I am not very much of a ‘know a lot about this and
that of technology ‘of phones and vehicles.
A phone I know has become a ‘must have’ tool in
these ‘busy – full’ days. And one should not forget that this is a ‘phone –
full’ world. No problems in selecting ‘useful’ one. So in this many things –
full and ‘nothing is less’ world ‘battery fullness’ is important. You can
choose a one from this –many full world and one has to remember ‘your phone fulfill
the need of making a call. ‘Battery – low’ positions will fill nothing or
something. The brands of ones phone, made in ‘check your phone’, high tech
facilities, additional facilities, ‘all these become ‘nothing’ if your phone indicates
‘ no battery’
So it is the ‘battery full’ position what is worth
and important for a phone ‘if you come to think of the objective, the idea
behind usefulness of uses of this tool’ you might realize that ‘battery full
position is not second to every other (most probably) components of this tool and
the same will function properly with less or no hazards’
Now the phone with battery full condition is ready
to use ‘useful way and this will help you anytime you need its help lets not
And then,
Fuel – full tanks will lead you towards ‘no issues
on roads’ ‘ I don’t know how may kilometers one has to drive until he/she meets
‘the next filling station’ is there a particular kilo meter gaps or the
distance gaps between each ‘fuel centers’ I am not aware of.
Fuel- fullness is important for a ‘complete full
journey’. So for a ‘better function’ vehicle, what is important most? I think it is ‘fuel’ ‘full- condition’. I am
not saying that ‘other conditions’ of vehicles are unimportant. Better condition of every component of vehicle
worth a ‘I do not know how to calculate the value’. Health full condition’ keep
that in every corner of your mind until I come to that subject little later in
this note of mine.
So in these journeys of ‘battery – full’, fuel
full tank’ conditions that ‘you driving towards ‘safety – zone’ not towards any
other threat to your life zones therefore I specifically like to note here that
‘ones life comes above all’ and it is unconditionally important and valuable.
Let’s drive towards other important life tools – lanes
that we must take care of in full condition’
One has to take care of ‘eyes’ to read the side
mirrors, front or back ones. There are things that one should read silently.
One has to protect her/his ‘hands’ for a better ‘no
problem in handling steering wheels’ situations. And in this note I am fully focusing
‘only’ on the ‘safety first ‘vehicle handling’ aspects of vehicles which leads
to ‘no danger in life’. Why one should not forget and I don’t think that no one
needs any more explanations as to ‘never forget pen is mightier than the sword’
the history of people gives people enough of proof from any parts of the world so
to handle ones pen properly hands are important. For a school kid it is his
pencil, for a farmer it is his ‘mamoty’, for a lyrists it is her/his ‘thoughts’
therefore my mind says that ‘thought – fullness’ is immeasurably important.
Also, we should not forget when pen related things
if you mistype we can always use ‘erasers or the delete’ buttons’ so in real ‘life
machine handling there is very, very, very little that we can erase things
and replace or re write. The life parts can not be replaced ‘totally or in ‘full
condition’ or never can matched or tally with any other parts and if you know
please let me also know a place to purchase such life parts. No other
replacement will work for your near and dear ones.
Coming back to ‘vehicle full condition’ let me not
forget the ‘important of the break components of the vehicle so to handle your ‘break
components of the vehicle ‘take care of your feet’
How can I forget the ‘gear box’- manual or
automatic’ of a vehicle for that ‘conscious-fullness’ handling is important.
Eyes ( gifted) are not just to read the ‘all
mirrors of the vehicles’ THAT IS FOR YOU TO READ THE METER – THE SPEED’, to
check ‘fuel – fullness’, to check the ‘break components’, ‘READ THE ROAD’
properly who comes towards and go passing.
‘Usefulness of the horns of a vehicle’ how can I say
irrelevant? So to use this in a useful way’ and most importantly one should
also ‘read the road uses properly to avoid all other hazards.
Why am I telling all these though I know ‘all my
friends are road friendly consciousful steering wheel handlers’ I am addressing
especially the ones ‘roads uses to be’ ‘intelligent full using of road’ is immeasurably
important I thought why should I not mention here. I know no one uses the road without a
purpose/s. I don’t have to tell.
BELTS – the must use ‘belt’ second to no other belts ‘back
belt ‘or otherwise. I should have mentioned this very earlier.
I salute and ‘thankfull’ everyone who uses the ‘seat
belts’ ‘what ever belt certificate you have’ or what ever seat conditions your
vehicles may have’
Our friend ‘dear bus steering wheel handling’ ‘our
class friend of road’ and this is a majority class ‘why there is no rule established
yet to encourage them to use ‘SEAT BELTS’ is it only the ‘ condition –full vehicle
handlers needs them’ for their safety full life handling?
Hello, ‘dear manufacturers’ how about ‘manufacturing
the big buses up to the level that a seat belt comes with ‘safety measures’+
instructions and the facilities near his seating.
Could you please think about it?
Engine and engine oil no one can devalue’
What is the engine of our so delicate vehicle
machine ‘human body’ who thinks that I should explain in detail?
What ever good way ‘you maintain your all
condition full vehicle’ what is the use if you don’t care of yourself?’
Who can provide me with a good explanationful
instruction on that subject – above?
Take care of your self.
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