;ralhka .ek uf.a ;ralh
we argue
we accept the arguments of others, without any arguments
logics that others present are arguable
arguments arises based on the arguments of the arguments that we hear
arguments, no easy to break
some there is no value or demands in any of the arguments
often wonder, whether we should create arguments, logics, involve in debates or
we shouldn’t
all those things are essential
we;eï úg wm ;ral lr;s
;j;a úfgl wm ;ralhla fkdue;sju ;ral ms<s.ks;s
;ral ú;ral ;=<ska
fndfyda ;ral f.dvkef.;s ;ralhlska ;j;a ;ralhla ì| fy,sh yelsh we;eïyq bosrsm;a
lrk ;ral ;raldkql=,h úfgl ;ral ì|fy,Su ÿIalr úh yelsh we;euqkg lsisÿ ;ralhla
lsisÿ jeo.ïula ke; tlaflda tajdhska ,efnk .eïula ke;sh
;ralhka f.dvke.sh
hq;=o tfia;a ke;skï tajd ì|fy,sh hq;=o is;d ne,sh hq;=h
we;eï ;ral f.dvke.Su;a
;j;a ;ral ì|fy,Su;a wjYHh
tfia f.dvk.k fyda
ì|fy,k ;ralhkag ú;ralhkag ;raPkdx.=,s t,a,ùugo ners ke;
hym;a ;ral fyda
nqoaêu;a ;ral ñksiqkaf.a hymeje;aug wjeish ta Bg w;a Woõ imhhs
arguments are always useful for mankind, such, boosts the brains and helps for
its nourishments
hulg wkqrEmSj fyda wkql=<j ;ralhka f.dvke.Su fyda jrke.Su ÿIalr
It is no
difficult to build or create our logics, definitions according to something
that we know
wm k.k fndfyda ;ral wfhl=g
úldrrEmS úhyelsh osklska werfUk ;ralhla osk .kKla mqrd mej;sh yelsh
Often, for
some, the logics, the arguments of ours, the subjects we argue of may appear
like something unintelligent or as rubbish
fndfyda ;ral wd,h wdorh
YDx.drh úryj .ekh
Mostly, the
debates, the logics, the arguments, the definitions, various assumptions,
calculations, we hear are based on love, affection, sex, and about heart breaks
;j;a ;ral f.dvkef.kqfha
f,dj mj;sk wiudk;d yd widOdrKhka .ekh
There are many
arguments also about indifferences and differences, equities or about
inequities; hunger situation of some countries, weaponry manufacturing, and
drug dealings, oil matters, about how to protect deep seas – corals, sea
leaves, ice bergs, some times we talk of how Russian authorities keeps the ones
who tries to talk of OIL DRIPPINGS (They have arrested some Brazilians
including their own ones who supported the protest (?) against above mention.
WATER comes first of all lists as most essentials for
Some without
any arguments believe that OIL now have
become can’t run lives without it, travels, journeys, trips, development,
economy, transportation
;j;a ;ral ;dCIKh fyda wdlrIKh
.%yf,dal ;drldjka wNHjldYh
tys PSúka .ek i| ;rKh .ekh
Some argues
about weights or measurements of attention and attraction, about solar system
about stars, space ships, the creatures or resources in the other planets
we;eï ;ral fkdj fndfyda
;ral wm weo ne| ;nd .kS
Some arguments
take all our attention and attraction than any other things in the world.
we;eï úg ;ral we;af;a wdlraIKh
.ek fkdj wdrCIdj .ekh tfia;a ke;akï iSud udhsï .ekh jegfldgq hd neñ .ekh
we like arguing not about attraction but about securities, territories, zones
or fences and walls
fndfyda ld,hla mqrdjg wm
;ral flrefõ wdrCIdj .ekh ;j;a lf,loS th rCIdj .ek jkafkah ;j;a úfgl th mria:djg
udre jkafkah rCIdj yd wdrCIdj fkdue;súg ñksiqka fndfyda úg wkdrCIs;h
long ago we talked of or feared of the lives, have been argued not about our
jobs but about the security situations of Afghanistan about Syria, Iran, Iraq,
Hiroshima - Nagasaki, Kashmir, including our country situations, West or East
Germany (then)
rCIdjla f,I g%hsfIdajla
fkdue;s kï rslafIdjla t,úhq;=h
th ld<fha ;d,hg
wkqj fjkia jkafkah
Perhaps, as a
job, at least you need to choose something, i.e. driving a trisho or a ricksho,
depending on the era you live
we;eï ;ral f.dvkef.kqfha
;reK ;reKshka .ekh
jeäuy,a,kaf.a ;rl ;dralsl
fyda wlraIKSh njgo ;j;a iuyrla ;reKhskaf.a ;ral wdlraIKSh njg ;rl f.dvkÕ;s
Some creates
debates on youth about youngsters, their talents and skills, how to improve
them and often say that the arguments of the youngsters are more attractive
than the logics of the elders
tf,iu ;reKhskaf.a ;ral
m%{df.dapr fyda nqoaêu;a hkak ms<s.ekSug we;eïyq lsis¯ ue< fkdfj;s
Also some
don’t hesitate to accept that some of the arguments, logics of some of the
youngsters are more logical than the ones of elders
ñksid úiska fu;=jla l,la
f.dvke.= ;ral úfgl ;dralslj;a ;j;a úfgl w;dralslj;a ì| jefgkq ud oel Wf.k we;af;ñ
have observed, learned, and have read that most the arguments, definitions, assumptions,
logics, theories; scientific or otherwise that have created, designed, innovated,
produced, presented by mankind often become no use or become more useful than
ever before
to me that is what arguments and logics, debates is all about ( analyze the above picture closely)
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