Covid-vaccine programmes going well in the country. therefore people donot affraid to gather-close i guess.
Education too is an essential service like the HEALTH. even if they strike their pay, they get on time i believe :)
According to what i understood too much 5-8 hour internet usage spoils children's eye-brain-nerves system badly. and the parents have to spend more money on data and extra money to purchase smart phones. some parents are daily-wage labourers. online education affects them badly bothways.
This covid-lockdown given various groups more freedom of speech and action i guess.
i.e. (ii) that is why the inhuman my body controllers used lock-down period to start torturing me thinking that nobody would come and arrest them.
it is good to hear that the police has started searching for the masters and mistresses who have been using child-labour-housemaids.
It is good if you all come to conclusions to stop strike thinking of Covid19 patients and children 's education.
fast vaccine would help start school as qucikly as possible. and save children from criminals who wander in the internet zones more than before and i wish luck every parties who think of saving children from online sexual abusers.
Stay Safe! and please dont forget the 2m distance.
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