Paths Links People

Paths Links People

Foot Prints

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet

Thonigala Inscriptions are of the 2nd Century BC and carved on Rock. information courtesy;Internet
Tonigala. (a.) Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisaha wapi acagirika Tisa pawatahi agata anagata catudisa sagasa dine. Dewana pi maharaja Gamini Abaye niyate acanagaraka ca [tawi] rikiya nagaraka ca. Parumaka Abaya puta parumaka Tisa niyata pite raj aha agata anagata catudisa sagasa

History; Path to future

History; Path to future
Reading Future through History, Nagala mountain and the Stupa of the Nagala Kanda Rajamaha Viharaya, Nikaweva, Polpithigama, Kurunegala District.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Who worth not and who worth a lot ………………………………

People carry words where ever they go and then share. I pick words from you and keep them, store them somewhere and someone else may come and pick them from me and take them to somewhere. May be they carry the words that they picked from you, me, and from them to a place that we have never heard before or have never been to.  

Then these words that we share, collate, pick from different people at different places at different times become ‘every ones’ words. These letters, words shows no ownership or territories but sometimes ‘identities’ of the people who use them. 

Words and people are two beautifully bonded things when it comes to ‘understanding’ the minds of ones own and a person as a whole.
What is most important ‘words’ or the ‘people’? For me it is a difficult question to answer because I understood how difficult it is for me to give an answer for such a qualitative question? I sometimes do not find any mathematics in human relationships. Sometimes we ask from our parents as a child and years later as an adult the following. 

Amma wediyenma aadare kaatada?  (They generally do not take sides but it is we as a child assume things, ‘amma wediyen aadare mallita’ natural we were kids then)
There comes a time that we again becomes a child and some tend to ask (not all though) from their kids, sometimes secretly 
Putha wediyenma aadare kaatada?
Why? We sometimes like to know such things, we like weighing and measuring things. We expect them to say ‘mama wediyen aadare ammata/thaththata’

How many of you have experienced such ‘conversations’ in your life? Those things are totally attached with your inner, deep mind. Those are external to the relationships that we maintain with the outer world.  We sometimes express only the half of the things that we really want to express when it comes to measuring the importance or the value of a person. You may find a lot stored within you that you may have not expressed, or undelivered yet. 

The words ‘certify’ the importance of ‘human relationships’ of any sort. How are we going to do the Calculations?  Can we really find an answer for such questions that I sometimes ask and I asked the same as my title today?

Who worth not and who worth a lot?

Mr ‘A’ worth this much and Miss ‘D’ worth nothing can we really say like that? NO every single person of this universe is unique and has some and some value.  Some do not always show ‘who they are’ or ‘what they can do’, ‘how they can do’ but that does not mean that they are uncountable or can not include them in to your list of friends or members or helpers, advisers, well wishers, partners etc.

‘The Wise’ never think that Mr. A is unimportant and they never think that Mr. ‘S’ is the most important of all. You may have not met the most important person yet. They may yet to be born. 

Everything that we experience in this world is ‘comparative’ we say things in comparison to something or someone but that does not indicate that ‘A’ or ‘B’ are important and others are not. What you need to do sometimes is to ‘explore’ and expand your team of friends, helpers in what ever field that you have engaged with. Even if you do not own a company or even if you are not a member of certain group etc. every company is important and very contribution is worth. For that you have to walk miles , miles and miles and at the end they may all not stay with you but they may add some ‘colours’ to your door of  inner mind or they may polish the outer layer of your life at least for a certain time period. Each and every encounter adds some shine to your life, one can not really neglect or disgraceful of their contribution. They may not belong to the group of wiser but they may do something for you in the future, for your happiness. They may give you a ‘drop’ of advice that may be useful in the future, in years to come.

Every meeting is ‘important’ when ever you meet new or an unknown, we need to use our words in a wiser way without harming the inner side of the person that we meet. I like to remind you this once again’

‘People carry words where ever they go and they share the words that we shared with them with the others they meet, may be with people unknown to or known to them for years.

You may meet some people only for a shorter period, or the life time of a meeting may not longer than few minutes or couple of hours. Let us assume that we meet Mr. “B” for the first time and we spend few minutes together sharing our views, sharing few words pertaining to different things we see or hear etc. Sometimes we may share our views on particular commonly discussed things such as ‘countries’ current peaceful situation, ‘economic situation’, the importance of the contribution of religious parties on certain things, or  we may talk something totally different to such ‘things’ about ‘weather situation’, about a sari that you may have recently purchased. I thinks even such discussions may useful to you to a certain extent why ‘those re market information’.  You can compare the rates of shop ‘a’ with shop b etc. there is nothing unimportant or not worth.

We never know we may never meet the particular person again that we meet at a particular time but there is a possibility that we can take something from the conversations we hold and can carry them forward. So I believe this is how our messages, ideas, concepts, go in to people and people’s mind.  Sometimes they never will forget what we shared with them because of the words we spoke or because of the things that we discuss etc. 

NO one is foolish I believe. Every single person discuss things his her own within of the things they hear, see, or watch. People don’t always necessarily express their views all the time or share them with others, their true feelings of something etc may be because they never get such chance for such occasions. People don’t always get chances to share their views of something with others ‘totally’ ‘completely may be due to lack of time or the time duration of such a meeting etc but they talk to them selves, discuss, analyze, weigh, delete, add so therefore I believe it is so important to talk to people you meet you may find ideas valuable to you or you may find ideas that you may have never thought of using before, as important ideas or as useful ideas’. After each and every conversation it is worth weighing or measuring the things the way you understand things but for sure in a ‘human’ way. You need to weigh them putting in to the ‘human scale’. Not easy.

How many of us get a chance to express our views at a place like ‘RIO 20’ or at a similar place. Only the authorized, the representatives or the people that have connection with some sort of network get the chances to address or to share or to convince what they have to convince to the outer world. Can we really say that though one person is representing in such ‘gatherings’ sharing his/her own views on something can we say that those are the ideas that the rest of the groups, people are holding. I can say ‘Yes’ to a certain extent because he/she is a part if the bigger world or the bigger community. Yet you may find something ‘missing’ in there if you think of the ideas of the ‘whole’? There should be a way that each and every person can contribute their ideas, suggestions on something let’s say on some newly implementing programs etc.  then you may get better chances on elaborating your ideas on a better way or implementing something in a most suitable way etc. 

An election is ( this is my personal view) something that people get a chance to show their internal calculations of something or of some, or particular group and their contribution to society analyzing in a more holistic way. They analyze things for years and some actually waiting for such chances to show what they feel about on certain thing, a program, ideas, visions, missions, development project some actually take these things to show their gratitude and at the same times about things they that they don’t accept or unwelcome.  A vote indicates an ‘analysis of a person of certain thing.   

It is not easy to convince something for a person/people mainly because they are not alone they are a part of this huge society that generally shows complexities of ideas, minds, levels of divisions of something so the particular person/group has to deal with each other , with other different groups as well. The particular person who sees things may be in a totally different way than the way we see things has to weigh and measure things according to his/her own levels of understanding etc. so better communication is important in everything. Then things become easy. 

What do you think of the ‘beggars’ that you see begging or asking money or other things from you? What is the ‘identity’ of such groups/person, do they own any identities? What is your view here on this?  ‘Beggar’ is that the identity that they hold. You may know of different categories of beggars.  That is different, here I am thinking of the groups or singular persons that we see on road sides ‘begging’. Don’t you think that they have ears and eyes? Don’t you think that they too sometimes discuss things with their fellows? Can we seal or tag them as ‘neglected’ ‘useless’. The person who begs in Nugegoda today may change their place and may go to ‘ thimbirigasyaya’ tomorrow.

I think that it is so good for a person who study the society and think of getting or gaining their contribution as ideas or as knowledge that can be used for the development of your inner mind. As a step one should and must go to ‘Gama’ that you may have not visited before. You may meet entirely different group of people, people that may hold entirely different valuable ideas than the groups that you may meet everyday or every week.
Person who lives and works in Colombo may go to ‘kelediwulweva’ tomorrow. I just wrote these few words to remind you again that ‘people carry words’ ideas and their personal views when they travel from place to place.

You collate ideas, words from the person that comes to you first, and then you keeps them with you then comes the second person, third person etc ‘people have different abilities of ‘understanding’, ‘analyzing’ things sometimes it is good to go to a place before everyone else reach to have better seating position let’s say at a conference, musical program, a theatre hall then you get a chance to have a more closer view on something, you get a better picture than you visiting last at the very last moment. If you visit such a place last you may lose the chances of sitting in a good place with a good angle where you see things better way than sitting in a distance corner. How good it is if we never forget to visit the friends who live in a far way places.  

Every single person is important and holds some value within. To identify or to understand every ones ‘value’ you need to walk, talk and stop somewhere and then analyze what you have read, saw, heard of at that moment. You may find something ‘important in them’ People sometimes behave in a foolish way but not always sometimes you can see that the people that we generally tag as ‘foolish’ behaves, or acts, reacts in a brilliant way ‘wiser way’,compared to most of us. Then you happen to think ‘who are the foolish? Are we really belonging to the ‘wiser’ category?
There is a saying that my mother used to say sometimes that is a popular saying ‘

‘kukul gooth behethata owne wenawa’ 

Think of the meaning I am not good in translating such things in a better way. You should not say looking at something this is ‘shit’ one never tries to ‘neglect’ or ‘disrespect’ anyone you know or even the ones that you do not know much or the ones that you know too much.

It is sometimes good to welcome the ideas of the tyrants as well. Those are ideas, suggestions, may be not the ‘whole’ but a ‘drop’ of what they say opposing to the ideas of yours. Am I right? Every word has some meaning, every words has something to take, absorb may be from the outer look they may seems ‘useless’ because of the coloures that embedded with anger and ‘jealousy’ etc.  These things are natural when it comes to human relationships we all belong to the category called ‘pruthagjana’ not belong to the category of ‘Saints’ or ‘Arhat’ .

Budusaranai!  ……………………………………..

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