Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The SPEED and The SEEKER ( for both daughters and sons)

fõ.h iy fidhd hdu

Tfydu ne,qju f,dfla fmkafk mqxÑhg , mqxÑ fodaKs

If you look around like this you can’t see the world wider way, darling

fydfrka n,kafk f,dfla olskag fydfrka hkag ys;s,o okafk;a kE

Don’t know whether you are seeking for a way to seek the world, secretly?
So, what are you thinking, seeking for a way to step out of house?

ta Wkdg ug ysf;kj

fodaKs ldf.ka yrs yexf.kag yokjo lsh,;a
But I feel that you are trying to hiding from someone

Never mind, but, little one, you should think well, before you step out of your house
lula kE yenehs fodaKs

tfyu fyd|g ys;, u;, t<shg hkag ys;k tl ;uhs fyd|

‘Consciousness’ is not only useful for daughters but also it is equally important for ‘sons’ 
úmrïYS,s  nj fodaKs,g ú;rla fkfuhs mq;d,g;a jeo.;a

You should seek and search only the things ‘useful’, meaningful , alright?
úmrï lrkag òfka kï fyd| foaj,a ú;rhs fodaKs fyd|o

Amma goes out of the house hiding you within her eye lashes
wïud f.orska hkafka fodaKs weysms,a,fï yx.f.k

Appachchi  stays little away from home keeping you within his deep mind
wmamÉÑ ã wE;g hkafka fodaKsj ys; m;=f, r|jf.k

So no point trying to be naughty
ta yskaod |. jev lrkag ys;k tl ta ;rïu fyd| keye

You will have to be very good especially when they are away from home
t;fldg ;uhs ÿ, mq;d,d <uhs fyd|gu fyd| fj,d bkag òfk

Everyone of this world is not like amma or appachchi , little one
yefudau wïuhs wmamÉÑhs jf.a fkfjhs fodaKs

Therefore you should go inside my dear  and don’t forget to close the  door very  tightly
ta yskaod ux ys;kjd fodaKs we;=<g .syska fyd|ska fodr jeyqfjd;a fyd|hs lsh,

And do not try to open it unless you hear the voice of your parents or grand parents 
wdÉÑf.hs iShf.hs lgyË weyqfkd;a fodaKs fodr wrskag òfk

You need to see the world patiently; there is no need to be hurried

f,dafla olskag yosiais fjkag tmd fodaKs 

bjiSfuka mrsiaifuka bkag òfka fyd|o fodaKs

oex ã yskdfjkag
Now smile a bit

Tfydu fõf.ka hkag kdlhs fodaKs

It is no good to go walk so faster , my dear

I say so, not that I think you are a burden to this earth, never

uu tfyu lshkafk Thdj fï fmd<jg nrla yskao tfyu fkfuhs

ljoj;au tfyu fjkafk kE

Wjukjg jvd fõ.h òkEu flfklaf. .uk wËd, lrkj mqxÑ fl,af,
Unnecessary speed, obstacles ones journeys to success, little girl

Tfyu Wkdu f.dvla foaj,a u. wefrkj
And you  may miss a lot if you speed your walk unnecessarily

If you slower a bit, you get plenty of chances to see a lot, through your smiling eyes , my dear
fyñysg .shdu Th mqxÑ yskdfjk weia foflka f.dvla foaj,a olskag mq¿jka mqxÑ fl,af,

And the other thing is my dear
ta ;j fohla ;sfhkj fl,af, Tkak

You need to come back home, before its dark ok ?
Tfydu .shdg we|srs jefgkag l,sfhka f.or tkag òfk fyd|o

Don’t think of hiding yourself from others, other than trying to face what so ever comes your way, alright

lj¯j;a uQK fokj ñila yeufoagu
lsisu foalska uQK yx..kag ys;kag tmd fyd|o

They have captured you from your behind
That is why we can’t see you properly
it is alright things are happening from your behind
you need to proceed with so much strength 
Thdf. .uk Thd Yla;sfhka hkak
Thdg fkdoekS msámiafika foaj,a isoaO Wkdg ldrs kE Thdf. bosrshg tkag Mhd,g Yla;sh ke;=j we;s ufh ysf;a

You need to have a style of your own, that is a right thing to do
Thdgu lsh, .ukla Thd yod.kag òfk
tal ;uhs yrs

Yet, it is alright to be a part of a journey of a rightful person, there is no harm
ta;a ldf.a yrs hym;a flfklaf. .ukl fldgia ldrfhla fjkag ys;k tfla lsis je/oaola kE

ug ysf;kj Thd ;ju mqxÑ jeähs lsh, fïj f;reka.kag
I think, you are still too small to understand these things

bosrshgu hkag mqxÑ fl,af, bosrhgu hkag
Proceed my dear, proceed

A little bit more
;j;a bosrhgu hkag

Proceed towards success , my dear
idra:l;ajh lrd hkag

Tfydu hk .ufkos

Then you will encounter
Then you will realize
There is still a lot more to discover

Tn oel.kshs f;areï .kshs ;j fndfyda foa ;sfnk nj Tn fkdÿgq" Tn oelsh hq;=

Thd ;j ã f,dl= Wkdu uu lshk foa f;reka .kag mq¿yka fjhs

biirygu hkag tfykï

mrsiaiug hkag " biirygu

So have a safe, proceeding  

mqxÑ mq;d fldys .syskao
nhsislf, ;ksfj,d
mdr mqrd ÿj mekyeá u;la fjkjd kg kgd
kS;s rS;s ;sfha Tkak mqxÑ Wk;a ihslf,
mdla lrkakg neye fkdje ;ek ;ek
mdr whs;s ieugfk

Where has my little son gone?
Leaving the bicycle – alone
There are rules to follow, though the cycle is too tiny, ok
You can’t park it the way you like
The road belongs to everyone

ñÿ, mqrd ÿj mekakg fïl fmdÿfj mdrfka ys;, u;, jevflreju yeudau yrs i;=gqfka

Though you run here and there in the court yard of ours
This is a public road, my son
Think and work, then all will be happy

jx.= tfyu ;sfha Tkak wªk .kak ´fkfk
ykaos tfyu fyd|g oel,-yrs me;af;ka yrs mdfru
hkag ´fk tfyufk@

Though this world is so huge
Not every inch is ours, right?
f,dafla mqrd bv ;snQqkg wmg whs;s äx.fka

The roads are not always straight, my dear
Try to recognize;
There are bents,
Hills and slopes
Junctions too  

You need to take Turns, when necessary
Keeping enough of space for others,
For your fiends,
And then take the ‘right turn’
That is important, alright


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