[The English
version of the following you can read after the Sinhalese version, that is
posted below]
I started
writing this essay about couple of days ago.
But due to no connected net facilities I had to postpone posting
it. I tried to find a café in the town
today, but today 18 .10.2013 is a poya days all closes their shops in
town. This is a holiday for almost all
private and public figurers. Somehow, it
reminds me of a ‘dark era’ gone by, all closed. Some seemed to me holding signs
saying ‘we are closed’ , some looked like receiving calls from their agents ‘
don’t take her in’ : ))))))))))
But today is one
of the days to be explored, there are many more days awaiting to embrace. I
know what I have within, the strength of me, the capacities within, the content
I have and what I carry forward. I came these long years this far. Didn’t I
face any obstacles, didn’t anyone tackle my foot? Didn’t anyone try to push me
in to holes – false? I still survive.
That is the wonder of this life.
I am happy
I am not unhappy
I am not sad
about anything
That is me
ufh ysf;;a yeá …………………………………
yks ykslg y;s uqkska
¯f.k uymdrg f.dv Wkddu ug ysf;kjd PSj;a fjkag fï ;rug fjfyila orkafk yenEgu
fudlgo lsh,
l¿ mdg iuk,a,q bkak
we÷ula we|,d kx.s ,l ,Eia;s Wfka we÷ula .kag hkag
Bfha oji ksjdvq yska¯
yeudau mqxÑ biamdiqjla wrx ;snqfku ufha jdikdjg
idmamq iuyrla ksjdvq
fldaÉÑhla w,,kag jf.
ÿj, .syska ;%Sùf,lg ke., laúka,ka tl <Õska neye, blauka lr,
blauka lEu ûx.la
T;df.k wd` ;j j;=r fnda;f,l=;a ¯f.k .syska ne,alksfha álÜ folla wrx jdä Wkd
álÜ tlg 50 50 fmdfrdkÿj
kx.s uf.ka wr.;af; Bg;a miafi
whafhda ……………..
tal fudllao ug ys;=fk tfyuhs ta jf.ao iuk< ixèjksh n,kag thd udj
tlaldiq lrf.k .sh tl ta fl,a,f. yeá Tfydïuuhs iuyr taj kï Nd.hla f.jkag òfka
Tkak lsh, lsõjg uu f.jk Nd.hla kE ta jqkdg fï j;dfõ ux fmdfrdkaÿj levqfj kE
t;kag .shduhs ufha
l,amkdjg wdfõ uu we|f.k .syska ;sfhkafk;a òkEu
flfklaf. ys;l wksjdraHfhkau ;sfhk mdg fofla weªula lsh,
biamdiqjla kE mgka .kaklx
;sfra ysgmq fmdû;af;da
ál flda,d fndkfldg hig l=,a fj,d ;snqk j;=r ux ìõfj tl yqiaug ys; yS;, lrx ux
,Eia;s Wkd iuk< ixèjksh n,kag
tafl wdofraaa W;=r,
fodafr .,kj
mqKHf. wd,jka;lu b;asfrk
osikdhl uy;a;hg ,shdmq ,shuk lshj, j.SYf. ysf;a ySka ysrslv wdorhla we;sfjkj
wjqreÿ úistlla fld,a,
tal ysf;a jyx.= lrdk ;ukag ;uka ke;sfjklïu PSúf;a mqrd ;ukaf. ysf;a weªK isï*ksh
wdofra tl tl me;slvj,a
tal tl me;slvla Phka;
pkaøisrs uy;a;hf.a ySf;a tal wmQrejg we|s, ;sfhkjd ux oelal
fI,S jf.au ìf;dajka
jf.a whf.a ys;aj, Wmosk wdofrhs Th fldhs fld,a,f. fl,a,f.a ys;aj,;a Wmosk wdofra
we;=f,hs uydf,dl fjkialï kE
Ñl=nqï Ñl=nqï lshdf.k wreka
fokakd fPdavq miafi lerl=fka wuKlug
ta wdofra fkfjhs
ta flrefj lvd jvd.kag
lsh, ug ysf;kjd
PSúf;ag fldhs oji;a jeo.;a tA;a wdf,ka msfrk
ojia fjkia wu;l fjkakE uerej;a
òka fj,djlg tl tl mdg
tl tl ys;sú,s
ufh ys; tydg fuydg
.iai, f;dakaÿ udkaÿ lr, wE;g hkj
Bg miafi b;sx tal no, w,a,
.kakjd fndre
;dhs,kaf;g hkj, m%xfYg
hkjd , b;d,sfh üx.la bkakjd , Wvj,fj hkjd , hd, hkj
, jej <Õ
f.or mûhg b;rla ke.,d nhfj,d wdmyq tkjd
ys; lshk lshk ;eka j, ys;
wrx hkag tmd lsh, ys; lsõjg ux lSlre keye
fldfyaj;a ;ekl
f,dlalsfhla kqjqkg f.or f,dlals ux yskaoo fldfyo ldf. j;a f,dl=lï n,, mqreoaola
ug keye
fmdû ldf, u,a,s,j nh
lrka ysáhg Wka oeka we;a;= jf. Wi .syska yska¯ taj kï oeka neye
kx.s lSjg wlald uf. mK
lsh, we;a;gu ;ukag lsh, fld,af,la yïn Wkdu òj ãx. ãx. Tydg fuydg fj,d uels,
hkag hkj
orefjla u,af,la ;=re,a
lrx ks¯ .kag fjkfldg òx b;srs ál;a hkagu hhs
ta fl,a, ;ju òj f;reï
.kag mq¿yx jhil keoafoda lsh,;a ug ysf;kj òk ;rug
flfklaf. ys;sú,s j,g wdhafndjx
fudkjo lrkag ners
òfk kï tx.,kaf; uy /PsK
fjkag yrs whs*,a tl Wv Wmjdfilg hkag yrs f;aïia kosfh f;añh flfkla tlal lvoys fndÜgqjl
ke., òfya l:djla ¯f.k bkag Wk;a nershe
ta Wkdg fudflda oek .sfhd;a
b;rla l;r.ug hy;ska fiakaÿ fjkag mq¿yx lsh, okak yska¯ ySk äx. fyñysg f;aïia
j,u ;sfhkag wer, ux fyñysg kqf.af.dv tkj
;ïnmq ydf,a n;a üx.la
yrs jÜglald lE,a,la yrs ;ïnka ld,d yrs fkdokakjd Wkdg okakj jf. jpk ãx.s;a;la
tydg fuydg lr, fudkj yrsu l=regq .d,d ,sh,d mq¿x f.dakshla jf. ys; yE,a,q lr .kakj
fj,djlg ug ysf;kjd tal
uf.a PSúf;a f,dl =fldgyla fj,d lsh,
wkq, fkdafk jf.a yrs iqñ;d%
fkdafk jf. yrs pkaos fkdafk jf.a yrs ,shkag mq¿yx kï ux ,shkafk ySk
fldaÉÑh .ek ……………………….
tydg meoaos, fuydg
meoaos, ySk âx. ì|, oeïfud;a wefrkag fy,af,k md,ula Wäka .sh;a fïx lsh, w;=re wdka;rdjla
fjkakE ufh ySk j,g
fldaÉÑh mS<s mekak;a
msys,a,lg T¿j w,a,kj wefrkag fra,a mS,a,lg kx ufh fn,a, ux ;sh, n,ka kE
orx bkag ners Wkdu
lsrs leáfhd;a ¯,d .Ekq msrsñ tfyu l,dg
bo, ysg, ljqre yrs lshkag
ners keye Thd biair fj,d fn,a, ;shkag ux miafi wka;su fmÜáh yrsfhkau tfyu
lrkakx lsh,
mrsiaifux òx
yeudaf.u wefÕa rsoauhla
;sfhkj iuyre tajg we¿ï lr, fifkfy md,d fyd| yeá yev¯,d fyd|g fyd|g Tm ¯, .kakjd
tfyu wh fyd| keÜgqfjda fj,d ñila wdmyq yefrka kE
ux okakE orefjd WU lõo
lsh, ux WUj yïn fj,d ;sfhkjo lsh,
fldfydu Wk;a orefjd Wfò ku uqx ux hk
hk ;ek u;=rKjd wr fudìfg,a tfla ks,Qld tlsf.a lfÜ ;du lsrs iqj|j;a .syska kE ufh
ysf;a tls;a WU .ek f¯fvdakjd ug Wx .ek ÿlhs orefjd tal ú;rla fkfuhs wr mS weia
orej;a Tfyduuhs
WU fudkdo Wxg lf,a Wkaf.a kskao ke;s fjk ;rug
fj,djlg jfrka ufh biiryg orefjd
WU fudkdo Wxg lf,a Wkaf.a kskao ke;s fjk ;rug
fj,djlg jfrka ufh biiryg orefjd
Woaoukh lsõj;a remsh,a
iSh úiaig neye, lsõj;a Th ljqrej;a fï f,daflg nrla kE talhs ufha kï ;rafla
f;,a <sx msfrkag
f;,a ;síng j;=r <sx msfrkag j;=r ;sfhkj wmsg
b;sx wms ÿmam;ao ux
wmsg ke;s foa Wkag
;sfhkjd Wkag ke;sfoa wmsg ;sfhkjd
n,x .shdu ldgo fudkjo
ke;af; ?
tfyka tjk fldg fufyka hjkjd
Wkag wmsj;a wmsg Wkaj;a
ke;sj nE
´l ;uhs oex f,dafl
fyg wksoaod fjkfldg fï
uq¿ f,daflu ;ks brlg tkj
tl ñgg .kag mq¿yx fjkj
ta lshkafk f,dafl lj¯j;a
wdfh f,dl= fjkakE
l=vd wn weghla ;rï mQxÉ
Wfkd;a wefrkag
oeka ys;kafk ux thd,g Wka
lsõfj wehs lsh,o ?
wdhqfndjxv tal kdl jpkhla
mrx.s ldf, b|, Wkaoe, wmsg
;shdmq kï tlal n,kfldg
wrf.d,af,d fï f.d,af,d
Th fldhs f.d,af,d;a wmsg ãx. ãx. rsoaÿjg
fudflda Wkaoe,g;a rsosÉp wjia:d ux hyñka oel, lshj, ;sfhkjd b;sydi fmd;g mska
isoaO fjkag
ta Wkdg mrx.s .ek ;shd
fjk ld .ekj;a uy f,dl=jg ;shd ySka ySkshgj;a ;ryjla tkakE ufh ys;g weìkaolg
f;a äx.la , rnraa
;j;a äx.la , fldams
äx.la tfy;a yo, fufy;a yo, rg ueo;a yo, Th Tlafldu tydg;a wrx .shdg w÷kak, ÿkak
.õrfõ wms ;shkg òfk
T*a o rsj lajdhs’ fufya yo, tajd fufyosu mqmqrj, .shdg ux ta jf.a foaj,g ukdmhs
Tõ b;sx ………………………
yEu rgla jfÜgu uQÿ
udhsï ke;s Wkdg wvkak òfk keye
wfma wyg wdj kï ,iaik
uqyqola n,,
n, ud¿hs lsrs fydoshs tlal
f.or yodmq boswmamula ri n,,d
f,dajduydmdh oK
kuialdr lr,d ldrsh leu;s kï ;sid jefjka uQK weìkaola fodajkh lrx hkag fuydg
fiakaÿ fjkag ldgj;a ;ykula kE
yenehs ……………………
thdrafmdaÜ tlg tfyu
fydr lr, tfyu Th lshdmq fldydgj;a hkag nE
t;k iuyr lú ldrfhd;a
bkakj T;kska tydg hkag fokakE lsh, lú lshdmq thd,d wrh,g jvd ymka
tfyu lsõfj meíf,da
fkrevo lsh, u;la fjkfka ke;s Wkdu ufh mmqj ysrfjkag tkj
ñÿf, je,s ud<s.dfj
fldkao kudf.k yerñá .yf.k jf.a yrs wmQre
isxÿ ûx.la ;sfhk iSã ;eáhla .kag wymqju fïl TrsPsk,a ta yska¯ tlish
wiQjla fjkj lsõju b;=re lrkjo tal .kakjo lsh, odia wf;a l,amkd lr lr ysáfh kE
weîkaola ú;r ys; fyd|
flfkla <Õ mrsiaiug ;sh, , b;=re lr, ux flrefõ
tajfh ,iaik isxÿ
f.dkakla fmdä Wkag yo, ;sh, .sh whg ux msx ÿkakd ys; mqfrda,d
oex ldf,;a yefudagu ta
jf.a foaj,a ,shkag Wkkaÿjla ;snqk kï lsh, yS,af,kj fj,djlg
Th Tlafldu tlal ux
ys;sx ;rÕ lrkag wrx jeä fodyla kE ojia folla b;r we;s jeäu Wfkd;a
ys;ska ;rÕ l,dg Th
mságksfha ;rÕj,g wefrkag ;=rÕ ;rÕ .ek ufha ysf;a ;sfhkafka ySka ;ryjla
Th fldfyj;a bkak wiamfhda
oskjkag wyj,a flxf.ählg wfma ;=Ügq fol mQPd
lrkjo lsh, ys;s,d b;rla kj;skj kï nershe
wehs tk ;ry f.dkak
tfyu tajg ux tmE ;ksfhka
tfyu Wkdu mqmqre .ykafk
ufh ys; wefrkag fjk ldfhaj;a ys;lahe
ux l,amkd lrkafk fj,djlg
ufh ysf;;a yeá lsh,
äx.la ys;, kj;a;kj
lsh, ys;=jg tal yrshg ÿjk thdra ^fkda& lkaûIka , w;k
ûx.la , fu;k äx.la kj;sk bkagra isáhla jf.a fkao lsh,;a ysf;kj
wrh;a f.dv fjkjd
fuh;a f.dvfjkj
u.ska nyskj lshkj
lvq.kakdfjka l=v .kakj
n;f,a., fldfyo wykj
uykais oekqku weia fol
jy .kag ys;kj
tfyu fldfyo lsh, kx.s
weúos,a, ySkshg ;Ügqjla ¯, hkj
uf. wïfuda ys;a j,;a
òl tl ;ekl ;shd.kag
nerslu fkfjhso fï yEu w,l,xÉhlgu uq,@
mq¿yx kï W;a;rhla
fokag n,kak
W;a;r fydh,u ufh kï
fyd| mK hkag .syska wdhqfndjkav
is;sú,s fkdtkd
fifkyi .,kd
is; u; /f|kd
.S mo wuqKd
tjfkñ iekskd
,enqkso ukaod
wykg isf;kd
cSjh ke;=jd
yoj; .efykd
ula lrïo is;=kd
ykslg fiõjd
i|j; isáhd
wykag is;=kd
bÕshla ,enQkd
ke;s nj oekqkd
is; kï rsÿKd
wfka! we;a;guhs
ux fï lshkafk yEu flfklagu ysf;a ksjkla ,efnkag lsh, ux lshkafk uq¿ ys;skau
ñila uQksÉpdjg tfyu fkfjhs òx ………………………………
t<sfh ys; mS<s
mkskag we;s ;rug jyskj
Bg ãx.lg miafi ys;
fydofgdau f;; ud;a;= fjkag wer, jeiai
;=r,a lr, fyñysg wE;a
uE;a Wkd lsh, ug ys;=kd
My mind,
sometimes ………………..
various thoughts comes in to my mind and then I always question my self that ‘what is the reason and purpose for me
to hurried my life’ like this, no full stops , no commas running and running
endlessly running, here and there, here to there and from there to somewhere
There is
certainly has to be a purposes of things, doing, saying, sharing
‘living is not equal to running’ I must learn
it’ sooner not later
My nangi, the
shopping lover was hurriedly changed her home wear outfit in to a one designed
with so elegant butterflies. She looked so gorgeous in that
I was not that
The shops, most
of them were closed because it was a holiday for whole country. So the shops
were gone for ‘vacation’
thanks I
muttered secretly …………….
We behaved like,
we were to catch a train (1.30 pm)
We got in to a
three wheeler like a rocket
As usual, the
colour lights stopped us for few minutes, the driver turned his wheeler towards
right and stopped it before the quinlan cinema.
What a relief
How much did we
Can’t remember
That does not
matter we are there thankfully
The butterfly
symphony was waiting until we comes to starts its 1.30 show the guests were all
there seating before the orchestra , a huge one looks beautiful.
Suddenly three
boys appeared before my eyes they were searching for something I thought ,
Yes I was right
Someone was
looking for something I realized a symphony, a melody, something that may have
lost many souls ago
Little later
Let’s not talk
about that
Wageesha looked
totally lost
He was entangled
in a letter written so romantically, by Punnya but wageesha did not know about
Wageesha looked
for the one who wrote the letter since 1992 February until he, himself could not reside permanently and
peacefully that was before the SMS era.
So he looked for
the author, the author of the letter for how many years?
Believe it or
not he did it for 21 years, searching and thinking of the symphony hidden
within his soul, have not orchestrated before any audiences before.
Mr. Jayantha
Chandrasiri found a way to narrate it and design it before us
He gave it a
name, that is,
‘The butterfly
That was so
romantically, beautifully and it was written butterfly way
‘I had a love
that was not mine’ those are wageesha’s
Those are not
really wageesha’s words they are everyone’s words , it is very true
Shelly , village boys, town girls, city ladies, Europe men all have a way of
expressing their love, their own ways of sharing them with the ones they love, Wageeha
is one of them
I do not see
much difference in expressing or sharing ones inner love with the ones they
prefer in comparison to now and then or today’s with yesterdays, in here, in
South Africa, Jamaica, Kerala or Kanakasanthurei or in kotuwa, pitakotuwa,
maradana, welwetithurei, Mumbai, , Tokyo
One never can
complain about others own ways of showing love or embracing or hold it for any
many years the way like, we were not given such rights, I suppose.
There is a
rhythm is everyone’s within
Some identify
them easily and they never leave the interest and love they have towards such
talents. And they don’t stop there
They polish it,
sharpen it, cut and add, drag and paste, they colour them and become a good
For some rhythm
of steps, rhythm of within become their life
Every single day
is important, but the days full of love are different, they are memorable,
feelable you can’t forget them even if you are murdered
My thoughts
start wandering unlimitedly, goes out of control not only now and then I am
sure that will definitely happen tomorrow
And it takes my
mind towards France, and to England allowing me to ferrying along the ashore of
the Thames, Hiroshima to watch a Kabuki, Listen to some lyrics of Latha
Mangeshkar that is to India, and sometimes it tries to get in to the steps of
the house near the lake’ you know where it locates) comes back when I hear ‘you are not allowed here, only the
good ones stays here’ somebody was muttering it in to my ears – that are not
Name a one place
where you are not allowed in your ‘no real schedules’ if you have such a mind
that wanders with you here and there with no permission, no visa who will stops
What Visa you
NO territory
boards will give us headaches,
You can be the
queen of the Buckingham though you never can be the Queen of the England’
Mind is like
that it takes you around the world across all continents, to the heaven, to the
Deep sea, to the Brave Egyptian graves, you don’t believe this you can even
find some water springs in Sahara if you want, you can meet Paro or Umran
Jaan, why not just think of Kadambari
she will be before you anytime you wish.
That is the
fabulousness, richness of ones mind
Sometimes all
those scrambled thoughts mine, I don’t know from where they come to my mind from,
surely and certainly from somewhere, there has to be a place often spoils my
inner lines
But that is what
you called ‘mind’ , mind you
If it goes I
never think you can ever catch hold of it so closely, that is what you called
‘mind’ let me repeatedly remind you
Even if my mind
says ‘ don’t allow your mind to go where ever it wants and where ever it likes
, when ever prefers I don’t listen to, I don’t have a such a habit may be that
is because I have no particular habit to listen to the orders of the hierarchy
( top of tops) because all those years I was
an independent figure, I am the eldest of my family, the others had to
listen to my orders ( except the elders), I am talking about my small at that
time – brothers (I have two of them)
Oh! It is not
possible now they are grownup boys writes about love and family, now I can’t
play with them like before when we were small kids
Life is incredibly
Now, I don’t do
the things that I used to do as a kid I will have act like matured woman.
Some, so
stupidly thinking of committing suicide what hellish ideas are they?
I will never ever think of doing so, no matter
what ever, who ever, confuses my heart and mind, my thoughts that has some
worth for me, I will have to face them with so much ease, no matter who cheats
me or treats me badly, I don’t care
Life is like a train
If I get any
chances to write like ‘Ms Anula’, Ms Rahubadda’ Ms Chandi I would definitely
write about my train full of uncountable dreams that these days stationed at a
certain area of this universe that will somehow will restart its journey to its
desired destination of life, wander here and there the way I want, the way I
like, the way that is written – that is my way
My ways are not
high ways though
Between all
those happenings of my life nangi comes and says …………
You are my life,
breath of life
Can it be true?
Yes only until
she holds her own baby close to her breast and sleeps not more than that, what
to do I am not always a positive creature.
I am sure
My sister is not
that matured to understand such things she first needs to wandertowards many
places with so much safe, meet more people, associate good hearts, often she
should fight with ones that she think is alright to fight, to get a clear
picture of situations and of people. The fights are sometimes truly useful it
provides certain pictures and helps you to keep things closer to your mind or
else to throw, bin them, forever. But I
don’t think that the experts ever recommend such ways of analyzing or
understanding human, and their minds.
Within a fight people get sides when the fighters depart from each other
or are away from its members they get the side of the enemy and may react or
acts like they are not enemies and will show you , they are of your side. One
has to be very careful about such creatures.
Who ever comes
and puts piduru in to your fights is not a guaranteed friend. They may do the
same for others. I never have faith on such ones.
May be my sister
is a different sister I am talking about the words that she always mutter in to
my heart and ears
Who knows?
Life is always
I always talk of
the things I have read, or experienced, or experiences of others, experiences
don’t necessarily have to be yours but that are useful only when they are
shared with you in an honest way, not to hurt or to kill someone’s inner lines.
The experiences has to be shared as it is, definitely, not after fabricating
them or added things to the very original sayings the way they want, the way
who ever likes
If you start
your life journey knowing where to go, how to go, then you never will face any
issues in life even if you face such of them only a little, that is assured.
Read the board
of the buses before you gets in and see whether the name of the area that you
want to be reached is accurate. And read the whole word not half of them. For
instance ‘pokunuwita’ is a name of a village, and is a one word if you read the
word without ‘po’ thinking that it goes to ‘kunuwita’ . You might miss the bus
Try to
understand the usefulness of tiny things
I enjoy making
paper boats, but, I know that I can’t go to next or any ferry by such a boat,
in that way I think that I am slightly wise, I understand a bit of realities, I
like to think that way.
Therefore …………..
Where ever I wander, with or without getting visa, without informing anyone, within
a minute or so I come back to where I reside normally. Then I am safe.
Eating something
the way I prefer, writing something the way I like, thinking of someone close
to my heart, I like spending my days like that
Such my ways of
living allows me to ease and feel my life if I follow such rules in my mind it
becomes like a bag of cotton wool, you feel no heavy within. Writing something
the way I like now has become a part of my life.
Whether one
called the changes now or tomorrow or even today, ‘an inflation’, and if they
talk of the changes such as ; the prices going down from hundred to twenty,
what I believe is that ‘everyone who was born as a human creature (specially)
has a place somewhere in this world , that is to live , listen to some good
music, watch a good drama, movie, listen to some balance news , reading a good
poem, the world is there for such things. No one will be isolated for ever, no
one would be cornered for a longer decades, why, because each and every person
in this world has a person to be shared each others life.
Some has wells
full of oils, true, but we too have wells full of good drinkable water
Do you think
that we are poor just because we have no oil wells here?
Thank goodness
for that, we do not have to struggle to protect oil wells from the ones who
sometimes try to steal them.
Some own the
things that we don’t, we own the things they don’t
They send here
what we don’t have or limitedly own. There is a name for such functionalities.
And we send what
we have enough at home to be sent to globe
What a way to
live, cycling or the recycling the resources, importing exporting, sharing
Every single
person has something at least within, no one is poor.
The world want
our services, our tea and rubber we too need their services what we don’t have
that much. Knowledge it’s capacities, it’s volumes, its contents is always
The world is
depending on world, on each other. Isn’t it?
The world never
will be larger than this that will only be smaller, very smaller than this;
everything is very close to each other now. There will come a day that you’ll
get or you will improve the ability to hold the whole world within your palm
Because of
colonization we used to suffer a lot every ‘no- independent’ country feel the
same way. That was past. Now is different.
Liberty is very important for any human of this world. Though they were the masters of us for a
certain periods they too had to suffer in numerous ways that is what you called
life. NO dominator is totally or fully a ‘libertyfull from within’, or become a
winner totally. There are other things they face as struggles.
the kids should learn to respect them for what they gave us, they tried to grow Tea, Rubber , coffee here though the ideas behind all grown stuff were different back then. we drink a cup of tea every morning thanks to them but we must kneel down before the ones who try their best to protect all of them up to now and from now to future.
the kids should learn to respect them for what they gave us, they tried to grow Tea, Rubber , coffee here though the ideas behind all grown stuff were different back then. we drink a cup of tea every morning thanks to them but we must kneel down before the ones who try their best to protect all of them up to now and from now to future.
I may win
something but I may have to face some other struggles, ‘ Life’ that is what you
, me, everyone called it.
‘The Bridge of
the river kwai’ I like such things though it didn’t last for long in Kithulgala
but in the hearts and minds of locals and foreigners, all of them, that is the
entire creation, the entire set of words have resided where ever its possible they
can not be erased.
See the
Often bridges collapses
face the realities of ‘abandon+ness’, face explosives, the most dangerous
stuffs, manufactured by dangerous people.
Yes it is true
that not every country have coastal lines but who ever wishes to come here,
tour here, can dive and dine here what so ever way they prefer.
How about
…………………… this menu
Tuna fish curry,
No chilly gravy (
Kiri Hodi)
Pol sambole
With string
hoppers (home made or restaurant, hoteliers made, chef decorated) try this out
‘the world’s best cuisine’ – one of them really.
And then if you
prefer you can tour around ‘ Thissa weva, Parakkrama samuddraya, after reading
a poem on frescoes – the mirror of poets ‘Siiriya’
And then to
Plan your tour
from NCPE, Central, NWP, NEP, to where ever you like
There are warm
hearts to welcome you
I don’t know
whether my memory is right?
It was Pablo
Neruda who told me not to leave the country without really planning it properly;
the guards of the air port will not allow you to do so?
When did I read
them, the lines of Pablo Neruda?
I can’t remember
The horses,
interesting , I like them and horse riding is not a bad a game at all, what is
little hurting is that some wastes all what they earn with sweats and hurts to
bet for the horses that they have never seen in their lives
I often feel
that my mind is exactly like a air conditioned ‘inter city bus service’ some
gets in from the right bus stop, some gets in from somewhere in the middle of
the journey, some says ‘stop! Stop! I am getting down’, and some searches for a
different bus stops – in kadugannawa or in Peradeniya
What a journey
No thoughts
It is only
Flows within
Stops before
As lyrics
Shall I send
Will they reach
Breaking all the
Whom to ask?
No one to be
The moon is
Will she be able
to help?
She too is
Among the clouds
so dark in colour
What is she
hiding from?
I don’t want to
I don’t want to
I do not want to
say anything
I am too tired
of searching, thinking, writing them hiding them
No life
No easy to
What to do
Life is not
wonderful always
It gives enough
of hurts nothing else
It is raining
Let me wish you
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