This isn't a new topic. Shapes
of women or shape of a female figure are few of the most talked, discussed
topics of the world
For your health querries such as how to maintain shape of your figure,
can get answers via various sources of information such as internet, experts,
nutritionist s, gym instructor, all health advisers – qualified
Some, I guess misunderstand this ‘figure and shape’ or have not
understood ‘health secrets of human body’ but mostly the ‘myths’
Almost every women worries about their tummies , over weight figures
or leanness
Inga sunga gatha heka mitina this was a figure of a female described
in local literature
Exercising I think plays and important role in ones good health
Some worries very much about what machine they should buy to burn the
fat, unnecessary calories that bother them too much
I think most think that it is only the fat in figure should do
exercises ‘I think that it is a wrong assumption’, a myth
The truth is that every person needs to do exercise for both physical
and mental wellbeing. Following are few of the ways that helps to burn
calories, ‘walking’, jogging, cycling, swimming, running, hiking, and any other
accepted ways of doing exercises. Haal
keteema, piti keteema, miris ambareema, midula athugeama, these things are very
traditional whole body exercises, that is according to my poor knowledge
And there are other forms of exercises that one can practice to have a
healthy or undisturbed mind
‘Calm and quite places’
Music , cinema of ones choice, anything that has the abilities to calm
or neutralize, repair, maintain ones mind immediately after facing any damage
or even for a no damaged brains or minds
Every age has a shape
Every shape has an age this is unbreakably a truth
One never can go beyond the realities of age
And there are various realities attached to the various stages of life
of women, mainly
One never can expect to have the very same figures that they maintain
during their glow full, energetic - teen, youth or younger stages of life
without really experiencing any changes in their figures
During a pregnancy period a figure adjusting very specifically,
allowing and providing space ( womb) for her to bear her child, this I believe
one of the most amazing physical changes that a woman face or experiencing in
her life.
No mother is complaining about her figure during this bearable changes
are happening period of her life.
To me, such changes that happens within and outer of a woman’s life is
unbelievably amazing
Every pregnant mother, every feeding mother is beautiful I have never
seen any ugly ones in my entire life time
I like to view their faces full of kindness and happiness
And often, because of the certain physical difficulties or due to the
health hazards that they face, they may look tired other than that I have not
noticed any strange changes of any pregnant mothers that I have met and seen in
my life
I believe that ‘pregnancy’ is not at all an illness that is a blessing
So before, during and after, figure of a woman shows various changes,
‘truly understandable’ and acceptable I believe.
During any stage, ‘her health is important’. During different stages
of pregnancy the doctors, the nurses or the midwives weigh the health situation
of her.
How a child develops physically and mentally, biologically – within
and apparent changes are observed and monitored, measured, weighed at various
Pre - natal stage; this is an important stage of a mother to be
Measuring the weight of a child at child birth and after is considered
as a compulsory thing to do in order to understand the ‘health situation of a
Lower weight rate or the weight rates that exceed the normal rate considered as unhealthy that is not only for
female or children but for all age categories
Am I right?
Every person of every stage of life has a certain height & weight,
acceptable and advisable to maintain, I think I am repeating what I already
mentioned while ago.
It’s alright I guess sometimes re reminding is essential
A figure of a mother or a woman
who suffer from various difficulties, anxieties of life during her efforts,
struggles in finding ‘coping strategies’, tells a lot of stories to the world.
This definitely gives a picture of her inner and outer health situation,
I might add.
In addition to that, the figure of a woman always show her awareness
on the discussed subject, it also tells the world how she take care of her or
how much she cares or love her
Though I talk of females, specifically, health of every member of a
household is immeasurably important
Good health is everyone’s responsibility
It is not just a responsibility of a health department, a doctor, a
mother, wife, and husband
‘I think there is always one, few or even, many reason for ‘malnourish
looks, leanness of a woman, lower weight or height other than the
Apart from health factors, there are socio, economic, cultural, factors
that one can view through leanness or a fatness of a female figure; again it is
not just applicable to females only
Some figures appearancing the effects of serious chronic conditions that a person
suffer from
i.e. Cancer , TB ( Tuberculosis) , diabetic (?)
Bulimia is curable I guess
One just has to change her pattern of not just mealing or dieting also
the pattern of her thinking. For that she must try and change the wrong
attitudes, myths that she entangled in.
According to what I have read so far some health ailments regarding
maintaining admirable or attractive female figures or a figure that most the
world ‘adore’ or think is healthy come wrapped not only with fat and oils and
short eats but also with the myths and unawareness of importance of some health
I think certain ailments are results of job categories that most the females, ladies,
girls are involved in. Such situations, pressurize some females to maintain a
figure such a way though maintaining a good healthy, flexible figure is
applicable and important to everyone, i.e. For a modal, an actress who is
highly sticking her carrier to commercial creations, a professional dancer who
is chosen dancing as her carrier, athletes, sportsman, sportswomen – winning a trophy
is impossible if there is no flexibility in physical figures of theirs
Malnourished, pale, skins equally
shows her ‘inner health as well’ how she is dieting or taking her meals
So ………………..
Dear ladies and gentlemen
It is no good to laugh at leanness or fatness of a woman, any man
because you never know the reasons for such things
They are not just things that shows ones social, cultural or
economical backgrounds there are other factors too
Take care of your health!
Following I like
to write on this page as a reminder for me ……………………………
As human creatures, it is not possible for us to predict about the
unwritten pages, paragraphs of book of life
of a person or of mankind other than trying to memorizing, rereading the pages
already written or the paragraphs of gone by days of books of lives
No one should entangle in any negative thoughts that pullback their
lives without taking it further, forward without letting it stagnating.
Such positive attitudes will guide them to write any of the pages or
the paragraphs of their books – life entirely satisfactorily
‘wm cSú; mqia:lhkays f.ù .sh mrsÉfPao fyda
msgq .ek úkd ,shkakg kshñ; mrsÉfPao fyda msgq .ek mqfrdal:khka lsrSug
mD;.ackhska jk wmyg fkdyelsh ’ tfy;a
ta b;d mrsiaiñka ,sùug fkdyelsh hk ksfYaOkd;aul is;ú,a,l lsisjl=;a w;rux
úh hq;=o ke;
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