, my requirement to escape from these torturers thinking that the power of sun would burn their objectives of harming my life.


Who are these terrifying sexual abusers? The patients require psychological support, any retired from security forces, government jobs who live a lonely life due to departures of their wives, any working at the psychology departments? Drug abusers? Are there any unmarried due to social and economic reasons. Are there any prisoners who have been arrested and worrying about their sexual requirements using this mechanism with the support of any outside parties?


There should be a place for the victims of whole-body controlling can go seeking support? Is all agents or officials of armed Forces aware of these kind of tortures occur in the country?


What do you think of the mobile partners you are dealing with? Any workers you think misusing the facilities provided to them?


There are plenty of methods and tools of spy speaking, available in the market I believe. Who sells these tools? Obtaining the list of names of the agents who sell these tools, from the main importers those culprits should be captured first and foremost to bring back peace and harmonies of minds and lives of the Sri Lankans.


What do you think of the satellite communication systems available in the markets? Can anyone import such phones or equipment without consent to the knowledge of the authorities? Especially because the customer has to obtain a license to use such an equipment? What is the mechanism available to track the ones who illegally use satellite communication systems or phones worth one hundred thousand rupees for instance? Is this the way that the informal groups gets the pictures of the ones who view me, spy-speaking to me for instance?


When I went to Nugegoda to save my pawned jewelry I suddenly noticed a young man using his ear guards looks like listening to music with puffy tired eyes looked at me. I thought he had travelled with me spy-speaking to me. He behaved a lot confused and touched his heart side of the body to show that he admires my writing or me personally and got down from the next bus-station somewhere near Koswatte area or from Battaramulla area of the western province. I assumed that he belongs to one of the ethnic groups that I don’t belong to. It is not difficult to say one’s ethnic group especially because we live in a multi-cultural, multi-national country, community. And when I got down from the junction- Kotte, one of the young humans belong to same ethnic group came running behind me. And got into the same bus that I got into.  


Who were they? Why were they following me? In Kandy too I noticed that some of them came following me. They all who came following me were belong to one ethnic group. What are their problem really? Are they too victim of this system, have they told that if you embrace or meet this woman, Sandika they can probably release you from mind arrest?


I waited in the Nugegoda junction because I was asked to wait at the junction by one of the spy-speakers. She said that she can try release me from mind arrest.  So I waited there and I assume that she wanted to know the ones who comes to see me. I noticed that some famous personalities go passing me.


On that particular day, I visited the book-shop to collect my money of sold books, one of the ladies spoke to me and said she wanted to know whether I wish to meet her in order to find a solution for the issue together, meeting & discussing the matter with each other. I assume that they too had become the victims of this system. I also assume that though some of them tortured me they had not seen me before. Therefore some of them wished to see me personally.  This revels that they may have not aware of the person that they torture or talking to secretly due the system used.


Some mothers of the fu--kers don’t allow me to write this note peacefully. Due to this heavy torture I cannot write beautifully or grammatically. I have a feeling that some who knows what I experience these days fear of meeting me. Therefore I cannot pen my experience the way that I please. You know that I had to cater the need of the sexual abusers and torturers whilst writing and whilst doing every other work, whilst bathing, whilst peeing etc. it is been almost a year. Nobody came and rescued me. Though the number of persons who had been talking to me reduced a bit.  I cannot edit my writings every time that they change or spoil.  


One of the lady spy-speakers wanted me to wait at the Railway station /Nugegoda Sri Lanka. I waited there, at the front side of the station, very many went passing the station, some of them looked like arrived recently from a foreign country due to Corona issue. I went inside the station or according to what the spy speaker told me, I sat and ate what I brought from home. A person who is working for the department of police too was sitting there. I asked him about his reason to waiting at the station.  He said that he is on duty. I was wondering whether he too was a victim of the method because he was muttering something silently I noticed. Anyhow a lady in white dress looks like a high profile-professional, pleasant came after a while and the person shared a few words with her, “After a long time no Madame?” Or something similar. She shared a smile with me, and left saying “ennam (leaving)”.  Is she the person who wanted me to come to the station? Yes, I guess.  Whoever was speaking to me requested me to stay there in Colombo, with her. I kindly refused.  I remember she was saying that I receive the images or clips of speakers and of the information of those who were under somebody’s custody during night. They were not arrested physically I assume or probably the information of the one’s mind arrested she may have received or she may had the facility to view whom that they were speaking to. I was scared to go to her, anyway I do not meet the ones that I don’t know.


Current group of spy speaking is different to the previous ones, I must note. Some of the previous ones don’t speak to me anymore. I guess to look after and to support the current torturers some of the members from the former groups have come and spy-speaking to me. And I guess they support the current team to ‘continue’ torturing me.


I do not know whether she too was a victim of any of the blackmailers. I don’t know whether she came to monitor the area. I do not know whether she is working for any international agency and have come back to country due to corona.


No man or a woman can scare any teen, adult, man or any citizen of any community.


I can recall my memory a bit now. The very first day when I was lying down on the floor, I overheard a couple of voices of foreign. I do not know whether they were talking to somebody via my head or mind, via whatever inserted mechanism, I think during the moment between I wake up and they leave my site, I heard that a foreign lady was saying ‘I am done’ and the other person was saying I heard “good for you for what you did to all of us.”


I was wondering whether they were talking to me or to somebody via my brain. I have done nothing to them, I Know.


Since the first day of torture, I used to look at every person in a very conscious manner. I thought that every person who comes to meet me knows me or has something to do with my issue. I think some of these men either torturers or spy-speakers have come to see me wearing traditional women’s wear.


Anyway at the beginning of this process, ‘I am done’ is the most spoken word by the speakers.” Was it the way that they ‘linked’ with me or when they ‘finished’ talking to me say.


At the beginning of the process one of the a bit rough voice told me that ‘stay quite’ until I finish our task or I will kill you.”


And when I travelled back from the Panadura visiting one of my best old friends after a long time, by train near Koralawella area, (before March 2020) I heard something very hardly touching my ear with a bit of a big sound. It was my left ear. I met a foreign couple on the train and I shared a couple of words with the lady. I heard that the fiancé of the lady say ‘Sri Lanka’ to her.  I do not know whether he actually said so or his voice was hitched and patched. I like to believe that it is his true voice that said so.


And on another day while I was writing something in my room, I heard chirees!, a crashing sound of the left -ear hanger of my spectacle. What were those sounds? What is the meaning of all these, why are these men and women talking to me from a distance and to my mind or head or brain? Don’t they understand that I am not the country, I was just tagged that way? Torturing me, do they believe that they can harm their mother country?


What type of a control is this? Why? Who has the right to control one’s life this way? Even a mother or father of a little one is not allowed to hit their own children.


This should not be continued any further.


Like I expressed at the beginning I believe in Karma, good karma and bad karma explained in Buddhist Philosophy. Due to good or wrong actions of a human’s current or previous births a human may face horrible terrifying moments, gain bad suffering experiences and similarly he or she may experience good happy life, obtain luxuries throughout his or her life as a result of their good deeds done.


What have I done in my previous births? Have I tortured anyone or any groups in my previous births?


Do these controlling has anything to do with any religious - extremists, any political mythologies and opinions and perceptions?


It is extremely very difficult to bear this torture anymore.  


Are these persons using this mechanism enter any of our highly secured & restricted areas of the country?


I do not know whether my issue has something to do with the Diasporas who live in various geo-political countries.


How well the security forces are aware of these type of torturing mechanism functions in the country and elsewhere.


Perceptions and attitudes of these human creatures should be changed. Strong local, zonal and international intervention is required to solve this issue not only locally but also globally.


Actually I am fed-up with spending day and night life, bonded with these creatures. Also I am fed-up with bargaining and negotiating my life, begging my survival with these parties.


During all these torture number of Covid-19 affected patients is increasing day by day. Today on the 7th December 2020, according to the sources twenty one thousand seven hundred and seventy six Sri Lankan humans were affected by Covid-19. About hundred and a bit more have died. And in every thirty second an American dies of Covid-19, hundreds of Indians and Pakistan people and human of the other countries of the zone and across world die of Covid-19. About billions of humans affected from covid-19 across world. About one thousand five hundred lacks of people died of Covid across globe. And how many are dying due to other reasons, do we estimate and measure.


Today, 13th December 2020, 4.55 pm whilst I was sweeping the home garden the team of secret speakers were talking to me. Suddenly a female voice appeared and said “I sent your money every Wednesday, haven’t I, she asked the others. Almost everybody was silently listening to the female voice, except one who said “don’t ever say anything against my Madame, see she has been sending our money on every Wednesday”. Apparently, some in a happy voice said that now we know who was financing them.


Also today a couple hours earlier to this event of issue, one said that some who live in the foreign countries were hired and linked by a foreign controller and the person financing for torturing me and the others (?) lives in Columbia.


About a few times on and off controllers mentioned of ‘Philippines Islands. And I was told that one of the controlling centers set in the Philippines.  


Some talk of underground human body controlling units. Who has established them underground, please let us know? Dear readers, if you are aware of any persons involved with these type of activities please let me and the security forces know.


I expect the authorities to investigate this further, weighing what I have noted here without neglecting the facts or without dust-binning them.


I don’t hate new science and technology but I hate the ones who misuse science and technology. Let’s use same technology and science to capture the body torturers and brain killers and brain washers!, let me repeat.


I guess Corona has become a cause of blindness and vision. Everyone is gathered around the tables of solving the health issue Covid-19, social, economic issues arose due to Covid-19. Most pay less attention to the other problematic areas. Some take advantages of such situation. What are those groups? Covid-19 situation of Sri Lanka is controlled by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with Sri Lanka Police and Army, and all other Security and Civil Forces. Therefore some might think that the other areas of security was neglected. With the help of all zonal and world leaders the Sri Lankan Authority would be able to capture these distance whole-body controllers and I wish them every strength!


Today, on the 17th Thursday, 2020, about 5.00pm in the evening, when I was sweeping the compound, I was sent an aroma of grated coconut sambol popularly known as pol sambol added with lime juice.  At that very moment, I asked whoever was watching me at least for investigation purposes to check whether any of my siblings cooking pol sambol. Afterwards I came and had my tea. Again a few minutes later, I was sent an aroma of some fried dried- fish curry I assumed. I thought that it is good to check with one of my sisters (in law) of the things that she cooked for supper. She said that she prepared pol sambol and she fried some potatoes. I reported to the Kandy- Police about what they spoke of my siblings, earlier.  


So in this period of issue, Covid-19 we were advised to maintain a distance of one meter at least between people to avoid corona. This is how the oppressors responded to MEANING OF DISTANCE.

Let’s stay away from these wrong doers!


Since about ten years, I do not care about birth days. Yet, I feel that this birth day 21st December 2020, is a bit of a special day for me. One thing is that I am under mind arrest /whole body arrest of a local group of spy speakers -whole-body controllers. The second thing is that it is after three hundred and ninety seven years that the Jupiter and the Saturn has appeared very closer to each other in the sky on 21st December 2020 after the sun departed for the day. It has last appeared or the earthians were able to last view both Jupiter and Saturn were embracing each other on the 16th July 1623. 


On the 23rd of December, 2020, at about 7.20pm whilst I was watching the television news, I ate a plate full of rice and afterward when I was washing my plate somebody tried to kill me by heavily pressing my body, the area in between upper abdominal area and chest. I screamed because I couldn’t really bear the pain. My mother came running & asked that why you re screaming like somebody is killing you?”


Since about couple of days some bleeding occurred.


Yesterday, again due to fear of losing my life I decided to send this book to a well-reputed publishing company in Colombo. Since then some have been telling me that “it has not reached the company”. “It has reached the company etc.” But one woman said that “has it reached? It shouldn’t have because my thing should be published before hers.”


Some of the females that were not pleased with what she said, said that you may gain every luxury! To support me.  I personally believe that compared with the beginning of this process of torture, cunningness of these men and women has developed. Unfortunately what they don’t understand the aftermath results of all these torture. I feel sorry sometimes of their psychosocial issues pertaining to their sex lives. But I cannot be a victim of these sick men and women. And very specifically I cannot let my siblings and nieces become a victim of these type of harsh illegal spy-speakers, speaking through voices clans sexual abusers.


One of the ladies think that she can check whether the book that I sent to the publishing company has reached the company.


Today is 27th December 2020 the permanent lodger of my mind said something to me. In responds to her perceptions I replied. It didn’t please her mind and asked, “It is because of me you sleep isn’t it? Then I said; that is because you are the sleep therapist that is why you let me sleep”.


When I was in the bathroom some bleeding occurred, if I write of the quantity of the blood flowed from my mouth it is about 0.5x0.5cm bottle high, I assume. I don’t need to explain my situation I believe. She took revenge by controlling my blood. She said that it is because you let others criticize me. Blood controlling had done either by the permanent lodger or by the so called scholar who said that her book should be released before mine.


29th December 2020 was a sleepless night. Once the permanent lodger of my mind sent me a urine smell. She said that it is the smell of your father’s urine. I remember the smell. He was very ill and died of a cancer. Obviously due to the treatment and medicine he was given we cannot expect any other status of health. The smell and the colour of the urine of a patient not normal. He died 1st February 1998. How does she know? How does she smell it? She had to travel back to 1997-1998 to know such things.


She also mentioned the name of the balm Tiger balm that my father used to purchase for us back then.


A woman today on the 21st January 2021 while I was writing this note said coming to my throat ‘I don’t know whether you would live. She was actually threatening me to not to write.


And today, 22nd January 2021, the news reported that about 56000 thousands of Sri Lankans have affected from Covid-19 and the number that they found from the Kandy division, where I live has increased.


They the Spy-speakers or the brain controllers used to say, like I mentioned many times some numbers, according to them they are hitch and hatch numbers 65/32 , 38/25 for instance> some coming and say that ‘you are under arrest” to the ones who has been controlling me. I thought that The Police has come and arrested some of the spy-speakers or the controllers. Every time I hear those I felt happy a bit. Now I assume that what they meant by ‘you are under arrest is ‘mind arrest’. I assume that, that is how they control their own members of clans of torture or group of what so ever mission and objective-informal.


I wrote to the Honorable president and to the other personal important, posting following post on my blog, on the 29th of October 2020. I was in Kurunegala district during this period and the area also was somewhat blocked and walking, travelling and wandering was limited due to the Covid-19 issue and back then the department of posts were closed and curfew set on whole Colombo due to the unexpected increase of the number of persons affected from Covid-19 especially affiliated to a garment factory in Gampaha /Colombo.


The Challenge of the new Millennium. 


(Attention To The Honorable President Of Sri Lanka And Chairman(S) Of Human Rights Sri Lanka/World And All Other Security High Officials Of The Country And Globe)

I am a victim of distance whole-body controlling mechanism, since March 19, 2020 according to my memory.   

A few groups of persons torturing me talking to my deep ear bud, mind and hacking my brain listening and reading to my thoughts. 

According to what I was explained by these so called speakers this is called mind to mind speaking and mind bonding.

Some of the members of this torturing team has been speaking through my voice, hacking, hitching & patching mine and other’s voices.

Brain heating is the most painful and unbearable thing I ever experienced.  

Some of the women and men continuously torturing me and disturbing me pressing hardly, my forebrain, right and left cerebrum, top of the head, chest, etc. needless to say or explain the meaning of the human body controlling. They have the ability to control any segment or organ of human body and, any behavior vocal or physical behavior.

These sick mentally terribly ill creatures sexually abusing me using this method, using mind to mind bonding method; bonding a mind to my body and mind, controlling brain activities etc.  

I reported this issue to the cybercrime investigation unit of the Police Station Kandy/Sri Lanka. I am sure that they are investigating the issue.  

One of the main issues here is that some of the men and women that have been talking to me every day spoken through my voice box, controlling my voice and thoughts are apparently connecting to me from here and there of the world. Some of the names that I heard was Nevada, Columbia, Rajasthan, South Africa, Budapest etc. 

The most dangerous experience that I ever experienced is that one or two men or women reading my past by touching and reaching the memory lane of mine, they pick and choose incidents and events of my past and throw them at me using an insulting tone, thinking that they can torture me and unfortunately this happens every day. The mechanism that they use is 'the sleep therapy mechanism' talking and touching me from a distance.

The specialty of this sleep therapy is that they treat the person/patient also using their voice. It is easy for this group to use this sleep therapy method because of this distance spy speaking methods, I strongly believe. Please check with the scholars/global Universities about the possibilities.  

Whoever, I don’t know them personally I assume is controlling me from a distance, using modern technology. They allow any person to change a human’s normal position into ‘sleep mode’. I too experienced it. I think that they do this by pressing the relevant area of my brain or head.

Actually I am under threat of losing my life due to this activity. And dear sirs, and madams I believe that ordinary civilians cannot do that unless they have the knowledge of brain and mind and a bit of knowledge of psychology, medicine. 

Who are these persons/groups? What is the best way to tackle them, capture them? They always boast and believe that no person can capture them.  

The other danger here is that they can enter any premises unseen.  When the two minds were or are bonded they can easily peep into the lives of the others. This has been a main issue for me because these so called spy speakers embarrassing me entering the rooms of my married siblings and my washrooms when bathing. 

And they may steal the vital belongings of citizens especially the secrets from the files of any state. 

Now I believe that this is one of the challenges of the new or modern world, disturbed by CoVID-19. 

Some of the tortures I believe live in the country and gets support of the outsiders. I cannot name or assume any. And I guess that they exchange information through this mechanism secretly using this mind to mind bonding method. I also assume that this particular groups/s earning money bonding two minds and allowing the torturer to control the sex organ of the victim. 

How do you recognize the individuals talking to one's deep brain and mind? Especially when they are heating the head either using a particular tool or thoroughly pressing the veins. These mechanisms might cause cancer because they continuously breaking my voice box and I assume you need to speak through some electro radar to spoken through one's throat and voice box. 

I also believe that they view me live and somehow doing it. And some of them have cams.  I do not know whether they use any modern phones.

What is the mechanism implemented I have some curiosities in my mind. I need support not only to understand the issue but also to STOP this. 

I need my freedom to think. Talk and live.

Needless to say that this collapse my brain and kills the cells of the brain and when controlling my whole-body I lose control over everything, every organ. 

May all beings be healthy and happy and may this world be free from ill-willed spy-speaking tortures! 

> > > > >

Once I tried to take some photographs and upload them into my other blog, the controllers didn’t allow me to use my internet facility. Writing and posting essays and photographs too were bared due the actions of these tortures. So at that very moment due to unbearable torture I thought of writing to the Human Rights Council in Geneva too.

Following is the letter wrote to them whilst facing extremely heavy torture. I am not going to edit it. Due to this torture it was difficult for me to accurately & grammatically write. But I believe that somehow I succeeded in drafting the letter, I am using it as it is, without editing it.

Dear Sir, Madame, 

To whom it may concern,

i tried to post an essay on my blog, but i was distrubed heavily therefore i thought of addressing you directly'

Following is my issue, i have been a victim of the so called whole-body control mechanism using to torture me, and due to the said reason  i have been tortured through  controlling my brain activities in activites, also i have been tortured  due to some kind of a spy-speaking mechanism used by the controllers, the tortuers and the other method they use is so called mind to mind bonding mechanism. This they do from a distance

And I have been sexually abused through this mechanism.  And i do not know whether the persons/groups live inland or outside to the community doing this. And i am not aware of the Places of doing or organizing activities.

Please try to stop these inhuman activities occurring in the human communities especially during this Corona period. 

And most importantly dear sirs, madams, due to this reason I cannot concentrate on safety -health precautions procedures given by both WHO and local government. And needless to say that due to this actions my right to stay safe and healthy, right to speak etc. is stolen.

Our security personnel too are very busy these days with controlling the Corona and though I know that they too are focusing on my issue, I thought of writing to you. Please support me.



wewethanne Ampitiya,

Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Phone- 077 61 48 709

Thank you. I wish you all good health! 

I am a Sri Lankan.

Yours faithfully,


Please help.

I didn’t receive any formal reply other than an automated reply. Not even from the Human Rights Council/Sri Lanka. Hope they are heavily busy with controlling Covid-19. And today’s good date is 3rd January, 2021.


I also posted another following post on my blog seeking support of the international community under following title.

Role of International cybercrime investigation agents of the world...

Dear agents, do you think that you can help me to find the online sexual abusers who torture me and sexually abusing me from a distance using high tech and science since March 2020? 

Do you the local agents of cybercrime investigation units think that you will be able to support me providing the names of the Sri Lankans who use new tech to abuse women? Any men or women stationed in your country responsible for this? Please let us know. 

Do you think that you can collate information from the internet partners across world about these type of abusers? Do you think that Sri Lankans involved in maintaining 'online prostitution' centers in your country? Please help me. 

Your role with regard to rescuing women from sexual abusers is very vital and important please help.  

Thank you! 

Frustration leads to conflicts and conflicts lead to nowhere. Yet we know that some love and worship conflicts. Because conflicts bring money into some organizations, into the pockets & wallets of white-collar criminals and of the creatures who eat their leftovers, the fleshless bones. 


This is really a battle of an unarmed female (me, Sandika) with hundreds of men and women well organized and have a place to hide, a person or an organizations to sponsor financially, equipment or weapons required, masks to cover their real faces.


When   a person is frustrated politically react differently to a person who is frustrated economically.


If we or the society cannot save the victims from a wrongdoer or wrong doer from his or her own actions perceptions, and behavior and from their groups what should be done? What would you do? Could you please change the hell that I live currently into a world of habitat that lives ordinary human at least somewhat peacefully?


I have viewed internet and found out that there are methods available to listen to what others speak secretly buy using certain tools.  These methods are available here and there of the markets. I also saw a few advertisements of the persons who sell spy cameras in fort Colombo/ Sri Lanka once.


Do the authorities provide them a license to sell those equipment?


What is the best way to identify a formal spy speaker from the informal spy speakers? Do they provided with a license as well? Do they carry any identity cards?


In our country or in your country are the lawyers (private or public) given these spy speaking tools to talk to any person, victim or the others to collect witnesses or proofs etc.?


What are the inland, existing law against these mechanisms, torturous methods practiced by various personals or groups? What local or international law protect these type of victim of torture? Every citizen must know & they have a right to know, I believe.


Recently, during my fact searching processes I found an article published by the It revealed a lot of information pertaining to brain hacking and opinions of couple of scholars. I captured following facts from the article.   

“The question we asked was whether our current human rights framework was well equipped to face this new trend in neurotechnology.” Marcello Ienca 


‘ … according to Marcello Ienca a neuroethicist  at the University of Basel, & Roberto Andorno, a human rights lawyer at the University of Zurich writing in the journal ‘life Science Society & Policy, the pair put forward four human rights that are intended to preserve ‘the brain as the last refuge for human privacy’.


The experts had suggested the four human’s rights focusing on four principle theories pertaining to human brain and mind;

a)      Cognitive liberty

b)     Mental Privacy

c)      Mental Integrity

d)     Psychological Continuity


Every above fact focused on important matters. Third right; mental integrity aims to ‘defend against hackers who seek to interfere with ‘brain implants’ ,either to take control of the devices people are connected to, or to ‘feed spurious signals into victim’s brains. 4th law talk of protecting one’s sense of identity’ or the ‘sense of being the same person throughout their life’.


So according to the said scholars the new human rights would protect people from ‘theft’ (thoughts & brain data theft) ‘abuse’ and ‘mind hacking’.


Similarly I too believe that laws pertaining to brain hacking and data theft should be either changed or added into the frames of ‘local law’, considering the importance of protecting one’s brain and mind.

The guarding mentioned of ‘brain wave monitoring devices’.  Based on the scholars facts it further says; ‘Much of the technology has been developed for hospitals to diagnose or treat medical conditions but some of the tools such brainwave monitoring devices that allow people to play ‘video games with their minds’, or brain stimulators that claim to boost mental performances are finding their way into shops.’


The guardian mentioned of a procedure called ‘transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) that one of the US war specialists had mentioned of.


I read of a subject called ‘‘Electroencephalography’ and something called ‘EEG headsets’. If you read or search information under above ‘terms’ you would be able to learn many more things as to how some use some equipment to read one’s ‘thoughts and data.’ And the uses of those equipment.


So I believe that the authorities of here and there must be aware of the non-related persons who deal with these equipment available in the open markets. Strict laws pertaining to purchasing, importing and exporting the said type of equipment’ should be established. 



‘Greying’ and ‘hair fall’ has increased due to heavy -everyday torture.


I often curse the person or the persons who sketch the plan of torturing sandika’(me) the persons who hire these inhuman minds full of hate, the persons who facilitated these extremely inhuman minds who don’t understand the importance of a life & respect no human’s rights.

Even the most dangerous criminals of the world that the authorities’ jail have the freedom to think. They are imprisoned in a particular building of a premises / in a room behind bars yet their right to think and body movements are not stolen & controlled because it is an offense if you do so.  What crime have I done to imprison my mind and torture me physically so harshly?


So thinking that others view me live, I asked the Sri Lanka Police and other Security Forces to hack my brain and mind and listen to what the secret speakers say and what they try to share with me and capture them.


My health situation is very weak now, I assume compared with the era earlier to November & December of year 2019 and January 2020.


At the beginning and even now every experiment pertaining to safe guarding human lives is/was done in a laboratory, in a highly restricted areas, within an environment provides maximum protection of health for the researchers. When it comes to forceful whole-body controlling mechanism, you obviously find no health friendly environment. 


These body and mind and brain controllers follow no ethics of good health and break every rule set to protect the human’s health.


Now when somebody led a life where there are security forces are guarding the physical-lives of the citizens, stationing here and there, in this corner and that corner and every corner of the geographic segment of a country, isn’t that challenging and horrifying to hear such a story from an ordinary citizen like me?


What mechanism should be implemented now onwards to tackle these type of men or women/groups or individuals locally or internationally? What international & zonal network should be implemented to identify and to capture these type of torturers in collaboration with both internal & external parties?


I believe that now onwards in every department of Police, a separate division should be implemented to cater the needs of my type of victims. Kindly teach the students or the trainers of police and forces about these so called Mind to Mind speaking, Mind Bonding and other existing methods, bad effects of whole-body controlling and kindly teach them the methods to capture these criminals in a quicker manner.  These lessons also should be added into the curriculums of schools of Security Forces/ Training schools/colleges.


How can we stop them? Is imprisoning them sufficient to stop the issue? Even if the person imprisoned, what if she or he continue talking to the person that they mind and brain hacked.


About decades ago the society was the key phenomena that the law or the so called development theorists considered as important developing. No development is worth if you pay no attention to develop ‘the individual’, both materially as well as spiritually. 


I suggest the authorities to organize more visual and auditory awareness programs to raise awareness on these type of issues exist in our or your society of the world, about these type of dangers, obtaining the support of Mass Media. How important it is for every worker to stay ‘conscious’ or keep an eye on their co-worker, what she or he is being doing.  No matter whether your entity is a private or a public, a department dealing with Law, security economy etc. please be careful of these type of torturers.


Dear Parent, Psychologists, Psychosocial counsellors, if your patient child, a teen or any young one or an adult come and say that he or she hears voices from a distance or somebody talks into his or her own deep ear or mind please don’t hurry to direct the person to a ward of a hospital where the mentally disturbed or so called mad are treated. Don’t analyze them in the frames of the existing psychological theories, listen to them carefully instead.  Please study the cases and stories of distance whole-body controlling mechanism, torture cases pertaining to spy speaking. Because there are many distance whole-body controllers and various groups of secret spy speakers exist in this world, I believe. One of them or any of those existing groups may have chosen your child either to torture others or as a victim or torture... Make sure you listen to what your child or wife or husband or fiancé or friend or co-worker says. And try to seek support from the law and order of the country. Don’t stay muted or stagnant without supporting them. If you don’t obtain sufficient support make sure you raise your voice against them your way, opposing their activities, and always think of an alternative(s) to punish them.


Do you think your child cannot develop or improve their knowledge / education without internet? Please remember there are plenty of auditory and visual video clips available on internet for your child to learn how to blow a mind of another. How to reach a brain of another, how to speak to another via a secret communication mechanism. How to torture a mind, so therefore kindly monitor what your baby child views on internet.


Keep your girl child or even the boy child away from internet to save her from technologically corrupted sexual abusers. Or it is extremely essential to monitor them when they are using internet.


And if you see some change in your child, teen, young son or girl, please check. This world is now full of abusers. If you see your little child is talking to someone silently please, please check.


I expect on behalf of the future of the children and the humanity to arrest the wrong doers as quickly as possible. Obtaining the support of world communities if necessary, even if we require to obtain knowledge pertaining to these type of mechanism, please do not be hesitate to arrest them. 


And if any of the professionals of foreign Universities, research entities such as doctors, laboratory assistants etc. involved with this issue, please, they should be removed and fined and punished by the entity and by the law and order of the country. If you find any students working attached to these missions their studentships should be cancelled at least for a shorter period of time and be rehabilitated accurately. Please kindly monitor every drug rehabilitation centers established in the country their ways of working and handling them. If you find any Sri Lankan students of your long reputed University has something to do with my issue, please don’t encourage them any further and please cancel their studentships and kindly send them back home or kindly do something to rehabilitate them. Similarly I beg the managements to protect the innocent students of innocent parents from if you find any of these wrongdoers studying in your University.


This picture I drew looking at a picture drawn by an artist to a paper at the beginning of this experience. And due to fear of what I have been experiencing, I carried this picture with me when we left to Kurunegala when it was raining, heavily, as a protection of stanza and a mantra of life.


Following is one of the drawings that I sketched at the beginning of this process of torture.  One of the controllers said that “give it to me.”

Above picture I drew at the beginning of this torture. I remember somebody asking for this picture appreciating the work.


The very moment that the New Year 2021 reached the world my brain was heavily pressed & tortured.


I wish every Sri Lankan and every world citizen a year full of Peace of Mind and every way secured life! And a Year Free of Every health Hazard!


Dear readers, victims of all type whole-body controlling mechanisms, brain torturers, spy speakers, please join hands with me to fight against these culprits.


Dear humans, if you are a victim of these wrong doers, let’s meet and discuss & let’s fight against them, on behalf of our children.


Shall we establish or form community, organization, a network against whole-body controllers and Brain washers and torturers?  


When I was trying to develop one of the other books that I have been writing. Supporting what I was writing one of the female spy speakers, controllers or the permanent lodger of my mind hacked my computer. (Or that could be another harmless person) It is a book written in Sinhalese Language & whoever was hacking my computer added a letter into what I was writing. And what the word that it created was ‘sach, it is a Hindi term and the meaning of the term is true what she meant was what I wrote is ‘true’.  If the cybercrime has been monitoring me and my computer they could have identified and captured the hacker, they can capture at least one of the spy speakers or controllers, brain hackers, I strongly believe. About three of them were talking to me since the morning of 2nd January 2021.


My mind started floating when I was watching an incredibly beautiful movie this morning. And today is the 2nd of January 2021.  And what the torturers did to me when I was watching the movie was controlling and giving me the feeling of floating. The movie has the quality to capture any mind due to the amazement of the creation.  


Some can chessing my issue, some can footballing my issue, some can NETballing my issue, some can cricketing my issue some can bet or jockeying my case for sure. Some for sure can constitute my issue. ‘After all everything is political’.


No nation or country or a community need such a group of people with this much of inhuman attitudes & hate.


This is truly sickening. Filth is all over the minds of these criminals and in their attitudes and visions.


Who will bring justice into my life who will bring the justice into the lives of my kind of victims? ONE THING IS VERY POSSIBLE, AN IMPLEMENTATION OF ‘COMMITTEE OF JUSTICE’……. 


Thank you for patiently reading my story. Please Stay Safe!



I stopped writing the torturous experiences, any further due to a specific reason. Many, many, days and months vanished. Yet no change in my life. Every morning I woke up with a hope. To live an ordinary life like before. These men and women, young come following me every minute, like the blood loving Draculas and the tigers coming to get the flesh of a dead to aid their hunger. Today on the 17th march 2021, somebody spoke of some money transferred to my bank account and the money transferred to my account had shared via online currency transferring mechanism. I once activated on my People’s bank account in order to pay some money to get an ISBN number anyhow it didn’t work properly. I chose the other method to pay the National library services board. I guess that is the account that they had use for their money obtaining purposes from the donor and to pay the members of the team. And one of the leader controllers spoke of some mission, I don’t know what she spoke of. And she often try to offer me some money in order to keep me in the process without shouting. Fu--in- and touching the organ they have not stopped. Controlling the segment of sleep, they practice every day. I don’t know what other things they do inside my brain, when I am in a sleep. Sleeping organ I posted one of the hard copies of the book to the Honorable president of our country. Thinking that it would help them identifying the culprits to bar them proceeding any further for instance.


On the 23rd March 2021 after spending thirteen days at my Primary Class teacher’s residence I left her house. To return to Kandy I chose the Podimenike express train which departed 9.05am from the Gampaha Station. Mistakenly thinking that I could use the 2nd class train ticket got into 3rd class apartment because the apartment was not full of much passengers. Following is what the spy-speakers discuss inside my brain.


“What to do, what to do, our plan didn’t work out. 2nd class apartments are full of passengers according to our plan. How could we know, she got in to the other apartment.”

According to a few men or women they had a plan to kill me inside the train cabin. I don’t know whether they lied in order to scare me. “Stop the train! Stop the train!”

I said; “call the train driver and asked him to stop the train! And let the army know this and ask them to pick me, if possible from the next station.”


The listeners must have heard the dialogue, any who doubt what I am saying can inquire them. My life is not a joke.


Anyhow I had to get down at the Weyangoda station and got into one of the 2nd class apartments. Since the very moment that I tried to get into the train they controlled my body, they pulled my body backward. It was no easy for me to carry two heavy bags due to their heavy body dragging. Somehow I managed to come home. Yet, they began to torture my brain very heavily. I felt like committing suicide. I was thinking of using a syringe and inject myself some of the vaccine given for my mother’s sister for diabetic. They actually forced me to do so and didn’t discontinue torturing my brain.


Who are these women and men?


Any Christians had re-become a victim of another group of dollar facilitators?  Or this particular group is trying to create a wrong scene? Any trying to begin any VS fight?


Following I can assure. The two women I was talking about either selling their doctor knowledge for some lawyers to collect facts/witness during their sleep in order to use them for their cases, using sleep therapeutic measures. And the other possibility is that those who are touching my brain probably are lawyers who had learn themselves to hack brains. They are trying to establish a new culture of collecting witnesses by confusing the oppressors or the victims I believe. And also some of them are brain auctioneers they sell and facilitate those who require human brains for their PhD. Studies. Also these two women with their clan members who had been staying inside my brain 24x7days for more than 450 days using my brain as a meeting place to receive and obtain messages, hints i.e. about drug sellers and actually running a private agency but represent inside the brain as government agents, which is bad for any responsible government and I believe it affect any government badly and spread wrong impression. And in order to silent the victim they offer some percentage of money to the victim from what they earn from selling information. I was offered some money I said NO! I said that what I want is my freedom of life and brain in particular not any money.   I don’t know how they use my ‘NAME’ when delivering and obtaining messages. I don’t know whether any drug dealers torture my brain thinking that I am the one who deliver messages? I often feel that these two groups are trying to create a wrong scene inside people’s minds. For instance about terrorism.


Anyhow it is the responsibility of the responsible authorities to find out the real truth on this inhuman controlling and try to solve the puzzle.


It is very sad to question and note it this way; why some responsible agencies always wait till a person dies to take the dead body to Human Rights’ tables to bring justice to the victim (the dead)? I am a Sinhalese Buddhist and I am an ordinary like the other human creatures.


Before it gets worse I kindly request the government to release a gazette to ban mind and brain reading to collect any type of data or witnesses without getting the permission from the authorities i.e from a medical expert, justice of courts, Jury etc..


Sometimes it is so irritating to see the change of age numbers, for instance earlier the total number of pages of this book after editing it was 203 now it had reduced it up to 193. I faced it several times. I was told that “we removed some of the pages that may badly affect our group, from your book”. Anyhow I don’t fear much because I openly requested the both local and international cybercrime divisions seeking their support to stop such issues. Most of them still take advantage from the Covid-19 Pandemic.


I guess the teacher or the lecturer or the trainer is using my head and brain and whole-body to train their pupils on the ‘body-controlling purposes’. Though I hear the voices of the men I feel that these groups are headed by two women but I don’t know whether they are joining my brain from an overseas country.


Today I was told that the pupils of a certain subject (medical? /cybercrime? / IT? / Brain and mind controlling? / Law? / Criminology that the pupils like me because I analyze this system and they can answer their exams using what I analyze.  

I argued with the controllers saying that now you know the mantra of working towards the victory of your contestant of the pradesheeya sabaha elections, urban council (in order to select a governor) not only winning your case. i.e touching the brains of both contestants and voters.


About a couple of days ago, I heard one of the spy-speakers (don’t know whether her voice is hitched and patched) who always call me ‘a sandi!’ was saying to the 23hr lodger “nobody is around shall I help you to have a bath”, If you do so that would be grate and would gain ‘pin’ (obtain good karma).


That conversation lead my thoughts towards another direction. The conversation portrayed of a female with some equipment set around her head. Cannot walk, crippled, but used for speaking or brain or body controlling purposes.


Like I noted above some use to role play of the people and persons who have involved with the controlling or spy-speaking purposes. Yesterday, they suspected and role played a character of a very famous entrepreneur who serve the country in the segment of medical/hospital. Some think (assume) that it is the only agency /dealer that import some medical equipment such as the equipment use for body-controlling -spy-speaking purposes (EEG).


Today is 3rd April 2021. Still a few speakers are speaking to my brain and controls my body. Yet the number of persons controlling me has reduced a bit. Yet the two females including the 24hr lodger still controlling me. I often think whether they require any outside support to stop coming and talking to my brain. If they are heavily addicted to spy-speaking and wander from brain to brain and place to place for fun or for stealing purposes. They still focus on controlling the particular organ.


Today, a spy-speaking girl said that she is in love with one of the pioneer foreign diplomats representing Sri Lanka in China. I was wondering whether she truly in love with the young man or she is really using his head to listen or monitor his father’s diplomatic conversations. 


In the morning when I was thinking of the conversation of the two females (24hr lodger and the other female) she was taken and questioned by another female or by a man.  Please remember that they often behave like police officers (pretended to be?). She mentioned of neth fm radio channel> she said that she met one of the females at one of the voice training sessions. There she met the particular female. She was interested in doing what she had been doing. She said that she was fired by the neth FM radio channel. These still to be examined. I don’t know whether they were trying to miss-lead me or trying to fool me. She was referring to the female who tried to help her bathe.


As I explained earlier, I love to write yet I feel that I have almost lost interest in writing. Don’t know whether their plan has started working. I fear of losing interest in writing. Have they implanted such a perception, attitude in my mind? Reading either my writing or my mind a bit of a rough voice said that it is not possible.

Today, 6th of April 2021, after spending another ten days at my primary class teacher’s house I came to kandy carrying a bit of a heavy bag of coconut and another stuff, one of the female or a male shit controlled my body extremely heavily pulling my body backward.. I was carrying about 20 kilos of goods, needless to say how difficult it is for a victim of heavy body controlling (f-ck-n- distance) to carrying such a heavy bag when somebodies are controlling her. Those sick males who have issues pertaining to their penises or female mother f-ck---- haven’t stopped controlling my sex organ.


I often see some similar to my look (victim of body controlling I assume) come following me, wherever I go. Don’t know whether they come seeking my support. Don’t know whether they appreciate me raising my voice against these body-controllers. I believe that due to their sick habit of distance female body abusing, their ethnics are subject to decay. I don’t know who has brainwashed them or the creator of their utopian mental world or the blood loving mentor..  World must come together to find these sick men and women who harm not only the lives of the humans but also humanity.


I strongly believe that world chiefs of the armed forces, when they meet at annual or international summits what they discuss is ‘the importance of combatting brain killers either closely or from a distance especially using current IT or any other medical or neuroscience or any other information transmitting technology.   


A new year arose at 2.33 am 14th April 2021. The 24hr lodger and her team tortured my head and brain without taking any interval for about an hour. I hope one day a leader might rescue me from those culprits. I don’t like to lose hope. This New Year I would like to wish every terror control & defeating units across world every strength to defeat these ‘spy speaking brain killers!


12th May 2021


Since the last update of this note, nothing has changed. The controllers are still in action. They still in charge of my brain and mind. And they are using it for their aims and objectives.


On the 10th May 2021 I thought of Google checking the ones who are using the satellite phones, whether they have something to do with my controlling. It succeeded. The Map showed me a few places. Then I thought of Google checking the persons who are using brain killing equipment. Aiming at my objective I typed “Brain killing appliances users right now” it gave me some results. It indicated a few places. Most of them were hospitals and the places indicated I must say ‘suspectable’ places and the places make sense and logic.


I refrain from reporting (writing) the places that I found here due to security reasons and especially because the places and the persons should be or yet to be investigated. But I took photos of the places that mid night thinking even though that I don’t use them, if the cyber security investigation units here or there or teams require them they can upload them from my photo stores of the mobile phone. I have verbally given them the permission to use any of my electric devices (computer and the mobile phone etc.) though they do not need my permission to use them.


On the 11th May 2021 midnight I Googled again the places of killing because I was heavily tortured that night. I couldn’t bear the pain and they sexually abused me heavily. It showed me not only the places this time but showed me some names as well.  Two names showed were belonged to one place and it is a place (private that treat diabetic persons in Kandy/Sri Lanka.

I don’t know due to what scientific reasons that it indicated names. Were they killing brain (mine or any other) using Facebook or email or any other IMO what sup etc. that indicate the name of the account holder? I felt happy that I managed to find out something specially because I am not a science or medicine learned person. 


And today the news reported a death of a gang leader.  (Uurujua) who was a partner of late gang leader known as Samayan. During the time period that I was listening to news, the 24hr. and a few others were happily using my brain. And when they overheard the news via my brain, they become nervous and the 24hr lodger said “akke I must go” and another immature girl asked ‘akke shall I kill her (me) and go.” She was asking a woman who is leading their team.  She was helpless to answer her question or I guess. The way that the others reacted she again said “You said that we were chosen to kill her.” What we meant by killing her was brain washing.” “You should have told it right” those were the conversations I overheard from the spy-speakers this morning.


I am very tired of trying to convincing them, the reasons why they should stop killing me. This morning I had to tell them that I am not one of you. My group is different. I am not a one who when somebody shown me a girl or a money change my attitude or forget my aim or objective.” My objective here is to find you or revel information.”



World Pulse has sent me a different topic that ordinarily most don’t focus on discussing, ‘menstruation matters’. I like the chosen topic. I wrote & send them the following.


Menstruation matters.

Yes it is true. Menstruation of a female is a decisive factor. It is not only biologically, socially, culturally, economically but also politically an important factor and a component. Biologically and medically speaking it is the sole layer of foundation of any nation, country’s sustainability.

One’s health says a lot about a country’s status of health of its people. And for a country who is policily aiming at ‘a healthy country’ ‘a woman’s period and menstruation status is highly important. It is not just a matter personal or a matter of family it is a matter of a nation and a whole country. Finally it is a responsibility of a country a government.  In order to maintain a natural healthy menstrual cycle a woman should eat a healthy diet. Must maintain a health friendly habit for instance staying away from consuming alcohol, taking dangerous or illegal drugs, cigarettes etc. and it is a responsibility of a family to support her to maintain peace of mind, hazard free life. And that will bar her having depression and stress etc.  If the woman faces any economic constrains it’ll affect the cycle of menstruation needless to say and those are every person known common and popular facts.

I am here trying to focusing on a different biological and political and neurological matter pertaining to the focused subject. I would like to focus my analysis here on ‘the relationship between the Electroencephalography and forceful body control and its effect on a woman’s menstruation or according to ordinary language of ordinary people, periods’. When it comes to bleeding days whether it is twenty eight days or less or more, or every drop is a decisive factor. And the ‘quantity or the weight of the bleeding pattern, and its nature, pre or pro periods psychological and biological effects and changes on a woman’s life too is considered important.  

I know how the forceful brain, mind and body controlling works in a body of a woman because I have been a victim of the method since about according to my new memory facts since May or July 2019. Anyhow my periods stopped in 2017 0r 2018 if my memory is not disturbed. And the way that it stopped I now suspect whether I had been a victim of this system; ‘forceful distance body controlling’ back then. I remember when I was bathing on one morning during the menstruation period huge blood pieces fall from the area. I felt a bit worried anyhow afterwards no periods occurred. I remember same thing had happened to a young girl who was staying with us (I was renting a house and I boarded another girl to save the rent of the house.) and afterwards she left the place to their home town, and I remember that she was planning to go for a doctor. But I didn’t. 

Anyhow when somebody is forcefully controlling your brain and mind and body activities, it changes the chemical status of the brain as well as of the entire body. And any man or a woman who controls one’s body forcefully, using any EEG or Electroencephalography they have the ability to control not only the menstruation cycle but also a woman’s womb activities. And when the controllers controlling a little teen, a girl child even for a one or two times it may affect her natural menstrual cycle.  And if the team, the oppressors controlling any unmarried or mothers who is expecting to have more children, these oppressors have the ability to change the system. In other words they have the ability to change the patterns of pregnancy or kill a mother’s hopes of a child. And needless to say that using this system the oppressors can stop her having children for the entire life disturbing or controlling or blocking the relevant body parts of the womb and the path to the womb and controlling the placenta etc. and due to this it might bar flowing or producing essential enzymes etc., I believe now.

Pardon me I am not a medical student or a psychologist in profession but according to what I experienced I can without any hesitation say that it is very possible to control one’s menstrual cycle forcefully using this system. Anyhow this would be one of the bad effects of the nonstop or otherwise usage of forceful-distance body brain and mind control.  It is very sad to note what once one of the female spy-speakers (oppressors) said pertaining to my own biological sibling’s periods when I was returning from her home after also discussing a personal matter about a child birth.

Why we should legally stop oppressors using these mechanisms for ill-willed purposes is very apparent to the world now. When somebody is being controlled by this mechanism naturally the man or the woman loses natural control over her own body and mind. And due to their torture naturally the woman becomes aggressive and reacts aggressively and needless to say that such behaviors too badly affect a woman’s natural health.  And the chemicals used to forcefully control human bodies and radars and Electro systems used highly badly affect any women of any status of age, let me remind you ladies. And brain washing mechanism should be banned as soon as possible from any geographical segment of the universe.

And I don’t understand why these Draculas’ love women’s sex organs this much and to kill or torture fresh flesh blood of brains and in other words why these leeches; women and men who have been oppressing me for more than six hundred days don’t leave my body? Staying inside giving plenty of reasons.

And ladies you must know the importance of stopping these activities and rescuing women here or there of the world from these oppressors by now. And protecting a woman’s natural menstrual cycle is very important.

Wish you all strength and wisdom!

I told that every penny that you earned using my brain is mine. And I told them I need those money. Because no person can sell or auction my brain or sell my body for any entity for any aim or objective. And I told them at the end you never know it would go to the country’s treasury.  

Although I hate this mechanism called distance whole body controlling and memory reading I know that it is a useful method when it comes to Security of a country. Especially this mechanism can be used to read a memory of suspects, current status of mind of a criminal and if the person is planning any criminal activity the authorities or the relevant segment can pre-identify the method by distantly reading their memory. If the person’s memory is well monitored and every minute is read and memory is accurately scanned analyzed many criminal activities can be pre known and well stopped by distantly controlling their minds and bodies. For instance if you know the person is carrying a gun intentionally to kill a person, if his mind is monitored the security system can let the person drop the gun by either controlling his mind or the body. But when somebody is using the mechanism for an ordinary person for no valid reason it is definitely and offense. These mechanisms can be used to defend and control & stop the sector of criminals to avoid massacre etc.  If they had this method Patty Hearest’s mind and act could have stopped. But we all know that this cannot be done like we cook instant noodles or pastas, home work should be done, every day. A lot of time and intelligence should be invested every day.

Anyhow about this criminal activity I learned a lot and it helped me understand the method used though I don’t know A-Z of this mechanism and especially to raise my voice against the ordinary using this method or ill-willed purposes and to convince relevant authorities about what’s going on in my mind and body and in my brain. I guess any party-responsible, any armature of security segment, law and medicine can learn a lot from my torture case. 

 I wrote to a letter to the Interpol _Sri Lanka and posted it on the 11th of May 2021. “Don’t know whether we can pick it without letting it reaching them?” a woman asked. I told them if you can do that to the letter where are we then?”


Wars and fights gets or comes in various sizes and shapes. Today, 18th May 2021 the country celebrate the 12th year anniversary of defeating the LTTE from the country. I remember one day the 24hr lodger, mind reader was saying that I came to lodge in your mind on the day that you celebrated the ‘national heroes’ day!


Who’s got the data of the ones who sexually abused yesterday-whole-night, saying; “we changed the code now that others cannot control you but only us?” According to my personal sense of identifying voices they were amongst the first group of torture yet one of the youngsters had changed his voice and was using a different tone. And 24hr was there and according to the voice tone, the person who said that we are a group who lives in our own ‘psycho-world’ and I am a Zen devotee was there.  Abusing and spy-speaking hasn’t changed.


I read an online article titled, ‘Dubai Police use ‘Brain fingerprint technology to help SNARE CRIMINALS’. In a way it is very interesting to see how the departments of polices of here and there of the world has developed in capturing criminals disturbed law and order of a society.  ‘Brain fingerprint technology’, an advanced ‘crime-fighting tool’ widely referred to as 'brain fingerprinting'. Isn’t this an amazing technology? I was wondering whether any research team has been using my brain and body to justify or rectify any information on the subject by unethically using my brain. I remember one or two times what a couple of boys or girls said ‘we were asked to act like criminals terrorists. Now they were asked to act like that and I am not a criminal but a victim. I am wondering whether any foolish researcher is using the two teams for comparison purposes. Two compare the brain waves or thinking pattern of a victim or a torture at one particular moment of action and reaction. But it is no possible or accurate to compare two brains especially when they were asked to act as drama artists like they act in a play, also especially when they are not true criminals who were engaged in a criminal activity but afterwards, since the day that they were asked to use the weapons or tools of torture and spy-speaking, brain reading.


A person accused of a crime is fitted with a skullcap with a set of electrodes, which detects their brain activity while they listen to statements associated with the crime, I read in the article. And it further explained, ‘…the tests seek out a particular electric signal linked to the brain, called the P300, which becomes larger when a person receives visual or verbal cues regarding things such as an object, a location or a person.

If you see somebody, especially an ordinary using these equipment there is something to be suspected about’.

The commercial groups use the term ‘Neo-touch’ when introducing the devices, I noticed.


The article well explained of the technique including the technique, ‘Memory Print Technique’.  They have spoken of improving surveillance facilities in order to achieve their target. I am wondering whether now that they have used a distance mechanism to reach my brain whether they (the torturers) have used any surveillance system/ method to reach my brain and mind and body.  


Anyhow, what civilians expect from any department of police or sector of security is a total protection of civilian’ including stop women sexual abuse, rape etc. according to the article read, India has been using the aforementioned mechanism to monitor criminals since 2003. (…However, the technology has been used by police in India since 2003.)



I am often wondering whether any of those students or youngsters are selling any brain killing applications made themselves or available in the market aiming at various target groups to boost them sexually or to boost their hate or anger against my nationality or race.


I am fully and totally ashamed of these Sri Lankan women who had been supporting the torture team by both speaking to my mind and brain reading my thoughts also by giving advices as to how to talk and what to do etc. my everyday wish as a good Buddhist devotee somebody from any world or local security or police missions these women and men should be arrested and should be immediately imprisoned. Actually if the government will be able to capture these mad and crazy sexists who worship sexism as soon as possible, there is nothing for them to worry and if the groups has been using any persons already imprisoned for their research misdirecting the authority, the head of research should be severely punished.  Many times I felt that these women and men are using these youngsters as sex slaves and they were forced to use the tools to rape or sexually abuse me, entire world must support me or the Sri Lankan government to capture them.  I don’t know whether these women torture me in conscious mind or whether they’ve taken any dangerous drugs or killing me for a pinch of drugs?



One day I remember one of the men ( I assume a researcher) of the earlier group who is still appearing on and off, said that he is doing a research on an equipment or a tool to see whether his deaf mother can use this technique to talk to him, communicate with others. Based on his views I assume that all these spy speakers are deaf and communicating with me via the chosen mechanism, communicating via the voice-box area with others not from the mouth.


I feel that my case, in the future would go to Guinness record book. No woman was abused and raped, using this mechanism by too many men and women. And I assume that no mind was arrested by this many groups. No voice was controlled by this many groups of men and women. No BRAIN was tortured by this many men and women and for this many number of months. I don’t know whether I am the first to torture using this distance whole-body-controlling.


21st May 2021. This morning suddenly the 24hr. lodger of my mind spoke of a name, Vasuki Dewanarayan. I said if she is a person who has been sponsoring/financially supporting the brain killers I said for revealing her name or saying the name using my head and brain, even though she is one of the most wanted torturers to be captured for torturing T. Sandika Kamini (Sandika Bandusena, the author) for nearly one and a half years or two years to date, I the victim of this kind of torture would ask the Hon. Attorney General of Sri Lanka to reduce her punishment, especially if the news is vital for the government  and for the segment of Law of the country.

I believe that this is a game of decoding and encoding. I don’t know why it takes too much time, too many months to save my life, is it because too many groups are surrounded with me and when the authority changes the code or block a code, does the other recode it?


I don’t know that when the Sri Lankan security Forces or the security agencies of the WORLD would be able to capture them, these inhuman heart-less machines. I beg them to hurry up and do something, either disable their abilities to kill humans this way or kindly capture them LIVE, THE DECISION IS YOURS. ANYWAY THEY HAVE NO STABLE MINDS though they have the ability to read and control our brain and mind and bodies.


Especially, even if you cannot capture these brain hunters and torturers, kindly at least arrest the sexual abusers.


If possible kindly cancel their citizenships and cancel their job -contracts.


I am fed-up of writing this every day. I believe that I should wind-up this note at this pace. And the right of killing me or my brain or full torture should goes to the permanent lodger of my mind in other word, the 24hr mind reader, brain torturer, rapist of my mind and obviously to his/her MASTER and the other English speaking MISTRESSES.


And apart from that every world leader and every security leader is responsible for not saving my life from these inhuman creatures and letting them kill me silently torturing my brain and sexually abusing me for almost two years, even though I inform them of my issue, the life threat.


According to my personal awareness, kindly note that I say this based on what she was convinced to me please remember that, she is a Muslim woman.


28th May 2021


I searched for ‘body controlling spy applications users right now in Mawanella area, the Google maps provided me with some names, one of them mentioned TVT CCTV that I have never heard of the term TVT before. I looked for the meaning on the internet following is what I found as an explanation to what I searched for,


‘A Tension-free Vaginal Tape procedure (TVT) is an operation to help treat the symptoms of stress incontinence. The tape, made of a synthetic polypropylene mesh, is inserted through a small cut made just inside the vagina.’

Interesting isn’t it?

31st May 2021. Another summary.


This is my perception right now regarding my current-horrible-life-threatening-torturous situation; I don’t know whether, initially a sexually -ill person implemented this (distance-whole-body controlling) mechanism inside my body to cater his sexual desires -ill-temptations. This (possibly) man or the woman also could be a businessman dealing with illegal business. And moreover, specifically the man that belong to aforementioned category is a man or men who imports and sells software, mobile and computer applications (i.e. TVT CCTV, speaking through and viewing through appliances, hidden cameras and other spy-applications and tools) let me summarize possible groups and individuals who have been /has been using my body-mind-brain, the way that I can measure and weigh.

1)       Mobile and phone and CCTV applications and software importers & sellers.


  Following could be their target groups

2)      Crippled, disabled, persons with any physical disabilities etc. that may face practical or social or economic difficulties due to their physical conditions mainly to cater their sexual requirements. i DON'T KNOW WHETHER ANY BEGGER'S COMMUNIY WAS USED BY THEIR ENTREPRENUNAL MASTERS,  providing A SMART PHONE. 

3)      Patients affected from HIV/AIDS ( when I was searching in the Google map section, the brain killing -spy speaking -body controlling spy applications users right now mentioning a particular district or an area or a country. special segment etc. National STD/AIDS control programme is one of the institutions appeared.

4)     Mentally disabled or disturbed due to sexual related reasons or causes due to lack of opportunities to cater their sexual requirements or the persons who have become sexually ill due to any social or psychosocial causes.  (Mental hospital is one of the agencies appeared when Google-ing for facts)

5)      Prisoners imprisoned for life (again those who have become ill due to lack of opportunities to cater their sexual requirements)

6)     Terrorists, Drug dealers, members of underworld gangs (These are possibly the groups that take advantage of the pre-established-implemented environment in my body)

7)      Other men and women possibly belong to the persons who have been talking to my mind, controlling my body (sex organ) to earn ‘cruel happiness’ due to jealousy / VIP power mis-usement of parents or kin and kith’s political power).  

8)     I often think whether any living victims of April 21st terror attack joined me ( a certain sabha/ mission) coming here (into my body) or originally hiring these tortures due to their anger or hate specially due to frustration (political or law etc., private) ( say this based on the names that I overheard of the spy-speakers - controllers etc. i.e Fernandez, Souza, Veronica, Ramona etc. but I don’t know whether this is a trick or a strategy used by the original implementers or other to mis-direct the investigating teams , if any) and I believe and have seen that some missions use certain mind body controlling methods when healing devotees. This what I am trying to say here may be or may have nothing to do with this, I was actually very surprised to see one of our Legendory singers Mr. Victor Rathnayake’s throat issued was cured by a person using a particular EEG ( I assumed seen the photograph published in the newspaper) equipment. I don’t know whether the singer lost his voice due to this type of causes of voice and body controlling.

9)      I often doubt /suspect whether these small made persons / women mainly a supporting group of a female mentor (political or religious) imprisoned due to any political etc. reasons specifically choosing women who are physically same in size.


Anyhow, every above group satisfying the financial and business goals and aims and objectives of the first group (software, TVT etc.) anyway, according to what I feel right now.


One of the girly voices asked a woman this morning (Veronica or Mali),


 “When can you leave?” she said that “25th October 2012”, were these women were offered any contract by any donor or a financial supporter/ researcher medical or otherwise (inland or outland).


And according to the image provided to me Veronica too is a fat-one leg fat female.


I believe that this my book, note would help any investigator who investigate this type of cases across world and those who study body-mind-brain ethically as a case study, and for other Socio-economic-psychological & political researchers across globe etc.  

Though  some of them who spoke to me said that this could be a establishment of a truly and politically  formal or by a politician , i don't believe in that because this is Sri Lanka not Myanmar and I am not A Suki AND i don't contest for any seats.

 1st May 2021


I personally feel that this 24hr lodger or in other words the woman or the man who uses a female spy voice to turn My status of mind into a mad position/status and into a CYBER PROSTITUTE, since two years and the other sexual abusers, torturers are the slaves of a politically, sexually and psychologically -very ill man or a woman.


I believe that most harm done by both Brain and Sex organ controllers and the reason is that for the most used activity they have to either use chemicals or electricity every time that they control my organ for instance. 


2nd May 2021


Another note of assumptions on the NATURE of the groups involved in controlling & Torturing my Brain, Mind and Body


The role of each member of the group(s)

1)       The person/ organization who sold or sells either the PRODUCT or the METHOD

2)      Needy (A Victim of torture social or POLITICAL)

3)      Memory Readers ( a plenty)

4)     Sleep Therapists

5)      Technical officers

6)     If necessary nurses or doctors (to inject or to insert pills into human body), Radar officers/ scan officers /MRI data readers/ digital phone or computer appliances handling persons depending on the application used to torture or collect information.  

7)      Saviour (pretending to be)

8)     Torturers , memory readers, body part tortures  

9)      The character that play the role of POLICE/CID/MEDIA

10)   Blackmailers

11)    The overall supervisors

12)   Note-takers

13)    News or information transmitters or senders

14)   The members of intervening /interrupting (especially to protect the group leaders’ reputation, aims and objectives etc. especially either by saying something/miss-guiding me or the other groups who have been viewing them or listening to their discussions or by controlling/ torturing me physically very harshly, abusing etc. when somebody says (me for instance) something that harms their aims also to prevent them get arrested. 

15)    The mediators/dealers (between the donor-client)

16)   Coordinators (fix dates / find places; vehicles, houses etc.

17)   Suppliers of humans’ BRAINS AND BODIES and equipment

18)   Money transfers


METHOD OF CHOOSING OR SELECTING THE MEMBERS FOR THE torture / data collecting GROUPS could be indirect or direct communications with the persons with natural anger and aggression, politically or socially or economically depressed , persons with political aims, big or small, often joining could be compulsory depending on the nature of existing  earn a living (nature; business)


How do they train? How do they maintain the centers of trainees? Kindly define it yourself. And after achieving the training either they work as a group or dispersed and joining each other as a group from various places of residences or work. They know how to meet every one when required.


assumed Methodology of the  criminals

 1)       They travel across villages to districts in search of grass root level persons to high profile persons in other words, victims or NEEDIES (could be politicians / a groups or persons with a political need)

2)      Approaching the Needy / Victim (social or political) method of approaching could be secret communication (spy-speaking) ordinary phone or Satellite phones/ government lines of communications by hacking or secretly entering their zones or reputed lines of private sector etc. / visiting them personally.

3)      Explaining the achievability of target or aim of the needy or of the victim of political or social

4)     Demanding the method; bargaining the margin or the rate depending on the service providing) nature of services: collecting data, proof/ evidences by reading a person’s memory entering their brains secretly. Method of entering could be the exact method that has applied to me. Mode of payment could be money/ property/ high positions etc.

5)      Calling everyone to the center of controlling (i) physical building where the members have fixed the equipment if any  for instance (ii) Brains/ Body (my brain and body for instance)


·         Why the Brain, True Victim refrain from seeking support or delaying visiting the Police is bad effect of the role of the aforementioned character; savior played by the members of the torture group.


6)     They also invite the victim of political or social / needy for the line of either spy -speaking or body controlling or torturing. Here mostly the blackmailer comes into action. Telling them or giving them facts as to ‘who they are’ what they naturally do is compelling to pay them some money to cover-up their identities. 

another year (2022) began.  since three years they , the torturers have been controlling my left leg. now I walk like a crippled woman.  Every time when i start walking they drag my leg backward and vertically and horizontally.  I used to be a fast walker before they started arresting my brain, mind and body. i feel that i am not stable and sometimes feel 'fell-ish'.  Their main target is to collapse me both mentally and physically also by speaking to my mind and reading my mind 24hx7. 

Since 24th November 2021, almost every other night was a  sleepless night. They vibrated my sex organ whole night,  and tortured my mind and brain and body, on those sleepless nights.  

 Dear humans, let’s try anyway to Stay Healthy and Safe! Especially because this is the PANDEMIC, the SEASON RULED BY EMPEROR CORONA-COVID-19.