In history many battles had begun and won and failed. Not only the victors but also the betrayers people and groups memorized and would definitly memorise each year with a candle for sacrificing their lives for the sake of various battles
Madam Sirimao asked her citizens to start cultivating various yams such as potatoes manioc etc. in every home gaden and in the lands they own. some politically laughed at her decision and applaused snd worshiped open economy. Open economy is a wow concept but with the idea loads of garbage and unwanted stuff too imported and entered the country, including killing drugs and women raping and man killing equipments and brain killing phamaceutacles etc.
Since then the kidneys of citizens were ruined not only due to agricultural also due to horror and political reasons.
Former president Maithripala Srisena built and added two big kidny aiding hospitals to the chain of local hospitals. one in Kandy and the other one in Polonnaruwa. If you start killing the causes snd routes of the Kidny related heslth issues, we can use the two building for some other purposes in the future.
No battle is easy. But WONNABLE.
Now this Pandemic taught evey political leader and citizen a loads of life time lessons; importance of having strong 'inland- agri-food plan'.
Organic fertilizer is not a new concept but it is as old as local agriculture i.e. Paddy, Chena and home garden cultivation.
In 1970 though some fertilizer and weedicides were banned we see now a lot of brands has invaded the local market.
2014 then government banned Glyphosate for i.e.and there after government in 2017 removed the rule.
Kindly refer tbe DVD tbat i published; 'Ran Kurundu Wipplawaya' (Cinnamon Revolution) And i must officially announced that i write under the name 'Sandika Bandusena'. (page 247- Who says that we cannot manufacture organic pesticides and fertilizer?). You can borrow the DVD from the Central Environmental Authority Library/ Koswatte.
If we thought of following the policy implemented by madam Sirimao Bandaranayake we could have defeated hunger of today and food related poverty issues.
I think if you are aiming at sustainable development and in the long run it is a wise decision that the current government has taken to ban artificial unhealthy fertilizer, weedicides and pesticides. Good luck to you Government
In order to motivate local manufacturers and farmers and Farmer-Researchers, if you organize and plan a COMPETITION naming it 'BEST FERTIPETCI manufacturer of 2021 you Would for sure gain good results.
Thank you.
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