mind goes back and forth seeking for words, titles around country, outside
country, regions, and across continents.
So I find things to write. But some of those things are not heart
soothing or heart pleasing to write. Perhaps that is because some subjects are
very far away from my interests. Yet I think it is little difficult for a
person to always stick to something that he likes to talk or something that
they like to draw. Some things are inevitable or unavoidable.
If you
take your mind back to ‘Pre - colonial period’, you can say we were not
politically dependent on any nation though we had to face invasions from time
to time. Invasions, south Indian
invasions for instance, we managed to fight against and looked after this ‘country’.
Though the country was not under One
Flag for some decades and were ruled by Provincial Kings ( pradesheeya
rajawaru)of certain admin structures (Ruhunu, Maya, Pihiti, for instance), even
though Kalinga Magha attacked this country during Polonnaruwa kingdom nothing
lasted like period of ‘colonization. 1505 – We gained independence (?) in 1948 from the British
Empire. Do you
think that we became politically independent afterwards?
colonization we could have escaped much earlier unless there were NOT some POLITICAL KIDS who thought of their personal ‘POWER HOLDING’ other than keeping
the COUNTRY behind their ‘personal desires’(thought of Kandyan Kingdom, some
who trapped their own people trusting outsiders in some instances)
So during
all those ancient, Pre – Post colonial periods some were dependent on some
(Kings) that they could trust , some dependent on some that there were no
reasons to be dependent, some dependent on some ‘ advisers’ ( Agra Purohitha –
chief advisor of the Raja Sabha). Some were directed their kings towards
‘accurate lanes’ of nivahal ratak’ (a country freed from Slavery) eksesath kala
ratak (a country under one flag)
forget that for each and every province there was a specific flag to define
their identity, dignity in the old admin system of this country. (sesath; this
has few meanings but here it means flags)
when ever they fought against any of their provincial rulers when expanding
their ‘kingdoms’ the provincial flags were used to specify many things. These
flags were helped to identify their own members of battles from other members
of battles easily.
during some of those battles some had to depend on some ‘ottu karuwo’( secret
agents?) who were officially hold positions in some other team of battle that
is to get internally valued data, information that should not be exchanged with
any outsiders). You can measure these
things in numerous ways. For instance you can say that this is something that
you can possibly called ‘pawala denawa’(Betraying). If some one is given a
position in a team of work or battle you are expected to work for that
particular team not any other teams, not only ethically but also according to
what is describe in the contract of work). If you do so ‘what is your position
there or in the team that you work unofficially but totally, mentally?
When it comes to a country matter it is highly
necessary that EVERY TEAM MEMBER IS STICK TO THEIR TEAM’ with out really
betraying their team members.
is one good saying that describes what I am trying to say here in a much
fullest way. Here it is ‘Ange indan kana kaema’ , ( biting an ear of a bull
comfortably relaxing on the hones of the same bull) so the bull is providing
seating facilities and what who ever is doing using the seating facility is
biting the ear of who has given for what ever space to sit
So one
has to be very careful and try to be cautious of such ange indan kana kana
aya’. They are the true enemies.
some, even in the old kingdoms, sitting before the king in the Raja Sabha
provided the internal security plans of the kingdoms to the Colonial Rulers.
Read evidences.
So day
by day some comfortably settled here and it was really difficult for some
rulers, pre patriots to chase away or escape from some colonial rulers. Again I ask read history for more
it is not difficult to understand ‘some did that because of nothing smaller
they get but thinking of ‘kuttiya’( bulk) they get from the people they work
teaches us things one can say each and every thing that are not transparent to
their people ( discussions with outside ( insert relevant term as required)
parties) is something that you can discuss under this title I explore.
rahasigatha sakachcha (discussions) with outsiders what is the meaning of
rahasya (secret) or rahasigatha lesa (secretly)?
can have a rahasigatha sakachcha with some if that is totally outside to ill
will agendas to harm this country. One
can hold a rahasigatha sakachchawa with a group banned due to various or
multiple reasons. Why secretly is something that one always has to explain
before the public if you talk about this term with regard to public domains or
public interests.
(transparency) is something very important like parenthood
I am a
member of this COUNTRY. I no way betray this country for any PERSONAL GAINING’
decisions that were taken during colonial period actually were totally idiotic
but that were totally because of ‘their lack of knowledge with regard to
‘EXTERNAL AFFAIRS’, some did not know or was not fully aware of things like ‘how
to handle teams, groups, outside to country’ due to lack of previous experience,
compared to now.
this is not the era 1505 0r 1948 this is 2014. People and rulers can learn
things from past.
Let me
remind a classic saying picking from past ‘inguru deela misiris gatta wage’ to
prove facts discussed above. That happened due to lack of experience with
regard to handling outside groups that did not enter this country before. Compared
to South Indian Invasions the colonial rulers were from different parts of this
world. Their political interests, social and cultural ethics, norms and values believed
were different to South Indians. Kalin Magha was different to Lorenzo De Almeda.
So that
was a period where there were no University that taught ‘American History’,
European history, Indian history for instance for Prince , kings, princesses to
learn about other countries’ socio political situations. But everything is
different now. The Universities, schools, private educational institutes teach ‘Political
Sciences’, History. From students to adults they are aware of global political situations.
From goviya to kamkaruwa read papers, read books they know ‘what goviya (agricultural
farmers) should get’ what nagarika kamkaruwa (urban wage labourer) must get’, why
some struggles failed, why some decisions taken were inappropriate or less
appropriate then or not totally applicable or inappropriate to now society.
I believe
that people of this country knows to weigh things better. they have their own
weighing machines , the machines different to that party members use in their normal
is the meaning of this term ‘outsiders’? One can analyze this term in numerous
ways, if you think of its literal meaning or its deep meaning. You find
outsiders in a same geographical area, some you find people who hold same
certificate of births (physical structure of the certificate) issued by one
country. Some you find live in a one geographical area but they live permission
of the country they live. (Residence Visa for instance) I can list a lot.
Who ever
say what ever ‘PEOPLE’ of this country knows how to use their vote.
I read
an interview with minister Mahinda Samarasinghe , published on daily Lankadeepa
(17 / 11 / 2014). I picked some ‘key
words from the interview. That is what I
normally do. I pick and choose words or facts from various sources of
information (papers, individuals, books, gossips, anything that I hear or view
etc) and then try to analyze.
It is
you (You; equals to sources of information) who always gives me things to
explore. As a woman who does not know much about politics or any other tricks
or mixtures, I measure, weigh things I collate according to my understanding. My
scales differ from what the genius uses to weigh evidences at high courts.
So in
the interview the questions were raised covering many things which is good. So that
if the public have any doubts remanding that too can be erased. So people get
various point of view and then they can measure what everybody say comparing
with what they know and what they understand, how they see it.
I believe
we became somewhat independent (Politically) after 1972. But before 1948 or
between the eras 1948 – 1972 we were politically a semi independent country. Unless
you become totally, politically independent and establish your own admin system
that don’t get any interruptions or interferences from any outside parties ‘you
are a politically dependent country’. If Buckingham Palace decides what is good
for you or if white house decides what is better for you, if Tony Blair said, ‘you
must do this’ not that referring to something, if Congress members say that you
must not do that’ and then democratic party members say ‘this is how you must
rule your country’ there is a way that you can measure such things politically.
You can’t
forget that ‘saying is something else when it comes to believing or following’
Any can
suggest things, say things, deciding what is better for a country solely on the
hands of the rulers, leaders of their respective countries.
When you
are little weak politically others can spoil your plans. When you are strong
others can’t spoil things. ‘Ones level of confidence’ is their mantra to win
the objectives of their party, country.
We became
little weaker when we had to face ‘the LTTE issue. The country had to focus
more on humanitarian war, taking care of people affected from that issue, re
build what was abandoned (both physical and mental situations of our people)
You get
advice from various parties, or you have to get if you know less as to what to
do, when to take decisions, what is politically better, whom to trust etc. when
asking for help or advise for instance.
1976 –
2009 not only politically but also emotionally or mentally we were in a mess. So
this became worse in some periods due to various reasons, due to some decisions
that were taken politically. Some decisions were surfacely looked alright but
were weak practically, lead to other issues. Some became or join the net work
as new political enemies, according to my understanding. When some of us started criticizing some of
the situations arose, some interference, involvements of few or some not friendlier
but a tyrant to some extent. So due to lack of understanding of some people who
tried to get involved in the situations, as peace agents, that had no better or clear picture
of what was happening actually in the country , came up with suggestions that were
not practically achievable, relevant.
If you
have any internal problem no outsider can give solutions, reason is one has to
suggest things after studying every page of history (socio, political and most
importantly geographical senses)
involvements are like an outsider giving plushable toilet facilities to some
village people, without trying to know ‘the water situation of a community’. It is village people who know what is good for
their village or community other than outsiders. So when anyone trying to get
advise from any outside parties for the questions like ‘what to do’ that will
not be practically good. when it comes to something related to our country 'we need to have our own plans'
So existed
situation became some what fatter because some of the involvements, lead them
to get to know more networks that they could trust and strengthen or spread
their ‘networks. ’
remember if the hat does not match with the head size of yours there is no
reason for you to wear it or get upset so stay cool. (Saying this to who is reading
this while I am writing?)
When you
take decisions depending on outside views, advice of outsiders who don’t have a
clue of what people want, to solve something internal how you can say you are politically
That was
why some peace achieving projects of past failed.
don’t know whether what I say sometimes, people take them personally. I say or
discuss things as facts or I always argue sticking to ‘policies’ that I
understand, often I use the scale of ethics to weigh things rather than other
knowledge scales. I don’t really care about people’s skin tomes or party of
politics, social or ethnic background.
before this essay gets the shape of my personal profile of my personal
interests, let me tell you what I want to tell, additionally.
always say what I believe or think is right.
I believe that you should do what you think is right not what others
think is right or what others want you to do. But that does not mean that
everything what others say is always incorrect or inaccurate. I believe it is
always good if we keep this mantra in our minds ‘no one is perfect,’ everything
is ‘comparative, ‘trust your intuition’, ‘respect heart evidences’.
we say things about something comparing it with something similar. Am I right? We
compare Miss A with Miss B and both Miss A & B with Miss Z. often we give
them marks.
If you
hand. For example …………
have to think of one, few or some of the factors given below, before PLANNING,
IMPLEMENTING something lets say a ‘community project’. Perhaps there may be
other facts that I miss but scholars see. Add them as required.
- Geographical factors
- Social
- Political
- Economical
- Cultural factors
we can’t do what America do. Geographically and politically America is
different to Sri Lanka. Their Political aims or desires are different to
Russia. So, according to my knowledge even Russia cannot copy or do what
America do in their country or outside to their country thinking of their own
people or people of globe. People of Globe, if you take this term, America has
their own views and concepts towards this term, I believe, and that gets the
shape inclusive to protection of ‘future of America’, people of America. But
don’t get me wrong I am not trying to de-widen what they are trying to do with
regard to terrorism. And you can’t forget how the world has labeled America
‘The Policeman of the world’; some say America is the most powerful country of
the globe.
some label some I am not fully aware, but I think they do this thinking of ones
achievements or their policies, interventions, international affairs,
perceptions towards global matters etc, perceptions towards others. This is not
something that specific only to America it is specific and applicable to any
other vast community, big country, small country, and tribe, primitive or
advanced societies, as independent ruling admin structures.
am sure you understand how some countries differ from another country. How a
region differ from another region, how a country differ from another country
with regard to their history, for instance, colonialism, invasions.
learning or understanding purposes if you take specific chapters of history and then analyze for isnatnce, Anurapura,
Polonnaru, Dambadeni, kotte kingdoms, you can study the significance, even if you just differentiate
the chapters or incidents of invasions you can clearly understand the socio ,
cultural, economical and political background of then society. Take colonial period (Portuguese, Dutch and
British) you can understand the socio cultural economical political differences
of each era. The decisions taken by the
rulers, what failed what succeeded, reasons, what were the decisions that some
should have taken instead of the decisions taken for instances, if something
can understand even historically most of us different from each other, not only
culturally, socially, economically but also politically. So what you do
internally with regard to its administration you have to consider all these to
get something fruitful out of what you plan.
good men, gentlemen, ‘you can’t do what others do with regard to decision
making unless such totally applicable, relevant, appropriate to our society,
needs and wants of our people.
can’t say looking at something ‘nobody of the world have done this before’ ‘why
do you this’? What logic or rational you can see through in those sentences or
me repeat ………. There is no need at all to do what others do but if that is
something that we too need or suitable, applicable to our socio political ,
cultural needs of our country people. Absolutely, there is no harm in giving it
a thought.
what some others think is equals to what some, majority or few others also
think. ‘Colonialism’, imperialism’ what
are these words. You may find few oppose to what you say. Look there is
something that we always forget. You don’t get a chance to hear what every
single citizen of this country says.
Election’ gives all of us a chance to hear ‘what people think of
everything’. Every contestant have to
show ‘their future plans’ to their people, and they weigh what they have done
previously. Success rates, their strength levels with regard to handling or
facing outside obstacles, international affairs, how solve problems. Abilities
to lead the country people view history.
independent era what was the socio, cultural, economical and political
situation here? In post – Colonialism what struggle that people internally have
to face to ‘differentiate alienate colonialism attitudes thinking from our
people and then establish something Sri Lankan like in pre Colonialism.
Lanka is not a robot that a master can control using his remote
controller. This is a country with human
flesh and blood. We need a leader who don’t surrender to outside interference or say ‘YES’ for something that we strongly say NO
young men, tell me do you still think that we also do what others always do or
did? Do you think that we should have followed the same, their geo – political,
social, economical mechanisms?
not tell me that ‘we were economically or any other way not equipped or stunned
enough to follow their style of exploring their aim of ‘Empire’.
even if you say so I can slightly agree with you. We were very poor in such
thinking. We wanted to cultivate something of our own, we didn't want any non
national to rule this country.
is a national then?
national is a countryman who is not politically or mentally dependent on the decisions
of outsiders.
we did not want ‘any other people’s land’. In that way you are totally
accurate. Just read what is happening globally, some want lands of others some
expect others to surrender to achieve their objectives. All what we wanted is
to ‘protect this tiny land from invaders of any type. We did not want to expand
our ‘Sinhalese or Multi National Empire any further. We were satisfied with
what we had and have.
what we wanted is to ‘ protect this land from any type of invasions’, anything
internal that fired or looked after by any non national who had no ideas
towards ‘what is a mother land’ , who is a national?
we didn't want to fill our ‘atu kotu’ (the stores of Grains), bhandagaraya
(Treasure) with the coins, pounds, pagoda’s of others. Am I right?
if you find modern slavery in any of the societies you live, then you are not totally
independent. I say you are not only politically but also emotionally and
mentally independent then. If you think
that we must do what all others do here I believe you are a salve of other
admin structures and don’t want to welcome any newest methodologies with regard
to admin systems, local.
If you
take what is happening around some areas of the world, I wonder whether they
took any examples from past? Colonization for instance.
is independent means in its total meaning? Cooperation is something totally different to
dependency is something very scary, it is not like you take a loan from an
outside source to build a bridge (take this as an example) so don’t think you
or we must do what Mao or Abraham Lincoln planed to do for their people.
must not think of politically DEPENDENT on OTHERS. We must not mentally
dependent on the plans of outsiders, what others do in their countries?
Liberty is something that we all
respect in its fullest meaning, I believe. Liberty is something that definitely
adds some ‘novelty’ to any community. Achieving liberty is sort of a cleansing
Don’t be afraid to take any revolutionary
decisions though any of the members of any other country have not taken
previously. If you take any decisions that are not harmful to your people that is
all what people expect.
the best for the contestants in the forth coming presidential election!
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