5th grade scholarship exam is the first
competitive exams that the children or the students face in their learning
Today, 01st October 2013 is a special day
for most the parents than for the students, children, kids who have sat for the
exam, I guess very recently and were expecting results.
I can imagine of
happy faces and sorrowful faces, that is something truly and very normal thing
to observe especially after any exams faced competitive or otherwise at schools
or at universities also any other exams in life.
The parents here are the groups who play and important
role I guess than the students sometimes. They are the worried parties always
if the kids do not gain any happier mark they become naturally sad I do not
have to explain.
I do not know whether I should remind this only to mothers to be or
fathers to be or already fathers or already mothers I think I should write the word ‘all parents’ with heartful of respect
Every one of us makes mistakes in our lives the way
that we treat others inclusive. Selfishness comes on top of our lives. We think
that it is only our kids ( I do not have kids i use this term on behalf of all
the kids of this universe. ) who should achieve ‘best’, become better than the
other kids of our maids, low class or shop keepers children, cleaners ( don’t
be surprised such things are happening in this world) . Pardon me for writing like this though I know
that what I write here isn’t applies for all the parents, all the human
creatures of this world.
The kids, especially the ones who have sat for this
especial exam is still belong to the playful category. I do
not think that they fully understand the ‘competitiveness of the term exam ‘fully’
or partially’. I am not going to justify or rectify any exams or terms here all
what I am doing here is trying to write a sort of reminder for all in order to cleanse our minds and brains in some of the
things that we do knowingly or unintentionally , intentionally, including mine.
It is interesting to know how curious the other parties
in knowing the results of their near dear friends, co – workers, colleagues,
neighbours ‘s children ‘s examination results than the parents of the very same
That is good, very good that is what we really want
very enthusiastic, helpful, supportive, well wishing friends in need and indeed.
I am sure that some of those who are so curious about knowing the results, good
results of course might have helped the kids in learning or studying for
examinations – any and have given their fullest support mainly for the kids to
learn at least a single word before the exam/s therefore I too believe that
they have the total right to know the results and have a kind of party to
celebrate the ‘achievements of the kids’ alone or along with the parents of the
Let me not forget to mention here for the ones who does
not know it is ‘the kids’ who sat for this particular exam not the parents.
Therefore the result goes mainly in to the very
personal educational files of the kids not to the carrier achievements files (personal)
of the parents of the kids.
So it is no point just knowing the results of any kids,
parents, friends, co worker, neighbor in order to hurt or insult anyone
especially when you know that they have failed in their expected carrier or
educational achievements.
Every parent is a parent. They want, expect their children to become top
of the world even in their dreams and in every minute of their
lives. What wrong in that?
Some may curios to know the results to hammer the ones
they know lets not call them ‘friends’
People sometimes behave like that, they can enjoy to
the maximum when they get the news of what so ever results of the ones that
they think should remain as failures or looses. And they don’t care whether it
is the person who has got any dissatisfied results that they directly deal with
or the near or dear ones of the particular person/people. They need such news to have some enjoyment.
Keep the kids away from any of the competitions in real
life or even in any life.
The kids are not ‘equipments’, tools, weapon or a way
to achieve harshness or ill wills of lives
Every parent is a parent every parent feels the way
that every single parent of this universe feel for their kids, in their achievements.
Don’t take such things as a way to insult your co
worker, neighbor, and friend (?), colleague especially on such a day when some
get ‘fail marks or have not achieved what they have expected in their life as
the results.
Have a heart, have a mind with some moisture. Learn to
appreciate what so ever achievements especially when your what so ever ‘enemy’
or a friend achieve something good
Congratulations to all the kids and to the parents of
course, who have successfully faced not only the exam but also to the ones who
come your way asking your results, the results of your kids.
P. S.
please remember that i did not write this essay thinking that i am saint or arhat i like to take this note as a reminder to re correct , re paint my thoughts in some of the mistakes that i too do knowingly or unknowingly worst part here is that ' i do not get any feed back from any of my friends, sister of the things that i should correct or adjust. unlucky .
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