Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Corona and Communication

Covid-vaccine programmes going well in the country. therefore people donot affraid to gather-close i guess. 

Education too is an essential service like the HEALTH. even if they strike their pay, they get on time i believe :) 

According to what i understood too much 5-8 hour internet usage spoils children's eye-brain-nerves system badly. and the parents have to spend more money on data and extra money to purchase smart phones. some parents are daily-wage labourers. online education affects them badly bothways. 

This covid-lockdown given various groups more freedom of speech and action i guess. 

i.e. (ii) that is why the inhuman my body controllers used lock-down period to start torturing me thinking that nobody would come and arrest them. 

it is good to hear that the police has started searching for the masters and mistresses who have been using child-labour-housemaids. 

It is good if you all come to conclusions to stop strike thinking of Covid19 patients and children 's education. 

fast vaccine would help start school as qucikly as possible. and save children from criminals who wander in the internet zones more than before and i wish luck every parties who think of saving children from online sexual abusers. 

Stay Safe! and please dont forget the 2m distance. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

A coffin with a dead body is for SALE

Particulars of the body

category: Poor

age: 16


no kin of the body represents the parliament.

Oppressed numerous ways

Mode / way of death : yet to be clarified/ discussed.

Price of the body: to be decided at the corpse auction.

groups so far benefitted: members of political parties/ MPs / media/ human rights organizstion/ ear-less parties who didnt hear her scream.

no flower reeds accepts.

The living please stay safe!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Child labour and house maids

I personally believe that if you hireing any house maids you must inform either the police of the area or the GN of the area.  and similarly if you are maintaining a lodge or a boading place you must inform the police or the GN of the area. 

It is good to draft a form similar to following to be filled by the master and verified with the worker. 

Name of the master or the mistress;

address etc.;

name of the housemaid or the worker;




date of appointment etc.  ; 

I believe that we must form conflict preventing CBOs in each and every community to avoid auctionning and politicizing dead bodies of victims of various socio-economic conflictz or issues. 

Strong Poverty Allieviating programmes required to stop child labour and youth involving in or joining brain washing/ body controlling/ sexually abusing/ brain or nerve killing communities in every estate and slum areas especially during this pandemic. 

Stay Safe!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Some crocadiles shed no tears.......

Our ancients knèw what it really means. Some shed crocodile tears looking at the poor, oppressed. Some, politicians actually like issues that are sellable like poverty during an election campaigns but unfortunately most of the them are afraid to speak of brain washers or about mind to mind speakers. Therefore they don't sell or use the subject at the parliment. 

But some often  shed crocodile tears before our issues and they never expect mine or your salvation. 

The kin or the kith that dont come during your in need of support or help are not friends. obviously who wants to embrace trouble. Anyhow who wants such friends or as companions or co workers or even as neighbours. I have met, during all these years of living plenty of pretenders and boasters. 

it is amazing to see that no friend comes or calls and inquire my health situation especially when i have spoke of my issues in public and via this blog.. it is truly surprising me. 

There is a huge diffrence between sympathitists and empathitists.  

 I don't expect any sympathy but i want the doers to know fate is wheeling not only fotward but also backward.



Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Shut-upists ..........

 How many ists and isms existing in this universe or earth that geographically and otherwise divisioned, according to your awareness? 

I do not hate 'shut-upists' but i hate and hate and hate and even dont mind cursing the on-line and otherwise physical and verbal abusers. secondly i hate brain to brain speakers and brain wave signal readers. 

I expect governments across world to change local and universial existing laws attached to the subject. 

And i guess it is important that you form or implement an ally or a coalition against brain hacking and brain washing, especially because of the existing cyber-law allowes any person to visit a country or a place without passports etc. 

Even if a government doesnt ask you, the powerfull must , I beg, exchange data about the brain and mind hackers if you sheltering any, pls. 

i believe that the fate is wheeling. Therefore , dont wait till it , the washing clan wheeling towards you. 

If your liberty of cognition stolen you cannot live an ordinary life. I believe that nobody is covidizing the world. (?)

Isms such as sexisms  and ists such  as sexists and rapists must be caught as soon as possible. 

On the 17th at about 1a.m. in the morning somebody controlled my stomach,I couldnt bear the pain. It was like a huge elephant pressing smashing  inner stomach and kidny area of mine. I screamed in pain. I do not know whether any person who was monitoring or watching me saw it or not. 

Lets not fear of any ists or ismists, and do not ask me to shutup coz i am not a child. and dear world leaders and scholars try capture these sexizt and oppressors who  verbally and physically technoligically abuze me and the women of the country instead. 

Thank you for reading.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Patient and the Family .......

Some of you may have watched the 'English Patient', the movie. 

Needless to say how important it is to understand the member of the family of a chronic or dangerous illness. 

Especially when your fiance or child is suffering from any chronic conditions including psychosocial issues, you cant live a normal life until the patient is recovered from the illness. i believe that patients that belong to the aforementioned categories of illnesses behave aggrresively.  and each member of a family have to bear the pain, they were given no choice.  

what do those patients expect from the othér part of the society? it is not always thr medicine that they want it is empathy and patience from others. 

You have to understand the mind of the parents but to do that you dont need to slice a mind or a brain. If you slice a mind you get not the true reading of the mind- owner but of the doer. 

it is extreamly amazing to see the number of patients visit the hospitals everyday. and if you go to a private Pharmacy many lakhs of rupees or dollars exchange everyday for medicine. 

I believe that at least three out of all family members sufferring from some type of illnesses and spends at least ten percent of their income on medicine. if you calculate and see whether we have achieved Health related goals of the country. I say no because every day the number of persons using health care facilities ìs increasing. 

All what i am trying to say here is that we all need to understand empathically the other members or the parents of the family about their nature of the issue, without ailianating them. 

Thank you for reading and stay safe!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Its a matter of time. It is a movie. our cinematographers dont think creating any movies in English. 

I would like to suggest them to create movies in English. 

Time is a pain killer. i remember reading once. Yes it is true , time is a pain killer not a man killer. 

It is about time, some say. Time reveles things. 

Some say no time. Some take time and their time is elastic. 

For some tomorroes never arrive. If you take too much time to examine a medical  issue due to what so ever reason such as ignorance or ack of care, it would worson the would. 

some wounds can be cured or healed but not every wound. 

Time has the POWER to change the man, either take or collaps one s power. 

Time is a healer true but some say some healers kill people touching their brains. 

Everytime that I think of my future it aches my head. 

I am in the queue to show my CECT Scan report and to gain some empathy. 

some say time flys. My mind righy now wander back and forthe while the rapist touching the thing of mine. May they be in hell soon not later. My breath have been controlling by the oppressors. 

until they call my name i have to wait conciously.

Use your TIME efficiently.

and Stay HEALTHY!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Brain Hunters-Part ii

Battling alone.........

Even right now the entire world is; states, the health ministries, the defense groups, the police fighting against Covid-19, new variants known as delta beta alpha etc. as groups.  Yet, I am battling alone not only while trying to secure my life from covid-19 but also against the ruthless inhuman brain killers and forceful body controllers though it is not easy at all. I believe that It is my responsibility to convince the others and educate the rest of society about this type of inhuman and their unethical behaviors, whether the security forces or the society believe or not what i say or trying to convince. 

Finally I decided to go to the Teaching Hospital / Kandy after seeking defense and police hospitals’ support. I wanted them to deal with my case especially because I believed that the evidences should be protected, if any tools were inserted inside my throat or brain or body. 

Anyhow on the 30th June 2021 I faced an EEG test and on the 3rd July 2021 I faced for a CT scan. During both tests I was tortured both verbally and physically by those inhuman controllers.  According to the advice given to i must refrain from moving my body or talking during the process of the test but I was compelled to talk by the spy speakers. i was thinking whether those voices would indicate in the  EEG report. 

I was prescribed 'Olanzapine' for two weeks, first week 5mg and second week onwards 10mg. According to the specialist it is a chemical guard. I am a bit nervous to know the ct scan test result tomorrow. I already know the EEG test results. It says; 

Factual: There is symmetrical posterior scattered 11 Hz alpha rhythm of 30 micro volts which is reactive to eye opening. Low amplitude beta activity is seen over frontal and central and posterior head regions. 

Conclusion- Normal awake EEG. There are no epileptiform discharges or forcal slowing. 

All i know is that 'FATE is wheeling' and 

according to the 'Buddhist-Science, they would for sure embrace the results of what they did to me. 

Following is written on the envelope of the CECT scan report was enclosed. 

Normal CECT brain.  

I fall asleep naturally after about more than seven hundred days thanks to the medicine prescribed to me i believe. But it didn’t please the so called inhuman controllers, I felt due to the way they reacted, that is one of them very heavily pressed my inner abdominal area. They almost killed me, I must note here.

South Africa's former president Hon. Nelson Mandela was physically imprisoned for 27 years. I don’t know how he spent all those years in prison without losing his courage and aim of life. I don’t like to compare the legends with ordinary. i don’t know whether the current world's powerful nations will be able to save my life from the rapists and brain killers. Those oppressors are very confident and they strongly believe that the justice world cannot identify them or recognize them and arrest them. Yet i don’t like to lose hope, there should be somebody with identifying ability. 

I believe that i am a prisoner though my physical body life-less, many of the brain cells were murdered is given a chance to walk here añd there, here to there, there to here.

Sabbe Satta Bhawanthu Sukhee Tatta!

May all beings be Healthy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Agricultural Battle is not a new battle .........

In history many battles had begun and won and failed. Not only the victors but also the betrayers people and groups memorized and would definitly memorise each year with a candle for sacrificing their lives for the sake of various battles

Madam Sirimao asked her citizens to start cultivating various yams such as potatoes manioc etc. in every home gaden and in the lands they own. some politically laughed at her decision and applaused snd worshiped open economy. Open economy is a wow concept but with the idea loads of garbage and unwanted stuff too imported and entered the country, including killing drugs and women raping and man killing equipments and brain killing phamaceutacles etc. 

Since then the kidneys of citizens were ruined not only due to agricultural also due to horror and political reasons. 

Former president Maithripala Srisena built and added two big kidny aiding hospitals to the chain of local hospitals. one in Kandy and the other one in Polonnaruwa. If you start killing the causes snd routes of the Kidny related heslth issues, we can use the two building for some other purposes in the future.

No battle is easy. But WONNABLE. 

Now this Pandemic taught evey political leader and citizen a loads of life time lessons; importance of having strong 'inland- agri-food plan'. 

Organic fertilizer is not a new concept but it is as old as local agriculture i.e. Paddy, Chena and home garden cultivation. 

In 1970 though some fertilizer and weedicides were banned we see now a lot of brands has invaded the local market. 

2014 then government banned Glyphosate for i.e.and there after government in 2017 removed the rule. 

Kindly refer tbe DVD tbat i published; 'Ran Kurundu Wipplawaya' (Cinnamon Revolution) And i must officially announced that i write under the name 'Sandika Bandusena'. (page 247- Who says that we cannot manufacture organic pesticides and fertilizer?). You can borrow the DVD from the Central Environmental Authority Library/ Koswatte. 

If we thought of following the policy implemented by madam Sirimao Bandaranayake we could have defeated hunger of today and food related poverty issues.  

I think if you are aiming at sustainable development and in the long run it is a wise decision that the current government has taken to ban artificial unhealthy fertilizer, weedicides and pesticides. Good luck to you Government

In order to motivate local manufacturers and farmers and Farmer-Researchers, if you organize and plan a COMPETITION naming it 'BEST FERTIPETCI manufacturer of 2021 you Would for sure gain good results.


Thank you.

Monday, July 5, 2021

The rain is whistling ..........

(Dear singers and musicians if you think that the following is a lyric please write to me :))

The rain is whistling ....

The wind is sizzling 

but heart is aching.

The rain is whistling .....yet,

the river is not over-flowing 

I feel like dancing.

The rain is whistling.....

The leaves are drumming and

 I feel like singing.

The rain is whistling 

My thoughts are water-falling 

and .... The rain is whistling......

The night is monitoring me not crying 

The rain is whistling ........

The time is fencing.... still, 

the rain is whistling ......

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Caged dogs do not bark?

Let me teĺl you something that you dont know:) that I am not a mentor. But right now I am handling some men and women girls and boys spoiled either due to socio economic or socio- political reasons. Though they've been torturing me, my mind, they've been nonstoply talking to my mind. you know how a oppressed behave normally, they dont normally praise them but curse them. Even if a drug adict is bonded to me they may become a minds with terrifying feelings or more aggressive acts or behaviour because i dont always respond them nicely. i hammer them evrytime possible now than at the gbegining. Threfore it is not applausable to bond a mind of drug adict or a mind of a terrorist. to an ordinary that leaded a normal life. Can you agree to what i am saying?

The imprisoned, a victim of mind arrest or a physically jailed person normaly behave agrresively. Similarly, caged dogs are dangerous than the dogs that are not tied or caged.. 

I remember the day that i visited the Claret Nivas on the 26th June 2021 to handover a letter of request. Two big dark dogs came running barking towards me. It shattered the silence of outskirt. They didnt bite but barked and went. You probably have heard this saying; "barking dogs dont bite"? but my advise is you should not stay still thinking that they wont bite or teligiously controlled, you must ring the bell before you go inside of any manson or a business entity etc. or take an appointment. i had to get a vacine to raise my immunity level due a pussy cat bitten. 

I think we must think of ways to protect your adorable cats and dogs  that you take care so lovingly feeding them on time. Dont let them hangaround here and there too much othér than for peeing purposes because the governments have not yet started vaccine them or the mokeys or the lèechers or talking parrots etc. 

About a couple of years ago the Sri Lanka police arrested a man who had caged his own biological father in a dog's cage. I dont know whether he was controlled by a negative force or by another science force. Every dog or a bitch  like Lyca is not fortunate enough to join the police or go to moon or to another planet. Am I right? 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Birth Marks...............

I think that not only nowadays girls but also yesteryears girls love to have living twinkle stars Sophia, Malini , Jeewarani, Vaijyanthimala type natural birth marks or like one of yesteryears stars Sandya Kumari's birth marks. But unfortunately those are natural birth marks. 

I believe that birth marks on faces add some beauty to one's face. 

Every single wealt and a mark is important various ways and for various purposes and reasons. I guess nobody wants to plastic surgerically remove any beautyfull birth marks.

In my teen days i loved to show-off my birth marks on my face. whenever I was posing or facing for a photograph I wanted to show those marks and i turn my face left. 

Have you heard of any Sri Lankan folklores mithical stories woven based on  natural  birth marks. 

I dont know the biology or the science behind birth marks. what things it reveals. 

Have you watched the cinema creation 'Nidhanaya', 'The Treasure'? If you are to get or to illegaly steal an ancient treasure hidden under ground you need to offer a virgin with tbree birth marks to the guard of earth ; for the 'bahirawa' with other offerings. The pooja is called bahirawa pooja. 

And some think that girls born with birth marks on face are lucky. 

Now adays it has become a fashion that the girls like to tattoo. 

And some even use make-up to draw a dot similar to birth mark , similar to a tiny mustard or a pepper. 

Some marks are permanent cannot be erased easily.  But it is possible to tatoo any mark using newest technology. when trying to capture or identify a criminal those face or body marks are important and relevant.

Some doctors say if you have even any natural birth marks you must consult a doctor. My parents had shown it to a doctor back then and finally they gave-up the fight and it is still there.

I am wondering if any one of the oppressors responsible for my issue, brain and body torture has born with any birth marks. 

Also I am wondering whether my type if torture is called human trafficing? 

Stay Safe and Fit!

Friday, July 2, 2021


I was wondering of anothér alternative to solve my issue. I wanted to try to  check whether the oppressors have inserted any body or brain tools into my head, brain  or to my body and visited the ministry of health, central province, kandy , Sri Lanka seeking support.  There i met assistant director of health Mr. Singheprathap. i am sure that the spy speakers are aware of him. He directed me to the head-psychology of the Teaching Hospital Kandy. I was happy and they were freindly. Before that i didnt know that the scans are suggest by them not by othérs. 

The medical staff was very friendly and sohelpfull. The chief doctor Dr. Gihan suggested me to face an EEG on tbe same day. (30/06/2021) I felt a lot releived after talking to the doctors. 

There i noticed and observed some things, i refrain from writing them in this essay those things. It is not something about health staff. 

while i was facing the eeg what the 24hr lodger said was not surprised me. she said that "you are going to die in 20 minutes. we are going to attack the system. i heard about 6 other voices. 

i hope and wish to read their voices or waves in the test results. some indications in the place  of the brain where tbe voices reach and store as memory.

Dear friends, i had to do my kidny blood test outside because you were on  strike.

And dear friends i was given a date to do a CECT. that is to be done on 03/07/2021, if you dont soon finish the work strike i will have to wait another how many more days, only you know. 

It is not just the pandemic that you are dealing with. There are other thousands of health issues to be solved. for my peace of mind, and of othérs i would like to beg youbplease try to solve your problem as quickly as possible.

Thank you and any one of you aware of brain hackers any student or a master unethically studying human minds and betray humanity and humans., pls inform the police. Together we can teach them ethics of research, exchanging information and solving issues with regard to human brain and mind etc.

Thank you and stay fit and SAFE!

Thank you.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

the name. of the oppressor is not SANDIKA

My issue is an ongoing criminal activity. 

since about a few months and at the begining from time to time i felt that the other spy-speakérs call the 24hrx7 lodger , one of the leading oppressors 'Sandika'. She is not sandika i am very sure. 

And i am sure a many either listen to these conversations or read the mind and take electronic or manual notes. Therefore the name too here is important when analyzing the case or when identifying the oppressors. my name is sandika. i feel that some dont know me but coming to spy- speak to me.